Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Блок А (правильный ответ – 1 балл)


1 What ____ he do?

a) is    

b) do

c) does

d) has


2 He ____ to start a computer course in September.

a) are going

b) is going

c) goes

d) will go


3 The clothes are absolutely wet. I should dry ____.

a) it

b) its

c) their

d) them


4 ____ Mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world.

a) A   

b) The

c) An

d) –

5 Everybody has a dream, ____?

a) don’t they

b) doesn’t he

c) hasn’t he

d) do they


6 Would you like ____ orange?

a) other

b) another   

c) some more

d) any more


7 There are four lakes in this region, ____?

a) aren’t they

b) are there

c) aren’t they

d) aren’t there


8 He could open the door ____.

a) easy

b) easily      

c) easyly

d) easiest


9 Let’s go to the cinema, ____?

a) don’t we

b) shall we

c) will we     

d) won’t we


10 Shall I make the final decision today? No, you ___.

a) needn’t    

b) mustn’t   

c) can’t

d) couldn’t


11 Don’t you know him? He always ____ lies.

a) says

b) is saying

c) is talking 

d) tells


12 ____ you ____ many cities when you were in France?

a) did … visit       

b) have … visited

c) had … visited

d) were … visiting


13 Nobody knows when it last ____ in India.

a) is snowing

b) will snow

c) has snowed

d) snowed   


14 ____ people ____ to smoke inside cinemas in the 1950s?

a) Did … use

b) Were … used

c) Did … used

d) Were … using


15 The meeting ____ next Thursday.

a) has been held    

b) has taken place

c) will be held

d) will be taken place


16 I still enjoyed the weekend ____ the weather.

a) although

b) despite    

c) in spite

d) however


17 ____ fire, use the exit at the back of the building.

a) If it

b) If it a

c) In case there

d) In case of


18 He phoned to say he ____ his bag on the plane.

a) left 

b) has left

c) had left

d) forgot


19 I don’t know when ____.

a) they’ll come      

b) they come

c) did they come

d) are they going to come


20 You’ll understand nothing unless you ____ the book yourself.

a) don’t read

b) won’t read

c) read

d) ’llread

Блок Б (правильный ответ – 2 балла)

1. I’m a great believer in luck, and I find ____ I work ____ I have of it.

a) as hard … as much    

b) the hardest … the most       

c) the harder … the more        

d) as hard … as many


2. We’re not sure why the dinosaurs died out. An asteroid ____ the earth.

a) could hit  

b) might hit 

c) might have hit   

d) must have hit


3. Please ____ that this service is available to UK users only.      

a) note

b) notice

c) remark     

d) recognize


4. Our company is thinking of ____ some of its staff until things get better.

a) laying out

b) laying off

c) letting off 

d) lying out


5.He who has never learned ____ cannot be a good commander.

a) obeying   

b) obey        

c) to have obeyed 

d) to obey


6. Since Nazca lines ____ according to instructions from the aircraft, the scientist concludes that the drawings might have marked a landing strip for the spacecraft of the ancient astronauts.

a) couldn’t build   

b) can’t be built    

c) could have been built 

d) couldn’t have built


7.We are aware that the road is very well used, particularly during rush hour, so we will make sure the ____ take place overnight when the road is less busy."

a) road closures to be remained        

b) remained road closures

c) road closures being remained        

d) remaining road closures


8. Abraham Lincoln said, " If I ____ six hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first four hours sharpening the axe."

a) had

b) had had   

c) would have       

d) had been having


9. I wish I ____ – it took me hours to sort out all these things into separate bags!

a) had bothered    

b) hadn’t bothered

c) didn’t bother    

d) would bother


10. He seemed ____ with his computer as he did not answer my email.

a) having trouble  

b) to have trouble 

c) being troubled   

d) to have to trouble

Часть 2. Словообразование (правильный ответ – 2 балла)

1. If you’ve lived in the _________________ regions of southern Britain, then you’ll be acquainted with a special kind of storm that comes up from France a couple of times a year. (COAST)


2.The Royal Navy didn’t only keep the shipping lanes open – they also helped Britain’s codebreakers crack the notorious " ________________" German enigma code. (BREAK)  


3. In another historic operation in 1942, three crewmen from the HMS Petard boarded a ________________ German U-boat to find vital Enigma codebooks. (SINK)


4. The Intelligence Corps was designed to develop strategies for the ________________ of soldiers, collecting information from a number of sources in order to give the Army the upper hand on the battlefield. (DEPLOY)    


5. During the scientific revolution of the 17th century, scientists were _________________ men of private means who pursued their interest in natural philosophy for their own edification. (LARGE)


Часть 3. Понимание текста (правильный ответ – 2 балла)

210 слов

HarryS. Truman, U.S. President


Harry S. Truman was born in Independence, Missouri on May 8, 1884. He grew up on the family farm and did not attend college. He is the only 20th Century U.S. President without a college degree. He tried a ______________ of jobs after high school. After five years, he returned to farming and ______________ the National Guard.

When World War I erupted, Truman ______________ for duty. Though he was 33 years-old – two years older than the age limit – and eligible for exemption as a farmer, he helped organize his National Guard ______________, which was called ______________ service in the 129th Field Artillery. Truman was ______________ to captain in France.

Truman was ______________ to the United States Senate in 1934. Frank D. Roosevelt chose Truman as a running ______________ for the 1944 presidential election. Roosevelt and Truman were elected in November of 1944, and Truman served as vice president just 82 days before he was sworn in as the 33rd president after Franklin Delano Roosevelt's sudden death.

In his first months in office he dropped the atomic bomb on Japan, ending World War II. His policy of communist containment started the Cold War, and he initiated U.S. involvement ______________ the Korean War. Truman left ______________ in 1953 and died in 1972.

(elected – in – into – joined – mate – office – promoted – regiment – variety –volunteered)

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(немецкий язык)


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