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Motion Debatable / Non-debatable Voting Procedure Description
Point of Personal Privilege Non-debatable No A Delegate may at any time introduce a Point of Personal Privilege in order to remove a personal discomfort, which impairs his/her ability to participate in the proceedings: he/she does not hear the speaker, or feels cold/hot.
Point of Order Non-debatable No A Delegate may at any time when the floor is open, but not during speeches introduce a Point of Order to correct an error in procedure. In this case a Delegate may not speak on the substance of the matter under discussion.
Parliamentary Inquiry Non-debatable No A Delegate may at any time when the floor is open, but not during speeches, introduce a Parliamentary Inquiry in order to clarify a technical point regarding the present Rules.
Question to the Speaker Non-debatable No A Delegate may ask the speaker if he/she has finished the speech and is ready to answer, and doesn’t yield the floor to the President or other Delegate.
Question to the Expert Non-debatable No A Delegate may at any time when the floor is open, but not during speeches ask the Expert to clarify the essence and details of the matter under consideration, to explain the legitimacy of the Draft points, amendments, and their compliance with the international public law.
Right of Reply Non-debatable No A Delegate whose personal or national integrity has been impugned by another Delegate may, at the end of the latter’s speech, request the Right of Reply. The President should decide upon the request immediately. If the Right of Reply is granted, the wronged Delegate may immediately speak during 1 minute. A Right of Reply to a Right of Reply is not in order.
Motion for Caucus (Unmoderated/Moderated) Non-debatable Simple Majority The Motion is used for the Council to proceed to the informal Debate without President or chaired by the President. The purpose, the type (Moderated/Unmoderated) and time limits of the Caucus shall be specified by the Delegate making the motion.
Motion to Set the Speaking Time Non-debatable Simple Majority The Motion is used in order to define the speaking time for each Delegate, taking the floor during formal Debate or Moderated Caucus. These time limits include the time allotted for Questions to the Speaker.
Motion to Moderate the Speaking Time Non-debatable Simple Majority The Motion is used in order to limit/prolong the speaking time for the Delegate, taking the floor.
  Motion to Suspend the Meeting   Non-debatable   Simple Majority A Delegate may at any time when the floor is open, but not during speeches, introduce a Motion to Suspend the meeting to hold a small break. The Delegate shall explain the purpose of the motion and propose a time for Suspension.
Motion for Adjournment of the Meeting Non-debatable Qualified Majority Adoption of this motion means closure of the Security Council meeting.
Motion for Closure of the Debate Non-debatable Qualified Majority Adoption of this motion means that the Council proceeds to immediate voting on the matter under consideration.
Motion for Adjournment of the Debate Non-debatable Qualified Majority Adoption of this motion means temporary closure of the Debate without final voting. The question may be reconsidered if the majority of the Delegates desire it.
Motion to Moderate the Time of the Debate Debatable Simple Majority The Motion is used to limit/prolong the time allotted for formal Debate or informal Debate (Caucus)
Motion to Reconsider Debatable Qualified Majority The Motion is used to bring a resolution or topic that has been previously tabled back to the floor.




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