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Фізико-географічне положення Великобританії

Практичне заняття № 1

Фізико-географічне положення Великобританії

Geographical position of Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland covers an area of some 244 thousand square miles. It is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles are separated from Europe by the Strait of Dover and the English Channel. The British Isles are washed by the North Sea in the east and the Atlantic Ocean in the west.

The population of Great Britain is about 60 million. The largest cities of the country are London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh.

The territory of Great Britain is divided into four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

England is in the southern and central part of Great Britain. Scotland is in the north of the island. Wales is in the west. Northern Ireland is situated in the north-eastern part of Ireland.

England is the richest, the most fertile and most populated part in the country. There are mountains in the north and in the west of England, but all the rest of the territory is a vast plain. In the northwestern part of England there are many beautiful lakes. This part of the country is called Lake District.

Scotland is a land of mountains. The Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in the world. The highest mountain of Great Britain is in Scotland too. The chain of mountains in Scotland is called the Grampians. Its highest peak is Ben Nevis. It is the highest peak not only in Scotland but in the whole Great Britain as well. In England there is the Pennine Chain. In Wales there are the Cumbrian Mountains.

There are no great forests on the British Isles today. Historically, the most famous forest is Sherwood Forest in the east of England, to the north of London. It was the home of Robin Hood, the famous hero of a number of legends.

The British Isles have many rivers but they are not very long. The longest of the English rivers is the Severn. It flows into the Irish Sea. The most important river of Scotland is the Clyde. Glasgow stands on it. Many of the English and Scottish rivers are joined by canals, so that it is possible to travel by water from one end of Great Britain to the other.

The Thames is over 200 miles long. It flows through the rich agricultural and industrial districts of the country. London, the capital of Great Britain, stands on it. The Thames has a wide mouth, that’s why the big ocean liners can go up to the London port.

Geographical position of Great Britain is rather good as the country lies on the crossways of the see routes from Europe to other parts of the world. The sea connects Britain with most European countries such as Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway and some other countries. The main sea route from Europe to America also passes through the English Channel.



1. Where is Great Britain situated?

2. What is the population of Great Britain?

3. What is it washed by?

4. What are the largest cities in Great Britain?

5. What are the main rivers in Great Britain?

6. Describe Scotland in some words.

7. How does the position of Great Britain influence it?


Практичне заняття № 2

Економіко-географічне положення Великобританії

Практичне заняття № 3

Великобританія у світі

Great Britain in the world

Analyzing the current world political situation I wonder why since the beginning of the twentieth century Great Britain, a colonial empire in the past, been losing its influence in the world step by step and nowadays it is worth speaking not about the British political but merely about holding its own current stand? Why doesn’t it want Europe to be united and independent of the US? This problem becomes more urgent nowadays when the American influence’s weakening and the political opponent which prevents us from being a full member of the European society. The U.K. takes part in all international committees in Chechnya. Its territory is used by lots of anti – Russian Wakhabbist organizations that provides Chechen terrorists and separatists. Its subversive activities have the only aim to isolate Russia. And I couldn’t help taking such a theme where I will analyze the British policy, explain it and try to find alternatives for the English foreign political line.

After the Second World War England lost its political independence, becoming an American satellite.

Forming the Anglo – American alliance was especially influenced by the so – called Americanocentrist conceptions by Zbignev Bzhezinski and Nicholas Spikesman.

According to Spikesman’s theory, the geographical authority of any state takes shape by not its inland territories, but coastline. He emphasizes three large centers of world power: the Atlantic Seashore of North America and Europe and the Far East of Eurasia. These territories were called a rimland. This way Great Britain and the US must from an alliance and that was done soon.

Being an American ally, England has become a reliable Fifth Column in the European Union. The British government has been trying its best to prevent Europe from unifying processes, once protesting against founding European Central Bank and the singe European currency “euro” and attempting together with the US to quarrel the European states with one another and to direct their aggression against the third one like Yugoslavia. Due to its pro – American foreign policy, Great Britain has become the second leader of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. right now the U.K. and the US are at the head of all NATO’s military operations, like “The Shield of the desert”, “The Storm in the desert”, in 1991, “The Fox in the desert” in 1998 and the anti – Yugoslavian aggression in 1999. Speaking about the NATO’s last campaign, the U.K. and the US destabilized an ethnic situation in Europe, because during the NATO’s bombardments tens and thousands of thousands of Albanian refugees poured into Germany, Albania and some other countries. That needs no saying, the Albanians from Kosovo and Methokia complicated the social – political situation in these states. Its result was the criminal increase and the growth of unemployment among the immigrants.

This way we can make the only confusion: the foreign policy of Great Britain (i.e. the US) in Europe has the aim to weaken the main integrating power – Russia and Germany as much as possible.

As for Germany, being a powerful state, it is spreading its economic influence in Chechia, Slovakia and especially in Chernogoria where President Milo Dzuganovich put DM in circulation instead of the Yugoslavian dinar.

Of course, it has weakened the British authority in the Balkan region very much, and the English government cannot ignore it. Unfortunately, the U.K.‘s forgotten it’s not a world power. That is why its actions against every anti – British demarche of European countries are extremely hasty and asymmetrical. Remember Prime – Minister of Great Britain Anthony Blair’s intention of liquidating Russian landing troops in 1999 after having occupied Slatino airport in Prishtina. To my mind it is clear what consequences would have taken place after that.

But why is the British foreign policy so anti – German – Russian? The work “The Geographical Axis of History” by English scientist Halfrod McKinder answers it. According to his theory the alliance of Russia and Germany to struggle for the world power against Great Britain and the US is extremely dangerous and fatal for the last ones. Well now it is clear why the buffer of averagly developed countries between Russia and Germany was formed and what “Truman’s doctrine” was based on.

Thus nowadays the Anglo – American alliance has achieved its aim, dividing our states and making our relations rather difficult and cool.

Following the American foreign political way, England must carry the mutal responsibility for their blunders. The same situation is taking place in Kosovo and Metkhia now. Due to the Anglo – American pro – Albanian and anti – Serbian policy the UCK becomes more and more impudent, firing gat the KFOR’s patrols, occupying Macedonian territory and assaulting tetovo while the NATO’s doing nothing to protect Kosovo and Macedonia and to defeat the UCK because of being only very anxious for its soldiers and nothing more. This way, after the Anglo – American carrions crows’ triumphant air raids to Serbia the NATO cannot cope with a small group of the UCK’s thugs (or does not want to do it) and has to allow the Federal troops of Yugoslavia to patrol Kosovo’s part of Yugoslavian – Macedonian boundaries near Preshevo. Such an embarrassing and foolish situation, of course, has damaged the British authority in the world.

Практичне заняття № 4

Практичне заняття № 5

Практичне заняття № 6

Україна у світі

Ukraine in the world

There is no denying the fact that not so long ago Ukraine had very weak connections with other countries in the world. But at present the situation has changed for the better. Ukraine establishes new relations with the countries throughout the world. Ukraine is one of the members of the United Nations Organisation and participates in the work of many international organisations.

Ukraine has wide relations with English-speaking countries such as Great Britain, the United States of America and Canada.

In its international activity Ukraine follows the universally accepted standards and principles of the international law and acknowledges the priority of human values. One of the main principles of the Ukrainian foreign policy is its openness, predictability, and adherence to the civilized rules of conduct in the world arena and in the international relations.

One of the main partners of Ukraine are English-speaking countries. These countries are the major source of potential new technology, hi-tech products and foreign investments for Ukraine. Foremost among them stand Great Britain with the largest economic, financial, production, market, and scientific, technological and military potential. The agro-industrial complex, power engineering, aerospace industry and heath care is priority areas of Ukrainian-British co-operation.

Certainly Ukraine has diplomatic relations with all these countries. It means that they have ambassadors in Ukraine and we have Ukrainian diplomatic missions in these countries. We have some joint political projects.

Scientific co-operation is also very important because Ukrainian science is very good but it has not enough money for experiments. We have joint projects for space exploration with the USA, Canada and Great Britain. In future Ukraine will launch some space rockets from Canadian territory.

Speaking about cultural exchanges I must admit that they are very intensive too.

Besides we have wide relations with these countries in education. We exchange students and teachers.

It’s common knowledge that tourism is very popular nowadays. And our country also has wide relations with many countries in this sphere too.

I must say, that we have special relations with the USA and Canada because there are many people who are Ukrainians by origin. So there is a Ministry for Diaspora in Ukraine that solves the problem of relations between our country and Ukrainians abroad.

As you can see Ukraine became as equals with world community and develop the relations with English-speaking countries in all spheres of human life.


Практичне заняття № 7

Формы приветствий

How do you do? Здравствуйте. Ответ тот же самый – How d’you do?

How d’you do, Mister Brown?   Здравствуйте, господин Браун!

Hallo! Hello! Hullo! Привет! Здравствуй! (менее официально). Ответ тот же самый – Hallo!

Hallo, old chap! Glad to meet you. Привет, старина! Рад тебя видеть.

Good morning!

Morning! Доброе утро!

Morning, sir!  Доброе утро, сэр!

Good morning, my young friends! Доброе утро, мои юные друзья!

Good afternoon! Добрый день! Примечание: «Good day!» как правило, не употребляется, так как звучит грубовато.

Good afternoon, Madame! Добрый день, мадам!

Good evening!

Evening! Добрый вечер!

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!   Добрый вечер, дамы и господа!

Продолжение приветствий

You are welcome!

Welcome! Добро пожаловать!

Welcome, dear guests! Добро пожаловать, дорогие гости!

We are pleased to welcome you in our … Мы рады приветствовать вас в нашем …

I am pleased to meet you.

Pleased to meet you.

I am glad to meet you.

Glad to meet you.    Рад встретиться (познакомиться) с вами!

We are happy to receive you. Мы счастливы принять вас.

Glad to see you! Рад вас видеть!

Happy to see you!   Счастлив вас видеть!

I’m also very glad to see you. Я тоже очень рад вас видеть.

So am I.

So I’m. Я тоже (рад).


Let me introduce myself.

Allow me to introduce myself.

May I introduce myself?    Позвольте представиться.

I’d like to introduce you to… 

I’d like you to meet… 

I want you to meet… Я хотел бы представить вас … (кому-то)

Meet my friend, Mr. Smith! Познакомьтесь с моим другом, мистером Смитом.

Allow me to introduce Mr/Mrs/Miss…

May I introduce Mr/Mrs/Miss…? 

I’d like to introduce Mr/Mrs/Miss… 

I’d like you to meet Mr/Mrs/Miss…   Позвольте представить вам мистера/миссис/мисс …

Ответ на представление

This is a pleasure, Mr/Mrs … Очень приятно, мистер/миссис …

Pleased to meet you. Очень приятно с вами познакомиться.

Glad to meet you.

Nice to meet you. Рад (рада) с вами познакомиться.

We’ve met before.    Мы уже знакомы.

Мы уже встречались.

We’ve already been introduced.  Мы уже знакомились.

Could I have seen you somewhere? Мог ли я вас где-то видеть? (Где-то я вас видел).

I have a feeling we’ve met before. По-моему, мы уже встречались.

Your face seems familiar to me.  Ваше лицо кажется мне знакомым.



Практичне заняття № 8

Примеры знакомств

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Victor Pirogov. I’m a reader at Moscow University. I understand we’re working in the same field and I was hoping we could discuss certain problems.  Позвольте представиться. Меня зовут Виктор Пирогов. Я читаю лекции (преподаватель) в Московском университете. По-моему, мы работаем в одной области, и я надеялся, что мы смогли бы обсудить некоторые проблемы.

- Mister Morton, this is Miss Evans, our new secretary.

- How d’you do, Miss Evans?

- How d’you do, Mister Morton? - Мистер Мортон, это мисс Эванс, наш новый секретарь.

- Здравствуйте, мисс Эванс.

- Здравствуйте, мистер Мортон.

- Mistress Jones, I’d like you to meet Mister Oleg Sokoloff.

- How do you do, Mister Oleg Sokoloff? Glad to meet you.

- How do you do, Mistress Jones? - Миссис Джонс, я хотел бы представить вам господина Олега Соколова.

- Здравствуйте, господин Олег Соколов. Рада познакомиться.

- Здравствуйте, миссис Джонс.

Перед прощанием

It’s late. Уже поздно.

Time to go home. Пора уходить.

Must be going, I’m afraid. Мне пора идти, к сожалению.

It’s time for us to leave.   Нам пора расходиться.

I must be off, I’m afraid.   Мне нужно уйти, к сожалению.

I’m afraid I can’t stay any longer. К сожалению, я больше не могу оставаться.

It was nice to seeing you.  Я доволен нашей встречей.

I’m glad we’re settled our business.

I’m glad we’re come to an agreeing.

I’m glad we’re come to an understanding. Я рад, что мы договорились.

Thank you for hearing me out.   Спасибо за то, что выслушали меня.

Thank you for seeing me.  Спасибо за то, что встретились со мной.

Sorry to have kepе you so long. Извините за то, что задержал вас.

I’m afraid I’ve taken up too much of your time. К сожалению, я отнял у вас слишком много времени.

I mustn’t keep you any longer.   Не могу вас больше задерживать.


При расставании англичане в зависимости от времени суток часто употребляют те же сочетания слов:

Morning! Good afternoon! Evening!    До свидания! (довольно официально)

Good-bye! До свидания! (менее официально)

Bye-bye! До свидания! (среди друзей)

So long! Пока!

Cheerio! Пока! Всего хорошего! Счастливо!

Farewell! Прощай! Прощайте!

See you soon. До скорой встречи.

See you tomorrow.  До завтра!

See you on Sunday. До воскресенья!

See you tonight. До вечера!

See you in summer. До встречи летом!

See you at the office. До встречи в офисе!

I am not saying good-bye. Я не прощаюсь (при уходе не надолго).

See you later.  Мы еще увидимся.

I hope to meet you again.

Hope to meet you again.   Я надеюсь с вами встретиться опять.

Надеюсь с вами встретиться опять.

Good luck to you!    Желаю вам удачи.

Same to you! И вам также.

Drop in any time you like. Заходите, когда угодно.

Remember to telephone us. Звоните нам.

When can we expect you? Когда вас можно ждать?

Bring your friend along with you. Приводите с собой вашего друга.

My love to your friend.

Best regards to your friend. Передавайте привет вашему другу.

Have a nice trip! Удачной поездки!

Happy journey!        Счастливого пути!



Практичне заняття № 9


Excuse me. Извините, пожалуйста.

Примечание: не употребляйте после этих выражений слово “please”, так как по-английски это будет звучать чрезмерно напыщенно.

PardonI beg your pardon. Простите, пожалуйста (если интонация понижающаяся).


I beg your pardon?  Простите, я не совсем расслышал, что вы сказали (если интонация повышающаяся).

I am sorry.

Sorry.    Извините меня (более мягкое и менее официальное извинение).

Please forgive me.

Do forgive me. Простите, пожалуйста.

Excuse me for …

Pardon me for …

I’m sorry for …

Forgive me for … Извините меня за …

Простите меня за …

Excuse my omission. Простите мое упущение (оплошность).

Sorry. My fault. Простите. Это моя вина (ошибка).

My fault. Виноват.

It is my fault that… Я виноват в том, что …

Please accept my apologies Примите мои извинения.

Приношу свои извинения.

I want to ask your forgiveness.

I want to ask you to forgive me. Позвольте попросить у вас прощения.

I must apologize to you.    Я должен извиниться перед вами.

Please forgive me, if you can. Прости меня, пожалуйста, если можешь.

Please don’t be angry with me.   Пожалуйста, не сердись на меня.


Sorry for disturbing you.

 I am sorry I disturbed you.

Excuse my troubling you.

Excuse my disturbing you. Извините за беспокойство.

Please excuse my coming late.

 I beg your pardon for coming late.     Простите за опоздание, пожалуйста.

Sorry, I’ve kept you waiting.

Sorry, to have kept you waiting. Извините за то, что заставил вас ждать.

Please excuse my coming late.

Excuse my coming at such an hour.

Excuse me for coming so late.    Простите меня за столь поздний приход.

Sorry, I forgot to bring your book. Извини, я забыл принести твою книгу.

I do apologize for not bringing the book. Извините за то, что не принес книгу.

I owe you an apology. I haven’t brought the book. Я виноват перед вами. Я не принес книгу.

Please forgive me. I have been thoughtless (inconsiderate) Простите меня. Я был безрассуден (беспечен, неосторожен, невнимателен к вам).

I do apologize. I didn’t really mean what I said.     Простите меня. Я, в действительности, не думаю того, что сказал. (Я не это имел в виду).

I really meant no harm. Do forget my saying so.    Я не хотел вас обидеть. Простите меня за эти слова.

Forgive me for not keeping my word.  Простите за то, что не сдержал свое слово.

Forgive me for breaking my promise.  Простите меня за нарушение моего обещания.

Please forgive me, if you can. I promise I won’t do it anymore (I’ll never do it again).    Прости меня, пожалуйста, если можешь. Я обещаю, что никогда больше не сделаю этого.

Awfully sorry, old boy. Крайне огорчен, дружище.

Возможные ответы на извинения

It’s all right.

Oh, that’s all right.

It’s quite all right.

Never mind.

No harm done.

No need to be sorry.

Forget it. Ничего. Не имеет значения. Ничего страшного. He стоит извинения.

OK. All right  Хорошо. Ладно.

All right. Can’t be helped. Ну ладно! Что ж тут поделаешь.

It’s a lame excuse.    Это неубедительно.

That is no excuse.    Это не оправдание.

I can’t forgive you this.     Я не могу вам этого простить.


Come, come … 

Now, now …

Here, here… Все, все … успокойся.

Calm yourself!

Keep calm!

Cool it!

Relax!    Успокойтесь!

Don’t worry!

Don’t you worry!

Don’t get excited!

Don’t be nervous!    Не беспокойтесь! Не волнуйтесь!

There’s no need to worry.

No need to bother.   Не нужно беспокоиться.

Don’t let it get you down.

Don’t get upset.

Take it easy.   Не расстраивайтесь.

Don’t let that distress you.

Don’t distress yourself. Не тревожьтесь.

There’s no reason to distress yourself. Здесь нет повода для огорчений.

There’s no reason to be upset.    Здесь нет повода для расстройства.

Don’t take it to heart. Не принимайте это близко к сердцу.

Pay no attention. Не обращайте внимания.

Never mind what he says. Не обращай внимания на то, что он говорит.

Forget it. Забудь это.

Don’t think of it.

You mustn’t think of it.    Не думайте об этом.

Put this out of your head.

Put this out of your mind. Выбрось это из головы.

It’s not the end of the world. Это не конец света.

What nonsense! Какие пустяки!

Such nonsense! Это такая ерунда!

It’s nothing!    Это такие пустяки!

It could be a lot worse. Могло быть гораздо хуже.

Crying won’t help.   Плачем не поможешь.

Cheer up! Не унывайте! Бодрее!

Better luck next time. В следующий раз повезет.

Things will come right. All will be well. Все наладится. Все будет хорошо.

Things will take a turn for the better.   Все изменится к лучшему.

You must hope for the best. Вы должны надеяться на лучшее.

Pull yourself together. Соберись.

Keep your temper.   Держи себя в руках.

Keep your head.

Keep your presence of mind. Не теряй голову.

Don’t let yourself go.

Don’t lose control of yourself.

You must keep/hold yourself in check. Не теряй выдержки. Не теряй самообладания.

Выражение сочувствия

I sympathize with you.

I feel for you.  Я вам сочувствую.

If you only knew how I feel for you.

If you only knew how sorry I am for you. Как я вам сочувствую!

I’m so sorry for you! Я так вам сочувствую!

Я очень вам сочувствую!

I understand you. Я вас понимаю.

How well I understand you! Как хорошо я вас понимаю.

I’m sorry to hear of it, but, believe me, all will be well.   Я вам сочувствую, но, поверьте мне, все будет хорошо!

Things do happen.

Anything can happen. Всякое бывает.

It can’t be helped.    Ничего не поделаешь.

It’s not your fault.   Это не ваша вина.

You are in no way to blame. Вы не виноваты.

You had nothing to do with it.   Вы тут ни при чем.


Практичне заняття № 10

Практичне заняття № 11


-Calculate your time and money. You can travel around the world in a week, or you can spend years doing it. Decide how much time you would like to use and how much money you have to spend on your trip.

-Pick your destinations. Make a list of all of the places you want to go. You can get a lot of information about places to visit in travel magazines, your local library or bookstore and also online.

-Plan your trip. Use your list of travel destinations to plan your actual route around the world. Decide how you want to travel from place to place and when you should purchase your tickets. It really is up to you whether you go all the way by airplane, or you can travel some of the way by boat, rail, bus, vehicle and even by animal; if this is what you desire.

-Ready your passport and get your visas. If you do not already have a passport, get one. Check the various countries you will be traveling to for any visa or other special requirements. Do this far in advance of your actual travel date.

-Take care of health issues. Learn what vaccinations or other shots you should get for all of the places you will travel to. If you have a medical condition, make sure you plan for this also. Talk to your doctor, if you have any questions concerning your health as you travel around the world.

-Take care of last minute details. Pay any bills that will come due in advance, or have this information with you. Take care of your mail. You can have it forwarded or have someone pick it up. If you have pets, make arrangements for them to come with you or for them to be taken care of while you are gone. Collect phone numbers and addresses of any one you want to keep in contact with. A good way to do this is to have this information in an online email account that you can easily access from any where around the world. In addition, make copies of every important paper you may need and email them to your own email account.

-Check the weather and pack. Pack according to the weather conditions expected in the places you plan to travel to. Do not over pack. It is better to have fewer items to worry about as you travel around the world.Words:


A destintion - пункт призначення

To purchase - купувати

To book - замовляти

Vaccinations - вакцинація

A bill - рахунок

In addition - на додаток

Vehicle - транспорт

To calculate - підраховувати



Практичне заняття № 12

Ділова подорож

Business trip

Employees of different countries usually go on business trips. Any firm chooses only best export for it. Companies can arrange such trips both in and outside the country. There are many reasons of going on business there are to make a contract, to discuss different terms of delivery, payment or shipment, to have tests, to do consultancy, to improve once professional skills, to work etc. Represent — natives of the companies make preliminary arrangements in order to meet. Usually itinerary of the trip is carefully planned by the head of the department or an executive. A business trip can be a long term or a short term one. Often an employee must give a financial report to the chief. As a rule businessman has a chance to go sightseeing or to visit theatres, or just have some rest after the working day. They also try to buy gifts or presents to relatives, friends and colleagues business trips contribute to extension of business relationship of a company and help to succeed in the world market. Business today is international, so business people often have to travel. On a business trip people may meet colleagues and business partners for a first time. It is usual for colleagues from different countries to experience cultural difficulties. In other words, they may be surprised by foreign social conventions that is the different ways that other nationalities or different cultures do things. Management styles are also differed from country to country. In some cases it is useful to get a piece of advice from a special agency, consulting on the questions of international business. Business trip are very important nowadays because face to face contracts are more valuable and useful for the matter, make a cal so in order not to spoil business people will go on traveling on business.



1. What are the reasons of going on business?

2. What kinds of business trips do you know?

3. What can employers do during their business trip?

4. Why are business trips very important nowadays?


Практичне заняття № 13

Booking tickets

A: Do you have tickets for the seven-twenty-five (train) to Sochi tomorrow?

B: How many tickets?

A: Two, please.B: Just a minute. Let me see….. Well, I can let you have two tickets but the seats are in different carriages. Will that do?

A: I am afraid not. What about the day after tomorrow?

B: Yes, we have some upper berths in a compartment car, if you like.

A: We won’t have to change trains, I hope?

B: No, it’s a through train.

A: All right. I’ll take the tickets.

B: Here you are.

A: I’ve got a question. My son is travelling with us. He is just a little over four. Shall I pay for him?

B: No. Children under five may travel free. Anything else?

A: How long does it take to get to Sochi, please?

B: I am not quite ure. I think something like seventy hours. Ask at the inquiry office over there. They’ll give you all the information you want.

A: Thank you.


At the station

- Which platform for Motherwell, please?

- Platform 14, right up and down, underground level.

- When does the next train leave, please? 

- 10.30, from Glasgow Central.  -

- When does it get in?  

- You will be in Motherwell at 11.04. It takes roughly about half an hour to get there.      

- Do I have to change? 

- No, you needn’t. It’s a short distance.   

- How much is the ticket?      

- Single or return?        

- Both.       

- One single costs $ 20. The normal return ticket costs double the single fare but. - Билет в один конец стоит 20$.

- You can buy a day return, which is cheaper.  

- Thank you very much.        

- It’s my pleasure.        


At the airport

Scenario: Checking In

A: (Good morning). Can I have your ticket, please?

B: Here you are.

A: Thank you. Would you like smoking or non-smoking?

B: (Non-smoking), please.

A: Would you like a window or an aisle seat?

B: (An aisle) seat, please.

A: Do you have any baggage?

B: (Yes), this suitcase and this carry-on bag.

A: Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight.

B: Thank you.

Scenario: Passport Control

A: (Good morning). Can I see your passport?

B: Here you are.

A: Thank you very much. Are you a tourist or on business?

B: I'm (a tourist).

A: That's fine. Have a pleasant stay.

B: Thank you.


Airport Vocabulary:

1. A trip on an airplane is called a ___.

2. A flight within one country is called a ___ flight.

3. A flight between different countries is called an ___ flight.

4. The letters and numbers which identify an airplane making a specific flight are called a ___.

5. Ordering a seat to be held for you on the day you want to travel is called making a ___.

6. A printed piece of paper which allows you to travel on an airplane is a ___.

7. The first thing to do at the airport is ___, which means to register as a passenger for a flight.

8. A document which identifies you as a citizen of a certain country and which allows you to travel to other countries is called a ___.

9. A stamp in your passport which allows you to travel to another country is called a ___.

10. The selection of a specific seat for a trip on an airplane is called ___.


Практичне заняття № 14

On a plane

Flight attendant: Hello! May I have your boarding pass, please?

Alex Volgin: Hello! Here you are.        

Flight attendant: Your seat number is 18C. This way, please. Your seat is over there - third row on the right.           

Alex Volgin: Thank you.             

Flight attendant: Ladies and gentlemen, we are ready to take off. Please, bring your seats into an upright position and fasten your seat belts. We also kindly ask you to read the emergency instruction that you will find in the seat pockets in front of you.          

Alex Volgin: Excuse me. Could you help me? I can't fasten my seat belt.             

Flight attendant: Sure. Here you go. It works now.         

Alex Volgin: Thank you.      

Flight attendant: Would you like anything to drink?  

Alex Volgin: Yes, please. I'll have a glass of water and a cup of black coffee to start with.         

Flight attendant: Ok, I'll bring it in a few minutes. Anything to eat?     

Alex Volgin: I think, I'll have a ham sandwich. At what altitude are we going to fly?         

Flight attendant: The altitude will be about twenty-five thousand feet.  

Alex Volgin: One more question. How long is the flight?             

Flight attendant: The plane must start landing in an hour and a half.  

Alex Volgin: Thank you.


On a train

Brian: Excuse me, where is my seat?  

Train conductor: Can I have a look at your ticket, sir?      

Brian: Yes, sure. Here it is. Брайан: Да, конечно. Вот он.

Train conductor: Let's see. The seat number 25 is right in the middle of the carriage.        

Brian: Thank you. One more question: how long is it to Paris?  

Train conductor: It only takes about an hour to get there. This is an express train. 

Brian: I see. Thank you.        

Train conductor: Here is your seat, sir. Make yourself comfortable. If your luggage is heavy, you can put it up there.        

Brian: No, I'm fine, thank you. Can I close the window. It's rather chilly and windy.     

Train conductor: Yes, of course. We have an air conditioner working in the carriage. So there is no need to open the windows.     


Travelling by sea

Many people enjoy travelling by sea. They say it is the most pleasant means of travelling. They mean travelling by an ocean liner, which combines comfort and speed. You feel as if you are walking on good solid ground when on board the big liner. You can enjoy fresh sea air, the sights of the sea and the sky. No matter what the sea might be — calm or stormy, you feel comfortable and safe on board the big liner. But smaller ships are less comfortable, and in rough seas many passengers will be most unhappy. They get sea-sick, and then travelling by sea becomes a real torture for them.

If you have made up your mind to travel by sea you should book passage on board a modern liner. These liners are real floating cities with all modern conveniences and a wide choice of sport and entertainment facilities. Every modern liner has a number of decks with all sorts of names, such as "promenade deck", "sun deck", etc. There are passenger cabins above and below deck. A cabin looks very much like a compartment of a railroad sleeping-car, but the windows are different. In a cabin they are known as portholes.

You needn't worry about your meals on board the modern liner. Restaurants4 will take care of you. In short, if you are not sea-sick the voyage will give you many moments of pleasure.


Практичне заняття № 15

Passport control

 - Helen, the passport control officer will ask you for your passport. Produce it, please.

 - Oh, yes, here it is. I believe he will ask us where we are going to.

- That’s right. Besides he will be interested to know how long you are going to stay here.

- I am obliged to answer all questions. Is that so? - No doubt. You will have to tell the passport control officer about the purpose of your visit.

 - Anything else?

 - Nothing else. They are usually very polite.

 - Will he ask me about the visa I have?

- Sure, he can. He’ll be interested to know if you have a tourist visa, or a multiple entry and exit visa or an exchange one.

- But I have an immigration visa. It has been recently granted to me. I’m not going to extend it.

- O.K. Don’t be nervous. Everything will be fine.

 - Is that all?

 - No, after the passport control you’ll go through the customs control at the customs area.

Active vocabulary

could I see your passport, please? пожалуйста, покажите ваш паспорт

where have you travelled from?  откуда вы прибыли?

what's the purpose of your visit? какая цель вашего визита?

I'm on holiday                          я в отпуске

I'm on business                         это деловая поездка

I'm visiting relatives               я приехал к родственникам

 how long will you be staying?   как долго вы собираетесь здесь пробыть?

where will you be staying?   где вы будете жить?

you have to fill in this ...               вы должны заполнить ...

landing card                                    карту прибытия

immigration form                      иммиграционную карту

could you open your bag, please? откройте вашу сумку, пожалуйста

do you have anything to declare? у вас есть что-нибудь, подлежащее декларации?

you have to pay duty on these items    вы должны уплатить за это пошлину

EU citizens                                    Граждане ЕС

All passports                          Все паспорта


Wait behind the yellow line     Ждите за жёлтой чертой

Please have your passport ready Пожалуйста, приготовьте паспорт

Nothing to declare                            Нечего декларировать

Goods to declare                        Вещи, подлежащие декларации


Практичне заняття № 16


 -Good afternoon.

- Good afternoon Madame. How can I help you?

- I would like a double room with a bathroom.

- Wait a moment, please. Yes, we may offer you a room like that.

- I also would like it to be on the first floor.

- Hmm, unfortunately there are no vacancies on the first floor. But I suggest that you take the one on the second floor, at the back, whose windows overlook the mountains.

- That sounds fine. Is there a balcony in this room?

 -Yes, of course.

- Will I have any noisy neighbors?

 -No, there lives only one older couple in a room next to yours.

- Is there the air condition in my room?

- Of course. Moreover there is a telephone, radio and a TV set.

- How long is the room service available?

- All day and night. But you can order a hot meal only till 11 PM. And breakfast is included in the price.

- That sounds great.

- Can I ask, who are you saying with at the hotel?

- I am staying all by myself, but I like much space that is why I take double room.

- Yes, of course.

 -How much will it cost?

 -It is 60 pounds per night.

- Fine. May I go and see my room then?

 -Yes, Mike will show you the way.


- Well, the room is really nice and seems comfortable. I will stay there.

- Fine. Could you fill in the registration form?

- Sure.

- And I would like to see our IC or passport.

- Of course. Is it necessary to write my phone number in the form? I don't like giving it to anyone.

- If you don't, it makes no problem.

- And what is my room's number?

- It is 10. Here is the kea.

- And what about my car? Where is the parking?

- The porter may take you to the garage. He will bring the keas back and tell you, where the car stands.

- Fine. And what about my bags?

- Mike will take it to the room.

- Could you call me at 6:30 in the morning? I need to wake up and I always have problems with that.

- Of course. Do you expect any guests tonight?

- No I don't. Could I have breakfast delivered to my room?

- Sure. At what time?

- A quarter after seven.

- Ok. If you needed anything more, please call me.

- I will. Oh, and where is the swimming pool and sauna?

- It is in the basement. There is also a cocktail bar.

 -And where can I find Internet café?

- It is on the first floor, just under your room.

- Ok. Only one more thing- I want to order a bottle of champagne.

- The room service will bring it to you in 5 minutes.

- Thank you very much

- You are welcome.


 -Good evening.

 -Good evening Mrs. Stone. What can I do for you?

 -I want to send a fax for the number 422-35-78 in Krakow, Poland.

- Sure. Oh, and there is a message for you.

- Really? What is it?

- Mr. Smith called and said that he will be waiting for you in lunch time at the café in our hotel.

- Oh, that is nice. Thank you.


- Hello Mrs. Stone. Are you leaving today?

- Yes I am. I want to ask, how much will I have to pay for the hotel and all services?

- One moment, please. It all makes 1000 pounds.

 -Oh, that is quite much. And I didn't have hot water for one night.

- Oh, yes, I remember that. That will be 50 pounds less.

- And the swimming pool was closed for whole three days.

 -Well, we could do nothing about it. The pump broke down and it takes much time to repair it.

- But the hotel's headmaster said that the guests will pay less because of that.

- Wait a moment… Oh, yes, I am sorry I forgot about that. So all in al you are to pay 800 pounds.

- Ok. Do you accept credit cards and checks?

- Yes. How are you going to pay then?

- With the card. Here it is.

- Yes. Can you sign this receipt, please?

- Yes. And could you order a taxi for me?

- Sure. What time are you going to leave?

- In one hour. I am almost ready and my plane takes off at 4 PM.

- Ok. I will call the taxi. And may I ask you, where are you going now?

- Oh, I am going to visit my friend in California. I am quite nervous about the flight, because it is going to be very long and tiring.

- So don't forget to take a hot bathe before you leave.

- I will, thank you.

- And remember- anytime you visit Manchester, you are welcome to our hotel

- Thank you very much. I really enjoyed staying here.

- Thank you too. And good bye.

- Bye.


Практичне заняття № 21

Презентація фірми

Environmental protection

We are aware of the meaning of environmental protection, therefore Biplast d.o.o. carries out certain measures to reduce the load on environment:

Cooling of machines and moulds – we use a closed cooling system, so we don’t pollute clean water.

Cardboard packaging – waste cardboard and paper packaging is disposed by a company, dealing with recycling of it (Papirnica Količevo).

Waste plastic – waste plastic is disposed by a company, dealing with recycling (Omaplast).

Waste oil – waste oil is disposed by a company, which supplies new oil (CIM d.o.o.).

Noise – production process is done in closed spaces, so there is no noise pollution of the environment.

Products are marked with recycling symbols.

These measures help to achieve minimum load on the environment.

Our employees are trained annually by our supplier of machinery and equipment, who organizes these seminars. Employees have also finished a course on materials (composition, disadvantages, advantages, purpose of use...), which are used daily in our production process. These seminars are organized by our partner company Fist d.o.o.

Практичне заняття № 22


1. Develop a business plan for your business. The preparation of this document means you've looked at the market for your business, the competition, your customers, marketing strategies, goals, objectives and strategies and have completed a financial forecast for at least the first year of operation. You'll also know what start-up funding is required and for what uses.

2. Establish a legal entity for the business. Depending on your circumstances, you might want to keep the business as a sole proprietor, limited liability company (LLC), C corporation or S corporation. Ask your accountant and attorney which format works best for your circumstances.

3. Register the business and obtain licenses. States differ regarding what they require and the fees charged. The type of business also affects what licenses or permits you need. For example, if you decide to open a catering business, you need an inspection permit for your kitchen, food handler's license, sales privilege license to collect sales tax and possible special permits for garbage disposal. Contact the state's business development office to find out what's required. Call the city business development office where your business is located to determine its requirements.

4. Set up a bookkeeping system and checking account. A small business may only need to use an Excel spreadsheet to track sales and expenses, while a more complicated business may need a more involved accounting system. If you're unfamiliar with accounting, consider adding the services of an accountant, at least on a quarterly basis, to assist you. Separate business expenses from personal and household expenses. Pay business expenses from your business checking account. Keep sales revenues, including cash sales, separate from your personal financial accounts.

5. Lease space for the business if that's appropriate and necessary. If it's a home business, designate an area in your home as an office. With laptops and Wi-Fi, it's tempting to work anywhere and everywhere, but that may be inefficient. Gather all your business supplies, materials, records and correspondence in one place. It also gives you a psychological advantage to set up a home office. When you're there, you'll know you should be working, not cruising forums or checking email or Facebook.



Практичне заняття № 23

Ділові переговори

What is negotiation

Negotiation is an essential part of the every-day business life. It can take place at any time and in any place. Negotiation is a kind of meeting, but contrary to the latter it may be held in some unexpected and uncomfortable place such as the street or on the stairs.

There are several definitions of negotiation. It is said to be “the process for resolving conflict between two or more parties whereby both or all modify their demands to achieve a mutually acceptable compromise”. Thus, it is “the process of changing both parties’ views of their ideal outcome into an attainable outcome”.

The need of negotiation arises when we are not fully in control of events. Negotiations take place to handle mutual differences or conflict of:

interests(wages, hours, work conditions, prices: seller vs buyer)

rights(different interpretations of an agreement)

The aim of a negotiation is to come to an agreement which is acceptable to both sides, and to preserve the overall relationships. While specific issues are to be negotiated, common interest are yet still to be maintained. Negotiations do not mean “war”. Negotiators can still be friends and partners.

The approach

There are four main stages of negotiation:

Preparing objectives, information, strategy

Discussing (argue) and signalling willingness to move

Propose and bargain

Close and agree

While preparing to the negotiation it is important not only to prepare supporting arguments but also to define objectives. Objectives should be realistic and attainable and have certain priorities. It is also necessary to investigate the opponent’s plans and priorities, which can be rather difficult.

The general strategy for negotiation is to have a negotiating team of three people, who will also be involved in the preparation.

LeaderThe person who will do the talking and conduct the negotiations

SummariserThe person who will ask questions and summarise for control

ObserverThe person not involved in the actual negotiations, whose role is to watch, listen and record

80 % of the negotiating time is spent arguing. If it equals 100 % the negotiation will break down. There are two kinds of arguing:

Reasonable and constructiveDebates, discussions

Unreasonable and destructiveEmotional quarrels

The opponent may try to divert you by escaping into destructive behaviour. In this case, your behaviour should be not to interrupt, but to listen and control your feelings. Even if the battle is won, the war can be lost.

A negotiator should be constructive in arguments and try to get information by asking open questions or even leading questions. One thing should be tackled at a time and the opponent should be made justify his case item by item.

It is important to be non-committal and to state only ideals at first. Later, the information about the negotiator’s position can be given, and later alternative proposals can be made. Sometimes it is necessary to challenge the opponent, so that he demonstrates his strengths.

Negotiation means movement. It may be that both parties move on one issue. It may be that each moves on different issue. The motive forces are twofold:

SanctionsThe penalty of not agreeing

IncentivesThe benefits of agreeing. 

In both cases, the parties seek to protect their self-interests. They will show willingness to move by sending signals.

To signal is not to show weakness. But if both parties wait for the other to signal, the result will be deadlock.

The opponent’s signals will show his willingness to move. So one should listen, recognise his signals and interpret them, looking for the qualified words which are evidence of willingness to move.

Another very important point of negotiations is proposing and bargaining. Proposals should be realistic in order not to cause argument and deadlock. The language of the proposal signals one’s firmness. Weak language such as “we hope…, we like…, we prefer…” should be avoided. Instead, a phrase “we propose…” is appropriate.

The final step in a negotiation is closing and agreeing. There are two aspects to it:

When to close

How to close

The first is the most difficult moment to recognise. There is a balance between:

Closing too earlyMore concessions from the opponent could have been


Closing too lateThe opponents squeezed excessive concessions.

The aim of closing is to get the opposition to stop bargaining and to make an agreement. The final thing to do is to write down the agreement and agree what is written down. It is necessary to do this before leaving the negotiating table.


In spite of the existence of negotiating theories, it is frequently difficult to apply theoretical and conceptual knowledge in a practical situation. In order to be a good negotiator, one should have negotiation skills as well as a theoretical knowledge. But without a practical experience it is hard to negotiate effectively.

Interpersonal skills are very important in the negotiation, but what can help a negotiating party while thinking what to do is not an elaborated theory, but rather is it a simple analysis and intuition.


Практичне заняття № 24

Ділова лексика

-Good morning / afternoon / evening ladies and gentlemen Доброе утро / день / вечер дамы и господа

-My name is… I am … Меня зовут … Я являюсь …

-Today I would like to talk with you about … Сегодня я хотел бы поговорить с вами о…

-My aim for today’s presentation is to give you information about … Цель моей сегодняшней презентации – проинформировать вас о…

-I have been asked to comment on what I think of the way …  Меня попросили сказать / прокомментировать, что я думаю о способе …

-Please feel free to interrupt me if there ar

-Hello, this is Helen. Алло, Елена слушает.

-Helen speaking. Слушаю, Елена / Елена слушает (хотя дословно: говорит Елена)

-Good morning. This is Mr Ivanov’s secretary. Доброе утро. Секретарь господина Иванова.

-Impex Company, Helen speaking. Компания «Импеэкс», Елена.

-Hello, Frank and Brothers. How can I help you? Алло, компания «Фрэнк и братья». Чем могу помочь?

-Bob Peterson’s office, Frank speaking. Офис Боба Петерсона, Фрэнк слушает.

-Hello. Supermarket. Can I help you?  Алло. Супер

-Разрешите представить господина … May I introduce Mr …

-Знакомьтесь, господин … This is Mr …

- Meet Mr …

-Здравствуйте, господин … How do you do, Mr …

-Рад вас видеть. Glad to see you

-Проходите сюда, пожалуйста. (Come) this way, please

-Господин … ожидает вас.

 -Президент ожидает вас. Mr … is expecting you.

- The president is expecting you.

-Вы знакомы с господином … ? Have you met Mr …?

- Do you met Mr …?

-Да, мы знакомы (встречались). Yes, we’ve met.

-Нет, мы не знакомы. No, we haven’t met.

- No, I haven’t had the pleasure to meet you.

-Я приехал в …, чтобы обсудить вопрос о … I’ve come to … to discuss the point of …

-Чем могу быть полезен? What can I do for you?

-С чего мы начнем (сегодня)?   What shall we start with (today)?

-Я думаю, мы начнем с … I think we can (shall) start with …

-Дело в том, что … The point (The matter / The fact) is that …

-Давайте приступим к делу (к вопросу о …) Let’s get down to business

-Let’s get on to the point of …

-Давайте говорить по существу Let’s speak to the point

-Мне хотелось бы выяснить вопрос о …    I’d

-Здравствуйте, позвольте представиться.   Hello, let me introduce myself.

-Разрешите представить вам нашу делегацию:    Allow me to introduce our delegation to you:

-руководитель делегации head of the delegation

-финансовый директор фирмы financial director of the firm

-главный инженер фирмы chief engineer of the firm

-начальник отдела маркетинга head of the marketing department

-экономист economist

-Не могли бы вы представить меня господину … Will you introduce me to Mr …

-Как добрались? How was your trip?


Практичне заняття № 25

Особистий та діловий лист


Business letters and personal letters are formatted much differently. With some minor variations, business letters usually have 1-inch margins. They also have single spacing, with double spacing only between paragraphs and introductory data lines (e.g., date, subject). The letter is left justified with no paragraph indentation. Business letters also are always typed. By contrast, personal letters can have virtually any format. It is up to the writer to decide how he wants the personal letter to appear. A personal letter traditionally is handwritten, but with technology advancing, many people type personal letters on their computers because it's faster to type than write manually.


In a business letter, content is always objective-oriented -- that is, the purpose of the letter is transparent. With a personal letter, content can cover many different topics, and there is more of an emphasis on relating past events and emotions than on problem solving. Personal letters can be much more meandering. Personal letters may touch on some business or finance issues, but business letters never discuss personal issues unless those issues directly impact the business.

Language and Punctuation

Business letters use more formal language than personal letters. Writers pay special attention to word choice because word choice can make a huge difference in legal matters. Salutations and closings are polite and refer to proper titles (e.g., Chairman Edwards, Miss Neman). Colons are used more in business letters than personal letters, particularly after the salutation and the introductory data line labels (e.g. RE:, DATE:). Personal letters can use any language, including slang and non-business abbreviations like ttyl (talk to you later) or btw (by the way). The advantage to this is that the personality of the writer truly comes across. Business letters often lose the writer's true "voice." Personal letters use standard punctuation rules, but because they are so informal, writers often ignore some basic punctuation and capitalization standards.

Why Differentiate?

The main reason why people separate personal letters from business letters is because a standard method of writing a business letter creates efficiency in business operations. For example, businesspeople know they quickly can ascertain the purpose of the business letter from the subject line. Efficiency can translate into revenue. Another reason for differentiation is that using a professional format conveys that whatever is in the letter is of importance. Third, the use of business letter format is expected by professionals. If you do not adhere to business format with your company, you may come across as less prepared or inexperienced.


Практичне заняття № 26

Етикет ділового спілкування

Tough Wear

 45123 Anytown, MI 45123

July 15, 2004

Jeremy Adams

 541 Ramsey Court

 Yourtown, MI 78456

Letter 1

Dear Mr. Adams:

Thank you for shopping with us. You are a valued client and we appreciate your business and know that you want to keep your account current with us.

On May 3, 2004, you purchased $400 of merchandise from our store in Yourtown. Your payment of $150 is now overdue.

In the credit arrangement you signed, you agreed to pay off your bill in three payments. The first payment of $150 was due June 3, 2004. Please send this amount now.

Failure to pay on time may affect your ability to charge merchandise at our store. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

You may call me at 1-888-895-2563 if you have any questions or concerns. Your continued patronage is important to us.


Paime Mimonei

Credit Manager


Letter 2

Tone Deaf Music

587 East Street, Anytown, MI 45123

August 15, 2004

Linda Goodman

Guitars and Such

784 Peach Street

Yourtown, MI 45126

Dear Mrs. Goodman:

I will be in Yourtown on September 5, 2004 and would like to meet with you at your office to discuss the new guitar models that you may be interested in for the upcoming year.

I have enclosed our latest catalogue. Please note the items in light blue highlights. They are the new guitar models to come in and are now on a special to preferred clients.

I will contact you later this week to schedule an appointment. If you need to get in touch with me, please call me at 1-888-457-7896. I look forward to talking with you. Thank you for your continued business.

Sincerely Yours,

Paime Mimonei

Sales Representative


Letter 3

Tone Deaf Music

587 East Street, Anytown, MI 45123

December 16, 2004

Linda Goodman

Guitars and Such

784 Peach Street

Yourtown, MI 45126

Dear Mrs. Goodman:

On behalf of Tone Deaf Music we wish to express our sincerest appreciation for your continued patronage. It is because of valued customers like you that we are able to continue to offer you the finest in modern musical instruments.


Tone Deaf Music has been in business for 30 years. We are dedicated to bringing you the finest in acoustic and electric guitars, bass guitars, drums and amplifiers. Our motto is to “provide our customers with the best value for the lowest price” We've been following this motto for the past 30 years.

Tone Deaf appreciates your ongoing patronage and because of that, we are offering you a special deal on all new signature acoustic models. If you call our offices within the next 15 days, we will give you a 15% discount on all new signature models purchased in the month of January.

Sincerely Yours,

Paime Mimonei

Sales Representative


Практичне заняття № 27


Shop at office supply stores and craft shops such as Office Depot, Michaels and AC Moore (see Resources) for decorative letter paper appropriate for birthdays. Other supplies can include a computer with a word-processing program, such as Microsoft Word, and a printer. If desired, have on hand calligraphy pens or markers to sign the letter and hand-address envelopes.

Letter Invitation Ideas

Compose the birthday letter invitation as though it was being addressed individually to each guest (change the name of the guest it is addressed to). Be sure to include the important details for any birthday party invitation like date, time, place, who the party is for and who is giving it. This is fairly easy to do using a computer. An example of an invitation can be:

"Dear . . . (name of guest),"

"Please join us in celebrating (birthday person) birthday on

(date, time, place)."

"It's a surprise--he/she will be thrilled if you would come."

"Please call me at (phone number) or send an email to (email address)

to RSVP."

"This is going to be a very special event, and we look forward to seeing you."

(name of host/hostess)

If the letter invitation is more formal or business related, an example can be:

Dear (guest's name),

"You are invited to attend the birthday celebration for (birthday person),

who has served our organization for many years."

"The celebration will be held on (date) at (time) in the Great Hall


"We could not have reached our goals for the benefit of this community

without his dedicated time and effort."

"Please RSVP to (phone number) at your earliest convenience."


(name of chairman, birthday committee)

A Few Tips

If possible, deliver the letter invitations in person (or have someone deliver them) if the number of guests does not make the task difficult.

Roll the letter up and tie it with a pretty satin or organza ribbon. Attach a handwritten tag in calligraphy with the guest's name on it.

If mailing the letter invitation, use matching or complementary envelopes and write the name and address of the guest using a calligraphy pen or marker (use a friend with nice handwriting if you can't do it).

If a birthday is near a holiday, such as Christmas or Valentine's Day, a themed paper can be used for the invitation letter.


Практичне заняття № 28



Автобіографія - це опис свого життя. Цей документ характеризується незначним рівнем стандартизації. Головні вимоги під час його написання - вичерпність потрібних відомостей і лаконізм викладу. В автобіографії обов`язково зазначають:

1. Назву документа.

2. Прізвище, ім`я, по батькові.

3. Дату народження.

4. Місце народження (місто, село, селище, район, область, країна).

5. Відомості про навчання (повне найменування всіх навчальних закладів, у яких довелося вчитися).

6. Відомості про трудову діяльність (стисло, в хронологічній послідовності назви місць роботи й посад).

7. Відомості про громадську роботу (всі її види).

8. Стислі відомості про склад сім`ї (батько, мати, чоловік, дружина, діти).

9. Дата написання й підпис автора.

Заголовок (<Автобіографія>) пишеться посередині рядка, трохи нижче за верхнє поле. Кожне нове повідомлення слід починати з абзацу. Дата написання ставиться ліворуч під текстом, підпис автора - праворуч. Автобіографія має дві форми: автобіографія - розповідь з елементами опису й характеристикою згадуваних у ній людей і автобіографія - документ з точним поданням фактів.

Автобіографія - обов`язковий документ особової справи.

Зразок автобіографії:


Я, Максименко Тарас В`ячеславович, народився 13 грудня 1971 року в м. Києві.

У 1978 році пішов у перший клас середньої школи N185 м. Києва. Після закінчення 9 класів у 1985 році вступив до Юридичного ліцею м. Києва, який закінчив у 1987 році із золотою медаллю.

У 1988 році вступив на юридичний факультет Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Під час навчання в університеті був старостою групи.

У 1993 році закінчив повний курс згаданого університету за спеціальністю <Правознавство>. Після закінчення університету присвоєно кваліфікацію юриста. З вересня 1993 року працюю юристом у Міжнародному фонді <Відродження> м. Києва.

Склад сім`ї:

дружина - Максименко Надія Іванівна, 1973 року народження, вчителька української мови та літератури середньої школи N 38 м. Києва;

дочка - Максименко Олеся Тарасівна, народилася 12 лютого 1989 року.

18 листопада 2003 р.                                                                                                      Підпис



My name is Tatyana Belyaeva. I was born on May 10, 1985 in Moscow. From 1992 till 2002 I studied at school № 133 in Moscow. From 2002 till 2007 I studied at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Department of Finance.

From 2007 till the present I have been working for Planet, LTD in position of Regional Sales manager.


 My father, Victor Belyaev, born in 1960, works as a director of marketing for D&G, LTD.

 My mother, Elena Belyaeva, born in 1962, works as a teacher of Math in school № 141.

My address: 147 Pushkin Street, apt. 156.

30 March, 2013                                                                                                            Belyaeva



Практичне заняття № 29



How to write resume

Writing a resume in English can be very different than in your native tongue. The following article outlines how to write a resume. The most important step in how to write a resume is to take the time to prepare your materials thoroughly. Taking notes on your career, educational and other accomplishments and skills will ensure that you can shape your resume to a wide variety of professional opportunities.

Difficulty: Hard

Time Required: 2 hours

Here's How:

First, take notes on your work experience - both paid and unpaid, full time and part time. Write down your responsibilities, job title and company information. Include everything!

Take notes on your education. Include degree or certificates, major or course emphasis, school names and courses relevant to career objectives.

Take notes on other accomplishments. Include membership in organizations, military service and any other special accomplishments.

From the notes, choose which skills are transferable (skills that are similar) to the job you are applying for - these are the most important points for your resume.

Begin resume by writing your full name, address, telephone number, fax and email at the top of the resume.

Write an objective. The objective is a short sentence describing what type of work you hope to obtain.

Begin work experience with your most recent job. Include the company specifics and your responsibilities - focus on the skills you have identified as transferable.

Continue to list all of your work experience job by job progressing backwards in time. Remember to focus on skills that are transferable.

Summarize your education, including important facts (degree type, specific courses studied) that are applicable to the job you are applying for.

Include other relevant information such as languages spoken, computer programming knowledge etc. under the heading: Additional Skills

Finish with the phrase: REFERENCES Available upon request

Your entire resume should ideally not be any longer than one page. If you have had a number of years of experience specific to the job you are applying for, two pages are also acceptable.

Spacing: ADDRESS (center of page in bold) OBJECTIVE double space EXPERIENCE double space EDUCATION double space ADDITIONAL SKILLS double space REFERENCES. Left align everything except name/address.


Use dynamic action verbs such as: accomplished, collaborated, encouraged, established, facilitated, founded, managed, etc.

Do NOT use the subject 'I', use tenses in the past. Except for your present job. Example: Conducted routine inspections of on site equipment.

What You Need


Typewriter or Computer



Past Employer Addresses


Практичне заняття № 30

General interview questions

There are different question that are asked during an interview, here you are going to be able to take a look at them, remember that it is important to practice with them so at the time the interviewer ask , some of them are:

-Tell me about your self

-Why did you leave your last job?

-Do you have experience in this field?

-How successful have you been the past five years?

-How do you feel about this organization?

-What do your co-workers say about you?

-How do you feel about working in a team?

-Do you consider that you are a great asset to this company?

Common interview questions

There are many questions that are commonly asked during an interview, they are:

-What is your greatest weakness?

-How do you evaluate success?

-Why do you want this job?

-What are your goals for the future?

-Why are you leaving or have left your job?

-How do you handle stress and pressure?

-What is your greatest strength?

-Describe a difficult work situation / project and how you overcame it.

-Why should we hire you?


-What will you bring to the job or company if we employ you?

-Tell me about your life at College or University (or even your time in your previous job).

-What do you want to be doing in 2/5/10 years time?


-Where do you want to be in 2/5/10 years time?

-What is your ideal job?

-What would your references say about you?

-Tell me about something recently that really annoyed you.

-Give me some examples of how you have adapted your own communicating style to deal with different people and situations.

-What type of people do you get on with most/least?

-What do you find difficult in work, life, or relationships (etc)?

-How do you plan and organize your work?

-How much are you earning?/do you want to earn?

-How many hours a week do you work/prefer to work?

-Do you make mistakes?

-How do you balance work and family/social commitments?

-What do you think of your last boss/employer?

-If you won a million on the lottery what would you do?


Практичне заняття № 31

Зразки ділової документації

Demand Letter sample


Posted on February 7, 2009

November 5, 2009


Chief Executive Officer

Wala lang realty, Inc.

Unit 222-C

San Beach City, Baguio City


My services as counsel has been retained by spouses Juan and Maria Pantig relative to your contract entitle “Lot Purchase and House Construction Agreement” dated May 25, 2007.

I was made to understand that you, up to this date, have partially constructed only the foundation of the contracted house despite compliance on the part of my clients of obligations as stipulated in paragraphs One (1), Two (2), Three (3), and Four (4) of Article II (Terms of Payment).

My clients also informed this representation that they have completed the requirements for in-house finance as listed in the said contract specifically Article X paragraph b.

As per said contract, construction work should be commenced and finished 180 – 210 days after the completion of the pre-requisites (par. 1 Article X – Construction).

Sad to say that up to this date, the only construction work done is partially laying the foundation.

To avoid any court litigation resulting from breach of your contract with my clients, kindly comply with your obligation to complete the construction of the house by January 2007 as per contract.

Kindly take heed of this demand.






Mr. and Mrs. Juan dela Cruz


Proposal Letter Sample


Posted on April 3, 2009

April 3, 2009

Amazing Computers Enterprised

768 Capitol Drive, San Jose

Balanga city

Dear Mr. Roger de Guzman:


In reverence to your valuable time I would like to get straight to the point and express our deep apology for what happened last time.

The purchase order that we received from you last (date) clearly stated (number) cases and it is our error regarding the shipment of the product.

However, please be informed that to make up with the said mistake, there are two options available at this time. The first one is that, you can opt to keep the merchandise and we will just bill you thirty days from now. The second one is that, we will do our best to have it picked up at your loading dock and then issue a credit to you.

I will greatly appreciate it if you will let me know your preference between the two. We will ensure that this type of error will occur again.

Please let me know if you need assistance regarding this one. Feel free to call me and I will be glad to help you.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Yours truly,

Eireen Tinao

232 Tenement St., Abulog

Samal, Bataan


Application Letter Sample


Posted on May 21, 2009

Human Resources Department

HR Manager


January 21, 1997

Dear Miss Eireen Santos,

In response to your advertisement that you are in need of IT specialist, I would like to apply and be a part of your company. I am very much interested with the said position and I am confident that my experience and skills could be a great help to your company. As you will note from my enclosed resume, I have a wide range of experience in the line of IT industry.

With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications of new technologies.

I strongly believe that my competitive technical experiences and education will make me capable of the job.

I am available to meet with you at a time that’s convenient to you. Please contact me to set up a time via my cell phone 323-322-32222. I look forward to hear from you soon.


Ed Pudol



Практичне заняття № 32

Контракт. Угода

A contract is a legally enforceable document which binds two or more involved parties. It is an agreement that defines the certain obligations required to be followed by the parties.

Even though a contract may be an oral agreement but since it lacks material evidence, therefore contracts are generally written. Some oral contract examples are-buying a book or a food item. Examples of written contracts are-buying a land or a piece of land.

Contracts are of the following two types:

Bilateral contract-It is a typical type of a contract where one party offers and the other party agrees. For example: When a land is on sale, the seller offers and the buyer agrees to buy it for a fixed price.

Unilateral contract-This is a kind of a contract wherein only one of the two parties makes a promise. For example: Tim promises to pay John a reward of $20 if John finds Tim’s bag. Here Tim will be obliged to pay the reward since he promised.

The following requirements must be fulfilled to make a contract:

A valid offer and the acceptance of the contract.

Legally sufficient information

Lawfulness of purpose

Consent to contract

The monetary considerations and details of method of payment.

There are multiple types of contracts under various topics:

Employment contracts

Repair and maintenance contracts

Service contracts

Generic contracts

Clinical contracts

Loan contracts

Supple chain contracts

These are just a few categories of contracts. This website will provide you detailed contracts on wide array of topics among which you can use the one as per your requirement.



This agreement ("Agreement") is made this {date} day of {month}, {year}, between {Company Name}, a staffing agency henceforth known as "Agency," and {Name}, a prospective temporary employee henceforth known as "Employee."

Agreement is made to establish a relationship between Agency and Employee, with regard to the Agency's efforts to secure employment for Employee.

Agency agrees:

- to maintain updated résumé and/or contact information for Employee, and to provide said information to any interested companies.

- to allow Employee access to any job listings Agency provides, whether on a job website, Agency website, newsletter, etc.

- to contact Employee {daily, weekly, etc.} with regard to any jobs that may fit Employee's qualifications.

- to submit Employee's name to any matching jobs {daily, weekly, etc.}, and to make all possible efforts to find employment for Employee.

- to pay Employee {weekly, bimonthly, etc.} via {check, direct deposit, etc.}.


 Employee agrees:

- to acknowledge that {he/she} is a representative of Agency, and is expected to act accordingly while on any job and/or in any capacity in which Agency is involved.

- to provide Agency with updated résumé and/or contact info.

- to maintain confidentiality about any information related to Agency and any company that may hire Employee.

- to inform Agency if {he/she} will be late, is unable to attend work, intends to quit a job, receives an offer of promotion, etc.

- to turn in timecards {weekly, bimonthly, etc.}.

- to accept that any hiring company will pay Agency directly, and that Agency will pay Employer, less a {number}% fee and any applicable taxes.

Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time, without penalty.


 ________________________________                          ________________________________

 Employee Name                                                               Agency Representative Name


 ________________________________                          ________________________________

 Employee Signature                                                         Agency Representative Signature



Практичне заняття № 33

Types of contracts

A contract may relate to virtually any type of transaction. Contracts may relate to performance of a service, sale, or transfer of ownership of property, or a combination of these types of transactions. Parties to a contract may be individuals, partnerships, corporations, or even governments. There may be more than two persons to a contract. With some exceptions, only the parties making a contract have rights or duties under the contract. It is possible for other persons to have rights and duties with respect to a contract other than the original parties to the contract. For example, rights under a contract may be assigned to a third person. Also, a contract may be made for the benefit of a third person as in a life insurance contract. A life insurance contract involves the insurance company, the insured, and the beneficiary.

A valid contract is a legally-binding contract that is made in accordance with all legal requirements. A voidable contract is an agreement that would be binding and enforceable except the circumstances surrounding its execution, or the fact that one of the parties lacks “capacity,” makes the contract voidable at the option of one of the parties. For example, a person who has been forced to sign an agreement may avoid being bound by the agreement. A void agreement is an agreement which is without legal effect. For example, an agreement which deals with the performance of an illegal act is void.

An executed contract is a contract that has been completely performed. Nothing remains to be done by either party. For example, if you go into a furniture store and agree with the salesman to pay $400.00 for a chair and then pay the salesman cash and take delivery of the furniture, the contract has been completely executed. In an executory contract, something remains to be done by one or both of the parties. If a contract is executed between a seller and a buyer regarding the purchase of land, and both parties agree that the sale will be consummated after the buyer obtains his loan and the seller gives a certificate of title (showing no defects), the contract is enforceable, but it is said to be executory.

An option contract is a contract that gives the right to one party to enter into a second contract with the other party at a later date. One of the most common forms of option contracts deals with the sale of real estate. In this type of contract, the prospective buyer will be granted an option to purchase the property within a specified period of time. The prospective buyer will pay the seller a sum of money since the seller is, in effect, taking the property off the market during the option period. If the prospective buyer exercises his option during that time, a second contract is entered into regarding the sale of the property. If the option period expires, then neither party has any obligation to the other. The money paid to the buyer for the option is retained by the buyer.

Практичне заняття № 34

Доповідь. Види доповідей

Report . Types of reports

Annual Reports

Annual reports are one of the better known types of business communications. Public companies are required by the Securities and Exchange Commission to draft and distribute an annual report with financial information to stakeholders. Privately held companies or associations may also issue an annual report to employees, stakeholder groups or volunteer boards of directors. In addition to financial information, these reports include an overview of the past year, including new products released, milestones achieved or communication campaigns launched.

Project Reports

A project report updates management, team members or a client on the status of an assignment or undertaking. Reports may be assigned at regular intervals or conducted by request. Effect report writing requires the author to strike an appropriate balance of "need to know" information with supporting detail. For example, a report on the development of a new website intended for the CEO should be organized with the main points first combined with any calls or requests for action. Including every single detail covering all twists and turns of the project will frustrate the reader and may cause him to question the thinking behind the project.

Research Reports

Company leadership may ask for a research report from a department or outside firm before embarking on a new venture or to evaluate the effectiveness of programs or products. A research report includes an abstract that summarizes the problem researched and its solutions, a summary of the method used during the research, the results of the research and a conclusion or discussion section that outlines recommendations. The size of the report will depend on the complexity of the research project.

Практичне заняття № 1

Фізико-географічне положення Великобританії


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