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Now translate the following into English and role-play the situation.

Student A (Receptionist)

Receptionist Доброе утро. Компания Бритиш Петролеум. Чем могу вам помочь?
Receptionist Говорите громче. Вас плохо слышно.
Receptionist А кто это звонит? Представьтесь, пожалуйста.
Receptionist А откуда вы звоните?
Receptionist Хорошо, г-н Иванов. По какому вопросу вы звоните?
Receptionist Минуточку, соединяю… К сожалению линия отдела занята. Вы будете ждать?
Receptionist г-н Брауна сейчас нет. Передать ему сообщение?
Receptionist Секундочку, я возьму ручку… Диктуйте.
Receptionist Итак, 123789.
Receptionist Ой, извините.
Receptionist Что-нибудь еще?
Receptionist До свидания.


Student B (Caller)

Caller Здравствуйте. Соедините с отделом доставки.
Caller Отдел доставки, пожалуйста.
Caller Это Федор Иванов.
Caller Компания Башнефть. Россия.
Caller Это насчет моего заказа.
Caller А могу я поговорить тогда с менеджером по продажам – г-н Брауном?
Caller Да, пожалуйста. Скажите, чтобы он мне перезвонил. Я оставлю свой номер телефона, на случай если его у г-на Брауна нет.
Caller Мой сотовый номер - 123456.
Caller Нет, 123456.
Caller Все в порядке.
Caller Нет, спасибо. Всего хорошего.


A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practise these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogue using the words listed below.

Switchboard: Continental Equipment. Can I help you?

You:  Could I ________ __________Mr Wilson, please?

Switchboard: Putting you__________.

Secretary: Hello, Mr Wilson’s secretary.__________ I help you?

You: ________, can you hear me? It’s a ________line. Could you ________ up, please?

Secretary: IS THAT BETTER? Who’s __________, please?

You: This is Bob Brown from TST Systems.

Secretary:  Oh, hello. How nice to hear from you again. We haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

You: Fine, thanks. Could you ________me ________to Mr Wilson, please?

Secretary: ________the line a moment. I’ll see if he’s in. I’m so sorry, I’m afraid he isn’t in the ________at the________. Could you give me your________, and I’ll ask him to ________you________?

You: I’m________495 3840. That’s London.

Secretary: Would you like to leave a _______for him?

You: No, thanks. Just tell him I________.

Secretary: Certainly. Nice to hear from you again.

You: I’ll expect him to________ me this afternoon, then. Thanks.

Secretary: You’re welcome. _______________.        


number                                       speak                     bad                

office                                          hold                       good bye         

rang                                            message                 can  

speak to                                        ring                        on

call back                                      speaking                put through

hello                                           moment                  through


Put the sentences below in the correct order. Some numbers have already been given to help you follow the line of the conversation. Role-play the situation.


9 I’m afraid there’s no answer. Would you like to leave a message?
  OK. It’s Wright, spelt W-R-I-G-H-T. And the first name’s Adel. That’s A-D-E-L.
  OK, Miss Wright.
  Compact Systems. Good morning.
  Good morning. Could I speak to Hillary Green?
11 If you give me your name, I’ll tell her you’re going to call.
  Thank you. One moment, please. I’m putting you through now.
  No, thank you. I’ll ring back later. What time do you think she’ll be in her office?
  OK. I’ll call back after 2, then. Thank you.
  It’s Mrs Wright, actually.
  OK, Mrs Wright.
  Who’s calling, please?
  The secretarial job advertised in last night’s paper.
16 So, what time should I call back?
  Thank you.
5 Thank you. And what’s it in connection with?
  My name is Adel Wright.
  She’ll definitely be in after lunch, at 2.



Answer the questions.

1. Who do you make appointments with?

2. What things do you have to arrange when you make an appointment?

3. Do you often have to cancel or postpone your appointments?

4. Have you ever missed an appointment without having informed your partner? If yes, why?

5. What is the worst appointment you’ve ever had?



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