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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Explain the meaning of the following expressions used in the text; translate them into Russian/Belarusian.


– to fall into a mind-reading trap;

– to be pushed around;

– to spell out the consequences;

– to clear the air;

– to steer relationship on to an equal footing;

– to bruise one’s ego;

– to shout at the top of one’s voice;

– to keep sth at the back of one’s mind;

– to spark a row;

– to assert one’s needs.


Find the words in the text which have a similar meaning to the following.


– to do sth that produces an effect or change in someone or something;

– the use of threats or orders to make someone do sth they do not want to do;

– physical harm done to sth or someone; a bad effect on sth;

– real, especially as compared with what is believed, expected or intended;

– containing long important sounding words that have no real meaning;

– caring only about yourself; self-centered;

– always trying to control other people without considering their wishes or feelings; domineering;

– making you feel slightly angry and unhappy about sth.

Look up the meaning of the following idioms and make up situations using them.

– on balance;

– out of balance;

– to throw sb off balance;

– to hang in the balance;

– to strike a balance (between sth);

– to tip/swing the balance (in sb’s favour);

– to lose/keep one’s balance.


Complete the spaces by finding one word from the functional vocabulary which fits in all three spaces.

A. 1. Helen tried to… the conversation away from school.
2. We turned about and…for Port of Spain.
3. Paul’s in a bad mood, so I’d…clear if I were you.
B. 1. How do you think the changes will … you?
2. This serious disease … the central nervous system.
3. The International Red Cross sent emergency relief for the areas … by the hurricane.
C. 1. The professor … that there was nothing wrong with his theory.
2. You need to … yourself more and not to be shy.
3. Milton’s influence … itself later in his poetry.


Speech Activities

Give arguments for or against the following statements. Develop the idea.

· Many women suffer their husbands’ annoying overbearing habits.

· Approaches based on force are likely to fail.

· Some women are afraid of asserting their needs for fear of losing their partners.

· The best way to change relationship is through coercion.

· The Five R’s may help wives to communicate and stop them being bossed around.


Imagine you are having a row with your male partner/husband. Work in pairs and try to make it up with the help of the Five R’s.


Make a list of recommendations for men to keep their relationship with their wives in balance and to help them communicate.


4. Answer the following questions and develop the idea:

1. What are the psychological differences between men and women as regards their attitude to love and marriage? (Read the supplementary text “What Women don’t Understand about Guys” and act it out).

2. Since marriage is “a two-way street”, what is required of both partners in order to be happy in their relationship?

3. What is the father’s role in the family? How important is male guidance at home? (For new ideas read the supplementary texts “Dear Dads: Save Your Sons” and “Pre-school – the Best Years of My Life”).


Listening comprehension


  1. Listen to a recorded interview “An Arranged Marriage” and watch a video report “Forced Marriages”.
  2. Answer the questions and develop the idea:


1. Would you like to be chosen for your husband by his relatives?

2. Would you like your parents to choose a husband for you? Why/why not?

3. Do you agree with the speaker that arranged marriages are a success because the partners “do not expect too much”?

4. Is an arranged marriage necessarily a forced marriage?

5. What is your attitude to forced marriages?

6. An arranged marriage is an extreme form of parental control, isn’t it?



Section 3. Career and Family: Can Women Have it All?


Starter activity


Reading One


Careers and Marriage


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