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Moscow Youth International Model Arctic Council ( МАС -2018)

Moscow Youth International Model Arctic Council ( МАС -2018)

December 19-21, 2018


(The document is worked out with taking into account the consultative recommendations of representatives of the Arctic Council)

Edited by Valeriya Ruzakova,

Founder and President of MGIMO Arctic Club

Russia, Moscow

December 2018



There is no doubt, that a solid guarantee of even more successful future of the Arctic region is firm friendship and extensive cooperation among the Arctic Youth. The Arctic Youth should be defined here as all involved young citizens of the Arctic States: not only those who can call the Arctic region their home, but also those who associate their work, activities or sphere of studies with the Arctic region and are going to put a lot of their time and effort in its development.

It seems that one of the most efficient formats of getting the Artic Youth involved is to hold various youth models of the Arctic Council throughout the Arctic region. (Which, in particular, on the initiative of the Director of MAC-2017 Secretariat has been included into the policy recommendations from the “Future Arctic Leaders” youth workshop, held by the Arctic Council under the Canadian Chairmanship in Ottawa, April 2015).

The Arctic Council is the leading international forum for cooperation in the Arctic region, where 8 Arctic States (including of course the Russian Federation) and 6 organizations of the Arctic indigenous peoples (including the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North) take part.

Model Arctic Council is a role-playing game, aimed at simulating different forms of the Arctic Council work. Since the Arctic Council has a well-balanced representation structure and also conducts researches in all essential fields of studies, its simulation makes it possible for very different groups of active young professionals, activists, volunteers as well as young representatives of the Arctic indigenous peoples to get relevant and highly rewarding experience. Numerous Arctic Council Models have already been held at local, national, and even international levels: by the United Nations Association in Canada (2010), the University of Tromsø (2013), NArFU, Russia (2014, 2015), NEFU, Russia (2015). The Arctic Student Research Club of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University) has also successfully held a Model Arctic Council in MGIMO-University on April 7-8, 2015.

III Moscow Youth International Model Arctic Council (MAC-2018) is planned as an international conference, which can give an additional drive to the inter-regional and international cooperation among the youth from all the Arctic States, young representatives of the Arctic indigenous peoples. We also believe, that MAC-2018 will establish a precedent of successful Model Arctic Council arrangement, started and carried out by a group of engaged Arctic Youth by themselves.



The project of МАС-2018 is arranged by the MGIMO Arctic Student Research Club on the platform of International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy (MIEP) MGIMO with financial support granted by the Russian Federal Agency on Youth Affairs and MGIMO Endowment Foundation.

The arrangement of МАС -2018 is a result of cooperative work between the young citizens of the Arctic States with the leading role of the MGIMO Arctic Student Research Club.

The realization of the МАС -2018 project is timed by its organizers to coincide with the Arctic Council twentieth anniversary, which is to be celebrated by the international forum on September 19, 2017.


List of contents


Part 1. general provisions

1.1. MAC-2018 Objective and Purposes

1.2. MAC-2018 Rules of Procedure

1.3. Definitions

1.4. MAC-2018 Working Languages

1.5. MAC-2018 Secretariat

1.6. MAC-2018 Presidium

1.7. MAC-2018 Academic Advisor

1.8. MAC-2018 Participants

1.9. MAC-2018 Agenda


Part 1. general provisions


In the spirit of the Declaration on the Establishment of the Arctic Council of September 19, 1996 and the Arctic Council Rules of Procedure (as revised in 2013), the III Moscow Youth International Model Arctic Council (hereinafter “MAC-2018”) adopts the present Rules of Procedure in order to regulate the process of simulating the Arctic Council work.

MAC-2018 goals are:

1) To popularize among the Arctic youth the knowledge about the strategical importance of the Arctic Region development, as well as information about the goals, objectives, structure, activities and current agenda of the Arctic Council as the leading international forum for cooperation in the region;

2) To promote the students’ research activities related to the Arctic Region issues;

3) To intensify inter-regional and international cooperation between the Arctic Youth in the form of joint projects and researches focused on the Arctic Region development;

4) To raise among the Arctic Youth the interdisciplinary awareness of different aspects of the Arctic Region development, as well as foster their ecological consciousness and active civic position.




The present Rules of Procedure shall guide the proceedings at the MAC-2018 sessions (simulated events: Joint Meeting of the Arctic Council Working Groups, Meeting of Senior Arctic Officials and Ministerial Meeting).

The present Rules of Procedure shall be interpreted by solely MAC-2018 Secretariat.



In the present Rules of Procedure:

«Arctic States» means the members of the Arctic Council, namely Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden and the United States of America;

«Permanent Participants» means 6 organizations of the Arctic Indigenous peoples, namely Aleut International Association (AIA), Arctic Athabaskan Council (AAC), Gwich’in Council International (GCI), Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC), Russian Association of the Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON) and Saami Council (SC).

«Working Group» stands for any of the 6 Arctic Council Working Groups (Arctic Contaminants Action Program (ACAP), Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF), Emergence Prevention, Preparedness and Response (EPPR), Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME), Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG));

«Working Group Project» means a proposal on joint and cooperative work of the Arctic States in a certain field for the attainment of their common goals in the Arctic Region, drawn up by an Arctic Council Working Group, approved by the Arctic States’ governments and implemented on their own territories;

«Model» means the Moscow Youth International Model Arctic Council (MAC-2017);

«Secretariat» means the MAC-2018 Secretariat – for details see the present Rules of Procedure, & 1.5.;

«MAC-2018 Working Group Project» means a proposal on joint and cooperative work of the Arctic States in a certain field for the attainment of their common goals in the Arctic Region, draw up by a group of MAC-2018 Participants, simulating the work of a certain Arctic Council Working Group, with the project’s structure and contents simulating the structure and contents of a real Working Group Project.



Russian and English shall be the working languages of MAC-2018.

All required bilingual translation is the responsibility of the MAC-2018 Secretariat.



The MAC-2018 Secretariat shall be comprised of the Members of the MGIMO Arctic Student Research Club and is responsible for preparing the Model, as well as arranging the event along its entire length.

The MAC-2018 Secretariat is led by the Director of MAC-2018 Secretariat. The Director of Secretariat shall represent the Secretariat at the MAC-2018 simulation sessions, as well as moderate them.

The Director of Secretariat shall appoint the MAC-2018 Executive Secretaries to be responsible for the event management.

The Director of Secretariat shall appoint the MAC-2018 Academic Secretaries to be responsible for moderating the preparation of different MAC-2018 Participants’ groups to the event (the participants shall be grouped according to their roles at the Model – for details see the present Rules of Procedure, & 1.8., 2.1.). The MAC-2018 Academic Secretaries shall also act in the respective groups as one of the Modelist-Participants.

The Director of Secretariat shall appoint the MAC-2018 Secretary for the Rules of Procedure to be responsible for monitoring the observation of the present Rules of Procedure during the simulation sessions – for details see the present Rules of Procedure, & 2.2.


Mac-2018 presidium

The MAC-2018 Presidium shall be comprised of scientists, experts, heads and employees of different governmental and commercial organizations, specialized in certain issues of the Arctic Region development. The Members of the Presidium shall be invited to the MAC-2018 sessions to comment on the Participants’ presentations and evaluate them, as well as deliver lectures or conduct workshops within the MAC-2018 educational program.

The Members of the MAC-2018 Presidium shall not be in session at once, but separately, in groups, formed under the principle of necessary correspondence between their spheres of expertise and the simulation sessions’ specifics and agenda. The Members of the MAC-2018 Presidium present at one of the MAC-2018 sessions shall be called “ the MAC-2017 Session Presidium”.

At each simulation session, a certain time shall be devoted to the comments from the Presidium Members, as well as consideration of their essential recommendations and making amendments to the MAC-2018 materials if needed.

The MAC-2018 Presidium is expected to recommend the best works of the MAC-2018 Participants to be subsequently elaborated and published as articles in scientific journals.



The MAC-2018 Academic Advisor is a scientist, Professor at MGIMO-University, an expert in the International Relations in the Arctic Region, agreed to undertake the function of academic advising of the MAC-2018 Secretariat while the process of preparation to the Model is under way.

The MAC-2018 Academic Advisor is responsible for advising the MAC-2018 Secretariat on the accordance of the MAC-2018 simulation process to the Arctic Council specifics and the established standards of youth simulation of different international organizations and forums.


The MAC-2018 Academic Advisor enjoys the status of the MAC-2018 Presidium Member.



All young citizens of the Arctic States, young representatives of the Arctic indigenous peoples are eligible to take part at MAC-2018.

The process of applying for the participation at MAC-2018 shall be conducted on the platform of the MGIMO Arctic Club official website (www.arctic-mgimo.ru/? page_id=950) or by sending the applications directly to the MAC-2018 official e-mail ([email protected]). The official confirmation letter, information on the given roles and the following preparation assignments shell be sent to each Participant via e-mail. 

The Modelist-roles distributed among the MAC-2018 Participants shall be: the Arctic States’ representatives in the Arctic Council Working Groups (8 Modelist-Participants in each of the 6 Working Groups), Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic States (8 Modelist-Participants), Representatives of the Arctic Council Permanent Participants (6 Modelist-Participants), Ministry-representatives of the Arctic States at the Arctic Council (8 Modelist-Participants).

While distributing the Modelist-roles among the Participants, the information on their profiles and professional interests, previously presented by the Participants while applying to the MAC-2017, shall be the determining factor. 

The final decision on the Participants’ shortlisting and distributing the Modelist-roles among them is subject to the approval of the MAC-2017 Academic Adviser.

A MAC-2018 Participant may not be given a role of a representative of an Arctic State, coinciding with his or her citizenship.



The MAC-2018 agenda shall consist of two parts.

In order to elicit and record the point of view of the Arctic Youth on the current Arctic Council activities and the most pressing issues of The Arctic Region, the first MAC-2018 agenda item shall be: « The Arctic Council in the new climate realities».

In order to elicit and record the point of view of the Arctic Youth on the possible and desirable midterm strategies for the Arctic Region, the agenda of MAC-2018 working groups shall be:.


Comprehensive programme to empower women in the new climate and technological realities



Current state of Arctic biodiversity in new climatic realities



Road map: Adapting navigation paths in the Arctic in accordance with the changes of migration routes of marine animals of the Arctic



Microplastics in Arctic waters: Road map for pollution prevention and control



Report: New factors of impact on human health in the Arctic environment and current trends in health care


Information cooperation of scientific organizations and local communities in the Arctic for the prevention and prediction of natural disasters.


Strategy of the Arctic Council development in new climate realities

Minister ial:

Draft of a new Declaration in the new climate realities. Integrating the SDGs into the work of the Arctic Council.



The preparation of the MAC-2018 Participants assigned the roles of the Arctic States’ representatives in the Arctic Council Working Groups, Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic States, Representatives of the Arctic Council Permanent Participants and Ministry-representatives of the Arctic States at the Arctic Council shall be conducted separately, in groups, on the platform of certain Internet resources. The moderation of the preparation process is the responsibility of the Director of MAC-2018 Secretariat and the MAC-2018 Academic Secretaries.

The process of the MAC-2018 Participants’ preparation to the Model shall last 3 weeks, and start on November 26, 2018.

While preparing to the Model, each group of Participants assigned the roles of the Arctic States’ representatives in a certain Arctic Council Working Group, shall develop one MAC-2018 Working Group Project (for details see the present Rules of Procedure, & 1.3.) on the topic of their own choice, but in keeping with the MAC-2018 agenda item “Arctic Council in the New Climate Realities”. Each group of Participants given the roles of the Arctic States’ representatives in a certain Arctic Council Working Group, shall register the topic of their MAC-2018 Working Group Project by informing the Director of MAC-2018 Secretariat of it (directly or through their Academic Secretary) not later than on November 30, 2018, 23: 59 Moscow time (UTC +3: 00).

While preparing to the Model, the Participants assigned the roles of Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic States, as well as those given the roles of Representatives of the Arctic Council Permanent Participants, shall write a paper on what stand the respective Arctic State / organization of the Arctic Indigenous Peoples has on the issues, chosen by all of the 6 MAC-2018 Working Groups as their project topics. The Director of MAC-2017 Secretariat shall communicate those topics to the Participants given the roles of Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic States, as well as those given the roles of Representatives of the Arctic Council Permanent Participants, not later than on December 6, 2018, 23: 59 Moscow time (UTC +3: 00).  

While preparing to the Model, the Participants assigned the roles of Ministry-representatives of the Arctic States at the Arctic Council, shall write a paper on what objectives the respective Arctic State can suggest as desirable to be attained under the aegis of the Arctic Council by joint efforts of the Arctic States and the organizations of the Arctic indigenous peoples by 2026 (in keeping with the MAC-2018 agenda item “Arctic Council in the New Climate Realities”).

While preparing to the Model, all Participants are encouraged to seek informal guidance from faculty members and other experts.

Simulation PROCESS

MAC-2017 shall last three days, December 19-21, 2018.

The simulation sessions shall be organized in strict accordance with the present Rules of Procedure and the MAC-2018 Program, drawn up by the MAC-2018 Secretariat and approved by the MAC-2018 Academic Adviser.

The Director of Secretariat and the Secretary for the Rules of Procedure shall be responsible for monitoring the observation of the present Rules of Procedure during the simulation sessions.



In the course of the Model the groups of MAC-2018 Participants assigned the roles of the Arctic States’ representatives in the Arctic Council Working Groups, as well as each of the MAC-2018 Participants assigned the roles of Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic States, Representatives of the Arctic Council Permanent Participants and Ministry-representatives of the Arctic States at the Arctic Council may deliver one official statement within the given time-limit.

Each of the MAC-2018 Participants can ask questions and take part in the discussions. The questions shall be asked and answered within 2 minutes.

- The presentations of each group of the MAC-2018 Participants assigned the roles of the Arctic States’ representatives in a certain Arctic Council Working Group on their MAC-2017 Working Group Project shall be delivered in the second day of the Model, December 20, 2018. Each group will be given 7 minutes for their presentation (in the meantime, the MAC-2018 Secretariat shall display their presentations on the screen). After each presentation, the rest of the MAC-2018 Participants will have an opportunity to ask their questions (6 minutes for the discussion), the Members of the Session Presidium are expected to give their expert comments (7 minutes for the comments). Those organizational aspects on the group presentations not specified in the present Rules of Procedure (including the number of speakers) are permitted to the Participants’ discretion.

- The presentations of the MAC-2018 Participants assigned the roles of Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic States, as well as those given the roles of Representatives of the Arctic Council Permanent Participants, shall be based on their position papers and delivered in the first day of the Model, December 19, 2018. Each Participant will be given 7 minutes for their presentation. After all of the presentations, the rest of the MAC-2017 Participants will have an opportunity to ask their questions (25 minutes for the discussion), the Members of the Session Presidium are expected to give their expert comments (7 minutes for a comment).

- The presentations of the MAC-2017 Participants assigned the roles of Ministry-representatives of the Arctic States at the Arctic Council, shall be based on their position papers and delivered in the third day of the Model, December 7, 2017. Each Participant will be given 5 minutes for their presentation. After all of the presentations, the MAC-2018 Participants assigned the roles of Representatives of the Arctic Council Permanent Participants will have an opportunity to express their positions (20 minutes for the discussion), the Members of the Session Presidium are expected to give their expert comments (5 minutes for a comment).



Previous issues

1. Rules of Procedure. Moscow Youth International Model Arctic Council (МАС-2016) // MGIMO Arctic Club, February 17-19, 2016


Moscow Youth International Model Arctic Council ( МАС -2018)

December 19-21, 2018


(The document is worked out with taking into account the consultative recommendations of representatives of the Arctic Council)


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