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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Read the theory box. Use appropriate prefixes to complete gaps 1-5.


Forming words using prefixes   A prefix is added at the beginning of a word in order to form a new word. Some of them are: re – (= again) (write - rewrite), super – (= big/more) (hero - superhero), multi – (= many) (national - multinational), over – (= too much) (react - overreact), under – (= too little) (estimate - underestimate), semi – (= half) (detached – semi-detached), pre– (= before) (heat - preheat), co – (= together) (operate – co-operate).


If you are 1) …………. weight, don't 2) …………… do it when you are eating. Buy fresh fruit and vegetables, buy 3)……………. grain bread, not white, and 4) …………….. skimmed milk, not full cream and don't 5) ……………… cook vegetables.


Words are often confused. Circle the correct word. Check in your dictionary. Then write a sentence with the other word.

1. He had terrible stomach ache/pain after eating a kilo of blackberries.

2. The doctor gave him a prescription/recipe for some indigestion tablets.

3. There's a terrible smell of rotten/sour eggs!

4. He was treated/cured for minor injuries.

5. Having a milky drink before bedtime can help cure/heat insomnia.

Fill in the correct prefixes.

1. People from all over the world live in Britain. It's a very ……. – cultural country.

2. …………. – skimmed milk is much healthier than full cream.

3. The vegetables are really ……… cooked. They are almost raw!

4. If we all ……………. – operate, we'll get this finished today.

5. Ann's on a diet again. She still thinks she's ……….. weight.


4. Dependent prepositions. Fill in: from, in, with, against. Make sentences using the phrases.

1. Eating too much junk food can result ……….. health problems later in life.

2. She often suffers ……….. bad headaches.

3. He's in hospital recovering ………. his operation.

4. Mike finds it hard to cope …………. pressure.

5. He advised me ……. eating too much sugar.

5. Fill in: up, back, away, off.

1. Something in the fridge is giving … … a horrible smell.

2. I’m thinking of giving …... fatty foods.

3. I give … …. What’s the answer?

4. Have you given … … the book you borrowed from Zoe?

5. I’m giving... … my recipe books to John. He needs them more than I do.


6. Fill in: with, from, in, against.

1. I advise you … … going on a crash diet.

2. Peter is recovering … … the flu.

3. Jane seems to be able to cope … … anything!

4. Crash dieting can result … … health problems.

5. John has only just recovered … … his illness.

Complete the idioms with the words in the list. Are there similar idioms in your language?

Tea cake water cucumber milk


1. He’s in serious trouble now. He’s really in hot … ….

2. Ann’s always calm and doesn’t worry about anything. She’s as cool as a … ….

3. You can do it. It’s easy. It’s a piece of … ….

4. You can’t change anything now. Don’t cry over spilt … ….

5. I don’t really enjoy going to the theatre. It’s not my cup of … ….

Skills Focus


Read and study the words.

meat - мясо

flesh - мясо, мускульная ткань

beef - говядина

veal - телятина

essential acids - незаменимые кислоты

cattle - крупный рогатый скот

swine - свинья

pork - свинина

lard - топленое свиное сало

hide - шкура

to cure - солить

ham - ветчина, окорок

preservative - консервант

to can - консервировать

smoking - копчение

impregnation - пропитывание

vinegar - уксус

pickle - мариновать

chop - рубить, нарезать

comminute - дробить, толочь

mince - пропускать через мясорубку

enzyme - фермент


Choose the English equivalent to the Russian word.

1. питание: 1)nutritious; 2) nutrition; 3) nutritionist

2. успешно: 1) success; 2) successful; 3) successfully

3. охлаждать: 1) refrigerate; 2) refrigerator; 3) refrigeration

4. сохранять: 1) preservation; 2) preservative; 3) preserve

5. переработчик: 1) processing; 2) processor; 3) process

6. устойчивый: 1) stable; 2) stability; 3) unstable

7. сбраживать: 1) ferment; 2) fermentation; 3) fermenter

8. сушка: 1) dry, 2) drying; 3) drier

9. копчение: 1) smoke; 2) smoker; 3) smoking

10. потребитель: 1) consume; 2) consumption; 3) consumer

11. различный: 1) vary; 2) various; 3) variety


Read the text and answer the questions.


The flesh from the cattle over 6 months of age is beef and from younger cattle is veal. Beef is a nutritious food having approximately 25% protein and rich in essential acids, B vitamins, and minerals. The primary products of swine are pork, lard, hides, and innumerable by-products. Pork is more successfully cured and stored than any other meats.

Fresh red meats are refrigerated. Cured meats such as ham, bacon and sausage contain chemical preservatives (salt, nitrate, nitrite) but are, in addition, heat processed and stored under refrigeration.

Fresh and cured meats are also canned. With severe heat processing a shelf-stable product is produced. In certain products stability is achieved in part through other processes: fermentation, drying, smoking and impregnation with vinegar.

The manufacture of meat products includes those processes which prepare the product for consumption and increase the stability, improve the texture, colour and appearance of various meat items. Various processes are employed depending upon the desired result. Various enzymatic agents and other additives are often used.

1. What is beef? 2. What is veal? 3. What is beef rich in? 4. What are the primary products of swine? 5. What is stored and cured better, pork or beef? 6. How are cured meats stored? 7. What meats can be canned? 8. What processes are used for the manufacture of meat products?

Complete each sentence using a suitable word from below.

1.... is the flesh of the cattle. 2. The flesh of young cattle is called.... 3. Swine gives us... and.... 4. Pork is successfully... and.... 5. Chemical preservatives are contained in..., ..., .... 6. Fresh and... meats can be also.... 7...., ..., ... are used to get stable products. 8. The manufacture of meat products improves..., ..., ..., increases....


1) cured, canned; 2) beef; 3) bacon, ham, sausages; 4) pork, lard; 5) drying, fermentation, smoking; 6) texture, flavour, appearance, stability, 7) veal; 8) cured, stored.


Find English equivalents in the text.

мясные продукты, субпродукты, питательный продукт, богат минералами и незаменимыми аминокислотами, свинина, вет­чина, консервировать, брожение, сушка, копчение, потребление, желаемый результат


Read and translate the text.


The manufactured meat products can be grouped as follows: cured and pickled, cured and smoked, tenderized fresh, frozen, and canned.

Cured and pickled meats. Cured meats are those items which have had combined with the salt, sodium or potassium nitrite.Sugar and spices are optional ingredients. The salt functions as a preservative while the nitrite and nitrate combine with the meat pigments to form fairly stable coloured compounds.

Cured and smoked meats. In the category of cured, smoked and cooked meats is a broad line of sausage products such as frankfurters and bologna, which differ from cured and pickled meats in that they are prepared from finely chopped (or comminuted) meat to which salt, sugar, spices and flavourings have been added. They may also include such items as cereals, milk powders, protein hydrolysates and other substances.

These products are not pickled since cure penetration is obtained during an extensive mincing or chopping procedure. To secure the low temperatures often necessary for stability during the heating process, suitable amounts of ice are incorporated during the chopping operation. Ice also introduces moisture and thus increases the acceptability of the end product by assuring proper juiciness.

The products are usually heated in the smoke house to аррroximate internal temperature of 65.6-76.7°C. Hardwood smoke is introduced, and the products are smoked for a length of time sufficient to impart the characteristic smoked flavour. This smoking operation further increases stability of the end products by depositing on the surface a certain quantity of bacteriostatic agents.

1. Sirloin - спинная часть

2. Fillet — филей

3. Rump — оковалок

4. Topside — кострец

5. Silver side — огузок

6. Brisket (set of ribs) — грудинка

7. Blade — лопаточная часть

8. Shoulder — плечевая часть

9. Skirt — пашина

10. Chuck - зарез

11. Front shin — передняя голяшка

12. Rear shin — задняя голяшка




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