Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Duration:you cut yourself this morning

Previous medication: none.


3 -Student A: PATIENT

Problem: you have diarrhoea

Duration: you have had it for three days

Previous medication: you have taken some pills that you bought, but they dind’t do any improvement.

4-Student A: PATIENT

Problem: You sprained your ankle

Duration: You sprained this morning

Previous medication: you took a painkiller


5 -Student A: PATIENT

Problem: you have indigestion

Duration: you have had it for three weeks

Previous medication: you have been taking some anti-acid but it hasn’t helped at all.

6-Student A: PATIENT

Problem: you have a rash along your arms and legs

Duration: you have had it for five days

Previous medication: you have put some cream on them


7 -Student A: PATIENT

Problem: you have constipation

Duration: you have had it for two weeks

Previous medication: none.


8 -Student A: PATIENT

Problem: your head and your back ache to

Duration: since yesterday

Symptoms: you feel tires and you started coughing.

Previous medication: none


9 -Student A: PATIENT

Problem: you have a rash on your arm.

Duration: since yesterday.

Symptoms: it started on your arm but this morning you woke up and it spread on your shoulder too.

Previous medication: none.


1 0-Student A: PATIENT

Problem: you have high blood pressure

Duration: you usually suffer from this but since yesterday you cannot stop it.

Previous medication: none

1 -Student B: DOCTOR

Problem: Flu.

When? Previous medication?

Prescribe: antiviral medication.Three times daily after meals.

Extra advice: rest and drink plenty of liquid.

2-Student B: DOCTOR.

Problem: cuts.

When? Previous medication?

Precribe: an antibacterial oinment.Apply three times daily

Extra avdice: Wash carefully with mild soap.

3 -Student B: DOCTOR

Problem: diarrhoea

When? Previous medication?

Prescribe: some medicine.Take twice a day.

Extra advice: Drink a lot of liquidand avoid dairy products.

4 -Student B: DOCTOR

Problem: Sprained ankle

When? Previous medication?

Prescribe: painkillers whenever you have the pain

Extra advice: Keep your foot elevated, and put ice on it for 24 hs.

5 -Student B: DOCTOR

Problem: indigestion

When? Previous medication?

Prescribe: antacid.Take after meals.

Extra avdice: avoid spicy food.


6 -Student B: DOCTOR

Problem: rash

When? Previous medication?

Prescribe: an oinment.Apply four times a day.

Extra avdice: Avoid scratching your skin ans use as little soap as possible.

7-Student B: DOCTOR

Problem: constipation

When? Previous medication? Other symptoms?

Prescribe: laxative.Take every morning when you wake up


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