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Other Cost Considerations and Options

With the growing range of plans available across the world, across a vast premium spectrum, several new benefit cost areas are mentioned below, which are not always available from all Insurers, but can be quoted selectively in certain Plans.

· Well Child care, well man and well woman checks, all can be quoted

· Prosthetic Appliances, can be quoted but capped

· Eyeglasses and tests quoted on many deluxe and top plans

· Crowns, dentures and bridges, routine dental quoted on top plans

· Death of Close Relative, round trip costs covered on many plans

· Treatment in USA elective or emergency usually can be quoted

· Vaccinations, quoted on some plans

· Annual Health Checks, quoted on some top plans

· Organ Transplants, AIDS and Chronic cover on some top plans

· Hazardous Sports, quoted on some plans.

· Legal Costs after accidents abroad, quoted in some plans


All Insurer Plans should clearly stipulate the complaints and disputes procedures they follow together with any Regulator. They should illustrate how you may contact the right adjudicators in their company or contact your independent Advisor for help) There are also independent Regulatory Authorities available n most Western countries, such as the UK, who can assist you with a dispute with an Insurer (who is being difficult when settling your claim) If you have bought your Plan through the offices of an independent Broker or Specialist Advisor they will almost certainly be glad to help in legitimate disputes with an Insurer. If you are right, have proper records, the Insurers will pay up.


Generally, as with most Insurance services, you get what you pay for. Read the documentation carefully, particularly the benefits and exclusions clauses. International Medical Insurance is a complex and difficult field. Many Insurers are competing for your long-term business. They all will argue, " Their Plan is Best." Certain strategic insurance considerations have been also affecting the expatriate market since the World Trade Centre disaster. Many ex-patriots are now looking for international term life and income replacement cover, as well as medical insurance. Time will tell how long term insurance growth is affected in this expanding expatriate global market place.

If you purchase a comprehensive plan from a reputable Insurer, via an independent Broker, you are usually not disappointed. However, if you buy what is clearly a cheap cut plan, without advice, beware when trying to make a claim. (They may well have pages and pages of exclusions in the small print)

It is also important for your budget to choose the correct geographical area of cover. Routine travel options can be taken at much less cost than full-blown USA cover, if you do not really need elective USA cover. Voluntary excesses on claims can substantially reduce premiums, as can co- insurance payments. (Sharing risk costs with the Insurer)

In the final analysis, international expat medical insurance is best to have at your side so that " you may sleep at night abroad" rather than to think of ways to claim. If both parties fully understand the contract and deal in good faith, Insurers very much want to keep clients for the long term. It is always better however, to compare and study at least three packs of brochures from differing Insurers, or have a review done by an independent Broker specializing in the Healthcare Insurance field. All the material needs attention and careful reading. Understand what you are committing to, what the contract actually states, not what you may think it states (or some salesman told you) and what geographical limitations are set giving your area do cover.

You may not need to read this contract again until the moment you need medical aid. Remember, that Brand name alone does not necessarily indicate good service, but that in 2002, many lesser-known expatriate specialist Insurers offer excellent premiums, wide benefits, good claims records and fast efficient electronic client services. Professional support teams are vital in overseas emergencies. Your Helpline card is the key to medical help and assistance 24 hours a day, whilst Overseas. Make sure that you have it to hand and that you know how to use it. With most Insurers now offering toll free global lines 24 hours a day, these vital help-lines are the first port of call, prior to any treatment being arranged, with the exception of emergencies. Establish contact as soon as you can, then let the Insurers assistance teams do the rest.

https: //www.justlanded.com/english/China/Articles/Health/Insurance-Guide


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