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And sealed him up to everlasting life

By promising him the keys of the kingdom in this world and the world to come.

D& C 87: 1-2, or 90: 1-4


This promise was sure and unconditional;

Yet it was less than the former promise, that was of life everlasting without seeing death.


For if he held the keys of mysteries and revelations until Christ came,

He would, at the head of all the saints, ascend on high to dwell with him.


So, likewise, no one can be elected to the place which Joseph held,

For that would both be contrary to first principles,

That require as much authority to place any other in that priesthood

As it took to confer it on Joseph,

Yet also contrary to the law that says his gift shall not be conferred on any other

Except it be through him (Joseph).


Yet even conceding that one might be elected to stand as First President and prophet,

The question returns, by whom shall he be ordained?


Not by Apostles, High Priests, or Elders, for all are below him in priesthood,

And none can confer higher authority than he possesses.


None can ordain to a higher priesthood than he holds.



3rd Pastoral Letter of James                                                                            CHAPTER THIRTY

to the Saints of Great Britain and Ireland                                                            Divisions 771-800


concerning ordination of the prophets



Elders cannot confer the high priesthood,

And apostles cannot make prophets with the keys of the dispensation because,

Though the priesthood is of the same order, it is higher.


The question returns, Who can ordain?


God has answered it.



In February, 1831, God said,

“He that is ordained of me (God) shall come in at the gate

(be appointed by revelation, for that is the gate or lawful place of coming in),

and be ordained as I have told you (Joseph) before.”                                       D& C 43: 2 or 43: 7


So if we can learn what God told Joseph before on this subject, the answer is perfect.


In September, 1830, five months before,

And only five months after the organization of the church, God said:


“I have sent unto you Peter, James, and John (angels),

by whom I have ordained you, ” etc.                                                        D& C 26: 3, or 27: 12-13



Most clear and true, therefore,

Is it that a prophet of this dispensation cannot be either elected or ordained of man,

Yet must be chosen by revelation and ordained by angels.


Against this rule, those who wish to pervert the word of God

sometimes quote the law concerning the three presiding high priests.    D& C 104: 11, or 107: 22


It will be observed, however, that that is not a revelation,

Yet only a law of the church, and cannot change the interpretation of a revelation.




That those three are not the Presidents of the church,

Yet the Presidents of the high priests.


For we are told expressly that their necessity grows not out of the organization of the church,

yet of the priesthood.                                                                       D& C 104: 1, 11, or 107: 1-21


Whereas, the Presidency of the church existed of necessity

Before the priesthood was organized at all.




That they are inferior to the First Presidency in power,

For they are only equal with the Twelve, either seventy or a high council of a stake,

All of which councils and quorums are inferior to the First Presidency, and subject to it.




These three presiding high priests are chosen by the body and ordained by the church.


Whereas, we have shown, both by the letter of the law,

And the force of fundamental principles,

That the First Presidency cannot be thus chosen and ordained.


To say that this law relates to the First Presidency is equivalent to saying

That all the revelations concerning the appointment, ordination, and power of the prophet are false.


It should not be forgotten that for nearly four years past the church has suffered continual perils,

And such calamities as never before fell on it.


If God has all that time left them without a prophet,

There is no hope that he will give them one.


And if the power existed in the church to make one (which I have shown does not),

It was the last degree of folly not to exercise it.


Most truly do I say to you


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