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Are in a hypnotic frenzy. The dance is building to a crescendo. It is suddenly cut short by the Chief Headhunter, who looks up into the sky, sensing something before we do.


Ola Mu Ta.

Immediately the tribesmen cease their dance and look upward.


(pointing up)

Ola Mu Ta.

The magic has worked. Soon we hear the distant sound of an airplane, its engines failing, followed by the fall to earth and the crash. The savages let out a bloodcurdling scream and dash for the crash sight.


Pieces of a small cargo plane strewn throughout the jungle. The pilot is dead. Like hungry birds of prey, the tribe tears through the debris looking for other less fortunate victims. One savage spots what appears to be an arm sticking out from under some twisted metal. Excitedly he pulls at it, releasing a life-size cut-out of Frank Sinatra.


It reads: “RECORD PROMOTION - LICORICE PIZZA, ZAIRE, AFRICA.” Camera opens up to reveal scattered record albums, tape recorders, cassette tapes, etc.


Quizzically studying a Frank Sinatra album as if it were some sort of strange new fruit. He unpeels the cover, revealing a shiny black disc; he sniffs it and ever so gently puts it to his ear. Finally, he takes a bite and spits it out in disgust.


ravaging through debris. Something captures his attention... a Sony tape recorder that is bent ridiculously out of shape. He picks it up, looks at it from every angle, licks it -- not edible. He throws it down, and in doing so the playback switch flips on. Immediately the jungle is filled with the voice of Frank Sinatra.


“Strangers in the night... exchanging

glances, wond'ring in the night...

what were the chances...”

All the natives hit the deck. The whole jungle is cast into silence as Old Blue Eyes tells it like it is.


“We'd be sharing love...

before the night was through...”

As the natives lie there petrified, our camera pans up through the trees into the clouds. TITLES OVER:


“Something in your eyes... was so

inviting, something in your smile...

was so exciting... something in my

 heart... told me I must have you...

Strangers in the night...

two lonely people we were...

Strangers in the night...

 up to the moment when we said our

 first hello... Little did we know,

 love was just a glance away, a warm

 embracing dance away and...”

We travel from the jungles of Africa to the jungles of South Philadelphia. Dawn is breaking.


“Ever since that night... we've been

together, lovers at first sight...

In love forever. It turned out so

right... for strangers in the night.”


As the do-be-do-be-doo's fade to an end, our camera closes in on an open second-story window. Faded curtains wave in the breeze as the camera moves into the room. We see a TV that has been left on all night with a test pattern that is not quite holding vertical. Then we see a nightstand; on it is an ashtray overflowing with burned out Lucky Strikes. Also a newspaper, with headlines: “ILLEGAL ALIENS ENTERING COUNTRY -- POLICE CHECKING FOR GREEN CARDS.” A black toupee sits on a headstand next to an autographed picture of Frank Sinatra. The signature looks as if a child had written it. All this belongs to a baldheaded figure who is lying in bed talking in his sleep.


Oh baby, one thing I know for sure,

As long as I have you, we can move

To da country and raise chickens for

All I care. 'Cause honey, I love ya.

(puckers his lips)

Camera focuses on a large Mickey Mouse Clock. The time is 7: 15. We hear a click and Mickey speaks.


Good morning, Mousekateers!

Time to wake up! Brush your teeth.

Comb your hair. Eat breakfast.

Have a nice day.

Tony starts to mumble and moan.


Getcha hands off me.

Getcha hands off me.


Good morning, Mousekateers!

Time to wake up! Brush your teeth.

Comb your hair. Eat breakfast.

Have a nice day.


Come on, give me a break...

I'm sleepin' here.


Good morning, Mousekateers!

Time to wake up! Brush your teeth.


Don't gimme that crap... I'll push


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