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Nature of people and employment. Changes in the nature of employment.

Dear Ms Summers

I am writing in reply to your advertisement for salespeople in 'Strike Out' magazine

I am a fully qualified primary school teacher with eight years' experience. Six years ago, I gave up my teaching post to become a full-time mother and housewife. Now that my children are both in full-time education, I am keen to return to the job market.

I am very excited by this opportunity, as it will give me the chance to work with teaching professionals once more, as well as allowing me to fit my career around the needs of my family. I have a very wide network of friends and former colleagues and am active in the community. I am confident that these would all be highly useful contacts. I have enjoyed using your materials with my children and I feel I could communicate their advantages to other parents and teachers.

Dear Julia

I was really pleased to your ad in last month'* " Strike Out' magazine. This is exactly the kind of opportunity I have been looking for! 1 dunk 1 am the kind of person who would soon

become a key member of your team.

I don't have much of a formal education and learnt most of what 1 know in the 'universe of life'. One thing I can promise you is that I can sell anything. I have sold holidays at a travel agency, kitchen equipment at exhibitions all over the country, and imported toys from the Far East

I've had a look at some of your publications and I have got to agree with you that they are really beautifully produced – like link works of art.

I'm sure you can tell from this letter that I am full of energy and enthusiasm and that I'm an excellent communicator, There is nothing I love more than travelling around and getting to know new people.

Dear Madam

I was most interested to see your advertisement in 'Strike Out' I should like to put my application forward for your consideration.

After serving as an officer in the Navy for seven years, I took up my current position as a naval training officer. I specialize in navigation and radio training at the Negus Training College in Soharma. 1 have spent four happy and productive years here but would now like to return to the UK for personal reasons. Consequently, I am seeking suitable employment using our large family home as a base. I have a number of your publications in my possession and have certainly enjoyed using them with my students.


Today employers are looking for relevant qualifications - that is, not people who are over-qualified, but have no experience. And they are then looking for flexible workers, who bring useful skills to their company.

When people are being interviewed two types of approaches can be used. The soft approach can feel quite comfortable to the person being interviewed, but it may not get to the real issues. The hard approach, where really quite aggressive questions are asked, can seem very intimidating, but in fact, a candidate who gets through that, can really shine and appear very strong to the employer. So the soft approach doesn't necessarily mean that the interviewer is on your side, as it were.

Some people will exaggerate their achievements, when they present a CV, others will underplay what they've achieved. The ones who exaggerate their achievements

will probably be found out at the interview stage, the ones who underplay their achievements may never get to the interview stage

The main don'ts while interview would be not to ask questions purely about the salary, or the holidays, or what perks the job might offer - a good employer, at an interview, will explain all those things. If you are asking questions, at the end of the interview perhaps, it's a good idea to concentrate on aspects such as the training opportunities, and the prospects for the company generally.


Company culture

We can divide culture in the company on 4 main groups:

· The family culture (highly personal with close face-to-face relationships, but also hierarchical. The leader is the caring father)

· The Eiffel Tower culture (has a steep hierarchy, broad at the base and narrow at the top. Impersonal. Authority comes from a person’s role and position in the hierarchy)

· The guided missile culture (egalitarian and oriented to tasks typically undertaken by teams or project groups. Impersonal)

· The incubator culture( the organization serves as an incubator for self-expression and self-fulfilment. Personal and egalitarian with almost no structure at all. Often a strong emotional commitment to the work)

Organizations should strive for what is considered a " healthy" organizational culture in order to increase productivity, growth, efficiency and reduce counterproductive behavior and turnover of employees. A variety of characteristics describe a healthy culture, including: Acceptance and appreciation for diversity; Regard for and fair treatment of each employee as well as respect for each employee’s contribution to the company; Employee pride and enthusiasm for the organization and the work performed; Equal opportunity for each employee to realize their full potential within the company; Strong communication with all employees regarding policies and company issues; Strong company leaders with a strong sense of direction and purpose

Organizational culture is the collective behaviour of people that are part of an organization, it is also formed by the organization values, visions, norms, working language, systems, and symbols, it includes beliefs and habits. It is also the pattern of such collective behaviours and assumptions that are taught to new organizational members as a way of perceiving, and even thinking and feeling. Organizational culture affect the way people and groups interact with each other, with clients, and with stakeholders.



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