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Task 2.6 A resume is information about the applicant’s experience, skills and personal facts. Read these characteristic features of a Resume and add 2-3 more.

A good resume should:

1. Attract attention.

2. Create a positive impression on the employer.

3. Present applicant’s skills and qualities clearly, effectively and briefly.

4. The purpose of the resume is to convince the employer that the applicant should be hired.


Task 2.7 Read some tips on writing a Resume. Tick which of them are true and which are false. If the statement is false, write correct answer in the last column.

  True False Correct answer
  ü ü  
Place the most important information at the end of your resume.        
There must be no grammatical errors in your resume.      
Let an experienced person read your resume.      
Print your resume on good paper.      
Minimize or omit everything that is irrelevant.      
Address a professional agency to write a resume instead of you.      
Some spelling mistakes are allowed.      
You are to know how to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes.      
Remember that your contact information leaves the first impression.      
2 or 3 mistakes in punctuation are allowed.      
You are to remember, that there are three types of professional resume formats: Chronological (or Reverse-Chronological) Combination (or Hybrid) Functional (or Skills-Based)      


Task 2.8 Translate from Russian into English a short passage about writing a not-standard Resume.

Нестандартное резюме

Если Вы решили написать нестандартное резюме, имейте ввиду - такая стратегия хороша не во всех случаях. Как руководство к действию она может быть принята представителями творческих профессий, которым " позволено" отходить от стандарта. Что же касается специалистов других (не творческих) профессий - инженеров, водителей, бухгалтеров, и т.п., - то здесь предпочтительнее соискателям оставаться в рамках официально утвержденных норм. Это связано, прежде всего, с тем, что от специалистов данного профиля требуется точность, скрупулезность и обязательное соблюдение должностных инструкций.

Следует учитывать, что кадровые агентства, как правило, используют присланные им резюме как источник получения необходимой информации о соискателе, поэтому она в " сухом" виде переводится в стандартный бланк резюме, в котором " творческие вольности" аннулируются. Если вы присылаете нестандартное резюме непосредственно работодателю, тогда есть шанс, что ваш творческий подход будет по достоинству оценен тем, кому он, собственно и предназначался [9].

Task 2. 9 Write in English the main points of a good Resume.

Task 2.10 Below you can find a list of positive features of an applicant who wants to fill IT Manager position. Which features can please a hiring manager up to your mind? Can you think of some more important features?

 IT manager should be:

- able to get on with people easily and effectively;

- able to study for extra qualification;

- motivated to do the tasks he is given;

- outgoing with his colleagues;

- dynamic in case of emergency;

- effective in some difficult situations;

- energetic all the time, especially in the evening;

- enthusiastic when some innovated ideas are needed;

- experienced person in the sphere of his professional development;

- natural leader and a self-determined person;

- flexible in behavior and communication;

- healthy and ready to go in for sports;

- young or middle-aged;

- diplomatic with colleagues and superiors;

- competitive and have a strong will to struggle;

- able to produce creative ideas;

- knowledgeable and ready to get new information;

- willing to accept responsibility;

- strong physically;

- interested in the latest sport’s news;

- He should have good academic background in the sphere of his professional interest.



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