Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Complete the following sentences with details from the Text.

1. Master’s degree programmes usually include ____________.

2. The degree of an academic doctorate is called ___________.

3. Examinations are required to test _____________________.

4. Typically a doctorate degree takes ___________ to complete.

5. __________________ is earned after obtaining a PhD degree.

6. The first stage research degree in Russia is ______________.

7. The second stage research degree in Russia is ___________

Find the following details in the Text.

1. In which lines does the author explain the meaning of the term

philosophy in the context of academic degrees?

2. Where in the Text does the author first mention the requirements

for Doctoral degree programmes?

3. Where in the Text does the author discuss what doctoral students

are expected to demonstrate to be awarded a PhD degree?

4. At what point in the Text does the author discuss the level of

scholarship required for habilitation?

5. In which lines does the author explain the equivalence of Russian

postgraduate degrees to the ones recognized internationally?

Correct the information if needed.

1. Postgraduate education includes Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degrees, and Doctor’s degrees.

2. Doctoral degree programmes require students to pass a qualifying examination, a comprehensive examination, a special field examination, and a PhD candidacy examination.

3. Habilitation qualification exists in France, Austria, Denmark, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Poland, Russia and other countries.

Give the main idea of the text.

Приложение 2


Advertising is a kind of message transmission that is designed to promote a product, promote a service, or promote an idea. Advertising influences us in every way from the products that we buy to the way that we think about issue.

Advertising reaches us in many ways. It comes in so many forms, in printed form – in newspapers and magazines; and audiovisual – over the radio, on television. Advertisements bombard us with their messages in all of these media. No one can fully escape their effect. What are the functions of advertisements? The first one is to inform. Many of the information people have about household devices, cars, building materials, electronic equipment, cosmetics, detergents and food is largely derived from the advertisements they read. Advertisements introduce them to new products or remind them of the existing ones. The second function is to sell. The products are shown from the best point of view and the potential buyer, on having entered the store, chooses the advertised products. The aim of a good advertisement is to create a consumer demand to buy the advertised product or service. The third function of advertising is to make mass media cheaper.

The public advertising seen on street hoardings, railway stations and buildings makes peoples life more joyful. Moreover, all those small ads in the press help ordinary people to find a better job or a better employee, to sell or to buy their secondhand things and find services, or learn about educational facilities, social events. Advertising has to do two things in order to be successful.

First, the advertisement must be interesting enough to attract the customer's attention. Second advertising must be convincing: it must give clear reasons for the customer to buy the advertising product. This is achieved by using a variety of techniques.

The first technique is the use of slogans. A slogan is a short phrase that an advertiser uses over and over in its ads. Slogans are usually short and easy to remember. The second technique is testimonial. Testimonials are advertisements that have people sometimes famous, sometimes no to tell us that they use and like a certain product. Most people are influenced by what others say. And the last technique is repetition that is running an ad again and again. Repetition is important for ensuring that an ad will be remembered.

Advertising is a serious business, and that certain techniques in advertising are used to convince people to buy certain products, services, and ideas.


Приложение 3


Ethics is a set of rules that define right and wrong conduct. These ethical rules tell us when our behavior is acceptable and when it is disapproved. Ethics deals with fundamental human relationships. Ethical rules are guides to moral behavior. For example, all societies have ethical rules forbidding lying, stealing, deceiving, and harming others. They also have ethical rules that approve of honesty, keeping promises, helping others, and respecting the rights of others. Such basic rules of behavior are thought to be essential for the preservation and continuation of organized life.

Business ethics is not a special set of ethical rules different from ethics in general and applicable only to business. Business ethics is the application of general ethical rules to business behavior. If protecting others from harm is considered to be ethical, then a business firm that recalls a defective and dangerous product is acting in an ethical way. For example, the banks that allowed laundered money to flow through their accounts not only broke the law but protected criminals who harmed society.

When business firms or people in business violate the rules that define right and wrong behavior, they are acting unethically, and they also may be acting illegally. Why Is Business Ethics Important? Why should business pay attention at all to ethics? In most cases, the general public expects business to exhibit high levels of ethical performance and social responsibility. For example, Parker Brothers spent $10 million in recalling the toy that caused the death of two children because company executives knew that its customers would approve its attempts to protect children's lives. A second factor encouraging business firms to act ethically is to prevent harm to society. One of the strongest ethical principles is very simple: " Do no harm."

Many ethical rules operate to protect society against various types of harm, and business is expected to observe this main principle. A third reason for promoting ethical behavior is to protect business firms from unethical employees or unethical competitors. High ethical performance also protects the individuals who work in business.

There is some difference between business ethics and etiquette. Etiquette means rules for formal relations or polite social behavior among people in a society or a profession. Being a manager you should stick to the following rules in your everyday activities.

· Do not order, ask and be polite.

· Remember that people work with you, not for you. They like to be treated as associates, not slaves. 5. Keep your promises, both important and less important promises.

· Criticize, if you must, only in private – and do it objectively. Never criticize anyone in public or in anger.

· You should say “Good morning” when you come in and “Please” and “Thank you” at every opportunity.

Приложение 4

The Internet


Last years the classical function of libraries has been more and more superseded by various electronic information systems which enable exchange, acquisition and transmission of information, searching, processing and storage of data and reviewing and lending of library material. As to their resources and unlimited access, no classical library at present can be compared with their capabilities of providing information. Generally speaking Internet is a global library. However, it is well known that it enables several different services, such as e-mail and access to distant computers and networks. So far, e-mail has been a significant factor in all areas of the Internet. Users of the Internet may search for various data, exchange information and communicate with the other users of Internet primarily by means of search engines such as Excite, Magellan, Point, Income, Alta Vista, InfoSeek, Lycos, Open Text Index, WebCrawler, Yahoo, etc.


Find the equivalents in the text:

1) заменяется различными электронно-информационными системами;

2) накопление и передача информации; 3) поиск, обработка и хранение данных;

4) неограниченный доступ;

5) способность обеспечивать информацией;

6) вообще говоря;

7) до сих пор, пока это.


Answer the questions:

1. How has the classical function of libraries been changed?

2. What services does Internet enable?

3. What may users of Internet search?
Приложение 5


The Internet is the latest jewel in the crown of information technology. Also known as the information super-highway, it is an international infrastructure used for data communication which is becoming as popular and relied upon as the telephone. The important characteristic of the Internet is its speed of information flow. Hence e-mail (electronic mail) travels much faster and is thus much preferred than traditional paper mail (also known as snail-mail). E-mail is also beginning to replace many phone calls. This is because e-mail allows the senders the ability to edit information before they post it. Also, e-mail allows the receiver to answer at their own leisure time.

Another beneficial feature of the Internet is that being supported mostly by academic and nonprofit organizations, the information is free (after an initial connection fee). This means that this technology is not greatly restricted to or dominated by any particular economic class. In fact, the huge amount of competition between the Internet service providers means that the costs related to net-usage are even beginning to decline. The fact that the information is free to the end-user has also sparked a great deal of commercial interest. Many companies are investing time and money into net-advertisements. They hope that their free promotional material can tap into the new consumer market of the computer-user. The Internet is also beginning to replace libraries as sources of research information. This is because it is current, very generalized for public consumption. The net is also better than libraries for educational reasons. Its interactive nature encourages and motivates students more into learning. The only draw-back is that the information is not as reliable and there are often difficulties in accessing and collecting electronic information, e.g. the crashing of computer servers.



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