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There are two types of WAA competitions:



The WAA determines weights on the competition tool in kilograms. The winners in weight categories and the absolute winners are determined by the maximum lifted weight. Shall two athletes lift the same weight, the winner is determined by the body weight of athletes. The lighter athlete wins.


There are two types of WAA competitions:


1. Certifications. A certification is a particular standard exercise accepted by a referee and a confirmation of this achievement by giving to an athlete a standard WAA certificate where it is stated what exercise has been done and its result.


2. Armlifting. An armlifting is a competiton with the aim of finding out the strongest athletes, who are able to lift maximum possible weights in standard exercises and using a standard equipment in absolute category as well as in weight and age categories


World Armlifting Association recommends to its regional representatives to include various competition exercises testing various types of grip strength.


The main differences between WAA rules and rules of other power sports:

1. Athletes do not order the weight of the sport equipment, they lift standard weights set by referees.

2. The number of attempts are not limited.

3. Athletes decide by themselves which weights they are going to lift and which they want to miss.

4. The order in which athletes are called to the platform is determined by drawing procedure and by nothing else. The referee is allowed to ask an athlete what will be the next standard weight he is planning to lift.

5. The weight of the sport equipment is increased by a pace of 10 kg, 5 kg, or in a specified cases by 2.5 kg or 1.25 kg.

6. The number athletes in one flow is limited by 30.

7. The WAA has less weight categories (seven for men and four for women) and less age categories.

8. A special type of clothing which accumulates energy is forbidden.

9. In some exercises it is permitted to use some joint protecting equipment (like bandages and pads), as well as waist belts.

10. The absolute winner is determined by the maximum lifted weight without taking into consideration the weight of the athlete or any kind of coefficient.



The disciplines for certifications and armlifting challenges are selected among the most popular entertaining and interesting events which can develop various types of grip strength and hands' abilities.


1. Squeezing grip - dynamometers and hand grippers.  

2. Supporting grip - deadlifts.

3. Pinch grip - hub, pinch blocks, lifts and holds for time of weight plates.

4. Combined grip - horns.

5. Destroying of things - steel bending (nails, metal rods), tearing apart of cards and phonebooks, breaking of stones and bricks.

6. Hanging and pull-ups using a rolling horizontal bar, for instance.


A competition program may include the following disciplines, for example:


Hand gripper certification (100 - 140 kg)

THE STRONG HAND certification

THE WALL certification

The Inch Dumbbell certification

The Blob certification


Russian Axle deadlift, all ages and weight categories.

Russian Roulette one-handed deadlift, all ages and weight categories.

All weight and age categories or only absolute category:

Russian Bullet

Russian Hub

Russian Brick


Sports Relay

Destroying the things


WAA also admits and registers records in kilograms in separate disciplines within the weight and age categories:



Juniors: 14-21 year old

Men: 22-39 years old

Women: all ages

Masters: 40 years old and elder





Juniors:  70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, 110 kg, 125 kg, 125+ kg.

Men: 70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, 110 kg, 125 kg, 125+ kg.
Women: 60 kg, 70 kg, 80 kg, 80+ kg.
Masters: 70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, 110 kg, 125 kg, 125+ kg.



All disciplines have to be performed on the platform. The surface has to be firm and stable, not slippery and it shall be absolutely horizontal where the competition is held. The surface shall be covered by the rubber floor-mats or by other similar floor material. During the performance of all disciplines, only the athlete shall be present on the platform (as well as referees or other officials, if there is such a need). Any cleaning of the platform or any settings on the platform shall be done by the assistants.


During all world championships there must be a podium for the ceremony of athletes.


An exception can be made by Organizers (Promoters) for making a contest on experimental equipment, or equipment of different manufacturers. In this case the contest is run in accordance with the same rules and guidelines as on WAA certified equipment.





In case the bar or other equipment gets dirty with the blood or other substances, the bar should immediately be cleaned by a 50% hydrogen peroxide solution. Then the bar or other equipment should be wiped dry.

Shall the athlete get dirty with blood or other substances, he should clean himself right away and the wound should be wrapped in order to avoid further pollution of the bar and other equipment.



The costume

The athlete shall wear sports pants or shorts, which shall not touch the equipment neither at the start or during the lift.



Wearing socks is permitted. Socks should be of such length that they do not come into contact with the winding of the knee or the knee pad.

Belt (belt).

A competitor may apply a belt (belt). It should be worn over a suit.


Materials and construction:

The belt is made of leather, vinyl or other similar, non-stretchable material from one or several layers glued together and (or) stitched together. No metal parts other than those described below are allowed.


The belt should not have additional soft pads, fasteners or supports of any other material outside or inside the belt.

Buckle, rivets and stitches are the only non-leather parts that are permissible in the belt. The buckle should be attached to one end of the belt with rivets and / or sewn. The belt should not have additional padding material outside or inside the belt.

The loop for the tongue of the belt should be attached to the belt in close proximity with rivet buckle and / or sewn. On the outside of the belt you can put the name of the athlete, the name of the country or club for which he stands. The belt can have a buckle with one or two teeth (forks) or a special type of lever lock (carbine).


6.5 Sizes Belt width - maximum 10 cm. Belt thickness in its main part - maximum 13 mm.


During the exercise, the athlete, in addition to socks, must wear shoes. The only restrictions apply to shoes with metal spikes or slats.


Do not use the medical tape or its equivalent anywhere on the body without the official permission of the judge or WAA designated competition officials. Medical tape or patches should not help the athlete hold the projectile in his hand.

With the permission of the judges or the jury, the official doctor on duty or the assistant doctor on duty may apply a band-aid or bandage to the injured parts of the body. Likewise, medical patches and bandages can be applied in case of hand injuries, but under no circumstances should these patches be wrapped around the palm.

General requirements.

It is strictly forbidden to use oil, ointment or any other lubricant except MAGNESIA on hands or body parts and a suit that may come in contact with projectiles. This does not apply to ointments and rubbing used for therapeutic purposes on the body under clothing. However, these tools should not be visible during exercise. It is forbidden to use any foreign substances for processing equipment: a platform or a neck.


All attributes of the form and personal equipment of the athlete must be clean and tidy and not contain elements or inscriptions that have an offensive, extremist or other type that does not fit into the common sports ethics. In case of non-observance of this requirement, the athlete, by decision of the judges and organizers, may not be allowed to further participate in the competition.

Judges may require that excessive " psychostimulation" techniques (cursing, prayers, slaps, and strikes) be limited to athletes.


8.1. Weighing of participants is carried out according to the competition regulations and is completed half an hour before the start of the competition in the respective weight category.

 8.2 Weighting of each participant is carried out in a room behind closed doors, where the participant himself, his coach or manager and the judge or designated official are located. At the world championships, at least two officials representing different countries should also be present at the weigh-in.

8.3 Athletes are weighed in underwear (panties for men; bra and panties for women).

8.4 At the time of weighing, an athlete who doubts the suit and personal equipment for compliance with the rules may request to check the equipment of the judges.

8.5 To establish the order of the weighing must be drawn. The draw determines the order of the exit on the platform during the competition, when athletes order the same weight in their attempts.

8.6 Each athlete is weighed only once. Weighing is allowed only to those athletes whose own weight was less or more than the permissible limits of the weight category. These athletes must return to the weigh-in and go through it again before the end of the last weighing session in the hour and a half released for this category; otherwise they will be excluded from the competition in this weight class. An athlete trying to adjust his weight can be weighed as many times as necessary, but within the time allowed for the weight category.

8.7 If the weight of the athlete exceeds the boundaries of his weight category, he can move to the next, heavier weight category. Such an athlete must again undergo a weighing procedure during the established weighing session for the next category. The athlete must comply with all established qualification standards for these competitions. Proficiency testing is carried out in the presence of an athlete.

8.8 If the weight of the athlete is below its weight category, it may become a lighter weight category, provided that the weighing procedure for this weight category is not yet completed. The qualification is verified in the presence of an athlete.

8.9  The official weight of the athlete will be recorded rounding up to 1/10 kg. The athlete must comply with all established qualification standards for these competitions.

8.10  If during weighing the athletes are registered with the same weight, and they gain the same result at the end of the competition, they will be re-weighed and the lighter athlete will have an advantage over the heavier. However, if even after re-weighing their weight will be the same, then the space is divided between them and each of them receives a reward. If these athletes are both in the first place, then the next athlete will be in third place, and so on.



9.1 At the time of weighing, the athlete must, at a minimum, overcome the initial qualifying weight and have an unlimited number of valid attempts.

9.2. The weight is set according to the principle of increasing weights with a step determined by the organizers. When there are two athletes left in the category, or it is about setting a record, the step is halved.

9.3 The order of approach to the projectile is determined by the weights ordered by the athletes and their numbers during the draw. If two athletes are called up to the same weight, the athlete with the lower number by the draw will be the first.

9.4 The step at which weights and starting weights are established for categories can be adjusted by the chief judge and the panel of judges in accordance with these rules, the tournament rank and the number of participants declared in the category so that the competition does not lose dynamism and entertainment.

9.5 If an athlete fails to cope with the weight, he loses the right to the next approach.


10.1 Speaker / announcer.

10.2 Time controller (preferably a WAA judge).

10.3 Judges.

10.4 Secretaries.

10.5 Technical Secretary.

10.6 Assistants.

Additionally, other officials, such as doctors, nurses, etc., may be appointed if required.

Duties of officials.

The speaker / announcer is responsible for the qualified conduct of the competition and acts as master of ceremonies. He has the approaches declared by the athletes in the appropriate order, due to the ordered weights or the number of lots, and also announces the weight required for the next approach, and the athlete's last name. In addition, the speaker / announcer announces in order of three athletes following the athlete performing on the platform. When the weight is set and the platform is free to perform the exercise, the head judge signals this to the speaker, who, in turn, immediately announces that the weight is ready, and causes the athlete to the platform. The weight of the approach, announced by the speaker / speaker, should be shown on a display panel installed in a prominent place. The speaker / announcer is also responsible for announcing deadlines related to the round system - approximation of the deadline for weight changes in the first approach; 5 minutes before the release of the first group; 5 last approaches before the release of the next group.

The time controller / timekeeper is responsible for correctly recording the time interval between the weight readiness announcement made and the judge's signal to start the exercise by the athlete. He is also responsible for recording the time in all cases when it is required, for example, when, after an attempt, the athlete must leave the platform within 30 seconds. ” If the stopwatch is enabled for the athlete, it can be stopped only after the end of the time allotted for the beginning of the approach, in the case of the start of the exercise or by decision of the senior judge, who will immediately notify the time controller. In the beginning is considered the moment when the athlete made a clear attempt to lift the projectile. It is the duty of the controller to turn off the stopwatch with the start of an attempt so that the possible noise (ticking) emitted by the stopwatch does not distract the athlete from doing the exercise.

The secretaries are responsible for the correct conduct of the competition and provide the signatures of three judges on the minutes of the competition at the end of the competition.

The Technical Secretary is responsible for registering established world records, collecting the necessary information and preparing documents.

Insurers / assistants are responsible for weight increase or decrease.

Officials of the RAA - the President, the head of the Technical Committee, the Vice-Presidents, the appointed responsible persons will appoint 5 members of the jury to oversee the proper holding of the world championships and resolve all disputes that arise. These 5 members must represent at least the three countries participating in the championships. In smaller international competitions, WAA officials will appoint three jury members to perform the tasks mentioned above, at least two of which must be from different countries participating in the competition.

During competitions held on the platform or the stage, only the athlete and his coach, jury members, acting judges, other officials, if deemed necessary, and assistants are allowed to be on the platform or on stage. During the exercise, only the athlete, assistants and judges are allowed to be on the platform. Trainers must remain outside the platform, in a place designated for them by the jury.

Athletes must be prepared before appearing on the platform. On the platform are allowed only minor amendments in uniform and equipment that do not require outside assistance. Likewise, the removal of bandages, a belt and a suit should be carried out outside the platform.


11.1 There may be one or three judges: the senior (central) judge and two side judges.

11.2 The head judge is responsible for giving the necessary signals for informing the speaker and time controller that the projectile is ready, confirming world records and any decisions taken by the judges during the competition.

11.3 Three judges are located in such places around the platform, which they consider the most convenient for review in each of the exercises, but must remain in place during the exercise. The head judge, however, must always remember that he should be visible to the athlete. The head judge must remain motionless between the signals so as not to distract the athlete during the exercise. Side judges should not interfere with the insurers / assistants in the performance of their duties, but they can choose the places that they find most comfortable and lean to the sides or forward while doing the exercises in order to achieve the best possible view.

11.4 Before the start of the competition, the jury, judges or persons specially appointed for this purpose must ensure that:

a) The scaffold and competition equipment comply with all requirements of the regulations.

b) Scales are calibrated and work accurately.

c) Athletes are weighed within the time and boundaries of their weight category, and within the time allotted for pending weighing sessions.

d) The suit and personal equipment of the athletes were, if necessary, checked and approved or rejected. Speaker / announcer, controller of time (if his functions are not performed by the judge), the judges for the participants, secretaries / point counters, secretary of world records and assistants / insurers are familiar with their duties and rules.

11.5 During the competition, judges must exercise constant control over the fact that:

a) The weight of the projectile corresponds to the weight declared by the speaker / speaker. For this purpose, judges can be provided with scales setup tables.

b) Approaches are rated as good lift (“weight taken”) and no lift (“weight not taken”), and the entire course of the competition meets the established rules for the competition.

c) The suit and personal belongings of the athlete on the platform comply with the requirements of the regulations.

11.6 If during the execution of the approach it becomes obvious that it is unsuccessful, the following procedure should be performed: Judges can stop the exercise based on prudent caution. The head judge may give the athlete a signal consisting of moving his arm down with a clear Down command during the execution of the pull.

11.7 The uniform for judges is determined by the organizers of the tournament and is coordinated with the WAA presidium in accordance with the chosen format and rank of the competition.A WAA judge may be deprived of a judicial license after reviewing his or her judicial functions and his competence by decision of the official representatives of the WAA.

12. JURY


12.1 At all world championships and international competitions, a jury is appointed to resolve all issues arising during the competition. Their responsibilities include monitoring the proper observance of technical rules, the consideration and resolution of disputes and complaints, and general supervision of the competition and the work of judges. For the world championships 5 such jury members are appointed, no less than three of them must represent different countries; for other international competitions 3 members of the jury are nominated, at least two of them must represent different countries. In case of possible absence of one of them, an additional jury member is appointed.

12.2 Such jury members are appointed before the start of the competition by the decision of the official representatives of the WAA - the President, the General Secretary, the Head of the Technical Committee, the Vice-Presidents and other official representatives; the number of jury members should include such a number of official representatives of the WAA, which is considered the most possible (preferred).

12.3 All jury members must have the status of a WAA judge. During the competition, the jury by a majority of votes may remove any judge from the refereeing, if, in the opinion of the jury, he is incompetent. Prior to suspension, this judge must be warned.

12.4 If there is a serious mistake in judging, contrary to technical rules, the jury may make an appropriate decision to correct the mistake. The jury cannot change the judicial decision, but may, at its discretion, provide the athlete with an additional approach.

12.5 The jury members must attend the performances of all streams of competition

Developed by

I. General provisions.

1.Atlet approaches the platform on which the projectile is installed with a starting weight (all competitors pass the qualifying weight set by the organizers of the competition and the judges, then can skip weights that increase in 2.5 kg steps, if there are three or less people in the category, the weight can added in increments of 1.25 kg., by decision of the judges).

2. On the hands of the athlete to the elbow bend should not be any bandages, bandages and sleeves.

3. On the implementation of the approach the athlete is given 1 minute and an unlimited number of attempts with any hand.

4. It is allowed to use the magnesia provided by the organizers, as well as to prepare the projectile at your discretion (wipe with a rag). It is forbidden to apply any liquids and powders (except magnesia) to the projectile.

II. Starting position and lifting rules " Russian hub"

1.It is allowed to take the projectile with my free hand when installing the grip on the hub. Then the free hand is set aside. It is forbidden to rest the free hand in any part of the body.

2. At the starting position, all the phalanges of the fingers are at an angle of 90 degrees from the base of the hub, cushioning against the surface of the lifting platform, except for the little finger (due to its anatomical features), it should be pressed to the hub area by any part.

3. During lifting, no obvious twisting of the fingers (except for the little finger), which leads to the withdrawal of the position from picking up with a grip, is not allowed.

4. During lifting, the separation of any finger is prohibited.

5. It is forbidden to take the hub at the starting position except as a pinch grip on top.

6. Athlete's fingers can be located at any distance from each other.

7. When raising and lowering the projectile should not touch any part of the body.

8. Lifting and holding (visible pause) is fixed by the team and the go-ahead of the judge.

9. When lowering the projectile must be accompanied by a working hand until the end of the approach. It is unacceptable to let go of the projectile and throw.

10. In case of any violation, the attempt to the athlete is not counted and the projectile should be raised again for the allotted minute. Rise after the expiration of 1 minute is not counted.

11. In case of successful completion of the ascent, the judge gives the appropriate command.

12. When raising and lowering the athlete must face the audience. The judge is under 45% to the line between the middle of the platform and the athlete (does not allow hiding and hiding the capture from the judge).

Starting weight and pitch for Russian Axis, Russian Roulette, Russian Hub, etc. Perhaps the most pressing question, and will be decided directly at the tournament, by the chief judge, taking into account the rank of the tournament, when the number and qualifications of the participants become known.



The WAA determines weights on the competition tool in kilograms. The winners in weight categories and the absolute winners are determined by the maximum lifted weight. Shall two athletes lift the same weight, the winner is determined by the body weight of athletes. The lighter athlete wins.


There are two types of WAA competitions:


1. Certifications. A certification is a particular standard exercise accepted by a referee and a confirmation of this achievement by giving to an athlete a standard WAA certificate where it is stated what exercise has been done and its result.


2. Armlifting. An armlifting is a competiton with the aim of finding out the strongest athletes, who are able to lift maximum possible weights in standard exercises and using a standard equipment in absolute category as well as in weight and age categories


World Armlifting Association recommends to its regional representatives to include various competition exercises testing various types of grip strength.



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