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Bhutalaya, Ghatesvara, and Vaidyanatha

Mahadeva said:

1-5. From there a man should go to the holy place Bhutalaya which is a place removing sin. A fig tree called Bhutalaya and (the river) Candana. (flowing) towards the east are there. A man who, having bathed at Bhutalaya observes a fast on the Krishnastami, and offers black Sheshamutn, is not born as an evil spirit. He who offers a pitcher of water with Sheshamum, dedicating it to the dead ancestors, frees them from the state of an evil spirit. The man by uttering whose name a man bathes is freed from the state of an evil spirit. A man should bathe in the pure water at the holy place of Bhutalaya and should see the fig tree called Bhutalaya. By the grace of Bhutesvara he would not have fear from evil spirits. This is (the description of) Bhutesvara-tirtha.

6-8. A holy place superior to this is known as Ghatesvara. Having bathed there and seen him, a man would surely enjoy salvation. There is that great holy place on the (bank of) SabhramatI, (known as) Ghata. Having seen Mahadeva there, a man is liberated. There is no doubt about it. The man who, having gone there, especially worships the fig tree, secures on the earth desires entertained by his mind. This is (the description of) Gatesevara-tirtha.

9-10. Thence a man should devoutly go to the holy place well-known as Vaidyanatha. A man, having bathed at the holy place and engaged in worshipping Shiva, and gratifying his dead ancestors, would obtain the fruit of all sacrifices. Vijaya, born from the god, and destroying all sins (is there), seeing whom a man always gets his desired objects.




Mahadeva said:

1-8. A greater holy place than Vaidyanatha, giving all kinds of supernormal powers and best of all holy places, is said to be excellent. Dharma'sson, having powerfully taken a tax from Bibhisana, the lord of demons, commenced the great sacrifice Rajasflya. When the southern quarter was conquered (i.e. regions of the south were conquered), Nakula, Pandu's son installed with great devotion Pandurarya, giving enjoyment and salvation. A man, having bathed in the water of the Sabhramati and having saluted Pandurarya, obtains the eight superhuman (yogic) powers like the one of becoming as small as an atom1 and great intelligence. No doubt should be raised in this case. If a man with a pure mind salutes Pandurarya, it should be regarded by those who know the truth, to be a worship offered for a year. A man, having cast his body near Pandurarya at that holy place, reaches the peak of Kailasa and would be an attendant of Candesvara. Formerly, Hanumat practised there a very difficult penance. Due to the prowess of the holy place, the power to jump over the ocean was produced (in Hanumat).

1. Anima — One of the eight supehuman powers or siddhis. The eight powers are: (1) Anima — The power of becoming as small as an atom. (2) Laghima — The power of assuming excessive lightness at will. (3) Prapti — The power of reaching anything e.g. touching the moon with a finger-tip. (4) Prakamya — Irresistible will. (5) Mahiman — The power of increasing the size at will. (6) Isitva — Superiority, greatness. (7) Vasitva — The power of subduing passions. (8) Kamavasayitva — Suppression of desires.



Candesa, Ganatirtha

Mahddeva said:

1-2. The holy place superior to this holy place is known as Candesa, where god Candesa, giving prosperity, dwells perpetually. Having seen him a man is freed from the sin done through ignorance. All the deities coming together erected a city. O great goddess, it is known by the name Candesa. This (is the description of) Candesa-tirtha.

3-8. A holy place superior to this is Ganapatya well-known on the earth; it is fashioned near Sabhramati (bank), O goddess. Having bathed there, O goddess, a man is released; there is no doubt about it. I think all the holy places on the earth including the ocean, abandoned (their places) and came to this very wonderful holy place for the good of the people. A man of a pure heart who has controlled his senses, performing a sraddha there, obtains the fruit due to all sacrifices. Whatever is offered after dedicating it to the dead ancestors at the Garia-tlrtha, all that is reqained quickly by the grace of the Lord of Ganas. A man, having bathed at the holy place, should give a bull to a brahmana; he, going beyond all the worlds, would go to the highest position.



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