Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Раздел 1.Вводно-коррективный курс



Введение …………………………………………………………………… 3
Примерное содержание учебной дисциплины «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК» ………………………………………………………………………   4
Общие методические указания по изучению дисциплины ……………… 8
Методика работы со словарем ……………………………………………. 8
Методические указания при работе с текстом …………………………... 9
Требования по оформлению контрольной работы ……………………… 10
Варианты контрольных работ для IV курса ……………………………... 11
Варианты контрольных работ для V курса ……………………………… 22
Перечень рекомендуемых учебных изданий, дополнительной литературы ………………………………………………………………….   42



Учебная дисциплина «Английский язык» относится к общему гуманитарному и социально-экономическому циклу основной профессиональной программы.

В соответствии с Федеральными государственными образовательными стандартами среднего профессионального образования выпускник должен  уметь:

общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;

переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.


лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов  профессиональной направленности.

Учебная дисциплина «Английский язык» изучается на 3,4 и 5 курсах заочного отделения; на освоение дисциплины отводится от 251-до 261 часов, которые включают аудиторные занятия и внеаудиторную (самостоятельную) работу студентов.

Профессионально ориентированный момент различается по содержанию для каждой специальности.

Методические указания содержат примерную рабочую программу дисциплины, методические указания по изучению дисциплины и выполнению контрольной работы, варианты контрольных работ.

Промежуточной формой аттестации по дисциплине является дифференцированный зачёт.

Список литературы включает основные и дополнительные источники, которые помогут при выполнении контрольных работ.

Примерное с одержание учебной дисциплины «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК»


Раздел 1.Вводно-коррективный курс

Тема 1.1.Описание людей: друзей, родных и близких и т.д. (внешность, характер, личностные качества).Лексический материал по теме.

Фонетический материал - основные звуки и фонемы английского языка; основные способы написания слов на основе знания правил правописания; совершенствование орфографических навыков. Грамматический материал: простые нераспространенные предложения с глагольным, составным именным и составным глагольным сказуемым; простые предложения, распространенные за счет однородных членов предложения и/или второстепенных членов предложения; предложения утвердительные, вопросительные, отрицательные, побудительные и порядок слов в них;безличные предложения;понятие глагола-связки

Тема 1.2.Межличностные отношения дома, в учебном заведении, на работе .

Лексический материал по теме: расширение потенциального словаря за счет овладения интернациональной лексикой, новыми значениями известных слов и новых слов, образованных на основе продуктивных способов словообразования.

Грамматический материал: модальные глаголы, их эквиваленты;предложения с оборотом thеrе is/аrе; сложносочиненные предложения: бессоюзные и с союзами and, but;образование и употребление глаголов в Present, Past, Future Simple/Indefinite.

Раздел 2.Развивающий курс

Тема 2.1 Повседневная жизнь условия жизни, учебный день, выходнойдень.Лексический материал по теме.Грамматический материал: имя существительное: его основные функции в предложении;имена существительные во множественном числе, образованные по правилу, а также исключения;артикль: определенный, неопределенный, нулевой.Основные случаи употребления определенного и неопределенного артикля. Употребление существительных без артикля.

Тема 2.2.Здоровье, спорт, правила здорового образа жизни.Лексический материал по теме.Грамматический материал: числительные; система модальности;

Тема 2.3. Город, деревня, инфраструктура . Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал: образование и употребление глаголов в Present, Past, Future Simple/Indefinite

Тема 2.4. Досуг . Лексический материал по теме.Грамматический материал:образование и употребление глаголов в Present, Past, Future Simple/Indefinite;использование глаголов в Present Simple/Indefinite для выражения действий в будущем; придаточные предложения времени и условия (if/when).

Тема 2.5. Новости, средства массовой информации . Лексический материал по теме.Грамматический материал: образование и употребление глаголов в Present Continuous/Progressive, Present Perfect;местоимения: указательные (this/these, that/those) с существительными и без них, личные, притяжательные, вопросительные, объектные.

Тема 2.6.Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология) .Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал:сложноподчиненные предложения с союзами because, because of, so, if, that, that is why;понятие согласования времен и косвенная речь;неопределенные местоимения, производные от some, аnу, nо, еvегу.

- имена прилагательные в положительной, сравнительной и превосходной степенях, образованные по правилу, а также исключения.

наречия в сравнительной и превосходной степенях, неопределенные наречия

Тема 2.7.Образование в России и зарубежом, среднее профессиональное образование . Лексический материал по теме.

 Грамматический материал:глаголы в страдательном залоге, преимущественно в Indefinite Passive; инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты и способы передачи их значений на родном языке; признаки и значения слов и словосочетаний с формами на - ing без обязательного различения их функций.

Тема 2.8.Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение, обычаи и праздники .Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал:предложения со сложным дополнением типа I want you to come here;сложноподчиненные предложения с союзами for, as,till,until, (as) though;предложения с союзами neither…nor, either….or; дифференциальные признаки глаголов в Раst Регfесt, Раst Continuous, Future in the Раst ;признаки инфинитива и инфинитивных оборотов и способы передачи их значений на родном языке.

Тема 2.9.Общественная жизнь (повседневное поведение, профессиональные навыки и умения) . Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал:  глаголы в страдательном залоге, преимущественно в Indefinite Passive; сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными типа If I were you, I would do English

Тема 2.10 .Научно-технический прогресс. Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал: предложения со сложным дополнением типа I want you to come here; сложноподчиненные предложения с союзами for, as, till, until, (as) though; сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными типа If I were you, I would do English.Глаголы в страдательном залоге, преимущественно в Indefinite Passive

Тема 2.11 .Профессии, карьера. Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал для продуктивного усвоения:распознавание и употребление в речи изученных ранее коммуникативных и структурных типов предложения; в том числе условных предложениях (Сonditionail I, II, III)

Тема 2.12 . Отдых, каникулы, отпуск. Туризм . Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал: дифференциальные признаки глаголов в Раst Соntinuous; признаки инфинитива и инфинитивных оборотов и способы передачи их значений на родном языке.

Тема 2.13 . Искусство и развлечения . Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал: глаголы в страдательном залоге.

Тема 2.14 . Государственное устройство, правовые институты .Лексический материал по теме.

Грамматический материал: дифференциальные признаки глаголов в Past Perfect, Раst Соntinuous, Future in the Past. Признаки инфинитива и инфинитивных оборотов и способы передачи их значений на родном языке. Признаки и значения слов и словосочетаний с формами на -ing без обязательного различения их функций.

Раздел 3 . Профессионально-ориентированный момент

Для специальности 140409 (13.02.07)Электроснабжение (по отраслям).

Тема 3.1 . Электроприборы. Деловой английский. Деловая поездка. Лексический материал по темам. Грамматический материал для продуктивного усвоения: пассивный залог и способы передачи его значений на родном языке структура сложного предложения, речевые структуры общения.

Тема 3.2 . Системы энергоснабжения. Виды электропередач, трансмиссия, заземление, короткое замыкание, меры безопасности.

Деловое письмо. Лексический материал по теме. Грамматический материал: сложноподчиненные и сложно-сочиненные предложения, союзное и бессоюзное соединение

Тема 3.3 . Электростанции. Виды. Промышленный потенциал Вологодской области. Резюме. Лексический материал по теме. Грамматический материал: словообразование,модальность английского глагола, причастие настоящего и прошедшего времени,артикли; аннотация к тексту.

Тема 3.4 . Система энергоснабжения. Подстанция. Ток высокого напряжения. Виды деловых бума г . Лексический материал по теме. Грамматический материал: пассивный залог; структура английского предложения разного типа; конверсия;придаточные условия и времени

Дифференцированный зачёт.

На 3-м курсе заочного обучения студенты получают дифференцированный зачёт ,при условии выполнения заданий по чтению, письму, аудированию и говорению во время практических занятий сессии.

Студенты 4 и 5 курсов получают дифференцированный зачёт при условии написания контрольной работы и получения положительных оценок по основным видам речевой деятельности на практических занятиях во время сессии.

Варианты контрольных работ для IV курса.

Контрольная работа для IVкурса каждого варианта состоит из 3-х заданий.

Задания №1 и №2 –это задания по лексике; задание №3-это задание по грамматике, оно является общим для всех вариантов.


№ студента 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
№ варианта 7 11 9 6 8 10 9 3 5 2 4 1 11 8 5 3 1 6 9 10 4 11 7 8 2

Блок заданий по лексике.


Задание №1. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

“Types of cars”

The very first freight cars are known to have been used in coal mines in England. They were open-top wagons which had wooden wheels and were pulled by horses along wooden rails. They were followed by platform cars. Later, covered cars came into existence. As time went on and railways had to carry more and more freight, bigger and better cars were invented for hauling different kinds of goods. Today, the railways have several classes of freight cars. The box car is considered to be the most common type of covered cars. It is a general-purpose car invented to carry all kinds of ordinary goods which must be protected from the weather. A special type of box car is a refrigerator-car used for hauling food products. The walls, floor and roof of this wagon are air and waterproof to protect goods from the heat of the outside air.

Coal, ore, gravel and other similar goods are known to be conveyed in open-top cars, principal types of these being the gondola and hopper car. Both types are designed for mechanized loading and unloading and therefore built especially strong and durable. The simplest type of car is the flat car. Being usually employed for transportation rails, beams, timber and heavy machines, they if fitted with special devices can also carry containers. The early passenger cars were copied after stage-coaches and were very small and uncomfortable. In England, the carriages for the first class passengers had three compartments with soft seats and doors at either side. There was a high seat at the back for the guard, the baggage being carried on the roof. The second class carriages also were bad and primitive. As to the third class passengers, they had to ride in uncovered wagons having no seats at all. The early trains had neither lightning nor heating. We know the passenger rolling stock of today to comprise several types of cars. There exist sleeping and dining cars coaches for day and night service etc. The modern rolling stock is built with two types of inside arrangement. One is the compartment type with a side corridor, and the other is the open vehicle with a central passage. Many innovations have been introduced in car construction since the early days. Modern carriages are made of lightweight steel, aluminum and plastics. The application of these materials has resulted in considerable reduction of the rolling stock weight and, in addition, has increased the resistance of cars to corrosion.


Вопросы к тексту:

1) Where were the very first freight cars used?

2) What is the common type of covered cars?

3) What is the simplest type of car?

4) What is a special type of box car?

Задание №2. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания :

to prevent goods from spoiling, to carry vegetables from the South, breakage,cars employed by railways, commodities packed by the factory, firmly fastened bulkheads, long-distance trains,sleeping cars,improvement,operation, to modernize as many cars as possible.



Задание №1. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

“Box cars, tank cars and refrigerators.”

The boxcars constitute another large class of freight wagons. Boxcars are primarily employed to transport valuable commodities and products requiring protection from weather or breakage. There are special boxcars used by different railroads to carry automobiles and their parts. These cars are provided with a special device used to hold motor cars securely in place for safe transportation. Some cars can accommodate a double row of automobiles, one set above the other, thus doubling the capacity of the wagon. As a rule, boxcars are used to carry goods in packaged form. Sometimes movable bulkheads are used to hold bags, boxes, barrels of different sizes and shapes in place. But sometimes shipments destined for different places are loaded in the same car. By using bulkheads firmly fastened to side walls it is possible to divide the wagon into compartments so that freight for a single station can be packed in a single compartment. The refrigerator car is also considered to be a special car used for transporting meat, fruit, vegetables, fish etc., which must be kept cold to prevent them from spoiling. The walls, floor and roof of these cars are to be water-proof, air-tight and they are to be insulated. It is the refrigerator car which makes it possible for people living in the most distant places to have fresh fruits and vegetables all the year round. Some freight is to be carried in liquid or semi-liquid form. The transportation of such freight requires a large number of specialized cars, called tank cars. The products carried in these cars include different oils, acids, compressed gases, wine milk, etc. Special linings are used to prevent tank damage from contamination of products, some tanks being made of aluminum, others being lined with rubber, lass, enamel or stainless steel.

Вопросы к тексту:

2) With what aim are special boxcars used?

3) With what device are these cars provided?

4) What can you say about refrigerator?

5) What cars are used to carry some freight in liquid and semi-liquid form?

Задание №2. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:

bulk materials, firmly fastened bulkheads, specially designed cars, carefully packed goods, greatly improved car designs, contamination of products,to prevent tank from damage,modern passenger cars,sleeping cars,baggage, long-distance trains,the future of transport.

Вариант № 3

Задание №1. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

“Road transport. Traffic rules.”

Every year several thousand people are killed on the roads, others are injured.

Traffic regulations are international nowadays. But special regulations valid for one country only are also to be taken into consideration. Traffic in Russia is on the right-hand side of streets and roads with traffic way wide enough for several cars moving abreast in one direction. It is forbidden to drive in the left-hand lane if the right -hand lane is free. In Great Britain traffic keeps to the left. Motorcars, motor vans, buses and cyclists must all keep to the left side of the road. In most other countries traffic keeps to the right. Accidents are often caused by carelessness. There are rules that help to make the roads safe, but people do not always obey the rules. They are careless. If everybody obeys the rules, the road will be much safer. Before crossing the road , stop and look both ways. Look right, look left, look right again. Then, if you are sure that the road is clear, that there is nothing coming, it is safe to cross the road.

To brake a moving car it is necessary to use only foot brakes provided with a hydraulic drive for all four wheels. The braking path depends on the car speed and condition of the road surface. On the wet road and at hight speeds the car should be braked in time and smoothly, with the clutch engaged. The parking brake (hand brake) serves to hold the car in place. It should be used when the car is stopped by means of a foot brake on a level road or on a steep grade. Don't forget that the parking brake acts as the foot brake. Moreover, when it is used on a moving car side-slipping might occur, especially on a wet road as the parking brake does not act directly on the wheels.

 Вопросы к тексту:

 1) Are traffic rules identical in all the countries?

 2) What side does the traffic keep to in Russia?

 3) What countries have left-hand traffic?

 4) What is the main reason of many accidents on the roads?

Задание№2. Переведите следующие слова и предложения:

to injure,abreast,carelessness, rule, sign, braking path, to depend on, condition, lane, to forbid,to take into consideration, valid, rear, side-slipping,to occur, parking brake, to stop a moving car, a two-set cab, speed limit, emergency brake application,to make the roads safe

Вариант №4

Задание №1. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

"Protection of the environment."

Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which people pollute their surroundings. People dirty the air with gases and smoke, poison the water with chemicals and other substances, and damage the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides. Environmental pollution is one of the most serios problems facing humanity today. It causes global warming, destruction of the ozone layer, and other disastrous processes. Badly polluted air can cause ilness, and even death.Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land available for growing crops. Environmental pollution also brings ugliness to iur naturally beautiful world. The pollution problem is as complicated as it is serious.It is complicated because much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. Exhaust from cars causes air pollution, but the car provides transportation for millions of people. Factories discharge much of the material that pollutes air and water , but factories provide jobs for people and produce goods that people need. Too many fertilizers or pesticides can ruin soil, but they are important aids for the growing of crops.Thus, to end or greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things that benefit them.But pollution can be gradually reduced. Scientists and engineers should work hard to find the ways to lessen the amount of pollution. Governments should enforce laws that require enterprises or individuals to stop or to reduce certain polluting activities. Radiation is an invisible pollutant that can be highly dangerous. Nuclear radiation comes from radioactive substances , including waste from nuclear weapons testing and from nuclear power plants. Small amounts of electromagnetic radiation are produced by a variety of electronic devices including computers, lasers, microwave ovens, TV sets, and X-ray machines. International agreements ban most testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere. However, the amount of radioactive waste is constantly increasing. Scientists are permanently studying the ways to eliminate these wastes safely.

Вопросы к тексту:

1) What is the main problem of the environment?

2) What do people dirty the air with?

3) What do people poison the water?

4) What do people damage the soil with?

Задание №2. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:

ecological problems, to reduce air pollution, to throw old batteries in the trash, toxic chemicals, a recycling centre, litter, to pick up litter, a great threat to the environment, the danger for the life and health of the man,to pollute the air,the water and the land.


Задание № 1.Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему:

Who discovered electricity?

The story of the discovery of electricity is connected with the name of Thales, the Greek philosopher. The story goes that one day Thales rubbed a piece of amber against his sleeve and found to his great surprise that it attracted small bits of dried leaves. After further experimenting he concluded that this attractive force was a property that amber alone possessed. He called this characteristic “electricity”because the Greek word for amber was electron.Thales' great discovery remained a curiosity for more than two thousand years. Then many other substances were found to have this curious property of electricity too. Naturally the people of the past had no idea of what electricity was. They thought of it as”rays” or “stream” that passed from the rubbed material. There were scientists who thought electricity to be a sort of “fluid” that flowed through wires as water flows through pipes. Later many of them found out that electricity was made of tiny particles of some kind. In this way they tried to separate electricity into individual particles. There were some attempts to weigh a single particle of electricity and calculate its electric charge. This was one of the most delicate weighing jobs ever done by a man,for a single electric particle weighs only about half a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a pound. To make up a pound, it would take more of those particles than there are drops of water in the Atlantic Ocean. Now we know these electric particles to be electrons.

When a large number of electrons break away from their atoms and move through the wire, we describe this action by saying that electricity is flowing through the wire and the electrical ” fluid” that scientists of the past talked about is nothing else than electrons flowing along a wire. A lot of scientists worked in the field of electricity doing their best to make the life of people good and happy.

Вопросы к тексту:

1. What did Thales, the Greek philosopher, notice once?

2. What did Thales call that property of amber?

3. What is the Greek word for amber?

4. What did people think of electricity?

Задание №2 Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания : to rub, amber, to attract, bit, attempt, to remain, the attractive force, a property, to flow through the wire, a single particle of electricity,tiny,curious,to weigh.


Задание № 1.Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему:

"Moscow Metro."

In 1931 it was decided to start preparations for the building of the Metro in Moscow. In the spring of 1932 the project drawn up by Soviet engineers and architects was endorsed. Thousans of young specialists and mine workers, construction workers from the Donbas and from Moscow region, from the Urals, and Dneprostroi went undeground into Metro shaffts and tunnels.In a short time ( it was called a record time by the world press) the first line was cinstructed. More than eleven kilometers of track connected the Sokolniki district with the Gorky Park district. There were ten stations on this line. The construction work was done in difficult geological conditions, of a kind never encountered by European or American Metro builders. So this day saw the first section of a double track line 8 miles long put into operation. The Metro was opened on May 15,1935.Since then building work on the Metro has not stopped for a single day. Even at the time when the fascist hordes were near Moscow, the Metro builders continued their work. After the war the scale of construction increased considerably. The construction of the belt line was completed and it connected all the radial routes. The new routes and stations began appearing in new housing districts. Some of the lines go overland, across new bridges and aqueducts. Moscow's rapidly increasing population, the growth of its industrial enterprises and cultural institutions required the capital to have efficient and convenient means for accommodating passenger traffic. The people of our country wanted the Metro to be the best in the world. There are many stations in the Metro; their surface buildings and underground halls are spacious, well ventilated and well lit. They differ widely in architectural design and are decorated with marble, bronze, aluminum and glass. The present Metro coaches are much better than the early ones. They are considerably lighter in weight, and the seats are soft. Muscovites and the visitors to the city do not have to wait long for trains, for the interval between them is always short. “Clever” machines have appeared in the Metro recently. An experimental automatic driver conducts trains according to the time-table and stops precisely as required. The Moscow Metro is developing rapidly. The capital is growing, and Metro lines are being constructed every year.

Вопросы к тексту:

  1) When was it decided to start the building of Moscow Metro?

  2) By whom was the Moscow Metro built?

  3) When was the Moscow Metro opened?

  4) Why is this metro so important for our capital?

Задание №2 Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на русский язык:

to develop rapidly, lines of the Moscow Metro,an automatic driver, according to the time-table, to be considerably in weight, a double-track line, mine workers, passenger traffic, to be well ventilated and lit, metro builders, the growth of enterprises, to be decorated with marble.


Вариант №7

Задание №1 Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему.

“Thermal electrical plants.”

Hydroelectric stations deliver power from great rivers, but still about 80 per cent of the required electric power is produced in thermal electrical plants. These plants burn coal, gas, peat or shale to make steam.To understand how the energy of fuel is converted into electrical energy let us discuss the heat process and begin with the fuel.

Gas is delivered through gas pipelines. The coal (peat, shale) arrives in trains, and conveyors or cranes unload it for storage and bring it to the furnace. It is more effective to burn coal in the form of powder, therefore it is first crushed, pulverized and blown into furnaces. To attain complete combustion of the powder a large volume of air is needed, delivered by forced air fans, exhauster fans and smoke stacks. The steam boilers or steam generators supply the huge amount of high-pressure, high-temperature steam required to drive the high-power turbine-generators.

The kinetic energy of its steam acts against the blades of the turbine and rotates its shaft joined to the generators shaft.A centralized control desk with panels and many instruments and automatic control devices supervises and monitors the plant, with only a few operators.

Вопросы к тексту:

1. Where are hydroelectric stations located?

2. What does the kinetic energy of the steam do with the blades of the turbine?

3. What does a centralized control desk to?

4. Why are there only a few operators at such electrical plants?

Задание № 2. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:

to require, to convert, fuel, to deliver through pipelines,to supply, the generator shaft, a centralized control desk,to drive the high-power turbine generators, to monitor, to feed, fans,combustion, power input, raw materials, voltage transformer, high-pressure.

Вариант №8

Задание№1. Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему.

“Freight cars”

Nearly all of us known more about passenger train cars and passenger trains that we know about freight train cars and freight trains, since we have all ridden on passenger trains while a great many of us have never had anything to do with shipping goods on freight cars. The cars on a freight train are known to be seldom alike, they are usually of many types and sizes, special kinds of freight requiring special kinds of cars. But nowadays one can see the so-called bulk trains, that is, trains consisting of wagons of one type only for regular transporting large quantities of goods from one place to another. All world railways have several classes of commonly used cars and there are usually several kinds of cars in each class.

One of the most widely used cars is the cars is the car for transporting coal from mines. This car is called an open-top car, for it has no roof. There are two types of open-top cars, the hopper and gondola car, the latter having a flat floor or bottom. The former, i.e. the hopper car, has a floor sloping downward from each end and in some cars from the sides also. The amount of freight to be carried depends upon the size of the floor space and the height of the sides and ends of the car to be used. Therefore we distinguish low-sided and high-sided wagons as well as low –capacity or high-capacity ones. Both hoppers and gondolas are used to carry stone, gravel, crushed rock and other bulky materials which may be exposed to weather. 

A type of car that is not very old but has become very popular is the covered hopper car. It looks like a conventional hopper but it is roofed. To load or fill the car you use water-tight hatches in its roof and you empty or unload it through its hopper bottom. It is much cheaper to carry bulky materials that cannot be exposed to weather such as cement, dry powdered chemicals,etc., in these cars than to place them in bags and ship the bags in special cars.

Вопросы к тексту:

1) For what are special types of cars required?

2) What is the most widely used type of freight cars?

3) For what are hoppers and gondolas used?

4) What type of cars has become very popular?

Задание №2. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

wheelbase, brakes, emergency, partition, for passing with safety, by making the trucks very strong,the absence of signaling, the danger of travelling,the car lighting and heating systems, the most uncomfortable car seats, the fastest way of transportation.

Вариант №9

Задание №1

Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему.

"Requirements to modern passenger cars"

The passenger is supposed to expect safety, speed and comfort from the railway. Therefore safety has always remained the first essential, though it has already reached a very high level compared to the other modes of transportstion. In the field of speed , considerable progress is considered to have been made by wide use of electric and diesel traction both on main and suburban lines. It is possible now to increase maximum speeds to 250 km/h. Medium speed of about 170 km/h is to become normal in Europe. It is not so easy to define the concept of comfort. During the journey it is necessary to ensure safety, relaxation and facilitate such activities as reading, conversation or taking refreshments. Therefore, the seat is to be one of the fundamental comfort factors both from physiological and psychological points of view. In fact, it must enable passengers of different weight, height and stoutness to relax, doze, sleep and posibly write, eat or drink, all during the journey which may last several hours and even days. First of all, the passengers is expected to pay attention to the external appearance of the rolling stock. The latter should look as attractive as possible. Then, the passenger should be able to board the train without difficulty which is possible at stations with high platforms. One must be able to find his seat quickly, to get rid of his luggage and to be able to enjoy the inside temperature in contrast with that on the platform which can sometimes be either very high or very low. Besides that good running qualities must also give a feeling of safety and a low noise is very important as well. Some railways have developed designs of rocket -looking locomotives and cars of bright colours and their tourist cars are often double-deckers, often called" bi-level" cars.

Вопросы к тексту:

1) What do passengers expect from the railway?

2) What maximum speed is increased by wide use of electric and diesel traction?

3) What requirements must meet seats for passengers?

4) Can you tell about the requirements to comfort factors of passenger cars?

Задание №2. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

wheelbase, brakes, emergency, partition, for passing with safety, by making the trucks very strong,the absence of signaling, the danger of travelling,the car lighting and heating systems, the most uncomfortable car seats, the fastest way of transportation.

Вариант №10

Задание №1

Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему.

“Electric shock. Safety Electric System.”

The strength of current depends on both the voltage and on the resistance in a circuit. A current of 50 ma id a dangerous for a man, it may result in an electric shock. One gets an electric shock in case one touches live conductors when the power is on . And a current of 100 ma and higher is lethal. Thus, before working on a circuit , deenergize it and work on it with the power off.

Earthing system serves to protect attending personnel from electric shocks when voltage appears on parts that are normally dead. The risk of an electric shock decreases with decreasing voltage. In wet and hot atmosphere the risk of electric shock increases. Safe voltage for circuits used in dry atmosphere is under 36 V. When the power is on contracts with live conductors are dangerous for life. When a live conductor is touched with both hands the resistance of the conductor is from 10,000 to 50,000 ohms. When a live conductor is touched with one hand the resistance is much higher .The higher is the body resistance, the smaller is the current that flows through the body. Take it into consideration and work with one hand if the power is on! Or work on the circuit with the power off! 

Thus measures are taken to protect attending personnel from contacts with live parts of installations under voltage.

The danger of electric shock disappears provided the metal parts of installations under voltage are connected with ground by means of safety earthing. Connecting to ground is made by means of measuring devices. The faulty parts should be detected,

eliminated, and replaced by new ones.

Вопросы к тексту:

1) What does the strength of current depend on?

2) What does electric shock result from?

3) What does an earthing system serve for?

4) In what case does the risk of electric shock decrease?

Задание № 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

protection from an electric shock, dangerous,safe, earthing system,voltage, the strength of current, overhead and underground lines,conductors, transmission lines, to transmit by power networks, power consumption.

Вариант № 11

Задание №1. Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему.

"Michael Faraday."

Michael Faraday ,one of the greatest men of science , had little chance to get an application. His father was a blacksmith, and Faraday was born to work with his hands too. When thirteenth years of age, he went as apperentice to learn bookbinding. He read many of the books he had to bind. Once when binding an encyclopedia he ran across an article on electricity.It struck his imagination and aroused his interest.

With the little money he could save, he bought a cheap and simple apparatus and set to make experiments.He attended the lectures of Hamphry Davy, an outstanding scientist and the most popular lecturer in London at that time. It was Davy whoheped Faraday to become assistant at the laboratory of the Royal Institute and to get a profound knowledge of the subject. While still an assistant, he helped Davy to create a safety lamp for miners. He learned chemistry, he was working on the problem of turning gases into liquids. An important discovery of Faraday was that of benzol which he separated from condensed oil gas , and which since then found worl-wide application. For several years he is known to have been working at the problem of a perfect optical glass and to have made a glass that greatly improved the telescope.

Yet the problem of electricity and magnetism interested him above all. All the scientific world had known by that time if a current is run through a copper wire wound around a piece of iron , the iron becomes a magnet. If electricity magnetizes, why won't mafnetism electrify? That was the question Faraday asked himself over and over. For a long time he tried different experiments to solve the problem. At last in 1831 he made his major discovery in the field of electricity – the electromagnetic induction.

Among a number of other discoveries he is also known to have measured electric current for the first time , and to have made several important observations on the conductivity of different materials.

Faraday was one of those great men who made possible the age of electricity in which we live, all the marvels it brings us and all those it may bring to the future generations.

Вопросы к тексту:

1) Who was M. Faraday?

2) What struck his imagination while working as a binder?

3) What was his first important discovery?

4) When did Faraday discover the electromagnetic induction? 

Задание №2 Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

to strike, conductivity, to bind, application, to improve, education, assistant at the laboratory, the problem of electricity and magnetism, to measure,to turn gases into liquids, a perfect optical glass,all scientific world, to run through a copper wire,to enjoy world-wide popularity.

«Грамматический блок« заданий для IV курса (общие задания для всех вариантов)

Задание№ 3 состоит из 8-ми упражнений по грамматике.

 Упр№ 1.Употребите стоящий в скобках глагол в Present Simple Tense .

1. He (to know) this engineer. Me friends (to study) at a railway college.

2. She (to play) chess very well. Our students (to learn) new words every lesson.

3. My friend (to work) in the locomotive depot. The students (to come) to the college 4 times a year.

4. We (to read) many books. Our boss (to like) to come to the Ministry.

5. The movement of a train (to start) at the terminal. We often (to go) to the South by train.

6.  The conductor (to clean) the compartment after traveling. The trains usually (to arrive) according to schedule.

7.  Railways (to use) steel rails. The “Russia “express (to consist) of all-metal cars.

8. Railways often (to hold) international exhibitions. Russia (to carry) a great amount of the world's rail traffic.

9. Railways (to pay) particular attention to high-speed running. The engineer often (to stay) in the office in the evening.

10. He (to design) new high-speed trains.

11. They often (to go) to the meeting.


Упр2. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1. You know many new words. He speaks English very well.

2. Helen often takes books in the library. We discuss different questions at our meeting.

3. They work hard at the office. My friend play chess well.

4. They spend much money on the books. Peter goes to the college every day.

5. He writes many letters. My friends help me with this work.

6. She gives me her books. I always read fresh newspapers.

7. We study English at the college. He translates texts quickly.

8. The secretary sends letters every day. The workers repair cars.

9. Ben speaks with his boss every day. They discuss many problems.

10. I receive telegrams seldom. She often goes to the sportclub.


Варианты контрольных работ для V курса

Контрольная работа для Vкурса состоит из 2-х блоков:

1.»Лексико-грамматического» (необходимо выполнить 3-и задания, исходя из номера своего варианта);

2. «Грамматического» (необходимо выполнить 5 упражнений по грамматике -это общее задание для всех вариантов)

«Лексико-грамматический «блок заданий».

№ студента 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
№ варианта 12 11 6 13 8 9 2 5 4 7 13 5 3 1 10 6 4 2 7 13 3 8 12 11 9

Вариант №1

Задание №1.Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы к нему.

"Automating the railways".

At present control of the high-speed trains is semi-automatic since they are automatically forced to comply with permissible speeds at any instant. Stops at station platforms are under the driver's control. The whole line in Japan, for example, is directly controlled from Tokyo and for this purpose is divided into four systems. The state of the line is continuously surveyed and information is transmitted at high speed to the control centre. Each train automatically identifies itself by generating a unique frequency as it passes fixed ground equipment and the information is displayed on the control system at Tokyo. Trains entering stations automatically set the points system according to classification, i.e. whether super express, limited express or freight. One interesting but simple safety feature is provided to enable anyone on the line to stop the train in an emergency. It consists of push-button switches placed at intervals of 50 m. Operation of the switch shorts the track circuit, and consequent indication in the driving cab of an approaching train causes the brakes to be applied automatically when at an appropriate distance from the danger position. All the safety circuits are fail-safe, and the possibility of an accident due to human fallibility has been virtually eliminated. Current developments intended for future installation would incline programmed control, obstacle defection by a guided radar, controlled braking to a prescribed point and centralized computer control. Extensive work is under way in our country to utilize television technique in industry, science and agriculture. Some years ago one of the research institutes of our country designed television apparatus which is now used in railway transport to record the serial numbers of freight cars arriving at a station. As a train pulls in at a station, somewhere at a distance of ten kilometers an operator sees this train on the screen of his television set. The operator reads aloud the serial number of the freight cars and they are recorded by a type recorder. On another television set the operator can see all the railway lines in a station. The operator only has to press a button and another station will appear on the screen. These installations are being used in connection with the shifting of freight cars.

The Central Research Institute of the Military of Railways is designing a new television apparatus which will enable engine drivers “to see” the condition of the freight car even when it is dark.


Вопросы к тексту:

1. Are stops at station platforms under the driver's control? And why?

2. Why can you say about an automated line in Japan?

3. How do trains identify themselves as they pass fixed ground equipment?

4.  What device is used that enables anyone on line to stop the train in emergency?

5.  What distance are push-button switches placed on line?

6.  Does the switch short the track circuit by applying brakes automatically?

7. How is the possibility of an accident eliminated?

8. What installations for controlling safe movement will be included in future?

9. Is television technique utilized in railway transport in our country?

10. In what connection are the television installations being used on the railway lines?

Задание № 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания :

container movement, engaging movement, diesel engine, diesel-electric engine, real-time processing, autonomous peripheral transfer devices, pointsman, engine output, video output, input/output.


Задание №3. Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания:

1. Скоростные поезда подчиняются системе автоматического и полуавтоматического контроля.

2. Остановки на станциях находятся под контролем машинистов.

3. Создано много автоматических устройств , чтобы избежать несчастных случаев.

4. Телевизионная техника широко используется на железных дорогах.

5. Оператор TV может видеть всю железнодорожную линию на своей станции, а путём переключения кнопки он всегда может видеть другую станцию на этом пути.

6. Оператор может читать серийные номера грузовых вагонов и записывать их на магнитофон.

7. Создаётся новый телевизионный аппарат, который позволит машинисту видеть в темноте.


Вариант №2

Задание №1. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. How did the early cars look like?

2. What made the inventors design new types of cars?

3. What is the box-car intended for?

4. What is a refrigerator car intended for?

5. How can a refrigerator car protect goods from weather conditions?

6. How is a tank car filled with liquid goods?

7. What kinds of freight cars are designed for transporting coal, ore, gravel?

8. Why is the container traffic very popular nowadays?

9. What kinds of modern sleeping cars can you name? What is their inside arrangement?

10. What is the flat intended for?

«Carriages and wagons”

The cars used on the early railways were very much like the stage-coaches and wagons traveling on ordinary roads. Although drawn by horses, these vehicles had flanged wheels which kept them on the rails.

At time went on an railroads had to carry more and more freight, bigger and better cars were invented for hauling different kinds of goods. Today, the railroads have several classes of freight cars, there being many varieties in each class.

The box car is considered to be the most common type of covered car. It is a general-all purpose car intended to carry all kinds of ordinary goods which must be protected from the weather. A special type of b ox car is a refrigerator car used for hauling food products. The walls, floor and roof of this wagon are air- and waterproof to protect goods from the heat of the outside air.

Another type of car is a tank car intended for liquid goods. The long cylindrical tank of the car is filled through an opening on the top and emptied through a special device in the bottom.

Coal, ore, gravel, and other similar goods are known to be conveyed in open-top cars, the principal types of these being the gondola and hopper car. Both types are designed for mechanized loading and unloading and, therefore, built especially strong and durable.

The simplest type of car is the flat car. Being usually employed for transporting rails, beams, timber, and heavy machines, they, if fitted with special devices, can also carry containers. The container traffic is now coming into wide use on all modes of transport because it reduces the cost of loading and unloading goods and decreases the danger of their breakage. The fact is that goods are packed into containers at factories or ware houses and are not disturbed while in transit, thus being conveyed from “door-to-door”.

We know the passenger rolling stock of today to comprise several types of cars. There exist sleeping and dining cars, coaches for day and night sendee,saloon coaches for tourists, etc. The modern rolling stock is built with two types of inside arrangement. One is the compartment type with a side corridor, and the other is the open vehicle with a central passage.

Задание №2. Переведите следующие словосочетания :

air-conditioned cars, trunk line , hump yard, track facilities, signal appliances at railroads, centralized traffic control, traffic flow, passenger compartment, the yard terminal office.


Задание № 3 . Переведите следующие предложения:

1) Railways compete with other kinds of transport. The very first passenger and freight cars were pulled by horses.

2) Some goods must be protected from weather conditions. The early railway cars looked like boxes on wheels.

3) Metal cars are protected from corrosion with the help of plaint. There are various types of freight cars for different foods.

4) The sleeping cars are divided into small separate parts or compartments Covered cars are cars with roofs.

5) Old carriages were heated by stoves; modern cars have central heating. In coaches the seats are arranged on both sides of the vehicle.

6) The very first freight class were used in coal mines in England. Many innovations have been introduced in car construction since the early days.

7) George Pullman is regarded to be the inventor of the sleeping cars. The railroad travel depends largely upon the standards of cars and service.

8) Most long-distance trains are furnished with fluorescent lightning and air-conditioning. The prototype of a modern sleeping car appeared in the middle of the 19th century.

9) Modern carriages are made of light-weight steel, aluminum and plastics. The early trains had neither lighting nor heating.

10) In Russia the construction of passenger cars was started in 1846 at the Alexander Works. Modern cars are durable and have good performance characteristics.

Вариант№ 3

Задание №1. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

"Movement of freight traffic"

Movement of freight starts at the initial terminal where the train is made up in the classification yard. Here cars are collected in groups or blocks. These are assembled on a departure track. The number of cars assigned to a train is related as nearly as possible to the tonnage capacity of the locomotive. After assembling the various blocks of cars on the track from which the train is to leave, they are coupled up with air brake connection, then tested and inspected. Defective cars are quickly repaired; if this requires more time than is available such cars are cut out and dispatched in a later train. The engine crew boards the train at the locomotive terminal. They pick up the caboose with the train and attach it to the rear end of the train, or a yard engine may handle the caboose. Prior to leaving the yard terminal office the freight conductor receives a series of sheets called billing, which show the number , character and destination of each car in his train, and checks the train for correct make-up or” consist”. When the train is ready to move, a signal from the conductor to the engineer starts it on its way. Except for stops for water or fuel a through freight train will run normally to the next intermediate terminal without stop or change in its consist. The

conductor makes out what is called a wheel report, listing the initials and numbers of each car,weight of the car, weight of lading and the points between which the train moves it. These wheel reports are the records from which the car accountant keeps track of car movement and the statistical department of the railroad compiles freight train and traffic statistics. At intermediate terminals cars consigned to destinations within the particular territory are cut out of the train New cars at intermediate terminals may be added. The train progresses by successive stops through other intermediate terminals to final destination, where it moves to the terminal yard. At the point cars are classified for delivery to the various industries, the operation being carried out by local yard crew.


Вопросы к тексту:

1) Where does the movement of freight start?

2) Why are cars classified or sorted?

3) How is the number of cars assigned to a train related to the tonnage capacity of the locomotive?

4) What cars are cut out and dispatched in a later train?

5) What does the freight conductor receive at the yard terminal office?

6) What does a series of sheets called billing show?

7) Who gives a signal to the engineer for the train being ready to move?

8) Does a through train stop sometimes? For what purpose?

9) What does the conductor show in a wheel report?

10) How does the freight train progress to its final destination?

Задание № 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания :

 frequent intervals, colored lights, interlocking system, in case of emergency, strictly adhere, traffic lights.

Задание № 3.

 Поставьте предложения в пассивную форму, полученные предложения переведите:

1) We are building a new railway line in this region.

2) Railway engineers designed a lot of most productive facilities.

3) The government granted some money to renew the equipment and the roadbed of all the railroads.

4) The plant will increase its capital investment in equipment and structures.

5) R.K.Frolov constructed a line with cast iron rails in the Altai Mountains in 1809.

6) R.F. Frolov used elliptical rails instead of angular ones.

7) They are repairing the car now.

8) I have translated the whole text.

9) The agent informed the buyers about the arrival of the steamer.

10) We have built a new metro line in this city by the end of the year.


Вариант № 4

Задание №1. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

“The diesel traction”

The advance of transportation took a long time and scores of talented engineers did all in their power to develop the transportation system people have now at their disposal. But man never stops at what he had reached, and what seems fantastic today turns out to be quite realizable tomorrow.

The idea of creating a new kind of motive power for locomotives interested Russian scientists and engineers long ago. Great contribution to the solution of this problem was made by the Higher Technical School in Moscow later named after N.E.Bauman. Thus Prof. Grenetevsky designed an original diesel engine to meet the requirements of railway sendee while A.N.Shelest proposed a project of an original diesel locomotive and patented it in Russia and England. Nevertheless, in pre-revolutionary Russia these as well as many other projects were not realized.

The transport difficulties in the early twenties made railway engineers turn their attention to diesel traction. As a result, large-scale research and experimental work was done despite the great economic difficulties the young Soviet Republic faced at that period.

We may consider November 6, 1924 to be the birthday of the world's first main-line diesel-electric locomotive. This, 1,000 hp unit was built to Prof. Gakkel's design. Field tests showed the task of creating a practical main-line locomotive had been largely solved.

The diesel locomotive is more expensive to build and maintain than the electric of equal power since the diesel locomotive carries a power plant on itself. In addition, the diesel engine is an air pollutant prime mover, so the diesel traction should not be recommended for use on suburban lines round large cities. Noise and vibration are also considered the drawbacks of the diesel locomotive. Another disadvantage of the diesel locomotive is that the diesel engine runs on organic fuel the supplies of which are not inexhaustible.

Diesel traction is normally employed today on non-electrified trunk lines and on lines where traffic is not dense enough to justify electrification. I addition, it is the diesel traction which is particularly suitable for switching services for the diesel locomotive is not connected to the overhead wires and can easily and rapidly perform its switching duties.

Вопросы к тексту:

1. Who was interested in the development of a new kind of motive power?

2. What did Professor Grenetevsky design to meet the requirements of railway service?

3. What date can we consider the birthday of the world's first main-line diesel-electric locomotives?

4. Why is the diesel locomotive more expensive to build and maintain?

5. Why isn't it recommended to use diesel traction on suburban lines?

6. What are the drawbacks of diesel traction?

7. Why is diesel traction suitable for switching service?

8. What kind of fuel do diesel locomotives burn?

9. Which technical school made great contribution to the solution of the problem of tractive power?

10. What did the talented Russian engineers devote their lives to?

Задание №2 . Переведите следующие словосочетания :

high-load capacity, railway network, high speed train, station platform, traffic safety, control system, traffic lights.

     Задание №3. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1) The diesel engine burns fuel in the cylinder. The power used to move the train is known as motive power

2) In the fifties diesel traction was introduced as a new kind of motive power on railways. Diesel locomotives are the best for switching work.

3) Diesel locomotive performs its duty quickly and efficiently. Diesel traction is associated with the name of Rudolf Diesel.

4) The diesel engine belongs to the class of internal-combustion engines in which the fuel is burnt inside the engine itself. The diesel engine can be started within a minute or two in any weather.

5) The diesel locomotives are capable of developing a high tractive effort at low speeds/ Rudolf Diesel was one of the creators of the first real diesel locomotive.

6) Powerful diesel locomotives are capable of developing a high tractive effort at low speeds. Self-propelled diesel trains are widely used on suburban lines with light traffic.

7) Diesel engines are largely used for heavy duties including railway traction. Modern railways use a great number of devices to simplify the operation of trains.

8) Rudolf Diesel believed that his engine would find wide application on railways. Our country started a mass production of diesel from the fifties.

9) Diesel locomotives can compete with electric ones on lines where traffic is not dense. Diesel can easily and rapidly perform their switching duties.

10) Diesel locomotive is not connected to the overhead wires. The locomotives used for sorting operations are known as switching locomotives.


Вариант№ 5

Задание №1. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:

"From the history of railway construction in Russia".

Our country, Russia, stretches across two continents, from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. The first railway in Russia using steam traction was an industrial line at Nizhni Tagil in the Urals, built in 1834, for which the first two steam locomotives in the country were constructed by father and son named Cherepanovs. The first public railway was the Petersburg-Pavlovsk railway. At first it was opened from Pavlovsk to Tsarskoye Selo with horse traction in October, 1836. Locomotives were introduced in 1837. The first important railway construction from Petersburg to Moscow was begun in 1843 and opened to public traffic in 1851. That was a first -class double-track railway line, which linked two large industrial and culturel centres. It had 644 km in length , 185 bridges and 19 viaducts were erected to make the line as straight and level as possible.Since 1890 to 1900 more than 11,000 miles of railway were built. By the end of 1925 the railway system had grown to 46,300 miles. The Baikal-Amur Line, more than 3,000 km long, was built in the Far East of our country, and the process of building new railway lines is going on. Today railway transport different than that in old times. There are many thousans of locomotives is quitedifferent than that in old times. There are many thousands of locomotives, hundreds of thousands of cars and oil-cisterns. The trains today go much faster. The whole wagon fleet was fitted with continuous brakes, and hundreds of thousands wagons were equipped with automatic couplings. Many old lines were improved and electrified and use of diesel traction was begun. Heavy rails were laid extensively and a substantial mileage was equipped with automatic block signaling. Railway transport is still one of the cheapest ways hauling freight over long distances. Communications are important to the national economy of a country. Without good roads and railways a country cannot develop its resources and industry. Without roads it is impossible to market agricultural produce.


Вопросы к тексту:

1. When was the railway construction begun in Russia?

2. By whom was the first steam locomotive constructed in Russia?

3. Where was the first public railway constructed?

4. How was the railway system changed in the 20th century?

5. What was the whole wagon fleet equipped with?

6. What can you say about the first-class double -track railway line linked two capitals?

7. Why is railway transport so important for the country and people?

8. Is railway transport the best one? Why?

Задание №2 . Переведите следующие словосочетания:

high-load capacity, railway network, high speed train, station platform, traffic safety, control system, traffic lights.

Задание №3. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на глаголы в страдательном залоге:

1) Electronic digital computers are used in many countries.

2) A human operator is replaced by automatic devices.

3) Signals can be received by a station.

4) The telephone was invented in 1876.

5) In mechanics we are interested in kinetic as well as in potential energy.

6) Some atomic power stations are assumed to be built for experimental purposes.

7) Long ago land was cultivated by very primitive implements.

8) All metals are divided into ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

9) All elements are composed of minute particle called atoms.

10) The famous “Periodic Classification” was published by D.I. Mendeleyev in 1869.


Вариант№ 6

Задание № 1.Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему:

"Assembling the train. Movement of passenger traffic."

Passenger trains are assembled in a car yard with a number of specified cars as baggage, mail and express coaches, dining, parlour and sleeping cars. Every car in the train has received careful inspection inside and outside to make certain of its mechanical condition. Each car has been washed: not only have inside woodwork and floors been scrubbed, but carpets and seats have been gone over with vacuum cleaners. Preparations for dining service constitute a considerable operation. Food supplies have been requisitioned from the store rooms, and stored in the car refrigerators, cupboards and small but complete pantry. Clean linen has been stocked. After preparing the cars and cleaning and stocking them with supplies, they are coupled, inspected, and tested to ascertain whether mechanical appliances such as air brakes and signal and steam lines are functioning properly. The train is now ready to receive its passengers, baggage and mail.

When ready, a switching engine moves the trains to the assigned departure track at the station. The road locomotive has been inspected. The crew takes over the locomotive at the terminal, moves in to the departure track and couples it to the train. Here the train receives tests of air brakes and signal lines again. The train crew has been mobilized, they are called for duty according to schedule. A modern train stands in the terminal ready to receive its passengers. It departs at the moment called for by its schedule. The program of departure seems so simple that few passengers realize that it has required the services of a small army of railroad employees to make the movement possible.

Вопросы к тексту:

1) Where are passenger trains assembled?

2) What tests does the train receive at the terminal?

3) How is each car inspected?

4) What is each train supplied with?

5) Is the road locomotive inspected too?

6) What does the crew do with the locomotive?

7) How does the train crew work?

8) When is the train ready to receive its passengers?

9) When does the train depart?

Задание №2. Переведите следующие словосочетания :

air-conditioned cars, trunk line , hump yard, track facilities, signal appliances at railroads, centralized traffic control, traffic flow, passenger compartment, the yard terminal office.

Задание № 3. Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на сказуемые в пассиве:

1) The rails are carefully inspected before they are laid in the track.

2) The railroad line is crossed by the highway in two points.

3) The equipment was sent for but it has not arrived yet.

4) Several towns will be linked by this line.

5) New locomotives to be built by the end of the year will have ventilating fans of a new type.

6) One of the most important railway problems is the problem of increasing train speed.

7) The new locos to be produced for the October line are expected to develop maximum speed of more than 200 km/h.

8)  We saw the new locomotive start from the station.

9) Fuel oil supply to the diesel engine is provided from the oil tank through filters by two pumps driven by electric motors.

Fifteen 1,800hp diesel-electric locos are to be delivered to the Brazilian Railways, all of them having been produced by the Hungarian plants.


Вариант № 7.

Задание №1. Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему:

“Signal and signaling”

Safe operation of freight and passenger trains requires a system of signaling. To inform the locomotive and train crew of the position of other trains in relation to their own, signals installed at frequent intervals give indications which are visible both by day and by night. Wayside signals installed along railroad tracks are called fixed signals.

We know that the semaphore used to be the most common type of the signal. The relative position of the semaphore arm constituted the signal. To indicate “stop” a horizontal arm was used. “Proceed” was indicated by a vertical arm. To give restrictive (i.e.cautionary) indications the arm was inclined up or down. Colored lights give the indications at night. The semaphore mechanism is equipped with lenses illuminated by a lamp, so that a red light shows when the semaphore is in the “stop” position , a green light – when the semaphore is in the “proceed” position, and a yellow light – when the semaphore is in the restrictive position. The colour-light signal sometimes used is known to have semaphore arm and give both day and night indications be means of red, green and yellow lights. We know some signals to be operated by hand, others to be automatic. Locomotives on some railroads are known to be equipped with apparatus located in the cab, which gives a continuous indication to the engine man identical with that that shown by wayside signals.

By cab signals the engine grew is supposed to be always informed of conditions ahead regardless of the weather that affects the man's ability to see wayside signals. Locomotive cab signals are equipped to give audible warnings whenever the aspect changes to one more restrictive. A protective device is installed on some railroads to apply the brakes automatically and bring a train to a stop if , for any reason , a “stop” signal should be passed . It is called automatic train control. The first signals installed are known to have been hand-operated , usually by station employees.

Вопросы к тексту:

1) Why is system of signaling necessary?

2) What are fixed signals? Where are they installed?

3) What is the most common type of the signal?

4) When are colored lights used?

5) Why are cab signals so important?

6) What for is a protective device installed on some railroads?

Задание №2.

Переведите следующие словосочетания :

regardless of the weather, belt railway, elevated railway, multiple-track railway, street railway, suburban railway, suspended railway, classification yard, dispatch track, passing track, marshalling track,track circuit, fail-safe rolling of locomotive, baggage-and-mail car, power-car, testing -car, push-car, rear-end car, flat car, autonomus car, brake axle, double ( single) -arm semaphore.

Задание № 3.Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитивные формы глагола:

1. It is known that a signal to be utilized by day is substituted by colored lights at night.

2. A dispatcher had to control train movements over a section of a track. The most difficult task for engineers to decide before beginning to build any railroad is to find a proper strip of land for this purpose.

3. The engineers wanted cab signals to be located in the locomotive cab.

4. The colored light is changed to put the signal into a restrictive position.

5. It was very important to install the block signals on all the railroads.

6. The system may be further developed to include control of the brakes to attain optimal braking effect.

7. Special signals to be installed along railroads will help engine man to drive trains without accidents.

8. That railroad seems to have been the first in the world.

9. The efficiency coefficient of electric locomotives is stated to be much higher than of steam locomotives.

10. The railroad engineers are said to be improving a protective device on the locomotives.


Вариант № 8

Задание №1 Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему:

"The power supply system"

Задание №1. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы к нему

1) What kind of power stations generate electric energy?

2) What are the drawbacks of conventional power plants?

3) What discovery caused a revolution in energetics?

4) What kind of power plants is the most respective?

(What kind of energy will soon become the main source of power supply?)

5) Where is the electric energy sent after having been generated?

6) What kind of electric current is generated by power stations?

7) Why is alternating current converted into direct current in many countries?

8) Where is the alternating current converted into direct current?

9) What is the essential part of any substation?

10) What is a rectifier of a substation needed for?

Nowadays technical progress, including the progress in railway engineering is unthinkable without the proper power supply system.

Till recent years, all electric energy has been generated by thermal and hydro-power stations. But the hydro-power stations are always tied to rivers. As for the thermal power plants the supplies of fuel needed for their operation are not inexhaustible. So power engineers are now in search of new sources of energy.

The great efforts of scientists and engineers have resulted in discovering atomic energy which caused a revolution in energetics.

After having been generated , the electric energy is sent to the electricity grid system of the country. It is the grid system that distributes the power to the consumers, including the electrified railways.

Both conventional and nuclear power stations generate a high voltage alternating current(a.c.).The fact is that the alternating current can be more economically transmitted over long distances than the dirrect currnt(d.c.) and the higher the voltage the less energy is lost.

Although the alternating current can be used to drive trains, in many countries it is converted to the direct current because d.c. Motors are simpler in construction than a.c. machines.

As is known, the conversion of a.c. to d.c. takes place in railway substations. The first essential of a substation is a trandformer in which the electric current taken from the transmission line is lowered in voltage.Another important instrument the substation is fitted with is a rectifier which converts a.c. to d.c, this one-way (i.e. dirrect) current being then fed to the overhead wire.

Electronics has found a wide aplication in railway substations, silicon rectifiers being one of the most commonly used electronic instruments. Due to electronics most substations are now operated by remote control.

Задание №2. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык:

 utilizer, to protect, distribution,consumption,load graph,lighting load,power load,power utilizing devices, an interconnected operation of power plants.

Задание №3. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Electrification is one of the ways to increase the railway efficiency. In designing high-speed vehicles we must take into account control equipment, tractive power and stability.

2.  The substations located along the line convert a.c. to d.c. A special rail is used on the underground railways to conduct electricity to the trains.

3. If the trains run with very shot intervals, we say that the railway carries dense traffic. The generation of electricity from the sun energy is now quite realizable.

4. The operation cost of electrified railways is relatively low. All electrified trunk lines use the overhead power supply system which is called catenary.(воздушный контактный провод)

5. High efficiency and great reliability are the chief advantages of electric haulage. Metro trains are furnished with electric current by means of the conductor rail.

6. The electric energy which drives the trains may be taken from the overhead wire. To convert a railway to electric haulage will require costly reconstruction work.

7. The speed attained by modern trains is often limited by the conditions of the track. The voltage of the electric current is lowered at the substation.

8. The speed record on electrified railways belong to the French locomotives. The high cost of automic control system is economically justified.

9. Electric haulage is particularly attractive in mountainous countries. After electrification this line will be serviced by multy-union trains.

10. Due to numerous machines less time is required for the workers to repair the catenary. The transformers are used to lower the voltage of the alternating current.

Вариант № 9

Задание №1.Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему:

“Engine driver today.”

Nowadays in Russia modern diesel locomotives are known to have a lot of highly complicated machinery which must be regularly examined if the reliability of locomotives and safety of passengers and freight are to be maintained. At present, diesel locomotives are reported to handle about 50 per cent of the transportation . The passenger diesel such as “TEP-70” and “TEP-80” can run at a speed of 160-200 km/h, and freight diesel such as “2TE-116” can handle 8,000 ton trains and more, the power of their diesel-generator equipment reaching 6,000hp. Therefore the railways need highly qualified engineers and drivers to operate diesels successfully. The work of a modern diesel locomotive driver completely differs from that of a steam locomotive driver. The modern driver sits comfortably in an upholstered chair in a very clean cab. Right in front of of of him he has a large glass window which gives him a splendid view of the line ahead. In wet or snowy weather, a powerful screen wiper keeps the glass clean. Besides that, there are special fans to prevent window glass from freezing in cold winter. All the information the driver requires, i.e., speed, pressure, engine temperature, etc., is given by a few dials and warning lights on an instrument panel in front of him. The driver's control cab which is made as sound-proof as possible is constructed of a thin iron sheet lined with wooden panels on the inside. The side windows of the cab for the driver and his assistant are made to slide, and the others are of the drop type as those used in carriages.

And now let's learn how to train the future diesel and electric locomotive drivers in England. Traditional training for train drivers is expensive both in terms of cost and time. It costs 40,000 English pounds to provide basic training for one driver and takes up to 11 months. Theoretical training is easy to organize and typically one instructor can cope with up to 12 trainees (ученики). But train drivers require considerable practical instruction to acquire the necessary skills which drivers need for competent performance. Practical training requires minimum 300 hours on service trains with an instructor. Such training provides experience of normal everyday driving duties. However, it is almost impossible to provide experience of unusual and emergency situations. Most practical training is carried out initially in a depot using old rolling stock to provide training in shunting and mainline driving. It is in this area of training that simulation can be most effectively used. There are many problems that require attention of both railway managers and trainers if simulation is to be successfully introduced and integrated into an existing training system.

Вопросы к тексту:

 1) What locomotives have a highly complicated machinery?

 2) What must be regularly examined for safety of passengers and freight?

 3) What special devices help to prevent window of driver's cab from freezing?

 4) What information is given for driver in his control cab?

 5) How long is practical training for English drivers carried out?

Задание №2. Переведите следующие словосочетания :

 a) cab window, cab front window, cab front window screen wiper, instrument panel, cab instrument panel, cab instrument panel lights;diesel locomotive transportation, diesel locomotive transportation efficiency, future diesel locomotive transportation efficiency development;

 b) regularly examined devices, highly-qualified engineers, highly complicated machinery, completely changed work, easily obtained information, beautifully lined panels.

Задание № 3.

 Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на глаголы - сказуемые в форме страдательного залога.

1) New locomotives to be built by the end of the year will have ventilating fans of a new type.

2) One of the most important railway problems is the problem of increasing train speed.

3) The new locos to be produced for the October line are expected to develop maximum speed of more than 200 km/h.

4)  We saw the new locomotive start from the station.

5) Fuel oil supply to the diesel engine is provided from the oil tank through filters by two pumps driven by electric motors.

6) Fifteen 1,800hp diesel-electric locos are to be delivered to the Brazilian Railways, all of them having been produced by the Hungarian plants.

7) The first World Locomotive Exhibition are stated to have been held in Vienna in1873 and in Paris in 1878, a Hungarian locomotive being awarded the Grand Prix in 1878.

8) The Hungarian Type DYM-11 1,000 hp diesel-locomotive built for the Egyptian Railways was developed on the base of DVM-8 locomotive.

Вариант №10.

Задание №1. Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему.

« Solar power”

The sun is our most important source of energy. It warms the earth's atmosphere, vaporizes water from the oceans, drivers the resulting clouds by means of winds to the continents, where they cause rains and rivers. These drench the thirst of people, animals and of plants which draw their energy directly from sun and pass it on to us when we eat them. That has been going on since prehistoric times. Now it can do a little more. It could provide all the energy needed by a modern industrial society worldwide for the indefinite future; which no “conventional” energy source could do. It could do it easy, without the pollution and hazards associated with those exhaustible sources. Most people still would like that, especially if they knew that it can be done profitably. They are not supposed to be aware of that, and a major effort is expended to make them believe that it would require economic sacrifices rather than benefits. In the 1970s, there was widespread enthusiasm, and a genuine grassroots movement emerged in the U.S., in anticipation of an imminent transition to an economy based on the solar sources of energy that came in the wake of the first “oil shock” and boycott (1973). There are some, who fear a transition to solar power, and they are very powerful and determined. Instead of being confined to a few small

”niche markets”, new solar technologies could easily have supplied a double -digit percentage of energy used by now. All that we maintained at the time was that it could be very substantial starting profitably almost immediately. It was /is the prime example of confluence, rather than conflict, of environmental and economic wellness. It is essential for sustainable development worldwide, i.e. also in industrial countries. The main key to serious direct solar energy is that the sunlight first be focused, concentrated. Inexpensive, high-grade focusing devices could have been available by easy mass- production in the 70-s.

Вопросы к тексту:

1) What is the sun for our life?

2) What could the sun provide for the mankind nowadays?

3) When and why was a widespread enthusiasm concerning solar energy?

4) What is the main key to serious direct solar energy?

Задание №2.Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания: to vaporize, exhaustible sources, solar technology, to focus, a photovoltaic power plant, to refract,an encapsulated module,to tackle a problem,diffuse,to provide, a modern industrial society.

Задание № 3.

 Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на глаголы - сказуемые в форме страдательного залога.


1. New locomotives to be built by the end of the year will have ventilating fans of a new type.

2. One of the most important railway problems is the problem of increasing train speed.

3. The new locos to be produced for the October line are expected to develop maximum speed of more than 200 km/h.

4.  We saw the new locomotive start from the station.

5. Fuel oil supply to the diesel engine is provided from the oil tank through filters by two pumps driven by electric motors.

6. Fifteen 1,800hp diesel-electric locos are to be delivered to the Brazilian Railways, all of them having been produced by the Hungarian plants.

7. The first World Locomotive Exhibition are stated to have been held in Vienna in1873 and in Paris in 1878, a Hungarian locomotive being awarded the Grand Prix in 1878.

8. The Hungarian Type DYM-11 1,000 hp diesel-locomotive built for the Egyptian Railways was developed on the base of DVM-8 locomotive.


Вариант №11.

Задание№1.Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему.


1) How do the workers prepare the right-of-way?

2) On which foundation are ties and rails laid upon?

3) How have the methods of railroad building changed in recent years?

4) What is the modern method of railway construction?

5) What efficient machines are used in track construction?

6) What makes railways so popular in our life?

7) What must railways ensure the passengers with?

8) How do railways test the condition of the track?

9) How do the railwaymen call a strip of land on which the railway is built?

10) What machines are used in order to prepare the strip of land for the construction of a railway?

“The track construction”

It is not an easy job to build a railway. The railway is built on a strip of land which is called the right-of-way (полоса отвода).

The right-of-way must be carefully prepared for laying down the tracks. At first, it must be cleared from trees, bushes and then graded (выравнивать) by special machines known as grades.

After the right-of-way is cleared and graded the permanent way is constructed. Ties and rails are laid upon the ballast foundation and the ballast is packed between the ties and on each side of the track to hold the ties in place.

The methods of railroad building have changed greatly in recent years. The greatest change has been the replacement of hand labor by machines, such as powerful bulldozers, huge excavators,scrapers,grades, etc.

The most modern method of railway construction is laying the track in pre-assembled (сборный) lengths, that is, the lengths of rails to which the sleepers are already attached. This work is carried out by a high-speed track-laying crane, a wonderful machine which lays pre-assembled lengths of track in a few minutes. One of the most efficient machines of this kind is the Platov track-laying crane an output of 900-1000 meters of track per hour.

Today's railways would not be so popular but for the ever increasing speed. Super-high speeds, however, go hand in hand with safety. Indeed, no passenger would dare to go by rail unless the railways were able to ensure safe travel.

Safety depends on many factors. First of all, it is determined by the condition of the track. Track-testing cars driven slowly along the lines show the engineer where the track must be repaired and a great deal of track maintenance machines are available to keep the track well maintained.

Задание №2.Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

railway track, sleepers, gauge, load, vehicle, permanent way,temporary,durable, length, track laying work, formation construction requirements,rolling stock, suburban operations,commuter,fare, railway transport needs,high speed railway traffic.

Задание № 3.Перепишите и переведите предложения, подчеркните глаголы- сказуемые, определите время и название действия.

1. Electronic computers have appeared on railroads of many countries. Railways introduced a new type of freight cars for transporting cement.

2. Today more powerful machines are being developed to speed up the process of building railways. The combination of rails, ballast and ties is known as the railroad track.

3. Powerful locomotives are used to draw long trains. Ballast is the element of the track which supports ties and rails and holds them in position.

4. Now sleepers on high-speed lines are made of concrete. In order to reduce the number of joints the rails are welded into continuous lengths.

5. Long -welded rails have greater strength and provide a smoother running of trains at far greater speeds. Railroads are used for transportation of freight and for travel.

6. A special mechanizm is used on railways to make the trains pass from one track to another. Railways have become the most efficient and the safest means of transportation.

7. The sleepers for high speed railways are made of concrete. The gauge on Russian railways is wider than in European countries.

8. A wide network of railways has been electrified. The greater weight of concrete sleepers provide the greater stability of track.

9. Russia was the word's first country where the uniform gauge was adopted by all railways. The place where the ends of the rails

 meet in the track is known as the rail joint.

10. The rail joint has always been the weakest part of the track. The train reduces its speed when it is coming up to the station.


Вариант № 12

Задание№1.Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему.

1. What kind of tractive power is used on suburban lines?

2. What countries are among the earliest to be converted to electric haulage?

3. What requirements does the ER-200 train meet?

4. How much time does the ER-200 train need to cover the distance between Moscow and Petersburg?

5. What made it possible for the ER-200 train to attain higher speeds?

6. What made it possible to facilitate the job of a driver in the ER-200 train?

7. What equipment do the coaches of the train ER-200 have?

8. What is the shape of the ER-200 train?

9. What do the passengers of the train have at their disposal?

10. How much time do the passengers require now to get from Moscow to St. Petersburg?

" Railway electrification”

World railways are now busy in search of ways to increase their economic efficiency and the speeds of passenger and goods trains. One essential condition to achieve this is electric traction.

In spite of having a relatively short history electric traction has made a remarkable progress. Now one can say railways perform valuable service on every continent.

When we study the geographical location of the routes over which electric traction is employed, we see first of all that the suburban railway routes of big cities with their dense and constant traffic are operated by electric trains. We see again, that the heavily-used trunk lines are most efficiently operated by electricity. Further, railways in mountainous country, with heavy, gradients, are among the earliest to be converted to electric haulage.

ER-200 train now operating on a commercial basis is worth mentioning. This train meets the requirements of high speeds, safety and passenger comfort. A lot of preparatory work had to be done on the Oktyabrskaya Railway before the ER-200 was put into service. Running on some sections at 200 kp/h the train covers a distance of 650km between Moscow and Leningrad in 4 hours 39 minutes thus cutting the journey time by 4 hours compared with the previous schedules.

Many latest achievements of railway technology have been incorporated in the new Soviet express train. The stream -lined shape of the whole train cuts down air friction and allows higher speeds to be attained. The driving compartment being equipped with cab signaling, the driver has at all times, signals displayed before him. The job of the locomotive driver has been greatly facilitated. Pushing a controller is all he must do to start or brake down the train.

The coaches the ER-200 is composed of are extremely comfortable, being supplied with air-conditioning, sound-proof windows and soft aircraft-like seats. The passengers who happen to travel by the new Soviet express have snack-bars at their disposal. Their journey is accompanied by background music.

Задание №2. Переведите следующие словосочетания :

 an electric traction, electric motors, electricity, discovery, the current transmission, power supply,unsuitable, circuit, overhead line,

high speed electric train power, direct and alternating currents,the introduction of electric traction on railways, rectifiers.

Задание № 3 . Переведите следующие предложения :

1. Electrification is one of the ways to increase the railway efficiency. In designing high-speed vehicles we must take into account control equipment, tractive power and stability.

2.  The substations located along the line convert a.c. to d.c. A special rail is used on the underground railways to conduct electricity to the trains.

3. If the trains run with very shot intervals, we say that the railway carries dense traffic. The generation of electricity from the sun energy is now quite realizable.

4. The operation cost of electrified railways is relatively low. All electrified trunk lines use the overhead power supply system which is called catenary.

5. High efficiency and great reliability are the chief advantages of electric haulage. Metro trains are furnished with electric current by means of the conductor rail.

6. The electric energy which drives the trains may be taken from the overhead wire. To convert a railway to electric haulage will require costly reconstruction work.

7. The speed attained by modern trains is often limited by the conditions of the track. The voltage of the electric current is lowered at the substation.

8. The speed record on electrified railways belong to the French locomotives. The high cost of automic control system is economically justified.

9. Electric haulage is particularly attractive in mountainous countries. After electrification this line will be serviced by multiple-unit trains.

10. Due to numerous machines less time is required for the workers to repair the catenary. The transformers are used to lower the voltage of the alternating current.

Вариант№ 13.

Задание №1. Переведите текст и ответьте письменно на вопросы:

“Modern Russian passenger cars”

The Russian railways are known to be the most important form of transportation in this country and they will maintain their dominant position for a very long time in future. Different types of passenger and freight trains can be seen on Russian railways. We are to distinguish long-distance and suburban trains as a well as express, fast and local trains.

As a rule, any long-distance train is to consist of several comfortable sleeping cars and some coaches for those who travel only by day. Luggage and mail cars are usually placed at the train head. The luggage cars have large sliding doors through which trunks and other articles of baggage may be loaded and unloaded. Besides that, every train is supposed to have a restaurant or dining car. All cars are fitted with a hot water heating system and are lighted with electricity. Sleeping cars are always of a corridor-compartment type, each compartment having four berths.

Unlike sleeping cars, all coaches are cars with double row of seats and gangway between the rows. Toilets and compartments for the attendants are provided at each end of the coach. The passenger saloon are finished internally partly with veneer and partly with plastics and synthetic materials which have become quite common in recent years and are widely used nowadays for passenger car construction.

There are many routes in Russia on which diesel multiple-unit trains run. Suburban diesel train sets of modern design operate on Russian Railways. These sets consist of two power or motor cars and two intermediate trailers, the number of seats in motor cars being 77, in trailers 128. Fittings include luggage racks and coat hangers. Special air heating and ventilation system maintains the proper temperature inside the car. In summer when the heating is off, the same equipment provides ventilation.

Задание №2. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

corridor-compartment type car, head end cars, four-car sets, attendant compartment berth, large baggage car doors, passenger saloon seats, long-distance train cars, end coach seat arrangement, coach end seat rows, peak hour commuter trains.

Задание № 3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на глаголы в страдательном залоге.

This car was built at the Riga Works, it is used on international lines.

The history of cars is very interesting, it should be studied properly.

Everybody must know that the first sleeping cars were invented in the USA.

Electric train cars were built at the Riga Works.

A great number of cars is being built now for all railways of our country.

The car which you could see in the deport will be coupled to the train 15.

New cars are usually tested in a special train.

 The cars that are built today become more and more comfortable.

Modern passenger cars are very strong since they are made of steel.

Washrooms are provided at both ends of the car.




Введение …………………………………………………………………… 3
Примерное содержание учебной дисциплины «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК» ………………………………………………………………………   4
Общие методические указания по изучению дисциплины ……………… 8
Методика работы со словарем ……………………………………………. 8
Методические указания при работе с текстом …………………………... 9
Требования по оформлению контрольной работы ……………………… 10
Варианты контрольных работ для IV курса ……………………………... 11
Варианты контрольных работ для V курса ……………………………… 22
Перечень рекомендуемых учебных изданий, дополнительной литературы ………………………………………………………………….   42



Учебная дисциплина «Английский язык» относится к общему гуманитарному и социально-экономическому циклу основной профессиональной программы.

В соответствии с Федеральными государственными образовательными стандартами среднего профессионального образования выпускник должен  уметь:

общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;

переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.


лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов  профессиональной направленности.

Учебная дисциплина «Английский язык» изучается на 3,4 и 5 курсах заочного отделения; на освоение дисциплины отводится от 251-до 261 часов, которые включают аудиторные занятия и внеаудиторную (самостоятельную) работу студентов.

Профессионально ориентированный момент различается по содержанию для каждой специальности.

Методические указания содержат примерную рабочую программу дисциплины, методические указания по изучению дисциплины и выполнению контрольной работы, варианты контрольных работ.

Промежуточной формой аттестации по дисциплине является дифференцированный зачёт.

Список литературы включает основные и дополнительные источники, которые помогут при выполнении контрольных работ.

Примерное с одержание учебной дисциплины «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК»


Раздел 1.Вводно-коррективный курс

Тема 1.1.Описание людей: друзей, родных и близких и т.д. (внешность, характер, личностные качества).Лексический материал по теме.

Фонетический материал - основные звуки и фонемы английского языка; основные способы написания слов на основе знания правил правописания; совершенствование орфографических навыков. Грамматический материал: простые нераспространенные предложения с глагольным, составным именным и составным глагольным сказуемым; простые предложения, распространенные за счет однородных членов предложения и/или второстепенных членов предложения; предложения утвердительные, вопросительные, отрицательные, побудительные и порядок слов в них;безличные предложения;понятие глагола-связки

Тема 1.2.Межличностные отношения дома, в учебном заведении, на работе .

Лексический материал по теме: расширение потенциального словаря за счет овладения интернациональной лексикой, новыми значениями известных слов и новых слов, образованных на основе продуктивных способов словообразования.

Грамматический материал: модальные глаголы, их эквиваленты;предложения с оборотом thеrе is/аrе; сложносочиненные предложения: бессоюзные и с союзами and, but;образование и употребление глаголов в Present, Past, Future Simple/Indefinite.


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