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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Exercise Read the words correctly and guess their meaning. Consult the dictionary

Social process, fiction, technosphere, complex industrial system, instruction, traditional, project, international standard, expert,  technical base, organization, specialist, filter, standard, Ministry, minimize, technology of synthetic materials, process of certification, action plan, ecologist risk

Exercise Fill in the box with all derivatives. Consult the dictionary

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

Exercise Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word-combinations

Shape one’s life, Engineer Environmental, man-made accident, science fiction worlds, list, prevention and warning of consequences, lead to environmental disaster, household appliances, occupational diseases and injuries, environmental legislation, sanitary safety, scale employment

Section 2. Text Study

Exercise Read and translate the texts A,B,C, D and find answers to the following questions:

1. What is the function of Technosphere safety?

2. What does technospheric safety management require?

3. How can experts prevent the consequences of natural disasters earthquakes, floods, etc.?

4. What must an engineer do to in case of man-made disasters?

5. What is the professional sphere of Technosphere safety experts?


Text A.

Technosphere Safety - Protecting Man from Himself

We live in turbulent times. Excluding all social processes, we can safely say that the equipment and technology shape our lives. Of course, to science fiction worlds described in which the role of the person - only to observe and to philosophize, and all are busy ensuring the existence of the machinery, we are still far away. But the concept of "Technosphere safety" is not out of fiction. Our habitat, which is called the technosphere, carries many dangers both for people and nature. This is primarily determined by the presence of complex industrial systems malfunctions that could lead to environmental disasters. Do not forget about common household appliances, which can also cause an accident.

 Technosphere safety watches prospects and technologies to protect people and nature from the effects of industrial activity. A few years ago we talked about health and safety. Now technospheric safety management requires knowledge of not only the instructions and safety regulations, and environmental legislation, international standards on the protection of the environment. Of course, no one has repealed the traditional fire and sanitary safety. The knowledge of all processes of the enterprise and its material and technical base are also required for those who are trained. Technosphere safety - is health and peace of mind of the staff (from the CEO to the polisher), and therefore, the success of the entire enterprise and gain extra profit.

Emergency Ministry employees regularly travel to the field of man-made accidents. In order to decrease their frequency, should be addressed in prevention and warning of possible consequences. In addition, the Technosphere safety involves the prevention of occupational diseases and injuries, the constant improvement of the organization of labor, and so on. Specialists in the field are engaged not only drawing up guidelines for fire safety, but also organizational and project management activities. In addition, constantly conducted research aimed at improving the working conditions and the environment.

Text B.

Saving the Environment

The direction "Technosphere safety" is intended to care for the environment. Under this program, to exercise control over compliance with environmental legislation, monitors the implementation of the requirements of standards and regulations, checks whether the production equipment. Engineer Environmental controls and environmental management. In addition, the need to constantly carry out various environmental impact assessments to measure the level of danger and to predict development of the situation. One of the challenges is to determine ecologist risk and its borders. The risk should be minimized both for humans and for the environment.

National scale employment in technospheric security work in the ministries and departments, administrative units of the state and regional level, in the design and research organizations involved in the preservation of the environment. Specify that extensive list of ministries. Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Emergency Situations - is just the beginning of the list.

Text C.


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