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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

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Volgograd State Technical University is one of the largest universities of the Low Volga region – more than 17 thousand students study here. The university was established in 1930 as Stalingrad Tractor-building Institute to train specialists for the Stalingrad Tractor Plant. Over the first decade the university having become Stalingrad Institute of Mechanics trained about 1300 engineers. In 1963 it was reorganized into Volgograd Polytechnic Institute, and in 1995 it got the status of State Technical University. In 2016 it became the first regional flagship University having merged with Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

In 1993 the university adopted a multi-level system of education. Currently the university carries out educational activity on the following professional programmes of training: Secondary-level vocational education; Bachelor degree programmes; Specialist programmes; Master degree programmes; Postgraduate degree programmes; Further vocational education.

VSTU also offers all kinds of education: full-time, part-time, distance-learning and special courses. The university consists of the following faculties: automobile transport, electronics and computer science, chemical technology, economics and management, structural materials technology, faculty of automated vehicle and weapon systems, food engineering faculty. There are evening departments in Kirovsky and Krasnoarmeysky districts of Volgograd, faculty for foreign students’ training, preparatory training faculty for applicants. The university has 3 affiliates: Volzhsky Politechnical Institute, Kamyshin Technological Institute, Volzhsky Complex of Research and Technology and departments that carry out educational, scientific, research and creative activity.

The academic year is divided into two terms. Students attend all the lectures, classes and seminars. They take examinations and receive credits in all the subjects they studied during the term. First and second year students study general engineering subjects: mathematics, chemistry, physics, drawing, and descriptive geometry. They also study social sciences and foreign languages. In the third year students begin to study special subjects. The study of theory is accompanied by practical training. Every student is guaranteed a grant according to the academic results achieved.

The teaching staff of the university consist only of professionals – PhDs and Doctors of Sciences, Professors, Associate Professors, who are committed to teaching, science, students. 940 lecturers are engaged in educational process, including 3 members of the Russian Academy of Science, 29 members of other academies, 146 doctors of science, professors, 564 candidates of science, associate professors.

A wide range of educational programs in different spheres of study and research attract foreign students from various countries to choose VSTU. Since 1962 the university has trained highly qualified specialists from 82 countries of Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia and Latin America. Foreign students take an active part in the social life of the university and the city, in various regional and international creative contests and festivals.

Our University today is a well-known scientific centre in South Russia conducting a large amount of theoretical and applied research, implementing its developments in high technology products. A number of scientific schools created at the university are well-known in the country. One of the main challenges the university is facing today is training highly-qualified, competitive specialists who will work everywhere: starting from business and up to the space branch, from industry to marketing, from IT-technology to the armed forces. University’s graduates contribute much to the development of industry and science in Russia.


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