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Ex.3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1) В этом сезоне это самая популярная пьеса. 2) Я не театрал, но я тоже очень хочу посмотреть эту пьесу. 3) Мы купили билеты заранее в кассе театра и теперь не должны стоять в очереди, чтобы купить билет. 4) Это пьеса ставится в этом театре уже во второй раз. 5) Мы купили программку, чтобы узнать, кто играет главные роли, сколько актов в пьесе. 6) Зрительный зал вмещает 300 человек, это маленький театр. 7) Но большинство старых театров очень большие, партер в этих театрах даже делится на «передние ряды партера», «среднюю часть» и «задние ряды партера».8) За партером идет амфитеатр, над ним бельэтаж, ложи, балкон и галерка.


Ex.4. Give words or word combinations for the definitions:

1. the part of the theatre where the audience sits;

2. a raised platform in a theatre where the actors appear;

3. the highest balcony where the cheapest seats are placed;

4. a place where hats and coats mat be left;

5. a piece of wood or metal with a number on it given in return for hat or a coat;

6. a set of actors in a play;

7. programme;

8. the main role;

9. a trial performance of a play;

10.a person who shows people to their seats;

11.seats in the theatre behind the stalls.


Ex.5. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding words given below.

If you want to go... we must first look through... to find out what.... As it is sometimes rather difficult to get.. we must book them at.... Some people don’t like to have... far from.... They try to get tickets for.... If we little money we take seats on.... When we come to any theatre in our country we leave our coats in... and take... in order to get them back when... is over. If we want to know... we buy.... After this we take our seats and wait for the lights to.... Soon the lights go down, ... goes up, the play begins.


The curtain, a theatre, go down, the leading role, is on, the cast, tickets, a check, a playbill, seats, the performance, the stage, book, the stalls, the gallery, go up, box- office, cloakroom.

Ex.6.Speak on the following sub- topics:

a) My first visit to the theatre.

b) “Everybody is excited, looking forward to the play”

c) My leisure hours.

Grammar: The Passive Voice.


  to be + Participle II  
Tense Active Passive
Present Past Future (Indefinite) ask asked will ask am/is/are asked was/were asked will be asked
Present Past Future (Continuous) am /is/are asking was/ were asking will be asking am/is/are being asked was/were being asked - ---
Present Past Future (Perfect) have/has asked had asked will have asked have/has been asked had been asked will have been asked  


· We use the passive when it is not so important (or unknown) who or what did the action. We use the passive only when we don’t know or don’t want to say who did it.

My article was published yesterday. Rome wasn’t built in one day.

· Only the verbs which take an object can go into the passive. Intransitive verbs can’t be used in the Passive Voice. They are: to fly, to arrive, to be, to become, to have, to lack, to possess, to consist, to belong, to hold, to suit, to resemble, to fit, to appear, to seem, to come, to go, to last.

· If you want to say who did or what caused the action, use by or with It was destroyed by fire.


Ex.7. Define, what verbs are transitive and what verbs are intransitive?

To go, to take, to find, to lie, to stop, to win, to swim, to come, to speak, to show, to look at, to like, to discuss, to stand, to spend, to miss, to stay, to listen to, to ski, to use, to change, to recognize, to skate, to hear, to build, to examine, to leave.


Ex.8.Put the sentences into the Passive Voice where possible.

1. Someone will drive you to the airport.2. Goldfish live in fresh water. 3.The Egyptians built pyramids.4. We walked four miles yesterday.5. They arrived at 7. Last night.6. They informed me about it. 7.I slept till 8. 8. It’s raining. 9.They have sold their car to pay the debts.10. They hold a meeting in the village hall once a week. 11. They have proved that there is no life on the Moon.


Ex.9. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite or Past Continuous Passive.


Example: They shut the window.-The window was shut.

1.The student (ask) to tell the story again.2. Such mistakes (make)by even the best students. 3. A modern tune (play) when we came into the hall. 4.Every morning the workers (tell) what they had to do. 5. The houses (build) of stone, brick and wood. 6.At last the problem (solve) to everyone’s satisfaction.7.A new museum then (open). 8. A week ago two students of our group (choose) for jury service.9.Last Friday he (meet) at the railway station.10.The living –room (sweep), (mop) and (dust). It is clean now.



Ex.10.Express the following sentences in the passive. Do not mention the subjects of the active verbs.

Example: They asked me my name and address.

1. Someone told us a very funny story yesterday. 2.The people gave him a hearty welcome. 3.They have offered my brother a very good job.4.The house agents showed us some very nice flats. 5. The secretary didn't tell me the exact time of my appointment. 6. The teacher hasn’t asked Peter any questions at this lesson.7.People wished the newly married couple a long and happy life.8.They never tell me the family news.9. He didn’t tell me the whole truth.


Ex.11.Open the brackets, using the correct form of the Passive Voice.

1.This copy (not read). The pages (not cut) 2.Why the car (not lock) or (put) into the garage? 3.I’m not wearing my black shoes today. They (mend).4. This room (use) only on special occasions.5. He was taken to hospital this afternoon, and (operate on) tomorrow morning.6. The damaged buildings (reconstruct) now, the reconstruction (finish) by the end of the year. 7.The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the month.8. She heard footsteps, she thought she (follow).9. Normally this street (sweep) every day, but it (not sweep) yesterday.


Ex.12.Translate into English.

1. Дом был отремонтирован, забор был покрашен и много новых фруктовых деревьев было посажено в саду к тому времени когда он вернулся. 2. Она показала мне статью которая была переведена ее братом. 3. Этот завод был построен к маю. 4. К семи часам вчера все документы были готовы. 5. Когда мы получили их телеграмму товары были доставлены в порт. 6.Где сейчас строят это здание? 7.Где строятся такие здания? 8.Когда будет построено это здание? 9.Опять обсуждается этот вопрос? 10.Лекции этого профессора всегда слушают с большим интересом.11.Его всегда любили б и ему всегда доверяли.


Задания на СРО:

Read the text “Living without TV” and ex. a, b, c, d, p. 113 (CliveOxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, New English File, Intermediate, Oxford University Press 2006)



Unit 8

Theme: Leisure time

Grammar: The Passive Voice

Objectives: By the end of this unit, students should be able to use active vocabulary of this theme in different forms of speech exercises.

Students should be better at discussing leisure time.

Students should know the rule of the Passive Voice.

Methodical instructions: This theme must be worked out during three lessons a week according to timetable.

Lexical material: Introduce and fix new vocabulary on theme “Leisure time”. Discuss in groups how the students spend their free time. Speak about theatres and cinemas.

Grammar: Introduce and practice the Passive Voice.

The Use of Leisure



By the way in which a man uses his leisure his character can be told more surely in all probability than by the way he does his work. For most men work is necessity in order to gain a living. Vast numbers of men have not even been able to choose what work they would do, but have been forced by economic necessity to take the first job that came their way. But in their leisure time they do what they really want to do and their real selves are reflected in their actions.

Some people are completely passive during leisure hours. If such people go out they go to some place of entertainment where no effort is required by them, a cinema or a dancing hall, and if the latter, they do not dance but simply sit and watch others dancing.

A different type of person hurries home from work full of eagerness to begin on some scheme which he has been planning for his leisure time. Perhaps his hobby is carpentry or model engineering, or gardening-, or he might wish to write, or to study some subject in which he is interested..This is the creative type of character. For him, his leisure hours are full of promise and he can look back on them with satisfaction when he reviews what he has achieved in them.

Leisure should be refreshment; it should send a man out with fresh spirits to battle with the problems of life. Sometimes this freshness comes not from doing anything, but by filling one's mind with fresh springs of duty. Many a man gets full value from his leisure by contemplating nature, listening to music, or reading noble books. By this sort of occupation he may not have made anything that he can show, but he has none the less recreated his own source of inspiration and made his own mind a richer fuller treasure house. This is the true use of leisure.


Topical vocabulary


1. go out проводить время вне

2. treasure сокровище

3. film(picture, movie) кинофильм

4. adventure приключенческий фильм

5. favourite occupation любимое занятие

6. hobby хобби

7. feature художественный фильм

8. enjoy oneself, (have a good time) хорошо провести время

enjoy (a party, a play etc) получить удовольствие от...

9. be on идти (о пьесе, фильме в определенный день)

10. run (v) демонстрировать, показывать (фильм, пьесу)

11. run (n) период показа (пьесы, фильма)

12. poster (AmE: bill-board) афиша

13.news – real хроника, киножурнал

14. ballet балет

15. opera опера

16.drama драма

17.tragedy трагедия

18.show представление, сеанс


Ex.1.Suggest the Russian for:

By the way; probability; no effort; fresh springs of duty; go out; to gain a living; in which he is interested; vast numbers of men; have been forced by economic necessity; to run; to take the first job; their real selves; completely passive; the latter; to be on; a different type of person; own mind; full of eagerness; feature; to begin on some scheme; the creative type of character; full of promise; satisfaction; refreshment; adventure; with fresh spirits; to battle with the problems of life; full value from his leisure; place of entertainment; by contemplating nature; own source of inspiration; treasure house; the true use of leisure, favourite occupation; tragedy;




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