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Reading Comprehension

Time: 1 hour


                                                 Part 1

For items 1 - 7 read the text about a geyser. Do the tasks using the information given in the text. Choose of the items A- F the title to each paragraph. Mind that there are 2 extra titles.


Old Faithful is a wonderful geyser. It erupts about every hour, winter or summer, day or night. Once every hour, Old Faithful sends a fountainlike column of hot water high into the air.


Old Faithful is in Yellowstone National  Park, USA. There are about 200 geysers in this park. The Giant Geyser throws water about 175 feet into the air, but it does not erupt regularly. No one knows when it will erupt. Some geysers erupt several times during an hour. Some may not erupt for months. But Old Faithful is different. It will always erupt once every hour.



It's time for Old Faithful to erupt again. There is a crowd near the geyser. Suddenly we hear a strange noise. Then we see only a small column of water. Gradually it rises higher and higher. Higher and still higher the water rises. It usually rises over 100 feet. For about four minutes this natural  fountain sends a giant column of water into the air. Then it gradually dies down. The people hurry away to see the other geysers.



In another hour another crowd will come to see Old Faith­ful. Again, a small


column of water will rise into the air. It will rise higher and higher, then gradually die down. Old Faithful is a good name for this faithful geyser.


Which paragraph can it be referred to?

A.      Why is it called Old Faithful?

B. National parks in the USA.
C. What makes geysers erupt?

D.      What is Old Faithful?

E. Seeing Old Faithful erupt.

F. The difference between Old Faithful and other geysers.


Complete the sentences. Choose the answer ( A, B….)which you think fits best according to the text about Geysers.

5. Old Faithful sends a giant column of water into the air for about_________

A) an hour B) five minutes C) four minutes D) forty minutes  

6. ______________ sends a taller column of wafer info the air.

     A) The Giant Geyser B) Old Faithful  

7. Old Faithful erupts ___________________

 A) only in winter     B) only in summer C) all the year round




                                         Part 2


Participant’s ID number


                          READING COMPREHENSION

                                   ANSWER SHEET


Use of English

Time: 1 hour


Task 1

For questions 1-14 complete the following text by writing each missing word or form of the verb (if necessary) in the correct box on your answer sheet .




Arthur Conan Doyle always thought he (1) ______ remembered for his historical novels. However, he became famous (2) _____ his creation of Sherlock Holmes with whom any detective bears no comparison.

Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, (3) _______ the twenty-second of May, 1859. His parents were Irish Roman Catholics, and he received his early education in a Jesuit school. (4) _______ he got a medical degree at (5) ______ Edinburgh University. He started practice (6)_______ a family physician. His income was small so he began (7) ______ stories to make ends meet. In 1891 he decided to give (8) _______medicine and devote all his time to writing.

A Study in Scarlet, published in 1887, introduced Holmes and his friend Dr John Watson. The sec­ond Holmes story was The Sign of Four. In 1891 Doyle began a series of stories called “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”.

Sherlock Holmes has become known to movie and television audiences as a tall and lean detective, who smoked a pipe and played (9) _______ violin. He lived (10) _______ 221 Baker Street in London, where he shared a flat with Watson. And according to Doyle, it was Watson (11) ______recorded the Holmes stories for future generations.

Doyle said he created Holmes after one of his teachers in Edinburgh, Dr Joseph Bell. Bell could, for example, glance (12) _______ a man and say that he was a left-handed


shoemaker. "It is all very well to say that a man is clever," Doyle wrote, "but the reader wants to see examples of it, such examples as Bell gave us every day." At last the author became bored (13) _______ Holmes and "killed" him.

But readers began to protest and Doyle wrote his next story explaining how the detective had survived the death struggle on the edge of a cliff. Stories describing Holmes's adventures continued to appeal almost (14) _______the end of Doyle's life.



                                             Task 2


For questions 15 - 19 put each word from the box in the appropriate place in the sentences.  

convenient    flourished   advantages invaded conquered

15) Arts…… ... in Ancient Greece and Rome.

16) When foreign soldiers ……... the country, all men joined the army.

17) Look! This is a ......... place for a picnic.

18) The Normans .......... Britain in 1066.

19) Living in a big town has many ……... .



                                           Task 3

Maximum is 20




Карточка участника

Student 1

Task 1

(Monologue; Time: 1,5 - 2 minutes)


In a minute you will have to speak about friendship . What is your idea of a real friend?


Task 2

(Dialogue; Time: 3 - 5 minutes)


Imagine that you and your partner are going abroad.

Discuss with your partner the role of travelling in our life. Your role is to be against travelling. You consider it a waste of time and money. You can know a lot about other countries watching TV programmes and reading. Give arguments and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come to an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and not a monologue .



Your answers will be recorded.




Карточка участника


Student 2

Task 1

(Monologue; Time: 1,5 - 2 minutes)

In a minute you will have to speak about our Planet. Do you agree that the Earth is our home and it is necessary to take care of it?

Task 2


(Dialogue; Time: 3 - 5 minutes)


Imagine that you and your partner are going abroad.

Discuss with your partner the role of travelling in our life. Your role is to be in favour of travelling. You insist that while travelling we receive a second education. Give arguments and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come to an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and not a monologue .



Your answers will be recorded.







Карточка члена жюри


В конкурсе устной речи участвуют 2 члена жюри и 2 участника олимпиады.

Все инструкции участникам конкурса устной речи даются на английском языке.

Преподаватели – члены жюри приглашают к своему столу пару участников.

Пары составляются методом случайной подборки.

Члены жюри начинают вести беседу и задают каждому участнику 2- 3 вопроса для того, чтобы снять напряжение, расположить их к беседе и подготовить к выполнению устного задания олимпиады.

Время, отводимое на данный этап задания – разминку, 1 – 2 минуты.




Примерный перечень вопросов:

How are you?

What do you think about the weather?

How long have you been learning English?

What other foreign languages do you know?

What do you usually do in your spare time?



Внимание! Не допускаются вопросы, которые направлены на выяснение фамилии участника, номера школы, в которой учится участник, и т.д.




Задание 1

Карточка № 1:


In a minute you will have to speak about friendship . What is your idea of a real friend?


Члены жюри могут дополнительно задать участнику, получившему карточку №1, вопросы по ходу своего ответа:

Do you have many friends?

Do you support each other?

Can we do without friendship?


Карточка № 2:

In a minute you will have to speak about our Planet. Do you agree that the Earth is our home and it is necessary to take care of it?



Члены жюри могут дополнительно задать участнику, получившему карточку №2, вопросы по ходу своего ответа:

Why do people have to protect their Planet?

Is it really in danger?

What can be done about it?


                                       Задание 2



                                   Карточка № 1



Imagine that you and your partner are going abroad.

Discuss with your partner the role of travelling in our life. Your role is to be against travelling. You consider it a waste of time and money. You can know a lot about other countries watching TV programmes and reading. Give arguments and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come to an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and not a monologue .



Карточка № 2:

Imagine that you and your partner are going abroad.

Discuss with your partner the role of travelling in our life. Your role is to be in favour of travelling. You insist that while travelling we receive a second education. Give arguments and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come to an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and not a monologue .



Участникам диалога следует помнить, что это обсуждение, а не монолог. Они должны давать возможность друг другу обмениваться своими мнениями. Свои доводы и мысли им следует подкреплять аргументами и примерами.


Время, отводимое на этот вид задания для каждого выступающего 1,5 - 2,5 минуты, всего не более 5 минут на обоих участников.


Maximum is 20



Total maximum is 30 +55+20+20 = 125








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