Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

D ) Сдать (экзамен)/ Тапсыру .

E) Нуждаться/Қажетсіну.

F) Использовать/Қолдану.


$$$ 136

In the English education system, there are _____ and _____ schools:

A) Private.

B) Certificate.

C) Compulsory.

D) State.

E) Punishment.

F) Results.


$$$ 137

The academic year has two terms:

A) The autumn term.

B) The winter term.

C) The spring term.

D) The summer term.

E) Winter holidays.

F) Summer holidays.


$$$ 138

The students have two holidays a year:

A) The autumn term.

B) The winter term.

C) The spring term.

D) The summer term.

E) Winter holidays.

F) Summer holidays.


$$$ 139

Student can be (department):

A) Industrial training.

B) To fulfil.

C) Full-time student.

D) Part-time student.

E) Designer.

F) Opportunity.


$$$ 140

We have two English classes a week:

A) In May.

B) On Tuesday.

C) On Friday.

D) All day.

E) During the academic year.

F) On weekend.


$$$ 141

We use past simple:

A) To talk about finished events in the past, when we think about a definite time.

B) A continuing unfinished action interrupted by a sudden past action.

C) To describe habits and routines in the past.

D) A continuing unfinished action in the past.

E) Facts or things that always happen.

F) To talk about recent continuing activities.


$$$ 142

We use present continuous for:

A) Facts or things that always happen.

B) Actions happening at the moment of speaking, and not finished.

C) Routines and habits.

D) Continuing, unfinished actions which are not actually happening at the moment of speaking.

E) Timetable events.

F) Finished events in the past.


$$$ 143

The passive is used to describe actions:

A) When we don't know who does, or did the action.

B) A continuing unfinished action interrupted by a sudden past action.

C) When it is not important to know who does, or did the action.

D) A continuing unfinished action in the past.

E) Facts or things that always happen.

F) To talk about recent continuing activities.


$$$ 144

Find the conditional sentence of the 2nd type:

A) If I were president, I'd increased taxes.

B) If you're sick, go home and get in bed.

C) If I find a better job, I find it.

D) If I had the money I would buy clothes.

E) I work in a restaurant, but earn little.

F) If you go now, do not miss the show.

G) If the weather is good, we go sledding.


$$$ 145

Make sentence in the Second Conditional: If I ______ his number, I ______ his a call:

A) Knew.

B) Know.

C) Known.

D) Will give.

E) Would give.

F) Would given.

G) Would gave.


$$$ 146

Traditions and customs associated with gift giving:

A) Erulik.

B) Shildehana.

C) Suyinshi.

D) Baygazy.

E) Tusau kesu.

F) Betashar.


$$$ 147

The main traditions of Kazakhs, which transformed into a feature of national character, are:

A) Konakkade.

B) Hospitality.

C) Pespect for elderly.

D) At mingizip shapan zhabu.

E) Toy dastarkhan.

F) Baygazy.


$$$ 148

Traditions and customs associated with birth and upbringing of the child:

A) Shildehana.

B) Hospitality.

C) Pespect for elderly.

D) At mingizip shapan zhabu.

E) Toy dastarkhan.

F) Sundetke otyrgyzu.


$$$ 149

National festivals:

A) Independence Day.

B) Christmas.

C) Birthday.

D) Republic Day.

E) New Year.

F) Good Friday.


$$$ 150

Возможность / Мүмкіншілік:

A) Purpose.

B) Possibility.

C) Reach.

D) Reason.

E) Opportunity.

F) Sensible.


$$$ 151

Решение / Шешім:

A) Decision.

B) Opportunity.

C) Solution.

D) Examination.

E) Occupation.

F) Purpose.


$$$ 152

Продвижение (по службе) /Жоғарылау, өрлеу:

A) Decision.

B) Training.

C) Salary.

D) Degree

E) Promotion.

F) Advancement.


$$$ 153

Зарплата / Жалақы:

A) Promotion.

B) Degree.

C) Salary.

D) Wages.

E) Advancement.

F) Colleagues.


$$$ 154

Бесплатное образование / Тегін білім:

A) A good salary.

B) Free education.

C) Friendly colleagues.

D) Education free of charge.

E) A good boss.

F) Job security.


$$$ 155

I`d like a job with _____:

A) A good salary.

B) Friendly colleagues.

C) My own office.

D) Flexible working hours.

E) Long holidays.

F) Opportunities for promotion.


$$$ 156

I`d like a job with _____:

A)Opportunities for travel.

B) Long holidays.

C) Friendly colleagues.

D)Holiday pay.

E) A good salary.

F) A good boss.


$$$ 157

I`d like _____:

A) A good salary.

B) Friendly colleagues.

C) Holiday pay.

D) Flexible working hours.

E) Opportunities for travel.

F) Opportunities for promotion.


$$$ 158


A) Resume.

B) Apply.

C) Practice.

D) Refer.

E) Curriculum vitae.

F) Earn.


$$$ 159


A) Salary.

B) Benefit.

C) Wages.

D) An application form.

E) Profit.

F) Qualification.


$$$ 160


A) Profession.

B) Specialist.

C) Wages.

D) Benefit.

E) Occupation.

F) Expert.


$$$ 161

Professional qualities:

A) Creative.

B) Able to work in a team.

C) Initiative.

D) Competent.


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