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Level Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate

Level Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate



Task 1

You are going to read a review of restaurants. For questions 1-10 choose from the places A-H.


In which restaurant:

1. You’ll learn how to cook a meal.

2. The date of its foundation is mentioned.

3. The waiters are coquettish but the food isn’t good.

4. It represents the cuisines of different countries.

5. The prices are high.

6. You can watch a bakery competition.

7. The cuisine is not complicated but loved by many as well as the air of this chain of restaurants.

8.  The interior is extraordinary.

9. The people who usually criticize others will be tried themselves.

10. The symbol of a religious group is mentioned.


A  Hogwarts for chefs
Since it was opened in 1910, The Vincent Rooms has only been reviewed twice before. Given that Jamie Oliver, Ainsley Harriott and Antony Worrall Thompson have all done stints in its kitchen, such underexposure seems scandalous.

B  World Cup on a plate

Football flavours: We're getting a taste of other nations' football skills during the World Cup, so why not get a taste for their national cuisine? From South American salt cakes to pickled Portuguese pig's ear, we reveal the best restaurants with an international flavour.


C  Gourmets try on chef's hat

Food news: Food critics Terry Durack, Tom Parker Bowles, Tracey Macleod, Charles Campion, Bill Knott and Toby Young are to put themselves in the firing line by baking cakes which will be judged by the public.

D  Babylon comes to Camden

Restaurant review: At first glance Ian Pengelley's dazzling new restaurant looks like a corker. But, David Sexton asks, is it just another case of style over substance?

E  Chefs team up for food festival

Food news: Top chefs from Antonio Carluccio to Michel Roux Jr will be revealing trade secrets at the Taste of London food festival. So if you want to find out how to cook the perfect Sunday lunch, pop along.

F  Turbot-charged bill

Restaurant review: Hosteria del Pesce's logo looks like the fish symbol beloved of nouveau Christians. Perhaps that's because when you get the bill, you squeak: 'Jesus Christ almighty', muses Marina O'Loughlin. ..

G  Flirty taste of Italy

Restaurant review: Flirtatious staff are the order of the day at the Amici Bar & Italian Kitchen. And this means that it might just go the distance despite the rather lackluster cooking, says Marina O'Loughlin

H  Dine out at a local hero's

Renowned restaurants: With their informal atmospheres, generous prices and good, simple cooking the reputation of these restaurants reaches much further than their postcode. Charles Campion reveals the local heroes worth celebrating...


Task 2

You are going to read an article about Asian cuisine. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-H for each part 1-6 of the article. There’s one extra heading which you don’t need to use. There’s an example at the beginning.

Asian cuisine

A. Japan in a box.

B. They eat everything.

C. Famous proverb.

D. Vegetable sculptures.

E. Royal origin.

F. How to eat.

G. Common ingredients.

H. The kingdom of rice.

0 H

The common denominator for Asian meals is rice which comes in many different types, colors, shapes and sizes. And the most commonly used condiment is soya sauce.


A journey through Asian cuisines is truly astonishing. Asian cuisine is based on cultural customs existing in every country, on a variety of ingredients, unusual combinations in respect of taste and stunning aromas. Also, the tradition of many religions of Asia is very significant, as it considers that food nourishes not only the body, but also the soul. The delicious taste of this cuisine results from the fact that it “descended” from the royal tables of great dynasties.


The dish which is characteristic for Japan is called bento. The meal hides under this name a rectangular box with small compartments in which different cold dishes are thoroughly and beautifully arranged. The meals can be: sushi, rice, baked fish, vegetables with sauce, pieces of fruit. Bento is served on picnics, when traveling; it also plays the role of fast-food. Traditionally, the wife prepares bento for her husband to take with him to work.


One of the most popular Asian cuisines is the Chinese cuisine, to be more specific, the Canton cuisine. In the Chinese cuisine the dominant ingredients are: rice, vegetables and soya. Meat and fish are not eaten in such quantities as in other cuisines.


The art of vegetable and fruit carving is known in the Chinese, Korean and Japanese culture, but is a specialty of the Thai cuisine. Marvelous works of art made from fruits and vegetables are served during parties and special events, they are also brought as an offering to monasteries.


Chinese cuisine encompasses all the regional cuisines. World restaurants serving Chinese food offer mainly Canton cuisine. This results from the fact that Cantons are the ones who most often open restaurants on the whole planet. Thanks to them, now anyone can check the meaning of a famous saying which illustrates the variety of this cuisine: “The Cantons eat except humans; everything that has four legs, except tables and everything that has two wings, except airplanes”.


An important element of Chinese table manners is the technique of lapping up. In China you should do it loudly and with appetite. In Japan you are expected to take a portion of long pasta using chopsticks, put it in your mouth and “lap up” the rest, making a quiet sound. A wise man would say: “If you don’t know how to do it, listen to the sound of those around you”.



Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


Task 1

Task 2

Write in little/a little or few/a few.


1. I’d like to cook _____ salads and _____ bigos for our party.

2. Only _____ people visited this café though it’s been opened for three weeks already.

3. You’ve cooked too _____ for dinner. We are going to have guests round.

4. Have we got _____ baking soda? –Yes, why?

5. _____ new restaurants are opening this summer. I’d like to visit all.

6. There’s too _____ dessert for everybody. I think I’ll go and buy _____ ice-cream.

7. Buy _____ buns, please. They are so tasty.

8. I ate _____ sweets but now I’ve got a terrible toothache.

9. You can put just _____ sugar into this sauce and it will be great.

10. Buy _____ more kilos of tomatoes. I will cook ketchup.


Task 3

Task 4



Task 1

1. E

2. A

3. G

4. B

5. F

6. C

7. H

8. D

9. C

10. F

Task 2

1. E

2. A

3. G

4. D

5. C

6. F



Task 1

1. f

2. i

3. h

4. j

5. d

6. e

7. g


Task 2

1. cucumbers

2. sugar

3. salt

4. water

5. good service

6. mushrooms

Task 3

1. food

2. meal

3. recipe

4. cook

5. lunch

6. curry

7. dish


Task 1

1. -

2. an

3. a

4. a

5. a

6. -

7. -

8. -

9. -

10. -

11. -

12. -

13. -

14. -

15. a

Task 2

1. a few, a little

2. a few

3. little

4. a little

5. a few

6. little, a little

7. a few

8. a few

9. a little

11 a few


Task 3

1. have already had

2. have bought

3. has tried

4. have made

5. have been

6. have ordered

7. has drunk

8. have booked

9. have cooked

10. have gone

Task 4

1. a

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. a

6. b

7. a

8. b

9. b

10. a

Level Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate



Task 1


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