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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Does fast food taste good or bad? Why?

Why is fast food so popular?

How often do you eat fast food? What do you usually eat? Where?

What is a food that people think is healthy but really isn’t?

Do you know anyone who has worked at a fast food restaurant? How did they like it?

How has fast food changed in your country?

How is your country’s fast food different from other countries’ fast food?

Can you think of any healthy fast food?

How would you define описать “fast food”?

Environmental Problems

What are some of the most serious environmental problems?

What are ten things individuals can do to help the environment?

What are five things governments can do to help the environment?

What is your opinion on climate change?

Which countries cause the most pollution?

How will our children be affected by climate change?

What kinds of technologies do you know of that might help stop environmental problems?

Are corporations responsible for helping the environment?

What are some things that corporations can do to help the environment?

What are some local environmental problems you have noticed?

Do you think houses will be more environmentally friendly in the future?

Where will we get our energy when we run out of oil?

How will India and China affect the environment in the future?

What will happen if we keep polluting the environment?

Will the climate keep changing or go back to normal?


How often do you cook?

How good are you at cooking?

What are some things that you can cook?

What dish or food are you best at cooking?

Do you think you can cook better than your mother?

Who is a better cook, your mother or your grandmother?

Are cooking shows popular in your country? Do you watch any cooking shows?

What is the hardest thing to cook?

What are some of the advantages of cooking your meals at home? How about the disadvantages?

Is it important for husbands to know how to cook?

Does your father cook?

Who is the best cook you know?

Would you like to be a chef? Why?

If you had your own personal chef, what meal would you ask for most?

How hard is it to become a chef? What do you have to do to become a chef?


How much water do you drink every day?

How many glasses of water should people drink every day?

How long can a person live without drinking any water? How long have you gone without drinking anything?

Can you swim? How often do you go swimming?

Where is a good place to go swimming near here?

Try to name 10 water sports.

Not being able to get clean drinking water is a big problem in many places. What are some ways we can help people get clean drinking water?

Think of the biggest river in your country. How polluted is it? Would you swim in it?

Where does the biggest city in your country get its clean water from?

The world’s population is increasing rapidly. Getting clean water for everyone might become difficult in the future. Think of three ways we can avoid this problem.


Where do you like to go on vacation?

Where would you like to go on vacation?

Tell your partner about your best travel story.

What are some things you always take with you on a trip?

Do you prefer package tours or making your own trip?

Where did you spend your last vacation? What did you do?

What are some of the benefits of traveling alone?

What are some of the benefits of traveling with a group?

What is the longest journey you have ever made?

What’s the best way to travel? (By plane, ship, train, car, etc.)

Where is the most amazing place you have been?

Where are the best places for:

Adventure vacations?

Historical vacations?

Shopping vacations?

Party vacations?

Relaxing vacations?

What is the best and worst thing about traveling to a new country?

Where do you prefer to stay when you go on vacation? (Hotel, hostel, Airbnb house / room, etc.)

What are your best travel tips?

What is the strangest food you’ve seen or eaten while on vacation?

What do you like to do while you are traveling? (i.e. relax, shop, sight see, experience local culture…)

How often do you travel?

What souvenirs have you brought back from traveling?

Where are you going for your next trip?

Where are the best places to go on vacation in your country?

Who in your family travels the most?

What popular travel destination do you want to avoid?

How adventurous are you when you travel?

Do you try to learn some of the local language before you travel to a new country? What phrases do you try to learn?

What is the longest trip you’ve taken?

How much vacation time do you get a year?

What do you usually forget to bring when you go on vacation?

What do you miss most when you are traveling?

What was the worst flight that you have taken?

What is the ideal length for a vacation?

What is the most interesting tourist attraction you’ve traveled to in your own country?

The Internet


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