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The Killing of the Raksasi, Kuthodari


Text 1

Suta Gosvami said. After killing the Buddhists and mlecchas of Kikatapura, Lord Kalki took their wealth and returned to His capital, along with His vast army.

Text 2

Lord Kalki, the unhmitedly powerful protector of religious principles, next went to Cakratlrtha and took a ritualistic bath, according to prescribed procedure.


One day, as the Lord was sitting in His assembly, surrounded by the lokapalas, His relatives, and other associates, He saw that some miserable- looking sages were approaching.

Texts 4-6

These sages had come out of fear and they pleaded: О master of the universe, please protect us.

These sages were the Balakhilyas. They were very short in stature, they were crowned with matted hair, and they wore torn cloth. Lord Hari inquired: Where are you coming from? Who are you afraid of? I will kill him, even if he is the lord of the demigods.


When the sages heard the Lord give them this assurance, their happiness knew no bounds. Thereafter, the sages narrated the story of Nikumbha’s daughter.


The sages said: My dear Lord, please hear our prayer. Kumbhakarna’s son, Nikumbha, has a daughter named Kuthodarl. She is so tall that she reaches half way to the sky.

Text 9

Her husband’s name is Kalakanja. This demoniac couple has a son named Vikanja. Just now, Kuthodari is lying down, breast-feeding her son, Vikanja. Her head rests on the Himalaya mountains and her legs reach to the Nisadha mountain.

Text 10

We have been pushed here by the force of her strong breath and so we consider it to be the arrangement of providence that we have met You. Now, kindly save us from the wrath of this Raksasl.

Text 11

After hearing this from the sages, Lord Kalki immediately left for the Himalayas, accompanied by His army.

Texts 12-1З

The Lord passed the first night in a valley, and as He was about to proceed the next morning, He spotted a river of milk. The river was broad and white, like a conch shell, or moon rays, and it flowed very swiftly, so that everyone became astonished to see it.

Texts 14-16

Even though Lord Kalki knew very well about that river, He nevertheless questioned the sages, who were accompanying Him: What is the name of this river? Why is it filled with milk, and not water? The sages replied. My dear Lord, we will disclose to You the truth of this river. This river has been created from the milk that flows from one of Kuthodarl’s breasts.

Text 17

After seven hours, another similar river will be created. After some time, this river of milk will freeze to become a sheet of white ice.

Text 18

Upon hearing this from the sages, Lord Kalki and His soldiers exclaimed: Alas! How wonderful this is A river has been created from the breast milk of a Raksasi!

Text 19

This Raksasi affectionately feeds the milk from one of her breasts to her son, Vikanja. The size of that Raksasl’s body is beyond anyone’s imagination.

Text 20

Alas! Who can estimate the strength of that Raksasi?

As they were discussing the Raksasi in this way, Lord Kalki and His soldiers approached her, who hunts her prey at night.

Text 21

With the assistance of the great sages, Lord Kalki ascended the mountains until He finally spotted the Raksasi with a very dark complexion sitting on the peak of a mountain, breast-feeding her son.

Text 22

She breathed so heavily that even wild elephants were thrown far away into the forest. Lord Kalki and his soldiers were astonished to see lions sleeping peacefully inside the cavities of her ears.

Text 23

Deer were sleeping in the pores of her body, along with their calves, having mistaken them to be mountain caves. They were freed from all fear of hunters and so the deer clung to the Raksasi’s body like lice in a person’s hair.

Texts 24-25

Upon seeing the Raksasi, who resembled a dark mountain, lying on a mountain peak, the lotus-petal eyed Lord Kalki gave assurances to His soldiers, who had become very frightened and had thus lost the will to fight and were preparing to throw down their weapons.

Text 26

Lord Kalki said: The infantry soldiers should construct a fort on this mountain and while remaining within, they should keep it surrounded by fire at all times. The rest of you warriors should mount your horses, elephants, and chariots and accompany Me as I accomplish My mission.

Text 27

My strategy is that I will take only few soldiers and challenge the Raksasi while showering our arrows, swords, and axes.

Text 28

After saying this, Lord Kalki left His vast army and approached the Raksasi while showering torrents of arrows upon her. At this, the Raksasi began to scream with rage.

Text 29

Her screams were so loud that everyone’s senses were stunned. What to speak of the ordinary soldiers, even the generals fell unconscious onto the ground.

Text 30

Kuthodarl, the ferocious RaksasI, then opened her mouth wide and swallowed all the chariots, elephants, and horses after pulling them toward her by her powerful inhalation.

Text 31

When a bear breathes heavily, many insects and ants are drawn into his mouth. In the same way, Lord Kalki and His soldiers were forced to helplessly enter the Raksasfs mouth.

Text 32

This stunned all the demigods and Gandharvas who were watching from the heavens, and made them bitterly lament. Some great sages cursed the RaksasI while others recited prayers and mantras for the welfare of Lord Kalki.

Text 33

Many qualified brahmanas simply watched quietly, unable to even attempt to counteract their great distress. The devotees of Lord Kalki cried out in frustration, whereas the demons shouted with glee.

Text 34

When Lord Kalki, the slayer of the demons who are inclined to harass the devotees, witnessed the distress of the spectators, He could not tolerate it and so He made up His mind to put an end to the Raksasi without delay.

Text 35

vandgnim celacharmdbhyam ratHariair ydna ddrubhih

prajvdlyodara madhyena karabalam samddade

Within the dark stomach of the Raksasi, Lord Kalki created fire with one of His arrows and then made it blaze up by adding cloth, leather, and wood. When thefire blazed brightly, the Lord raised His powerful sword.

Texts 36-37

Just as Indra had previously pierced the abdomen of Vrtrasura with his thunderbolt so that he could come out of the demon’s body, Lord Kalki, the master of the universe and destroyer of all sinful reactions, emerged from the Raksasfs abdomen, along with His friends, brothers, and soldiers, who were all well-equipped with weapons, after tearing open the right side of her ribcage.


Some elephants, horses, chariots, and infantry soldiers emerged from the abdomen of the mght-stalking RaksasI, while others emerged through the holes of her body.

Text 39

After the blood-soaked soldiers came out from the Raksasl’s body, they saw her writhing in pain, flailing her arms and legs wildly, and so they picked up their bows and began showering their arrows upon her.

Text 40

Thus, the Raksasl’s entire body was pierced by sharp arrows, and this created a vast pool of blood. She screamed and her convulsions shook the mountain. In this way, her life came to an end.

Text 41

When the Raksasl’s son, Vikunja, witnessed the death of his mother, he became enraged and jumped in the midst of the ocean that was Lord Kalki’s army, without even bothering to pick up a weapon.

Text 42

Slam elephants appeared like a garland on his chest, horses were his ornaments, snakes became his crown, and lions were the rings on his fingers.

Texts 43-44

Being overwhelmed by grief because of his mother’s death, Vikanja began to torment Lord Kalki’s soldiers. To eliminate this five-year-old Raksasa, Lord Kalki invoked the brahmastra that was given to Him by His teacher, Paras’urama, That supreme weapon proceeded to sever Vikanja’s head from his body.

Text 45

In response to the pleas of the great sages, Lord Kalki thus destroyed the formidable RaksasI and her son on the peak of a mountain in the Himalayas.

Text 46

After witnessing the death of the terrible RaksasI, the demigods showered flowers upon Lord Kalki, and the sages offered Him nice prayers. Thereafter, Lord Kalki departed. That evening, He made His camp at Hardwar, on the banks of the River Ganges.

Text 47

Lord Kalki, the incarnation of Lord Hari, passed the night at Hardwar, along with His associates and soldiers. Early the next morning, the great sages approached Lord Kalki on the pretext of bathing in the Ganges, being very eager for His darsana.

Text 48

As Lord Kalki and His associates were enjoying the beautiful sight of the sacred river Ganges at Hardwar, the great sages approached Him and offered their obeisance’s. After doing so, the sages endeavored to please the Lord by offering Him selected prayers with great devotion.

Thus ends the translation of the sixteenth chapter of Shri Kalki Purana.




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