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Stress-and-tone marks in the text: the High Pre-Head | ~ j.

The High Pre-Head never contains any stressed syllables. Before the High Fall it is said on the same pitch as the beginning of the fall. Before any other nuclear tone or any head the pitch of the High Pre-Head is higher than the beginning of the following stressed syllable.

As compared to the Low Pre-Head the High Pre-Head is used to add vivacity, liveliness or excitement to the attitudes expressed in the sentence.



Model: -I \do /think it's a Ipity.

1. Listen carefully to the following conversational situations. Concentrate your attention on the intonation of the replies:

Verbal Context Drill
You won't forget, will you? Indeed I won't.
I'd love to help. I know you would.
I don't believe you posted it. I did post it.
John's the winner. He will be surprised.
D'you think he's forgotten? I'm sure he hasn't.
It's no good at all. You're always dissatisfied.
It's quite true, you know. Well you do amaze me.
I tell you I won't accept. How can you be so obstinate?
I haven't time now. When will you have time, may I ask?
That's not much good. Well can you do any better?
What's up? Be quiet for a minute,
Shall I or shan't I ask them? Oh do make up your mind.
Hullo, Jack. Good evening, Mr. Dean.
We've got to work on Saturday. Oh no!
I have to go now. What a pity you can't stay longer.

Listen to the replies and repeat them in the intervals. Make your voice rise high when pronouncing the initial unstressed syllables.

Listen to the Verbal Context and reply to it in the intervals.

In order to fix the High Pre-Head in your mind, ear and speech habits pronounce each reply several times until it sounds perfectly natural to you.

Listen to a fellow-student reading the replies. Tell him (her) what his (her) errors in pronunciation are.

6. Read the drill sentences according to the given model. Concentrate your attention on the High Pre-Head:

Verbal Context DM
He missed Ms lesson yesterday. He always misses his lessons.
If you are in a hurry, why not take a taxi? I think I will.
He won't come today. When is he going to come?
He is not in. Where is he, then?
I am leaving. Oh, can't you stay a bit longer?
She is crying. Oh, hasn't she passed her exam?
The picture's wonderful. Let me have a look at it.
Mother is asleep. Don't disturb her, Tom.
Look at his clothes. Good Heavens!
Good afternoon, Mrs. White. Hallo, Betty dear!


Model: -I'd simply \love to.

7. Listen carefully to the following conversational situations. Concentrate your attention on the intonation of the replies:

Verbal Context Drill
Did he say anything? No, nothing, you'll be pleased to hear.
We're going ahead without Paul. That's obviously the best solution.
Have some more pudding, Ann. I couldn't possibly.
You'll help, won't you, Max. Why me?
I was against the proposal. What did Jack have to say about it?
You can borrow mine. D'you mean that?
He says he'll do better in future. Does he really intend to work harder?
Shall I ask him to tea? By all means ask him.
I'm going to play tennis. Let's all have a game.
No luck, I'm afraid. Try once more, then.
I'm not sure I want to go. Stay at home, then.
He's broken a leg. How awful!
Looking for me, Terry? Oh, there you are, Peter.

Listen to the replies, and repeat them in the intervals. Make your voice rise high when pronouncing the High Pre-Head.

Listen to the Verbal Context and reply in the intervals.

In order to fix the High Pre-Head in your mind, ear and speech habits pronounce each reply several times until it sounds perfectly natural to you.

Listen to a fellow-student reading the replies. Tell him (her) what his (her) errors in pronunciation are.

12. Read the drill sentences according to the given model. Concentrate your attention on the High Pre-Head:

Verbal Context Drill
Was it difficult? Surprisingly so.
I thought you've been there. So I have.
It's not Mary who phoned you yesterday. Well who, then?
He's leaving tonight. How d'you know?
He says he is going to leave. Does he really intend to leave?
This book isn't interesting. Will that one be more interesting?
Shall I tell him about it? By all means tell him.
I've failed. Try once more, then.
I'm not well. Go home, then.
Thank you so much. Not at all!
Look at this picture. How wonderful!
Here is a book for you. How good of you!


Model: -He /won't

13. Listen carefully to the following conversational situations. Concentrate your attention on the intonation of the replies:

Verbal Context Drill
Time to go. I know.
Is that right? I think so.
Did he check the result? He did.
Have you any cigarettes left? A few.
I wouldn't dream of going in for it. Why not?
You won't catch me going by air. Why don't you like flying?
Now write down your answer. Will pencil do?
Anybody for more tea? May I have another cup?
What a miserable day! Cheer up.
Let me carry it for you. Look out.
Would you like an orange? Yes, please. No, thank you!
I'm off to bed. Good night, dear!

Listen to the replies and repeat them in the intervals. Make your voice rise high when pronouncing the High Pie-Head.

Listen to the Verbal Context and reply in the intervals.

In order to fix the High Pre-Head in your mind, ear and speech habits pronounce each reply several times until it sounds perfectly natural to you.



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