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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

The permitted and the prohibited actions.


14.1. It is allowed to strike to “the allowed hitting zone" of an opponent with weapons (including shield), hands (including elbows), legs (including knees) and the head, except for the cases described in the list of the prohibited combat techniques.

14.2. Throws, wrestling and ground fighting are allowed, except for cases described in the list of the prohibited combat techniques.

14.3. It is allowed to strike the lying opponent ("ground-and-pound") within “the allowed hitting zone”, with the exception of strikes by foots, and by shins.

14.4. A fighter or his cornerman has the right to demand the stoppage of the fight in following cases:

a) The fighter admits his defeat in the fight or refuses to continue it, or the cornerman accepts the defeat of his fighter and removes him from the fight;

b) If any element of the armor of the fighter covering the area of ​​the body, which is subject to obligatory protection, came into malfunction, or it was lost.

c) The fighter has been injured as a result of a prohibited action on the part of his opponent.

Note: The request to the marshal to stop the fight from the side of the fighter should be given by the shout "Stop fight!", or by throwing a weapon onto the floor of the ring. The cornerman may also stop the fight by throwing a towel or an item of reserve equipment of his fighter onto the floor of the ring.

14.5. It is allowed in the course of the fight to replace the elements of the ES of the fighter, including weapon, in the following cases:

a) In the intervals between rounds,

b) During the round in the event of a breakdown of any ES element, including weapon.

In all cases, the replacement of ES elements should be made under the control of the representative of the Control Commission and only with his permission. The element of equipment used for the replacement does not have to be the same as the one the fighter used before. The weapon used for replacement during a fight must have the check mark of compliance with the technical requirements of the tournament.

14.6. Cornermen are allowed to appear within the boundaries of the ring only during intervals between rounds, and also, with the permission of the marshal in the ring, during a stoppage of a fight, for providing technical or medical support to his fighter.

14.7. The prohibited actions are:

14.7.1. The usage of the prohibited combat techniques. The prohibited combat techniques are:

a) Piercing blows with any tip present on the weapon or any pointed part of the weapon;

b) Any strikes to an opponent which lost any of his weapons;

c) Any strikes to the areas of the opponent's body that are not part of the allowed hitting zone;

d) Armlock and chockehold techniques;

e) Intentional pushing and throwing the opponent beyond the limits of the ring;

f) Any front kicks to the legs;

g) Any grapples with weapon pressure on the neck;

h) Any grabs of the fence of the ring and any resting on it with hands from above;

i) Attacking a lying opponent with a foot or a shin;

j) Any blows to any area of ​​the opponent's body subject to the obligatory protection by armor, if this area has lost the necessary protection;

k) For a fighter lying on his back, to raise and expose his feet, so that they are between the lying fighter and his opponent;

l) Any attacking action with penetration into eye slits of the opponent's helm.

14.7.2.  Any attacking action on the part of a fighter before the start of a fight by the marshal with the command "Fight!", or after the stop of a fight by the marshal with the command "Stop fight!"

14.7.3.  The intentional exit of a fighter outside the ring after the start of the fight and until the official announcement of the results of the fight, except when the permission to exit was obtained from the marshal in the ring.

14.7.4.  The removal and/or the replacement of elements of his ES by a fighter during fight, without a special permission of the representative of Сontrol Commission.    

14.7.5.  The interference into the work of the judges, wrangling with the judges, ignoring the commands of the marshal in the ring by a fighter or a cornerman.

14.7.6.  The foul language, insults from a fighter or a cornerman to the address of other participants of the competitions, cornermen, judges, representatives of the Organizing Committee, members of the Control Commission and spectators.

14.7.7.  The usage by a fighter during his fight of the elements of the ES, which were not allowed by the Control Commission.

14.7.8.  The stay of a fighter or a cornerman during the competitions in the state of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication.

14.7.9.  Stay of a fighter during the competitions under the influence of medications or other forms of doping included in the "Prohibited List of WADA."

14.7.10. The demand from a fighter or from a cornerman to stop a fight (except in cases, stipulated by these rules).

14.7.11. The appearance of the representatives of the fighter's team within the ring during the fight, without the special permission of the marshal, except for the intervals between rounds.

14.7.12. The passive conduction of his fight by a fighter (i.e. the refusal of a fighter during his fight to perform active attacking actions for 10 seconds or more).

14.7.13. The delay of the beginning of any round of his fight by a fighter.

14.7.14. Any other action of a fighter or a cornerman, which are not provided for by these rules and which could entail a serious delay or a complete stop of the fight.



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