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1.  Hofstra University, founded in 1935, has grown into a university which provides limitless opportunities to its students.

2. Their admission standards result in more than half of the University’s incoming freshmen coming from the top 20 percent of their high school graduating classes.

3. Extensive cultural and communications facilities include seven performance halls,

an FM radio station, and several student publications.

4.  The University regularly hosts leading intellectuals, artists, opinion makers, and political figures for special lectures, seminars, and concerts.

5. Students play a principle role in shaping their own programs and professors are available throughout the academic year to assist in course selection and planning.

6. Countless Hofstra graduates have gone on to become nationally prominent authors, composers, scientists, educators, business people, artists, actors, and film directors.


Translate the following text orally in class. Discuss different suggestions.




The first universities were developed by private charitable organizations, many of which were religious bodies. The private universities are still very important, and most of the best-known institutions, such as Harvard, Yale and Princeton, are private. Some of the state universities are general universities providing all faculties and all types of instruction, but there are also some state colleges for particular subjects, such as agriculture. Not long ago some of these special colleges have been converted into general universities. Such universities provide education to residents of the state either free of charge or at a fee, though students have to pay for the cost of living while they are studying. Some universities are provided by municipalities of large towns, and some which were originally private are now partly or even wholly supported by the municipalities. The great private universities have many advantages - age, tradition, long-established reputations. They are constantly appealing for funds from their ‘alumni’ (former students) and often obtain immense sums.


Private universities have between 500 and 30, 000 students, and some have increased rapidly in the past years. The fees vary from $5, 000 to over $10, 000 a year. Private universities vary very much in standards and reputation, from the world-famous and select to the cranky and the obscure. 

The American ideal of mass education for all is matched by an awareness that America also needs highly trained specialists. In higher education therefore, and especially at the graduate schools (those following the first four years of college), the U.S. has an extremely competitive and highly selective system. This advanced university system has become widely imitated internationally, and it is also the one most sought after by foreign students. 


While the American education system might put off selecting students until much later than do other systems, it does nonetheless select. And it becomes increasingly selective the higher the level. Moreover, because each university generally sets its own admission standards, the best universities are also the most difficult to get into.


Some universities are very selective even at the undergraduate or beginning levels. Needless to say, those children who have attended better schools, or who come from families with better educated parents, often have an advantage over those who don’t. This remains a problem in the U.S., where equality of opportunity is a central cultural goal. Not surprisingly, the members of racial minorities are the most deprived in this respect. 


Listen to the following information about Hawaii Pacific University taking notes, then give a good interpretation of what you have heard.



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