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English consonants according to the manner of articulation.

Aspiration in English

Aspiration – strong explosion of breath. In English a voiceless plosive that is p, t or k is aspirated whenever it stands as the only consonant at the beginning of the stressed syllable.

p, t k in initial position in a stressed syllable are accompanied by aspiration , a strong breath in a voiceless interval after the explosion of (p,t,k) before a vowel. The Russian (п,т,к,) are produced with less energy, therefore no aspiration accompanies their pronunciation. Aspiration is very strong before, a long vowel as a diphthong as in port, talk, cart, poke, Kate; it is weaker before a short vowel as pot, top, cut. It is noticeable before an unstressed vowel, as in proper, porter, poker on in final positions as in lip, put, cook. If stops are preceded by(s) there is hardly and aspiration at all in speech, stop, school.

English consonants according to the degree of noise.

According to the degree of noise English and Russian conso­nants are divided into two big classes:

Class A. Noise consonants.

Class B. Sonorants.

A. In the production of noise consonants there is a noise component characteristic. Noise consonant sounds vary:

(1) In the work of the vocal cords,

(2) in the degree of force of articulation.

According to the work of the vocal cords they may be voice­less and voiced.

When the vocal cords are brought together and vibrate we hear voice.

Voiced consonants are: the English; in Russian

If the vocal cords are apart and do not vibrate we hear only noise and the consonants are voiceless.  



Voiceless consonants are: the English; the Russian.

 Voiced consonants are not fully voiced in all word positions, in word final position, for example, they are partly devoiced.

The degree of noise may vary because of the force of articula­tion. Strong noise consonants are produced with more mus­cular energy and stronger breath effort. Weak noise conso­nants are produced with a relatively weak breath effort.

Strong noise consonants are: the English. Weak noise consonants are: the English. English phoneticians call the weak consonants lenis and the strong noise consonants f o r t i s


 B. Sonorants (or sonorous consonants) are made with tone prevailing over noise because of a rather wide air passage. They are: the English                                      

The particular quality of a sonorant depends on the position of the soft palate. Occlusive sonorants are also made with a complete obstruction but the soft palate is lowered and the air stream escapes through the nose, so they are nasal

The English occlusive nasal sonorants:

Centering diphthongs.

A centering diphthong is one that begins with a more peripheral vowel and ends with a more central one, such as [ɪə̯], [ɛə̯], and [ʊə̯] in Received Pronunciation or [iə̯] and [uə̯] in Irish.


ere \— here, severe                               ' | ea j—(- idea, real

eer ;—- deer, pioneer                                  ! ier\—^ fierce, pierce

ear/— clear, near                                            

The nucleus of the diphthong is the front-retracted, close (broad variant), unrounded vowel [i] (not [i:]).



are — care, parents ;                              ere — there, where

ear :bear, wear    

The nucleus of the dipthong is front,open(narrow variant),unrouded


u — cure, fury                                            ue    — cruel, fluent

oor — poor, moor                           ewer, uer — fewer, truer
our — tour, tourist 

The nucleus of the diphthong is back-advanced, close (broad variant), slightly rounded


Aspiration in English

Aspiration – strong explosion of breath. In English a voiceless plosive that is p, t or k is aspirated whenever it stands as the only consonant at the beginning of the stressed syllable.

p, t k in initial position in a stressed syllable are accompanied by aspiration , a strong breath in a voiceless interval after the explosion of (p,t,k) before a vowel. The Russian (п,т,к,) are produced with less energy, therefore no aspiration accompanies their pronunciation. Aspiration is very strong before, a long vowel as a diphthong as in port, talk, cart, poke, Kate; it is weaker before a short vowel as pot, top, cut. It is noticeable before an unstressed vowel, as in proper, porter, poker on in final positions as in lip, put, cook. If stops are preceded by(s) there is hardly and aspiration at all in speech, stop, school.

English consonants according to the manner of articulation.

The manner of articulation of consonants is determined by the type of obstruction. The obstructions may be complete, in­complete and momentary. When the obstruction is complete the organs of speech are in contact and the air stream meets a clo­sure in the mouth or nasal cavities.

In case of an incomplete obstruction the active organ of speech moves towards the point of articulation and the air stream goes through the narrowing between them

According to the manner of articulation consonants may be of four groups:

1. Occlusive.

2. Constrictive.

3. Occlusive-constrictive (affricates).

4. Rolled...............

1.Occlusive consonants are sounds in the production which the air stream meets a complete obstruction in mouth. Occlusive noise consonants are called stops because the breath is com­pletely stopped at some point articulation and then it is released with a slight explosion, that is why, they are also called plo­sives. According to the work of the vocal cords stops may be voiced and voiceless.

Occlusive voiced consonants are: the English b d g

Occlusive voiceless consonants are: the English p t k

According to the force of articulation English voiced stops are weak (lenis), voiceless are strong (fortis).

The particular quality of a sonorant depends on the position of the soft palate. Occlusive sonorants are also made with a complete obstruction but the soft palate is lowered and the air stream escapes through the nose, so they are nasal

The English occlusive nasal sonorants: m,n,N

2. Constrictive consonants are those in the production of which the air stream meets an incomplete obstruction in the res­onator, so the air passage is constricted. Both noise consonants and sonorants may be constrictive.

Constrictive noise consonants are called fricatives, i. e. the consonant sounds in the articulation of which the air pas­sage is constricted and the air escapes through the narrowing with friction.

The English fricatives:                                    

The English voiced fricatives:

Fricatives may also differ:

In the work of the vocal cords.

In the degree of force of articulation.

According to the work of the vocal cords they may be voiced and voiceless.

The English voiced fricatives:

The English voiceless fricatives:

According to the force of articulation voiced consonants are weak |lenis), voiceless consonants are strong

Constrictive sonoiants are also made with an incomplete ob­struction but with a rather wide air passage; so tone prevails over noise.

The English constrictive sonorants

3. Occlusive-constrictive consonants or affricates are noise consonant sounds produced with a complete obstruction which is slowly released and the air escapes from the mouth with some friction. There are only two occlusive-constrictives in English:

Affricates are oral according to the position of the soft palate.

4. Rolled consonants are sounds pronounced with periodical momentary obstructions when the tip of the tongue taps quickly several times against the teeth ridge and vibrates in the air stream. They are the Russian


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