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Lesson : At the right time 2

Lesson: At the right time 2

School: Sh. Ualihanov

Date: 22.11.2018

Teacher’s name: Baigozha Zhansaya

Grade: 3 “b”

Number present:


Learning objectives ( s ) that this lesson is contributing to – use contextual clues to predict content in short, supported talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; – recognize short basic words that are spelt out.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to listen and repeat the words on the theme.

Most learners will be able to recognize and understand the words.

Some learners will be able to learn by heart the word, translate.

Previous learning

At the right time1


Planned timings

Planned activities ( replace the notes below with your planned activities )

Beginning 2 min Psychological training 2 min Checking up the homework 3 min

Organization moment.

: - Good afternoon children. How are you? I am very glad to see all of you today. Sit down, please.


- Who is on duty today?

- What day/date is it today?

- What is the weather like today?

- Ok! Thank you.



“Delightful circle”

Dear children, let`s say delightful wishes to each other with the help of heart!

I wish you … (-good health, happiness, lucky)


-What was your home task for today?

- Ok thank you! Let`s begin our lesson.

On the face we see numbers from and 12. the face is white, the numbers are black. It has two hands long and short. What is it? (Пішіні дө ң гелек, 12-ге дейін сандар орналасқ ан. Беті ақ, сандар қ ара. Оның екі қ олы бар. Бірі ұ зын, бірі қ ысқ а. Ол не? )

Middle 15 min  

Vocabulary and pronunciation

Half – жары м        Quarter – тоқ сан

Past – кетті       To – қ алды

Hour – сағ ат      Sunrise кү ннің шығ уы

Night тү н       Midday тү стен кейін

Midnight тү н ортасы

Teacher offers learners to start work with worksheet 1 and work straight to tasks: Look at the pictures, what can you see, tell your partner?

What’s the time? / What time is it?

Answer: It’s___ (one, two, three…) o’clock. / It’s ____ (one, two, three…) AM / PM.

Now let`s begin matching the time.

To explain the time AM (in the morning) and PM (in the afternoon, in the evening).


Pictures Cards Video
End 15 min Assessment 1 min Feedback 1 min Homework 1 min

Learners practice answering the questions activity.

This activity will help to cover both time expressions and cardinal numbers.

Teacher gives Learners spell and write worksheet.

You worked well and you: Marks – excellent, good…


To stick stickers.

Leaners practice the time.

Cards Stickers

Additional information

Differentiation-how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment-how are you planning to check learners’ learning?


Summary evolution




The Methodist: _________

The English teacher: _________

The mark: ________


Lesson: At the right time 2

School: Sh. Ualihanov

Date: 22.11.2018


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