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Alkohol spray, sensitive spray – for children




The basis is the use of oral protocol and the protocol on the back. Repeatevery day and drink at least 2.5 liters of water.


Alkohol spray, sensitive spray – for children

One time of spraying: spray 5 chakras further areas of the liver, kidneys (and the areas of the body where is the pain and spray the opposite areas to this areas as well)

Spray the place where the neck connects with the back and lower part of the lumbar sacral spine.


Sequence of spraying:

- First day: repeat within the first hour 6 times and again in the evening.

- Second day - 5 times a day

- Third day - 5 times a day

- From the Fourth day, 3 times a day until the problem disappears.



oral spray
2 times a day: in the morning (after getting up) and evening (30 min after dinner) brush your teeth spray into the mouth (new soft brush).


Serum and spray

1st day: 3 x 1 drop - 100 ml

2nd day: 3 x 2 drops

3rd day: 3 x 3 drops

4th day: 3 x 4 drops

Day 5: 3 x 5 drops

Day 6: 3 x 6 drops

Day 7: 3 x 7 drops

Day 8: 3 x 8 drops

9. Day 3 x 9 drops

10th day: 3 x 10 drops

From day 11 continue to 3 x 10 drops into the empty bottle (about 1 month).

From 12 day use spray detoxifying (3 times a day spray the lymph nodes).

In case of discomfort or other problematic reaction, go back to the drop doses, when you felt comfortable with detox process, then increase the number of drops slowly.

Detox process must be comfortable and can't cause any phisical discomfort.

Repeat detox once a year.


1st and 2nd week: Protocol on the back 3 times a day

From 3rd week: detox to 12 drops. In addition to drink juice.


Spray sensitive

Lie down on the right side and spray into the left ear. Then wait and turn away. Do the same on the other side. Repeat several times a day.


In addition to the Protocol on the back, you can use the ear protocol, oral protocol and nasal spray.



alcohol spray, suppositories, juice
The protocol for the back and drink alcohol spray 3 - 5 doses in 100 ml of water(3-5 times a day). Drink juice, use of suppositories: 3-4 weeks - 1 suppository daily divided into three parts and eat morning, noon and evening. Morning and evening put 1 suppository rectally.

Spray alcohol spray or sensitive spray (for children) 2 times into your mouth, do a deep breath and exhale through the nose. Repeat several times a day until the problem disappears. (Cough, colds, lung problems)



Face cream

Face disinfection with alcohol spray

Morning use first serum from stem cells.

For the day revitalizing cream, for the nigh revitalizing mask.

Use under eye cream or gel morning and evening.


(Leg, arm, kidney, muscle soreness, inflammation of the tendons, sore feet).

In case of pain, it can covered for the night by dressing with body lotion (" bandage" with a transparent film).


1. The hip joint, cartilage wear
2. The lock of the heart, arteries

3. Asthma, allergies

4. Diabetes Type 1-2

5. Hashimoto

6. Autism, hyperactivity

7. Jowl
8. Pimples on the face
9. Herpes

10. Blisters on the feet, angioma

11. Athlete's foot

12. Candida

13. Stroke

14. Brain Tumor
15. Tik
16. Migraine
17. Open wounds

18. Pimples on the back, rash

19. Viral hepatitis type A, B, C

20. Hhigh level of cholesterol, high level of carbohydrates in blood
21. Inflammation of the sinuses
22. Facial Paralysis
23. Bleeding gums, tooth pain
24. Colds, cough, throat problems
25. Menopause

26. Warts, birthmarks

27. Blindness

28. Broken veins
29. Epilepsy

30. Liver cancer

31. Incontinence

32. Schizophrenia

33. Problems with short-term memory
34. Sjö gren's – Crohn's syndrome

35. Morgelon's syndrome

36. Eczema, atopic dermatitis

37. Curvature of the nasal septum

38. Breast cancer

39. Breaking, strained muscles

40. Rheumatism

41. Tinnitus

42. Stress

43. Sick Children (colds, fever)

44. Varicose veins

45. Stomach pain, chronic bowel inflammatory, bowel disease

46. Weak kidneys

47. Depression, depressive mania

48. Nausea

49. Chronic muscles inflammation

50. Sleep disorders

51. Lung cancer

52. Paranoid Schizophrenia

53. Pneumothorax

54. Astigmatism

55. Hair loss

56. Tuberculosis

57. Aids, Syphilis

58. No digestion, diarrhea

59. Diarrhea and vomiting - children

60. Open wounds due to diabetes

61. Sand in the kidneys

62. Autoimmune diseases

63. Breast cancer (prevention)

64. Food Intolerance

65. Liver Spots

66. Macular degeneration

67. Cyst (after thrombosis) in the kneecap knee

68. The smell of feet

69. Tick (for dog)

70. Menstrual pain

71. Swollen lymph nodes

72. Senile Dementia (prevention)

73. Alzheimer's disease (prevention)

74. Parkinson's disease (prevention)

75. Multiple sclerosis

76. Soaking up (people over the age of 3)

77. Pneumonia

78. Ovarian Cancer

79. Psoriasis

80. Reflux

81. Fibromyalgia (pain hypersensitivity)

82. Problems with nails

83. Prader - Willi syndrome

84. Bedsores

85. Bacterial infection

86. Hemangioma

87. Macular degeneration

88. Cataracts

89. Glaucoma

90. Melanoma

91. MDS

92. After the kidney transplantation

93. Gallstones, kidney stones

94. Muscles

95. Cyst in blister

96. Arthritis

97. Bloody excrement, bad breath

98. Acne

99. Epidermolysis bullosa

100. Pancreatitis

101. Cysts in the liver

102. Epstein Barr virus

103. Eye problems

104. Problems with libido

105. Eczema

106. Inflammation of the throat, tonsillitis

107. Toothache

108. Headache

109. Stomach problems

110. Hemorrhoids

111. Fibroids

112. Prostate

113. Allergy caused by pollen

114. Food allergy

115. Skin allergy

116. Problems with the thyroid

117. Herniated intervertebral

118. Digitus malleus

119. Grated cartilage and restoration of a gelatinous substance

120. High blood pressure

121. Cholesterol

122. Problems with the bladder

123. Spurs heel (heel inflammation of the fascia)

124. Sinusitis facial

125. Inflammation of the ear, deafness

126. The problem with smell

127. Vitiligo

128. strained ligaments

129. Gynecological cyst

130. HPV

131. Prostate Cancer

132. Colorectal Cancer

133. Lymph cancer - lymphoma

134. Cancer of the larynx

135. Shingles

136. Problems with concentration, hyperactivity

137. Arthritis

138. burns, cuts, bites

139. Leukemia

140. Orange peel (cellulite)




The Protocol and the back and on the thyroid, oral protocol.

8. Pimples on the face

The Protocol on the back, spray face with alcohol or sensitive spray (even every hour), apply body lotion

9. Herpes

The Protocol on the back and spray herpes with alcohol, sensitive or mouth spray, (You should try, which one is the best), you can also drink the juice.


Athlete's foot

The Protocol on the back (2-3 times a day) and spray feet (the more, the better), drink alcohol spray (if possible, then do not eat sugar and flour), use body lotion.


The Protocol on the back, drink with alcohol spray (5 doses into 100ml of water 3-5 times a day). Treatment with suppositories (at least 4 weeks), drink juice (if this is possible, then do not eat sugar and flour).



The Protocol on the back, spray head and the carotid artery, drink with alcohol spray (5 doses into 100ml of water 3-5 times a day). Spray the limbs, if there is a problem.


Brain Tumor

The Protocol on the back, spray head and the carotid artery, drink alcohol spray (5 doses into 100ml of water 3-5 times a day). After 4 weeks start detox.

15. Tik

The Protocol on the back and spray the muscles that move in an uncontrolled manner. Use the energizing spray. After 4 weeks start detox.

16. Migraine

The Protocol on the back, spray head and the carotid artery, drink with alcohol spray (5 doses into 100ml of water 3-5 times a day). Drink lots of water. When the balance is back, the problem is over.

17. Open wounds

The Protocol on the back and open wounds spray for the first time sensitive spray, then spray with alcohol spray.


Pimples on the back, rash

The Protocol on the back and pustules spray with alcohol spray, drink juice, after 4 weeks start detox.


Warts, birthmarks

The Protocol on the back, as well as spray warts or birthmarks. In the morning use body lotion, for the night serum from stem cells.



The Protocol on the back, a nasal spray, spray your eyes and ears with sensitive spray.


Broken veins

The Protocol on the back, dressing with body lotion and oil from stem cells, after four weeks, clean the lymphatic system with lymph spray.

29. Epilepsy

The Protocol on the back, energizing spray, after 4 weeks start detox.


Liver cancer

The Protocol on the back, spray liver area, drink alcohol spray (5 doses into 100ml of water 3-5 times a day), use suppositories, after 4 weeks start detox.



The Protocol on the back, use suppositories, after 4 weeks start detox



The Protocol on the back, energizing spray, after 4 weeks start detox


Morgelon's syndrome

The Protocol on the back, on the wound use sensitive spray sensitive, energizing spray.


Eczema, atopic dermatitis

The Protocol on the back – alcoholspray, wound spray with sensitive spray, oral protocol, body lotion, shampoo and shower gel, after 4 weeks start detox (detoxification cosmetics: serum, spray, shower gel, shampoo).


Breast cancer

The Protocol on the back, use suppositories detox to 3 x 50 drops detoxification, after 3 weeks of use also detox spray.


Breaking, strained muscles

The Protocol on the back and spray on affected area, at least for a night dressing with body lotion and film.


The Protocol on the back and the oral protocol (very important), spray on the sore spot, at least for the night dressing with body lotion and films


The Protocol on the back, ear protocol, the oral protocol, nasal spray, energizing spray.


The Protocol on the back, energizing spray.

Varicose veins

The Protocol on the back, at least for a night dressing with body lotion, after 4 weeks cleanse the lymphatic system with lymph spray.

Weak kidneys

The Protocol on the back, after seven days of drinking alcohol spray -lukewarm water (5 doses into 100ml of water 5 times a day), use suppositories and eat 1/2 of suppository in the morning and 1/2 in the evening, for the night dressing with body lotion and film (kidneys area)


The Protocol on the back, drink sensitive spray, eat 1 suppository per day (3 x 1/3)

Sleep disorders

The Protocol on the back, energizing spray 3 times a day (under the tongue 3 - 5 doses- before 16.00).


Lung cancer

The Protocol on the back, spray the lungs also from the outside, inhalation with sensitive spray, chest rub with body (dressing with body balm on this area) and start the detox (slowly up to 3 x 80 drops, three weeks after use the spray for detox)

Paranoid Schizophrenia

The Protocol on the back, after 3 weeks use energizing spray, after 4 weeks start detox, after 8 weeks cleanse the lymphatic system with lymph spray.


The Protocol on the back, spray the lungs also from the outside, inhalation with sensitive spray (at least 5 times a day), breast lubricate with body lotion.


The Protocol on the back, face, eyes, spray with spray-sensitive, use a nasal spray

Hair loss

The Protocol on the back, use a shampoo.


The Protocol on the back, spray the lungs also from the outside, inhalationwith spray-sensitive (at least 5 times a day), the ear protocol, nasal spray, juice.


Aids, Syphilis

The Protocol on the back, juice, treatment with suppositories.

No digestion, diarrhea

The Protocol on the back, juice, treatment with suppositories

Open wounds due to diabetes

The Protocol on the back, drink spray sensitive (5 doses into 100ml of water 3-5 times a day), use suppositories, juice. Open wound spray with spray sensitive 5 - 10 times a day (then use body lotion and / or use a spray with alcohol).

Sand in the kidneys

The Protocol on the back, also drinkspray wth alcohol (5 doses into 100ml of water 3-5 times a day), use suppositories, drink at least 3 liters of water a day!!

Autoimmune diseases

The Protocol on the back, juice, after 3 weeks start detox, also spray head.



Prevent Breast Cancer

The Protocol on the back, chest sprayed the front and the back, lubricate with body balm (fear is a creative force, you should „fear” rather your luck)

64. Food Intolerance

The Protocol on the back, drink alcohol spray (5 doses into 100ml of water 3-5 times a day), juice.

Liver Spots

The Protocol on the back, for the spots try: spray with alcohol, sensitive spray, body lotion, serum from stem cells (individual prefrences)

Macular degeneration

The Protocol on the back and spray sensitive first to first closed eyes, then opened eyes (at least 3 times a day), use the nasal spray

The smell of feet

The Protocol on the back, spray the feet and legs, use a body lotion (dressing for the night)

Tick in a dog

Spray tick with alcohol spray, a protocol on the back for the dog.

Menstrual pain

The Protocol on the back and spray the abdomen, suppositories (at least 2 times a day). Start everything even before menstruation. If it hurts, then spray the abdomen every 10 minutes. At each tampon change new suppositories can be applied.

Swollen lymph nodes

The Protocol on the back, lymph nodes spray with alcohol spray.

Multiple sclerosis

The Protocol on the back and drink spray with alcohol (5 doses to 100ml of water 3-5 times a day), spray head and limbs, after 4 weeks of detox.



The Protocol on the back, spray chest, body lotion, inhale spray sensitive, use a nasal spray.


Ovarian Cancer

The Protocol on the back, use suppositories (morning and evening to make 1 each time), ovaries from outside spray with alcohol spray(as many times as possible). When someone feels better start detox after 3 weeks, if someone feels waeker postpone detox.


Daily drink 3-5 x 100 ml of water with 5 doses of spray sensitive, the protocol on the back, if there's no change: detox. body lotion, shampoo, shower gel


The Protocol on the back, drink spray with alcohol (5 doses to 100ml of water 3-5 times a day), eat suppositories (3 x 1/3 a day).


Problems with nails

The Protocol on the back and spray the nail, for the night interchangeably dressing with serum from stem cells and body lotion.

Prader - Willi syndrome

The Protocol on the back, also drink juice, spray head, shampoo, use nasal spray, use an energetic spray



As for open wounds, use a spray sensitive, if wounds are closed, then spray the spray with alcohol can be used, lubricate using body balm. The results in this case is perfectly good.

Bacterial infection

The Protocol on the back, spray with alcohol spray, spray the affected area 10 times daily, drink juice


The Protocol on the back, spray with alcohol spray the affected area, lubricate body lotion, drink spray with alcohol. (5 doses to 100ml of water 3-5 times a day)

Macular degeneration

The Protocol on the back - spray with alcohol spray, apply spray sensitive on the eyes, use a nasal spray


The Protocol on the back - with alcohol spray, spray sensitive on the eyes of at least 5 times a day.


The Protocol on the back - with alcohol spray, spray sensitive to the eyes of at least 5 times a day.



The Protocol on the back, spray the affected areas, serum from stem cells, often used body lotion,


The Protocol on the back, flat bones (hip) spary often with alcohol spray


Gallstones, kidney stones

The Protocol on the back, spray the liver, kidneys and pancreas, drink alcohol spray (5 doses to 100ml of water 3-5 times a day), drink plenty of water



The Protocol on the back, spray the abdomen, use suppositories at least 3 months (1/1 in the morning and evening)

Cyst in blister

The Protocol on the back, spray the abdomen, lubricate with body balm, after 5 days start to drink alcohol spray (5 doses to 100ml of water 3-5 times a day). Use suppositories for 4 weeks (2 times a day) and then control and continuation of the protocol on the back, if necessary.


The Protocol on the back and drink alcohol spray (5 doses to 100ml of water 3-5 times a day), drink the juice, on the sore spot dressing with body lotion, after 3 weeks start detox.


The Protocol on the back, spray face with alcohol spray, then body lotion interchangeably with serum from stem cells

Epidermolysis bullosa

The Protocol on the back - spray with alcohol spray, open wounds spray wiuth spray sensitive, drink plenty of water (always control changes)


The Protocol on the back, stomach area spray several times a day, use suppositories at least 3 weeks – (input – morning and evening) and eating (1/2 – morning and evening), after 4 weeks start detox

Cysts in the liver

The Protocol on the back, spray liver several times a day, after 4 weeks start detox.



Epstein Barr virus

The Protocol on the back and hollow areas sprayed with with alcohol spray, lubricate with body balm. After 3 weeks start detox.


Eye problems

The Protocol on the back - spray with alcohol spray, spray for closwed eyes a sensitive spray


Problems with libido

Two bottles of intim spray will be needed. Spray the abdomen, groin, scrotum. Before intercourse rinse. (At the start of use some kind of burning you can be felt, but not bigger than in case of use of alcohol spray)



The Protocol on the back. Affected areas sprayed with spray sensitive or lubricate body lotion or serum from stem cells (check individually). Even the influence of particular products could be different for particular bode areas.

Apply 3-5 times a day, the right product at the areas affected by eczema.

if the eczema is related to the digestive system spray the stomach (small intestine, large intestine) drink alcohol spray 3 times a day (5 doses to 100ml of water) spray several times a day areas of the skin affected by eczema.

If the eczema is related to the nervous system, spreay 3-5 times the spine in 5 spots + drink 3 times a day alcohol spray, lubricate the areas of the skin affected by eczema.



Use oral spray at the place of the aching tooth. From the outside, spray the aching tooth area with sensitive spray or alcohol spray. If the problem and pain are associated with gum disease, use only a mouth spray and apply it to the mouth. Initially, the place affected by inflammation should be sprayed every 5 minutes, until the pain is over. Over the next days, 5-10 times per day.



The Protocol on the back. Spray the painful areas with alcohol spray. Drink alcohol spray (5 doses to 100ml of water). If the pain still does not pass, after 5-10 minutes drink again.

At the same time spray the back of the head and neck muscles.


Stomach problems

The Protocol on the back. Every half hour Drink alcohol spray (5 doses to 100ml of water). At the same time spray from outside the stomach and intestines (thin and thick). If there is vomiting, take a sip of alcohol spray drink every 1 minute, in this case spray every 1 minute from outside stomach and intestines. Drink juice.




The protocol on the back. Twice a day, apply rectally suppository and immediately after application lie back for half an hour. You have to use all the suppositories fromthe package, even if symptoms are gone before. At the same time from 5 to 10 times per day sprayed around the anal area with spray sensitive.



The protocol on the back. Twice a day (morning and evening) apply vaginally suppository and immediately after application lie down for half an hour on the back. The first and second suppository must always be placed into the vagina, while the third is always into the anus. Several times a day spray with spray sensitive inimate organs. At least 3 times a day, sprayed with spray the entire abdomen and uterus, ovary and cross bones, 3 times a day to drink alcohol spray (5 doses to 100ml of water)



The protocol on the back. Twice a day (morning and evening) apply rectally suppository and immediately lie down for half an hour on the back. Spray prostate area several times a day. With sensitive spray.


Allergy caused by pollen

The protocol on the back, 2-3 times a day use nasal spray inhale deeply. Spray chest and opposite back area. Inhalation with spray sensitive, 3-5 times a day. Drink alcohol spray 3-5 times a day (5 doses to 100ml of water). If the results will not be satisfactory then after 3- 4 weeks start detox.


Food allergy

The protocol on the back, drink alcohol spray 3-5 times a day (5 doses to 100ml of water). Spray the area of small intestine, large intestine and stomach. Use rectally suppositories (2 boxes shoukd be fully used), applying them 2 times a day (morning and evening). If the results will not be satisfactory then after 3- 4 weeks start detox.


Skin allergy

The protocol on the back, drink alcohol spray 3-5 times a day (5 doses to 100ml of water). Several times a day spray the entire abdomen. Eczema or skin rash spray with spray sensitive and parallel lubricate body lotion or serum from stem cells (what is better on inividual choice). f the results will not be satisfactory then after 3- 4 weeks start detox.


Problems with the thyroid

The protocol on the back, 3-5 times a day spray the thyroid with spray sensitive.

Spray with lymph spray times per day sprayed centers of the lymphatic system (under the chin, the neck under the ears, armpits, groin - always sprayed on both sides). Drink detox serum - 12 drops in 100 ml. Water. These products must be used for 3 months to thyroid function is regulated, both in the case of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

If the cause of thyroid dysfunction is the improper operation pituitary gland or adrenal cortex, proceed as follows:

- in the case of malfunctioning of the adrenal cortex, in addition to the above recommendations apply 3 times a day energizing spray (3 doses each time under the tongue).

- in the case of malfunctioning of the pituitary gland, should be in addition to the above recommendations, in addition to spray with spray sensitive, 3-5 times a day pituitary gland.


Herniated intervertebral

The protocol on the back, spray every half hour with alcohol spray affected areas.

As the regression of pain, you can reduce the frequency of spraying to once per hour. With such frequency is needed to spray the affected area for 3-4 months, and if the symptoms are gone completely switch mode to 3 times a day.



Digitus malleus

The protocol on the back, spray 2 - 3 times a day with alcoholspray the whole foot, from the top and from the bottom. (Important). Complete regeneration could take even about six months.


High blood pressure

The protocol on the back, several times a day spray sternum, spine in 5 spots and neck with alcohol spray. Drink alcohol spray 3-5 times a day (5 doses to 100ml of water)



The protocol on the back, 3-5 times a day spray liver with the spray sensitive. Drink alcohol spray 3-5 times a day (5 doses to 100ml of water)



Problems with the bladder

The protocol on the back, spray 5-10 times per day, (in severe cases, every half hour) with spray sensitive. Drink alcohol spray 5 times a day (5 doses to 100ml of water). Men should use suppository rectally 2 times a day (morning and evening) - after application lie down (on your stomach area) and remain in this position for 30 minutes. Women should use suppository vaginally 2 times a day (morning and evening) - after application lie down (on your stomach area) and remain in this position for 30 minutes.


123. Spurs heel (heel inflammation of the fascia)

The protocol on the back, in case of severe pain to spray heel and it's area with alcohol spray. When the pain is reduced, spray 3-5 times a day. From approx. 3 months spray the whole foot. because the ligament will regenerate and occupied the desired position. Because of this process the painfull reaction can come back untill the full regeneration. The process of " repair" might take a minimum 6 months.


Sinusitis facial

2-3 times a day us nasal spray, deeply inhaling.

5 times a day use sensitive spray bottle to spray the entire face and behind the ears.

3-5 times a day drink the sensitive spray (5 doses to 100ml of water)



The problem with smell

Protocol on the back, use nasal spray2-3 times a day. 5 times a day drink the sensitive spray (5 doses to 100ml of water).



Protocol on the back, 3 times per day spray the affected area with sensitive spray and use the stem cell serum as well


Strained ligaments

Protocol on the back, Spray the affected area for a few weeks alcohol spray. Initially often, even every 15 min, and then, when the pain will be reduced continue 3-5 times a day. Continue for several weeks.


Gynecological cyst

Protocol on the back, apply suppository 2 times daily vaginally. Lay down for 30 min after application. Spray with spray-sensitive lower abdomen and ovaries.



Protocol on the back, apply suppository 2 times daily vaginally. Lay down for 30 min after application. Spray with spray-sensitive lower abdomen and ovaries. 5 times a day drink the alcohol spray (5 doses to 100ml of water).


Prostate Cancer

Protocol on the back, 2 times a day use a suppository rectally. After applying, lie down on your stomach for half an hour. From the outside spray with sensitive spray area of prostate, testicles and place between the testicles and anus. 5 times a day drink the alcohol spray (5 doses to 100ml of water). Start detox.


Colorectal Cancer

Protocol on the back – alcohol spray

Use of spray sensitive- Morning: on an empty stomach drink spray sip by sip (5 doses to 50ml of water). Spray (one dose) on liver, kidneys, pancreas, sternum, shoulder, the hip bone, for the small and large intestine. For the first five days of 4- regularly spray the above-mentioned areas. From the 6th day start to use detox serum:

Start by adding one drop to 100 ml. water and drink. Every day increase the dose by one drop, until you get to 12 drops (1 day: 1 drop, 2 day: 3 drops until the 8th day we get to 12 drops), detox spray should also be included - morning and evening one dose in the folds of the knees, elbows, the kidneys and liver. Then use everything simultaneously.



Lymph cancer - lymphoma

Protocol on the back – alcohol spray, att least 10 times a day to splash placement affected by cancer. 5 times a day to drink a solution of 3-5 doses of sensitive spray dissolved in 100 ml. water.

Spray the flat bones, such as: sternum, shoulder, hip bones, spine 5 in spots.

In case of metastases it's prohibited from using lymph spray until the cancer cells will not be broken down. Detox protocol.


Cancer of the larynx

Protocol on the back, spray with sensitive spray the neck in the area of the larynx, with mouth spray apply deep into the back of the throat, then swallow. In the early days every half hour, and then 10 times a day spray i.e. flat bones: the sternum, shoulder, hip bones. 3-5 times a day drink alcohol spray (5 doses into 100ml of water). Oral protocol and detox.



Protocol on the back, 3-5 times a day drink alcohol spray (5 doses into 100ml of water). 3 times a day to spray on the spine in 5 spots. Affected areas spray at least every half-hour, with the recovery from pain frequency may be reduced to 1 time per hour. Use a shower gel and body balm.



Protocol on the back, Spray affected places with alcohol spray, 3-5 times a day drink alcohol spray (5 doses into 100ml of water). Oral protocol and detox.



Burns, cuts, bites

As long as the pain persists spray the affected area with sensitive spray every 5 minutes.

Then apply the spray still for a few more days, 5 times a day. Use body balm.



Protocol on the back, several times a day spray the flat bone (sternum, shoulder, hip bones), chest front and back and spine in 5 spots. Drink 5 times a day alcohol spray (5 doses into 100ml of water). Detox.


Orange peel (cellulite)

Protocol on the back, spray lymph nodes3-5 times with the lymph spray. Spray the places affected by cellulite with sensitivespray. Drink 3 times a day alcohol spray (5 doses into 100ml of water).water. You should drink plenty of water.




The basis is the use of oral protocol and the protocol on the back. Repeatevery day and drink at least 2.5 liters of water.


alkohol spray, sensitive spray – for children

One time of spraying: spray 5 chakras further areas of the liver, kidneys (and the areas of the body where is the pain and spray the opposite areas to this areas as well)

Spray the place where the neck connects with the back and lower part of the lumbar sacral spine.


Sequence of spraying:

- First day: repeat within the first hour 6 times and again in the evening.

- Second day - 5 times a day

- Third day - 5 times a day

- From the Fourth day, 3 times a day until the problem disappears.



oral spray
2 times a day: in the morning (after getting up) and evening (30 min after dinner) brush your teeth spray into the mouth (new soft brush).


Serum and spray

1st day: 3 x 1 drop - 100 ml

2nd day: 3 x 2 drops

3rd day: 3 x 3 drops

4th day: 3 x 4 drops

Day 5: 3 x 5 drops

Day 6: 3 x 6 drops

Day 7: 3 x 7 drops

Day 8: 3 x 8 drops

9. Day 3 x 9 drops

10th day: 3 x 10 drops

From day 11 continue to 3 x 10 drops into the empty bottle (about 1 month).

From 12 day use spray detoxifying (3 times a day spray the lymph nodes).

In case of discomfort or other problematic reaction, go back to the drop doses, when you felt comfortable with detox process, then increase the number of drops slowly.

Detox process must be comfortable and can't cause any phisical discomfort.

Repeat detox once a year.


1st and 2nd week: Protocol on the back 3 times a day

From 3rd week: detox to 12 drops. In addition to drink juice.


Spray sensitive

Lie down on the right side and spray into the left ear. Then wait and turn away. Do the same on the other side. Repeat several times a day.


In addition to the Protocol on the back, you can use the ear protocol, oral protocol and nasal spray.



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