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6.2. Дайте подробный ответ на один из предложенных вопросов, пользуясь любыми информационными источниками:

1. How can a well-designed doctor’s (pediatrician’s, dentist’s) office help them market their services?

2. What do private health centres do to attract more patients? Give an example of a health centre (e.g. a pediatric health centre).

3. Do you agree with the statement: “Patients want more pleasing environments and dentists are becoming more willing to deliver them”?

4. Is technology changing modern doctor’s (dentist’s) offices? How? Give your examples.

5. How can a poor office design cost a doctor (dentist) patients?

6. What facilities for disabled patients are there in a good doctor’s (dentist’s) office or health care centre?



Переведите текст.

Every medical office has a waiting room, and this room gives a patient their first impression of a practice. Chairs and tables and maybe a few plants and magazine racks may not sound so important, but the decor of the waiting room can do a lot to set a patient at ease during an anxious time.

The next thing a patient sees is likely to be the exam room, which also needs to appear professional yet soothing. Exam room furnishings include an exam table, a chair or stool for the doctor, often on wheels, and usually a chair for the patient's companion. There is also a counter and cabinets for supplies. Depending on the practice, there may also be a computer and large-screen monitor for a doctor to show the results of any x-rays or scans to the patient. Also medical offices require specialized filing and storage solutions for patient documents reports.

Most medical offices require some basic diagnostic tools. These can include thermometers, pulse oximeters, sphygmomanometers (better known as blood pressure monitors), audiometers, and stethoscopes. Larger equipment can include EKG machines.

Behind-the-scenes diagnostic equipment often includes microscopes and slide preparation supplies for sample analysis. More complex testing usually occurs at an offsite laboratory.

Modern offices prefer single-use tools for a variety of purposes as they are more convenient and sterile. But some items such as scalpels, speculums, and extractors need to be cleaned and sterilized for reuse. This procedure involves the use of an autoclave. Consumables include any supplies that need to be replaced regularly, such as sterile gloves, paper exam gowns and covers for exam tables, cotton swabs, gauze, tongue depressors, chemical test strips, suturing equipment, syringes, disposable instruments, and of course all the standard office, kitchen, and restroom supplies.


2. Сформулируйте вопросы, начинающиеся с данных вопросительных слов и соответствующие приведенным ответам.

Where …….? -- More complex testing usually occurs at an offsite laboratory.

Why…..? -- Modern offices prefer single-use tools as they are more convenient and sterile.

What…….? -- They include any supplies that need to be replaced regularly.

What….? -- There is an exam table, a chair or stool for the doctor and a chair for the patient in the exam room.

Where…? -- Scalpels, speculums, and extractors are cleaned and sterilized in an autoclave.


3. Опишите кабинет врача (терапевта, педиатра, стоматолога), используя актуальную грамматику и лексику урока.



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