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Sempoi, I was told that X element was the best to start, should I work on that first no matter what?

No. You should work on an element based on your character roster. Just because it’s the best to start on doesn’t mean you have the tools to use it. For example, if someone told you that Dark was the best but you only had Water characters, you wouldn’t start Dark because you have no one to benefit from farming the weapons.


Sempoi, show me what an end game grid looks like!

There are a lot of different variations of “End Game grids” for each element since they depend on which characters and which summons you own, but here is a sample of possible end-game Magna grids:

Sempoi, I have a lot of SSR weapons of X element, shouldn’t I focus on this element first?

You should be deciding on what element to main based on your character pool, and not based on your weapons. Remember that weapons are farmable in game, characters are not.


Sempoi, I haven’t pulled any SSR outside of the pity guaranteed ones, do I need to harakiri?

Put that tantou away, you don’t need to have SSRs to progress through the game. There are SR units that are just as good or even better than some SSRs. And Granblue Fantasy gives tons of event SRs, (SRs that are obtained through events) and they’re as useful as the normal gacha SRs. So, no. You don’t need to harakiri for now.


Sempoi, I have some weird Gacha SSR summon with auras that boost weapon skills, what do I do with them?

Keep it. It’s known as a Primal summon and it’s used for grids called Primal grids. It’s more of a late game goal. It’s beyond what you need to know now. Just make sure to Favorite them and to not reduce / sell them.

Sempoi, should I use a ten draw outside of Legfest/Premium Gala?

No, unless you’re some God-tier Lucksack who happens to be RNJesus himself. Legfest has a 6% SSR rate versus the usual 3% rate. You will ‘typically” see better results at that time.

But Sempoi, I reaaaaally want to pull and I see my lucksack friends getting 11 SSR in a ten draw!

If you really want this to happen, go ahead:

Sempoi, what is a whale?

Whales are people who have a lot of incomes to spend on the gacha, allowing them to have more chances to get rare summons, sparking limited characters with real money, and using P2W gold moon weapons in their grids. They are, as a result, significantly stronger than your average player, although there is no content in granblue that will ever require you to whale in order to beat it.

Sempoi, how do I buy Mobacoins/Granblue Coins to buy my surprise ticket / scam gacha / start the whale life?

If you own an Android Device, you can make purchases directly in game through Google. If you don’t, there is an excellent guide that about how to buy Mobacoins here.



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