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Now practise role-playing the same dialogues.

Below there are two announcements you can hear while you are on the plane. Study them and fill in the missing words from the boxes.

delay        time         crew           height        taking off         speed

Pilot: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of Captain Andrew and his _________, welcome on board this British Airways Boeing 737. I apologize for the ____________, but we will be ____________ very shortly. Some information about the flight: our flight __________ to London will be two hours and twenty-five minutes. We will be flying at the _____________ of 30, 000 feet, and our _________ will be 500 miles per hour. We hope you have a pleasant flight.

Flight attendant: Fasten your seatbelts, please. The pilot is preparing for take off. Once we are in the air, we will be serving a light snack and something to drink.



              fastened            landing            folded                   upright     


Flight attendant: In a moment we will be __________ at London Heathrow where the weather is fine and sunny. Please make sure that your seatbelt is ___________, your seat is in the ________________ position and your table is ______________ away.

The following is a list of signs you can see in an airplane. Match the SIGNS with their Russian equivalents and remember them.

SIGN meaning
  FASTEN SEATBELTS RETURN TO YOUR SEAT FLOTATION DEVICE UNDER YOUR       SEAT LAVATORY OCCUPIED LAVATORY VACANT HOT COLD FLUSH TRASH EMERGENCY EXIT OUT OF ORDER     мусор не работает пристегните ремни туалет свободен горячая вода спасательный жилет под вашим             сиденьем холодная вода спустите воду туалет занят запасной выход вернитесь на свое место



4. Here’s a conversation you might have on the plane:

Flight attendant: Fish, chicken or vegetarian?

You: What’s the fish?

Flight attendant: It’s tuna.

You: Chicken, please.

Flight attendant: Anything to drink?

You: Yes. Water, please.

Flight attendant: Still or sparkling?

You: Still, please.

Flight attendant: Here you go. Enjoy your meal.

You: Thanks.

Study the menu below and order a meal or a drink.

If you didn’t understand what the flight attendant said, you can say ‘Sorry? ’ Or ‘Pardon? ’ to ask him or her to repeat it.

If you want to ask for something, you can use the phrase ‘Can (Could) I have…’

RUSSIAN AIRLINES IN-FLIGHT MENU Moscow – London   Selection of drinks from the bar: Water: Still or Sparkling Soda: Cola, Pepsi, Orange Wine: Red / White   Mixed salad with French dressing   Chicken, peas & rice or Fresh tuna, new potatoes, sweetcorn or Vegetarian pasta   Chocolate cake   Tea (green, black, with milk) Coffee (regular/decaffeinated, black/white)  

Read the dialogue.

Flight attendant: Would you like something to drink?

You: Could I have Coke with no ice?

Flight attendant: Here you are. Please fill in this form before the plane lands.

You: What is this form for?

Flight attendant: It’s a Customs and Immigration form. You will use that in the
      airport before you can enter the country.


Now you fill in the UK landing card.


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