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Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. Washington is known to be one of the largest cities in the world. 2. The play is expected to be a great success. 3. She is supposed to have begun the translation of the book. 4. She is unlikely to improve the appraisal (суждение). 5. He is known to be composing a new song. 6. This narrative is likely to be published in May. 7. These reference books are sure to be of great use to them. 8. Many tourists appeared to know history of the country well. 9. This problem is sure to be solved some day. 10. The theme of the essay turned out to be very easy. 11. She is known to be a talented ballet dancer. 12. Everybody seemed to admire him. 13. The athletes are said to have arrived. 14. The book is supposed to have been translated last week. 15. The explorers are expected to have been sailing for a week. 16. She is considered to be the worst dancer of the theatre. 17. John is known to be very talented but strange.18. This proposal is thought to have no practical purpose. 19. This famous artist is believed to have recovered. 20. Most restaurants in the down-town are considered to be very expensive. 21. The President is reported to be visiting the USA. 22. That pitiless murder is supposed to have been already investigated by the detectives. 23. Our boss is known to be looking for a new secretary.

The types of fixing

The fixing can be expressed:

  1. by the verbs of saying in the Passive voice;
is said

1. He               to have been sent to New York.

Говорят, что его послали в Нью-Йорк.

  2. pairs of synonymsto seem/ to appear (казаться, по-видимому), to turn out/to prove (оказываться),  to happen/ to chance (случаться) – which are used in the active voice.

2. He                        to be a nice man


Он казался милым человеком.

  3. by some modal phrases of the kind of – to be likely, to be unlikely, to be certain, to be sure, to be uncertain, which denote the actions, referring to the future.
is likely

3. Dinny                        to come today.


Вероятно, Динни сегодня придет.


  4. by the verbs of sense perception – to see, to hear, which are used as the fixings in the Complex Subject only in the passive voice in the meaning of (видели, слышали).
was seen

4. The priest                             to enter the church.

 Видели, как священник вошел в церковь.


5. by the verbs of mental activityto think, to know, to expect, to believe, to suppose, to consider, etc.
is known

5. He                         to have been a talented writer.

Известно, что он был талантливым писателем.

Make these complex sentences simple ones. Use Subjective-with-the Infinitive Construction.

1. It is supposed that the river flows in this direction. 2. It is said that his childhood was very difficult. 3. It is expected that you will take these things for granted. (принимать как должное) 4. It seems to me that he didn’t notice me. 5. It seems that the circumstances have become strange indeed. 6. It is said that he owned a very good library. 7. It was told that he would find out a few more things about the whole business. 8. It seems that the man doesn’t recognize you. 9. It proves that she has done it especially for you. 10. It is said that the Victoria Falls are very beautiful. 11. It was said that she had the first edition of the book. 12. Maybe, she will buy the first edition of the book. 13. It seems that this isn’t the right key. 14. It happens that the man isn’t a stranger here. 15. It is supposed that you will be grateful when somebody does something of the kind for you. 16. It turns out that she is used to the thought that they’ll have to move to another flat. 17. For some reason or other, it doesn’t seem that she is grateful at all. 18. It appears that the composition is interesting.

Study the patterns


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