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The Birth and Sacred Thread Ceremony of Lord Kalki


Text 1

Suta Goswami said: Thereafter, by the order of Lord Brahma, all the demigods sat in front of him and then explained how the observance of religious principles was declining at an alarming rate in Kali yuga.

Text 2

After hearing their words saturated with anguish, Lord Brahma said Let us all approach Lord Vishnu We should please Him with our prayers so that He may act for our welfare.

Text 3

After saying this, Lord Brahma took all the demigods and went to the abode of Lord Hari known as Goloka. There, he offered prayers to the Supreme Lord, informing Him of the plight of the demigods.

Text 4

After hearing everything in detail, lotus eyed Lord Hari said Brahma, rest assured that I will soon descend to the earth and appear in the village known as Shambhala I will take birth in the house of a brahmana named Vishnuyasa, from the womb of his wife, Sumati.

Text 5

My mission will be to eliminate the wicked Kali, with the help of My four brothers О demigods, your expansions should also take birth on the earth to assist Me in My mission.

Text 6

My consort, the beloved lotus eyed Kamala devi, will also appear on the earth, having the name Padma She will be born from the womb of Kaumudi, the wife of Brihadratha, the king of Simhala.

Text 7

O demigods, you should not delay. By your plenary portions, take birth on the earth Later on, 1will entrust the responsibility for ruling the earth to two powerful kings named Maru and Devapi.

Text 8

I will then again establish Satya-yuga, and thus reinstate the principles of religion as they were before. Rest assured that I will return to Vaikuntha only after destroying the poisonous snake, Kali.

Text 9

After Lord Hari assured the demigods in this way, Lord Brahma, surrounded by the other demigods, departed for his own abode. From there, the demigods returned to their respective abodes.

Text 10

О greatly powerful brahmana, thereafter, with a desire to make His appearance within this world in a humanlike form by His own transcendental potency, the Supreme Lord, Hari, the Supersoul within the heart of everyone, entered the village of Shambhala.

Text 11

Meanwhile, in due course of time, Vishnuyasa’s wife, Sumati, became pregnant so that all auspicious symptoms began to appear in her body. Thereafter, all the presiding deities of the planets, stars, and constellations began serving the lotus feet of the child within her womb.

Text 12

On an auspicious day and at an auspicious time, Lord Hari, the master of the universe, took birth with in this world. At this time, all the lakes, rivers, oceans, mountains, demigods, and sages, and indeed all moving and non-moving living entities, became filled with ecstasy.

Texts 13-14

Every living being began to display symptoms of happiness upon the appearance of the Supreme Lord. The forefathers danced in ecstasy, the demigods sang the glories of Lord Hari, the Gandharvas played musical instruments, and Apsaras danced with great jubilation.

Text 15

In this setting, Lord Hari incarnated within this world in His form as Kalki on the twelfth day during the fortnight of the waxing moon in the month of Vaishakha Upon seeing the beautiful baby, the hearts of Vishnuyasa’s and Sumati became filled with great happiness.

Text 16

When Lord Kalki appeared, Mahashasthi was His nurse, Ambika cut His umbilical cord, and Savitri cleansed His body with water from the Ganges.

Text 17

On the auspicious day of Lord Kalki’s advent, mother earth showered nectar in the form of an abundance of milk, and the elderly ladies blessed the child with auspicious words.

Texts 18-19

Lord Brahma, who knew the mystery of the Lord’s appearance, hastily called for his servant, Pavana, and told him to immediately go to the maternity home and offer the following prayer to Lord Vishnu: О Lord, please consider how this four-armed form of Yours is rarely seen, even by the demigods. Please assume a two-armed form like that of a human being and then carry out Your mission.

Text 20

Without delay, Pavana-deva, whose cooling body has a very pleasing aroma, went to the maternity room of Lord Kalki and submitted Brahma’s appeal.

Text 21

When the lotus-eyed Lord heard this request, He immediately assumed a two-armed form. His father and mother were certainly struck with wonder upon seeing this wonderful pastime of the Lord.

Text 22

The parents could not understand the actual truth regarding their son because of being bewildered by the Lord’s yogamaya potency. They considered that their vision of the Lord’s four-armed form had been a hallucination, and that all along they had witnessed His two-armed form. Thereafter all the inhabitants of Shambhala celebrated the Lord’s appearance by performing auspicious rituals, completely forgetful of their material miseries.

Text 23

Having received the all-glorious Lord Vishnu, the master of the three worlds, as her son, mother Sumati’s happiness knew no bounds. She invited the brahmanas and gave them each one hundred cows in chanty.

Text 24

For the welfare of his child, the pure-hearted Vishnuyas’a invited many brahmanas that were expert in reciting the Rg Veda, Yajur Veda, and Sama Veda, and had them perform the child’s name-giving ceremony.

Text 25

At that time, Lord Rama, Kripacharya, Vyasadeva, and Ashvatthama came there in the guise of brahmanas to have the darshana of Lord Hari, who has assumed the form of child Kalki.

Text 26

As Vishnuyasa, the foremost of brahmanas, gazed upon those four exalted brahmanas whose effulgence was equal to that of the sun-god, his hair stood on end. He then worshiped these four exalted personalities, offering them nice prayers.

Text 27

After being worshiped by Vishnuyasa, these four who were disguised as brahmanas, who could indeed assume any form at will, sat at ease m their respective places. While seated, they gazed at child Kalki as He was seated upon the lap of His father.

Text 28

The four exalted brahmanas offered their obeisance’s unto Lord Vishnu, who had assumed the form of a human being. They very well understood that Lord Kalki had appeared to rid the earth of all those who had become degraded to the level of sinful demons.

Text 29

The four exalted brahmanas named the transcendental child Kalki. They happily performed the child’s birth ceremony and then departed for their own abodes.

Text 30

Thereafter, as the moon in the fortnight of the waxing moon increases day by day, Lord Kalki grew up under the care of His affectionate mother, Sumati Within a very short time, the Lord grew up to become a young boy.

Text 31

Before Lord Kalki’s birth, three sons were born to Sumati, named Kavi, Prajna, and Sumantra All of them were heroic warriors who always acted for the pleasure of their spiritual master and their parents. They were highly praised by all elderly respectable people andhrahmanas.

Text 32

Great saintly persons like Gargamuni, Bhagya, and Vishala had also appeared in the family of Lord Kalki All of them were parts and parcels of Kalki, and His obedient servants.

Text 33

These exalted personalities were maintained by the king, who was named Vishakhaupa. After having the darshana of Lord Kalki, all these brahmanas felt jubilant and relieved of all material miseries.

Texts 34-35

After some time, when Vishnuyasa saw that his lotus-eyed child, Kalki, who was a reservoir of transcendental qualities, was ready to begin His education, he called him and spoke with a gentle voice. My dear child, I will now arrange for Your sacred thread ceremony so that you can chant the Gayatri mantras and begin Your study of the Vedas.

Text 36

Lord Kalki said: My dear father, what are the Vedas and the Gayatri mantras. How is it that one can become a brahmana simply by undergoing some ritual and putting on a thread? Please describe all this truthfully.

Text 37

Vishnuyasha said: My dear son, the words of the Supreme Lord constitute the Vedas, and the Savitri, or Gayatri, mantras are the mother of the Vedas. The sacred thread represents the three modes of material nature, which are controlled by the Supreme Brahman. When a brahmana wears his sacred thread, he becomes highly respected within society.

Text 38

Brahmanas who have duly undergone the ten samskaras and have studied the four Vedas thoroughly are qualified to protect the principles of the Vedas.

Text 39

Only brahmanas can please Lord Hari by their unshakable faith and devotion They study the Vedas, perform fire sacrifices, give chanty, undergo penance, and carefully control their senses.

Text 40

Therefore, on an auspicious day, I would like to invite all my relatives, as well as qualified brahmanas, and perform Your sacred thread ceremony.

Text 41

Lord Kalki said: My dear father, what are the ten samskaras, which by observing a brahmana becomes highly regarded in society? Tell Me how a brahmana engages in the worship of Lord Vishnu.

Texts 42-43

samskara, worship the Supreme Lord according to the prescribed rules and regulations, chant the Gayatri mantra three times a day, undergo austerities, always speak truthfully, and are patient, will happily rise above the modes of material nature and thus be able to deliver other living entities from the ocean of material existence.

Text 44

Lord Kalki said. Where can that brahmana be found who pleases Lord Vishnu by following the path of devotional service, who works for the welfare of all living entities within the three worlds, and who is capable of delivering all the people of the world.

Text 45

Vishnuyasa said: At present, the pious brahmanas have left this country (India), having been chastised by the powerful Kali, who is envious of saintly persons, and who destroys the practice of religious principles.

Text 46-47

Only those brahmanas who have not become very powerful as a result of their performance of austerity are still under the control of Kali. They are simply engaged in eating, sleeping, enjoying sex, and acting sinfully other ways, thus avoiding their duty to perform the Vedic rituals. Such brahmanas are sinful and powerless because they whimsically engage in the service of shudras. Thus, they are completely unable to protect themselves from the influence of Kali.

Text 48

When Lord Kalki, the maintainer of the devotees, who had taken birth with a desire to destroy the influence of Kaliyuga, heard these words of his father, he underwent the sacred thread ceremony and then left home to live at the ashrama of His guru

Thus ends the translation of the second chapter of Shri Kalki Purana




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