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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Exercise 9. Translate into Russian.


1) To work under a good manager is a great luck . – Работать под руководством хорошего менеджера – большая удача.

2) The manager is known to be an experienced one. – Известно , что этот руководитель является опытным .

3) We expect this person to be a good manager . – Мы ожидаем, что этот человек будет хорошим руководителем.

1. His theory is believed to be correct. 2. To run a company efficiently means to be a good manager. 3. He was supposed to attend the lecture that morning. 4. He is known to be a good editor. 5. The meeting is expected to open at three. 6. The data was thought to be important. 7. He wants me to come on Sunday. 8. He declared himself to be a member of the Club. 9. I heard the professor mention these facts in his lecture. 10. He never expected a theatre to be run on such business like lines.


Exercise 10. Translate into English.

1. Известно, что реклама на телевидении является наиболее эффективным средством. 2. Мы слышали, что наши коллеги обсуждали повестку конференции.

3. Вторая мировая война помешала ему закончить книгу (to prevent from). 4. Он вспомнил, что уже читал этот рассказ. 5.Они избрали путь, ведущий к быстрому успеху.

Things to do

Task 1. Discussing.

- Discuss the role of the media in politics.

Task 2. Translate and comment on the following.

* Many advertisements contain a slogan or short phrase to attract consumer's attention. Effective slogans are usually short, easy to remember.

* Read the text about translations of a slogan and note a problem: In Taiwan, the translation of the Pepsi slogan ' Come alive with the Pepsi generation' came out as 'Pepsi will bring your ancestors back from the dead'.

Task 3. In groups, write down five popular slogans in your language. Try to translate them into English.



Present Simple

Positive form Negative form Question form
I /you/we/they know I/you/we/they don't (= do not) know Do I / you / we l they know?
he/she/it knows he/she doesn't (= does not) know Does he/she know?

The Present Simple is used:

1 For permanent states, repeated actions and daily routines.

He works at a hotel. (permanent state)

2 For general truths and laws of nature.

It rarely rains in the desert.

3 For timetables (trains, planes, etc) and programmes.

The plane to London takes off at 6:50 am.

4 For sports commentaries, reviews and narration.

Hill kicks the ball and passes it to Dawson.


The Present Simple is used with the following time expressions:

always, usually, etc., every day/week, etc., on Mondays/Tuesdays, in the morning/afternoon, /evening, etc


Present Continuous

Positive form Negative form Question form
I’m (=am) working I’m not (=am not) working Am I working?
you/we/they’re (=are) working you /we / they aren’t (are not) working Are you / we/ they working?
he/she /it’s (=is) working he / she / it isn’t (is not) working Is he/she/it working?


1 We use the Present Continuous for something happening at this moment or 

something happening in the present period, but perhaps not at this moment.

Sue’s talking to someone on the phone. We're studying French this term.

2 With always when we want to express our irritation at action which happens too  


She`s always complaining.

3 For the actions that we have already arranged to do in the near future, especially  

when the time and place have been decided.

Melany is getting married in June.

4 For changing and developing situations.

More and more forests are disappearing because of fires.


Present Continuous is used with the following time expressions: now, at the moment, these days, at present, tonight, nowadays, still, etc.


State verbs

State verbs are verbs which do not normally have continuous tenses because they describe a state rather than an action. These include:

a verbs which express likes and dislikes: like, love, hate, enjoy, prefer, etc. Cathy likes romantic films.
b verbs of perception: believe, know, notice, remember, forget, recognise, understand, realise, seem, think, etc. I don’t believe a word she’s saying.
c verbs of senses: hear, feel, taste, look, smell, sound. The soup tastes delicious.
d some other verbs: be, contain, fit, include, matter, need, belong, cost, owe, mean, own, appear, want, have (=possess), etc. This book is mine. It belongs to me.  

Present Perfect

We form the present perfect with have / has + past participle. Regular past participles end in -ed in the positive form. Many verbs have an irregular past participle.

Positive form Negative form Question form
I / you / we / they’ve finished / won I / you / we / they haven’t finished / won Have I / you / we / they finished / won?
he / she / it’s finished / won he / she / it hasn’t finished / won Has he / she / it finished / won?

We use Present perfect to talk about the past and present together. The past action or situation is connected to the present in various ways.

1 The state or action continues from the past to the present.

I’ve known her for many years. (=I still know her)

2 The results of the past action are important in the present.

He’s lost his key.

3 The time reference in the sentence includes the present.

He’s lost his key this week. (=this week isn’t finished)

4 When we mean ‘in my whole life’ we do not give a specific time.

I’ve been to Spain lots of times. (=in my whole life)


Present Perfect is used wit the following time expression:

how long, for (duration), since , lately, recently, already, yet, just, always, ever,

never, so far.


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