Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Exercise 7. Put the verb into the correct Passive form.

1. She can’t use her office at the moment. It ___ (paint).

2. The washing machine was broken, but it’s OK now. It ___ (repair).

3. The washing machine ___ (repair) yesterday afternoon.

4. A factory is a place where things ___ (make).

5. How old are these houses? When ____ (they / build)?

6. ___ (the computer / use ) at the moment?

7. I’ve never seen these flowers before/ what ____ (they / call)?

8. The bridge is closed at the moment. It _________ (damage) last week and 

it ___ (not / repair) yet.

9. Chinese ___ (speak) in Singapore.

10. I realised I ___ (follow).

11. ___  (you / invite) to Andy’s party

12. Passengers ___ (ask) not to speak to the driver.

13. A Roman pavement ___ (just / find) under Oxford Street.

Exercise 8. Rewrite the sentences in the passive. B egin with the words in bold. Write … by … only when necessary.

Thieves robbed a woman.

A woman was robbed.

1. They offered William a promotion.

2. They are testing the new system.

3. Someone reported that the riot was under control.

4. They may ban the film.

5. We haven't used the car for ages.

6. All visitors must wear identity badges.

7. The news about the exam results distressed her.

8. Nobody informed him that there had been a mistake.

9. Somebody will tell you where to go.

10. A drunken motorist knocked her down.

11. The company has cut all salaries.

10. Shakespeare wrote ‘Hamlet’.

11. They are repairing your car now.

12. People in Chile speak Spanish.

19. Has anybody asked Peter?

20. They don't sell stamps in bookshops.

21. The directors are still considering your application.

22. Electricity drives this car.

23. Her mother woke her up at seven o’clock.

24. The boys walk the dog every morning.

Exercise 9. Translate into Russian.

1. It is thought that the Minister will resign.

2. She is thought to have left home.

3. He is believed to be in Wales.

4. She is said to work 18 hours a day.

5. The plan is supposed to be a secret, but everybody seems to know about it.

6. Mark is supposed to have hit a policeman, but I don’t believe it.

7. The company is expected to make a loss this year.


Exercise 10.   Make these sentences passive.

People believed that fresh air was bad for sick people.

It was believed that fresh air was bad for sick people.

1. Police think the man holding the hostages is heavily armed.

2. We expect that the rate of inflation will rise.

3. They say he is somewhere in Germany.

4. Somebody saw Harris leave the plane in Ontario.

5. People think that she died in a plane crash.

6. People believed that the earth was the centre of the universe.

7. They think that there is oil under Windsor Castle.


Exercise 11. Translate into Russian .

1. Сообщается, что президент может отложить свой визит.

2. Сообщается, что несколько человек пострадали в этом происшествии.

3. Полагают, что он самый богатый человек в стране.

4. Известно, что директор против этого плана.

5. Ожидалось, что мэр города одобрит новый проект.

Things to do

Task 1.  Give your arguments for and against the following saying.

- There is no option to book accommodation in Britain for travelling on the cheap.

 Task 2. Work in small groups. Role-play the situation: You want to visit Great Britain as a tourist. Discuss with your friends the following points.

· the town where you will stay

· the choice of accommodation

· the duration of your staying

Remember to:

· discuss all the options

· take an active part in the conversation and be polite

· come up with ideas

· give reasons

· ask for your friend’s opinion and agree or disagree with him/her come to an agreement.



Travel makes a wise man better, but a fool worse.

 Rome was not built in a day.

                                                              East or West, home is best.


Task 1. Translate the words into Russian and write the words they are formed from.

Destruction, drawings, magnificently, architectural, impressive, personalities, enjoyable, largest, visitors, anti-pigeon, cleaning, different, variety, double-decker, reconstruction, one-eyed, closely.


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