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Перескажи один из текстов 7.1-7.4.


7.6 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст TRUCKLOAD FREIGHT:

In the United States, shipments larger than about 7, 000 kg are typically classified as truckload (TL) freight. This is because it is more efficient and economical for a large shipment to have exclusive use of one larger trailer rather than share space on a smaller LTL trailer.

By the Federal Bridge Gross Weight Formula the total weight of a loaded truck (tractor and trailer, 5-axle rig) cannot exceed 36, 000 kg in the United States. In ordinary circumstances, long-haul equipment will weigh about 15, 000 kg, leaving about 20, 000 kg of freight capacity. Similarly a load is limited to the space available in the trailer, normally 14.63 m or 16.15 m long, 2.6 m wide, 2.7 m high and 4.11 m high over all.

While express, parcel and LTL shipments are always intermingled with other shipments on a single piece of equipment and are typically reloaded across multiple pieces of equipment during their transport, TL shipments usually travel as the only shipment on a trailer. In fact, TL shipments usually deliver on exactly the same trailer as they are picked up on.

7.7 Прочитай, письменно переведи текст STABILIZATION и выучи наизусть:

There are many different ways and materials available to stabilize and secure cargo in the various modes of transportation. Conventional load securing methods and materials such as steel strapping and plastic/wood blocking & bracing have been used for decades and are still widely used. Present load securing methods offer several other options including polyester strapping and lashing, synthetic webbings and dunnage bags, also known as air bags or inflatable bags.

7.8 Прочитай, письменно переведи текст CARGO и выучи наизусть:

Cargo (or freight) is goods or produce transported, generally for commercial gain, by ship or aircraft, although the term is now extended to intermodal train, van or truck. In modern times, containers are used in most long-haul cargo transport. In case of cold chain goods, especially those with limited shelf life, since they are always in transit, such goods are colloquially also referred to as cargo even when in storage such as cool stores, perishable cargo storing centres or other temperature controlled storage structures.

7.9 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст:


A traffic operations practitioner specialist (TOPS) is a certification sponsored by the Transportation Professional Certification Board, Inc., and promulgated by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. A Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE) is a separate certification also offered by the Transportation Professional Certification Board, Inc. Prior to taking the now defunct TOPS exam, an individual must have at least five years of related working experience, though academic experience may be substituted for this requirement. Additionally, as the certification is not intended for professionals, licensed professional engineers are not permitted to be a certified TOPS.

7.10 Прочитай, письменно переведи RESPONSIBILITIES и перескажи:


Development of action plans for the prevention of accidents involving road safety on the routes of transport, improvement of professional skills of drivers, prevention work of the driver for the prevention of accidents.

Develop and deliver the head on the basis of tests and analysis of transport proposals for the prevention of accidents.

Carry out the driver's composition class, aimed at road safety.

Organize in a collective analysis of the drivers admitted the accident, rules of technical operation of rolling stock, traffic violations.

Take part in the official investigation of accidents and to make information about them.

To collect the necessary documentation on cases of road accidents.

Timely notify the insurance company of each case of an accident, organize inspection of damaged vehicles (hereinafter - TS), to coordinate inspection of the damaged vehicle by independent experts and execution of these cases in the insurance companies.

Train drivers properly execute insurance notification by accident.

Keep a record of accidents and damages driver.

Systematic monitoring of the release of the vehicle in good technical condition, keep track of cases-in vehicles with external damage.

Monitor drivers' briefings for Road Safety, as well as to conduct special, seasonal and periodic briefings, participate in the verification of theoretical and practical knowledge of the candidates in the delivery drivers, to conduct induction training in employment, verification of practical driving skills after training and periodic test knowledge of traffic rules.

Exercise control jointly with the engineer for Road Safety for the organization of learning and periodic inspection of the drivers' knowledge, rules of technical operation of rolling stock, traffic rules, rules for the transport of goods, rules and regulations on labor protection, job descriptions, the law on the regime of work and rest.


Professional requirements: Experience in the field of road safety at least 1-3 years. Experience in the traffic police or the Transport Inspection welcome. Education - Graduate student (organization and safety) Terms and conditions: Schedule 02.05 from 09.00 to 18.00, Design of the LC RF, Full social package, Corporate training program and start position, Latest technology works, the award for length of service and other benefits, Free and subsidized vouchers for employees and their families, Opportunity to participate in corporate pension plans, Ability to professional and career development, Full-time on the territory of the employer.




Множественное число существительных, кроме тех, основа которых оканчивается на -ch, -s, -ss, -sh, -x, a также существительных, имеющих окончание -о, об­разуется путем прибавления к основе окончания -s: a boy — boys, a book — books, a pen — pens, a girl — girls.

Множественное число существительных, основа ко­торых оканчивается на -ch, -s, -ss, -sh, -x, а также имеющих окончание -о, образуется путем прибавле­ния окончания -es:

a bench скамейка — benches, a bus автобус — buses, a glass стакан — glasses, a box коробка — boxes, a potato картошка — potatoes.

Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -у (после согласной) во множественном числе имеют окончание -ies:

a baby младенец — babies, a fly муха — flies, a lady леди— ladies.

Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -у (после глас­ной) во множественном числе имеют окончание -s: a boy — boys a toy — toys

Если слово оканчивается на f (-fe), то во множе­ственном числе f меняется на v и добавляется -(es): a life жизнь — lives, a knife нож — knives, a shelf полка — shelves, a wife жена — wives (исключение: roof крыша — roofs).

Как читаются окончания существительных во множественном числе?

-s читается как [s] после глухих согласных: books, cats -s читается как [z] после звонких согласных и глас­ных: pens, boys;

-es читается как [iz] после s, ss, sh, ch, x, z: boxes, у после согласных переходит в i+es: city — cities, lady — ladies.

Ряд существительных образует множественное чис­ло не по общим правилам:

а) изменяется корневая гласная: a man мужчина — теп мужчины, a woman женщина — women женщины, a foot нога — feet ноги, a tooth зуб — teeth зубы, a goose гусь — geese гуси, a mouse мышь — mice мыши;

б) добавляется окончание -en: an ох бык — oxen быки, a child ребенок — children дети;

в) заимствуются формы единственного и множествен­ного числа из латинского и греческого языков:

a formula — formulae (formulas), a crisis — crises, a criterion — criteria, an index —indices, a bacterium — bacteria.

В английском языке есть существительные, кото­рые имеют одну (общую) форму для единственного и множественного числа:

a deer олень — deer олени, a sheep овца — sheep овцы, a fish рыба — fish рыбы, a swine свинья — swine свиньи.

Некоторые существительные могут употребляться в форме либо только единственного, либо множествен­ного числа.

Употребляются только в единственном числе:

money — деньги, sugar — сахар, hair — волосы, business — дело, information — информация, сведения fruit — фрукты progress — прогресс, успехи news — новость, новости, peace — мир love — любовь knowledge — знание, знания advice — советы furniture — мебель luggage — багаж

Только во множественном числе употребляются слова:

clothes — одежда, goods — товары, riches — богатства, thanks — благодарности, manners — манеры, money — деньги

Только во множественном числе употребляются названия предметов, состоящих из двух и более частей:

trousers — брюки glasses — очки scissors — ножницы shorts — шорты pliers — плоскогубцы.


7.A Выбери правильный вариант, обращая внимание на исчисляемые и неисчисляе­мые существительные:


1. I’m going to buy new sunglass / sunglasses.

2. He’s going to buy some new trouser / trousers.

3. They are going to buy some new furniture / furni­tures.

4. His hair / hairs is fair.

5. He’s got much information / informations about his travel.

6. They gave us some advice / advices.


7.B Напиши следующие существи­тельные во множественном числе:


Box, sheep, place, library, photo, mouse, lady, glasses, bush, dress, country, bus, party, wife, day, knife, knowledge, month, pen, hero, goose, company, life, deer, tomato, city, man, play, news, child, fruit, shelf, leaf, foot, fish, woman, money, information.


7.C Поставь существительные в сле­дующих предложениях во множественное число (об­рати внимание на изменения в указательных мес­тоимениях):

1. A new house is in our street. 2. This story is very interesting. 3. A woman, a man, a boy and a girl are in the room. 4. Put this knife on that table. 5. What is your name? 6. He keeps his toy in a box. 7. This man works at our office. 8. He has a new suit. 9. The plate was on the table. 10. This town is very large. 11. Is that girl your sister? 12. I’ll give you my book. 13. This story is good. 14. Is this a good match? 15. The student put his book on the desk. 16. That house is new. 17. Is this a good student?


8.1 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст:

The storefront of one of many freight forwarders located around Guangzhou's garment districts. The list of destinations indicates that this business serves importers of Chinese clothes to countries such as Russia and Azerbaijan.

A freight forwarder, forwarder, or forwarding agent, also known as a non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC), is a person or company that organizes shipments for individuals or corporations to get goods from the manufacturer or producer to a market, customer or final point of distribution. Forwarders contract with a carrier to move the goods. A forwarder does not move the goods but acts as an expert in supply chain management. A forwarder contracts with carriers to move cargo ranging from raw agricultural products to manufactured goods. Freight can be booked on a variety of shipping providers, including ships, airplanes, trucks, and railroads. It is not unusual for a single shipment to move on multiple carrier types. International freight forwarders typically handle international shipments. International freight forwarders have additional expertise in preparing and processing customs and other documentation and performing activities pertaining to international shipments.

Information typically reviewed by a freight forwarder includes the commercial invoice, shipper's export declaration, bill of lading and other documents required by the carrier or country of export, import, and/or transshipment. Much of this information is now processed in a paperless environment.

The FIATA shorthand description of the freight forwarder as the 'Architect of Transport' illustrates the commercial position of the forwarder relative to his client. In Europe, some forwarders specialize in 'niche' areas such as rail-freight, and collection and deliveries around a large port.

Lloyd's Loading List is the freight forwarding industry's journal of record, first published 160 years ago as a UK export directory. Today it provides details of forwarders, NVOCCs and shipping lines/agents who serve over 10, 000 ports globally.


8.2 Прочитай, письменно переведи текст HISTORY и расположи абзацы в правильной последовательноси: One of the earliest freight … The original … In modern …

1. … function of the forwarder was to arrange for carriage by contracting with various carriers. Forwarder responsibilities included advice on documentation and customs requirements in the country of destination. His correspondent agent overseas looked after his customers' goods and kept him informed about matters that would affect movement of goods.

2. … forwarders was Thomas Meadows and Company Limited of London, England, established in 1836. According to " Understanding the Freight Business, " written and published by the executive staff of Thomas Meadows and Company in 1972, the advent of reliable rail transport and steamships created demand for the fledgling freight forwarding industry. Trade developed between Europe and North America, creating additional demand. The first international freight forwarders were innkeepers in London who held and re-forwarded the personal effects of their hotel guests.

3. … times the forwarder accepts the same responsibilities. It operates either as a domestic US carrier or otherwise with a corresponding agent overseas or with his own branch-office. In a single transaction, the forwarder may be acting as a carrier (principal) or as an agent.


8.3 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст DOCUMENT TRANSFER FEE/DOCUMENT HANDOVER FEE:

International Freight Forwarders, NVOCCs and customs brokers often charge for transferring documents to another transportation company at destination. This fee is a part of the ocean freight charges, being paid by the importer at the port of discharge in the INternational Commercial Term (incoterm) FOB (free on board), and by the exporter at the origin in the incoterms CFR (cost and freight) and CIF (cost, insurance and freight). This fee is separate from documentation fees charged by carriers and NVOCCs as part of the freight charges on a bill of lading and is separate from other fees for document preparation or for release of cargo. Some companies call this an administration fee, document fee, document transfer fee, but it exists in some form in most destinations and is well known to most shippers Steamship carriers do not have this fee.


8.4 Прочитай, письменно переведи текст NATIONAL VARIATIONS и перескажи:

In Australia most licensed Customs Clearance Agents (commonly referred to as Customs Brokers) operate under a freight forwarder.

Bangladesh Freight forwarders must have a government license.

Transport Canada is the federal department responsible for implementing and enforcing transportation policies and programs. The Canadian Border Services Agency is responsible for enforcing most regulations that affect international freight forwarders. International security measures are the dominant concern.

The Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFFA) was established in 1948 to support and protect the character, status and interest of foreign freight forwarders by establishing uniform trade practice and regulations. CIFFA also plays an educational role by providing certificate and advanced certificate programs.

International merchandise trade is worth? 148 billion to the Irish economy. 82% of manufactured products are exported, further highlighting the importance of freight forwarders to the national economy. Associations including the Irish International Freight Association and FIATA help maintain the professionalism of this industry through educational and representative roles. FIATA offers a Diploma in Freight Forwarding.

In Kenya freight forwarders are commonly referred to clearing and forwarding agents. A license is required, which can be acquired from Kenya Revenue Authority. Freight forwarders in Kenya are responsible for clearing consignments through Kenya customs, arranging transportation and forwarding the consignment to the consignee. Both exports and imports must clear customs in Kenya.

Freight-forwarding in Nigeria has been in place since the exporting of groundnut as a cash crop beginning in 1914, though not initially as freight forwarding but as the means of transportation of goods and services from one country to another. Following the methodology of their British forebears, agents were used to facilitate the transport of goods and services.

Pakistan International Freight Forwarders Association has more than 1000 freight forwarding companies as members.

In the U.K., freight forwarders are not licensed, but many are members of the British International Freight Association. They consolidate goods from different consignors into full loads for road transport to Europe, known as groupage. Some offer services such as export packing.

Companies that handle domestic U.S. freight must be registered with the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Such forwarders are " carriers" who accept freight for transport and are liable for delivering the freight under their own bill of lading.

The legal definition at 49 U.S.C. § 13102 (8) is: " Freight Forwarder—the term 'freight forwarder' means a person holding itself out to the general public (other than as a pipeline, rail, motor, or water carrier) to provide transportation of property for compensation and in the ordinary course of its business — (A) assembles and consolidates, or provides for assembling and consolidating, shipments and performs or provides for break-bulk and distribution operations of the shipments; (B) assumes responsibility for the transportation from the place of receipt to the place of destination; and (C) uses for any part of the transportation a [surface carrier] carrier subject to jurisdiction [of the Department of Transportation] of under this subtitle."

International ocean freight forwarders arranging for shipments to and from the US must be licensed by the Federal Maritime Commission as Ocean Transportation Intermediaries. An Ocean Transportation Intermediary is either an ocean freight forwarder or a non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC). An ocean freight forwarder is an individual or company in the United States that dispatches shipments from the United States via common carriers and books or otherwise arranges space for those shipments on behalf of shippers. Ocean freight forwarders prepare and process documentation and perform related activities pertaining to shipments. An NVOCC is a common carrier that holds itself out to the public to provide ocean transportation, issues its own bills of lading or equivalent documents, but does not operate the vessels that transport cargo. Companies may obtain both licenses and may act in both capacities. The U.S. legal distinction between the two is that a freight forwarder acts as the agent of a principal (typically a shipper or consignee) and the NVOCC is a transportation company (carrier) that is physically responsible for the carriage of goods and acts as its own principal. Companies acting strictly as an Ocean Freight Forwarder typically do not issue their own contract of carriage (bill of lading) and as agent are generally not liable for physical loss or damage to cargo except in cases of errors in judgment or paperwork or fiduciary responsibility. NVOCCs act as ocean freight carrier and issue their own bill of lading and are legally responsible for physical loss or damage in accordance with the terms and conditions of their bill of lading and tariff. Similar to other countries, freight forwarders that handle international air freight frequently obtain accreditation with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) as a cargo agent; however, they must obtain an Indirect Air Carrier (IAC) certification from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).




1. Общий вопрос.

Общий вопрос относится ко всему предложению в целом, и ответом на него будут слова yes или no: Do you like ice-cream? — Yes, I do. Can you speak English? — Yes, I can. Are you a schoolboy? — No, I am not. Have you bought a text book? Yes, I have.

Порядок слов в общем вопросе.

1. вспомогательный (модальный, глагол-связка) глагол,

2. подлежащее (существительное или местоимение),

3. смысловой глагол (или дополнение).

4. Специальный вопрос.

Специальный вопрос относится к какому-нибудь члену предложения или их группе и требует конкрет­ного ответа: What is your name? — My name is Peter. Where do you live? — I live in Rostov.

Специальный вопрос всегда начинается со специаль­ного вопросительного слова: who (кто) where (где) whom (кого) why (почему) what (что) how long (как долго) which (который) how many (сколько) whose (чей) how much (сколько) when (когда) how (как)

Порядок слов в специальном вопросе:

1. вопросительное слово (what, where, who, when, how и т. д.),

2. вспомогательный (модальный, глагол-связка) глагол,

3. подлежащее,

4. смысловой глагол,

5. дополнения,

6. обстоятельства (места, времени, образа действия и т.д.).

В специальных вопросах, обращенных к подлежа­щему в формах Present и Past Indefinite, не употреб­ляется вспомогательный глагол to do (did) и сохраня­ется прямой порядок слов: Who wants to go to the cinema? Whose pen is it? Who lives here?

2. Альтернативный вопрос.

Альтернативный вопрос предполагает выбор из двух возможностей: Do you like coffee or tea? — Вы любите кофе или чай?

3. Альтернативный вопрос начинается как общий воп­рос, затем следует разделительный союз or и вторая часть вопроса.

4. Разделительный вопрос

Разделительный вопрос состоит из двух частей. Пер­вая часть — это повествовательное предложение (ут­вердительное или отрицательное), вторая, отделенная запятой от первой, — краткий вопрос, который на рус­ский переводится как не правда ли? не так ли?

You are an engineer, aren’t you? — Вы инженер, не правда ли? You aren’t an engineer, are you? — Вы не инженер, не так ли?

В кратком вопросе повторяется вспомогательный, модальный или связочный глагол предложения, содер­жащего заявление. Если сказуемое предложения вы­ражено глаголами to be или to have, то повторяются эти глаголы.

Не is reading, isn’t he? Он читает, не так ли? (Повто­ряется вспомогательный глагол.)

Не can read, can’t he? Он умеет читать, не так ли? (Повторяется модальный глагол сап.)

Не is a good specialist, isn’t he? Он хороший специа­лист, не так ли? (Повторяется связочный глагол to be.)

Не has a book, hasn’t he? У него есть книга, не так ли? (Повторяется глагол to have, употребляемый как смысловой глагол.)

Если в повествовательной части разделительного воп­роса содержится утверждение, то во второй — отрицание.

Если в повествовательной части — отрицание, то во второй части, как правило, — утверждение:

Не is there, isn’t he? Он там, не так ли? Не isn’t there, is he? Он не там, не так ли?

8.A Поставь к каждому предложению раз­делительный вопрос:

1. It is a hammering.

— Is it a hammering?

— Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

It is a hammering, isn’t it?

2. He clamps that rod easily.

— Does he clamp that rod easily?

— Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

3. They have many imprints on it.

— Have they many imprints on it?

— Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.

4. The blow was too strong.

— Was the blow too strong?

— Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t.

5. We saw a new coining yesterday.

— Did we see a new coining yesterday?

— Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t.

6. You can hit now.

— Can you hit now?

— Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.

7. There will be five forming operations tomorrow.

— Will there be five forming operations tomorrow?

—Yes, there will. / No, there won’t.

8.B Поставь к следующим предложе­ниям вопросы:



1. There is a joint on the metal sheet.

2. He must work hard today.

3. We are melting this tip next week.



4. These fusible materials were shielded the material from air for two years.

5. They don’t go to workon Sunday.

6. Heat is obtained from the resistance of metal to the flow of an electric current.


7. He has already begun to coat a new wire.

8. We learned how to create an electric arc.

9. They will show you how to use equipment that does not require an electric power source.

8.C Составь письменно разделительные воп­росы к следующим предложениям:


1. A tungsten electrode is used in place of the metal electrode used in shielded metal-arc welding.

2. The heat from the arc formed between the electrode.

3. Metal for the weld may be added by placing a bare wire in the arc.

4. This process can be used with nearly all metals.

5. In shielded metal arc welding, a metallic electrode conducts electricity.

6. Most metals can be joined by this process.

7. The electrode melts off in droplets.

8. In submerged-arc welding no gas is used to shield the weld.

9. Fusible material covers the weld seam.

10. It can be used only with steels.



9.1 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст TRAFFIC POLICING:

Traffic police or Traffic cops may refer to:

· The state police department involved with Traffic policing, process of monitoring network traffic for compliance with a traffic contract

· Highway patrol

· Road Policing Unit

· Traffic officer

Traffic policing is the process of monitoring network traffic for compliance with a traffic contract and taking steps to enforce that contract. Traffic sources which are aware of a traffic contract may apply traffic shaping to ensure their output stays within the contract and is thus not discarded. Traffic exceeding a traffic contract may be discarded immediately, marked as non-compliant, or left as-is, depending on administrative policy and the characteristics of the excess traffic.


9.2 Прочитай, письменно переведи текст ROAD POLICING UNIT и перескажи:


A RPU is the highway patrol unit of a British police force. Most territorial police forces established traffic departments in the early 1950s, although the first was established by the Metropolitan Police Service in 1919, but it was with the opening of the M1 motorway in November 1959 that the need for the police to have a specialist department dedicated to policing the new roads was recognised. The 1960s saw the start of construction of new motorways, so the traffic departments grew. One of the first fatal accidents on the M1 occurred near Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire in December 1959.


9.3 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст RESPONSIBILITIES:


RPUs work with the National Roads Policing Strategy, which has five strands:

· Casualty reduction.

· Counter-terrorism.

· Reducing anti-social use of the roads.

· Denying criminals the use of the roads.

· Public reassurance by high visibility patrolling of the road network.

RPU officers are responsible for patrolling the main motorways and large roads throughout the territorial police force area. In addition to their general road policing duties, they assist with various operations aimed at improving road safety and are also at the forefront in tackling vehicle crime and the criminal use of the roads network. They are also available to back up other units, as they are constantly roaming an area as part of their high visibility patrolling work.

A sub-unit of the RPU is the Collision Investigation Unit (CIU) or Forensic Collision Investigation and Reconstruction Unit (FCIRU), which exists to manage the follow-up investigations into all fatal and very serious collisions. The specially-trained teams attend the scenes of all such incidents, where, amongst other things, they take numerous measurements of the final layout of the scene and examine vehicles, all in a bid to piece together the cause of the crash.


9.4 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст EQUIPMENT:

The ProViDa In Car Video System is fitted to both marked and unmarked traffic patrol cars and motorcycles with the aim of improving driver behaviour and road safety. It is used to detect traffic offences and to educate, advise and, if necessary, prosecute offenders.

Components of the system:

· Colour video camera with pan and zoom control in the front and back.

· Video data generator which records date and time.

· Police pilot speed detection device and speed indicator (recording both police, and other vehicles speed).

· Mobile VHS video cassette recorder with a remote control unit. VHS is now being replaced with Digital Hard Drive Recorders or DVD recording systems.

· Two colour monitors, one each for front and rear seat occupants.

Whilst on patrol, a police officer who observes a blatant offence or an example of bad driving can record the incident on tape. Once they have stopped the driver concerned, they can then invite the motorist to sit in the police car, where the incident is replayed. A motorist can request a copy of the video evidence should the matter be dealt with at court.

Depending on the circumstances of the offence, the motorist can then be advised regarding their driving, cautioned or prosecuted, when the video recording can be used in court if necessary.

JAI PROVIDA 2000 is a sophisticated in-car video and speed enforcement system for 24-hour detection of traffic offences and criminal acts. System recordings can be used in court as visual evidence, including reconstruction of events.

VASCAR (Visual Average Speed Computer And Recorder) is a technology for determining the speed of a moving vehicle. It is used by police officers to catch speeding motorists. These devices are mounted on a patrol car's console, allowing the officer easy access to its controls. Many main roads in the UK now have horizontal lines of about two feet in length painted on the carriageway, which allow the VASCAR system to be calibrated.

VASCAR units were first fitted to police vehicles in the mid-1970s.

The automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) system is housed in a mobile unit. Both colour and infrared cameras are used to capture images of vehicle number plates as they pass by. The index number is read automatically and checked against a number of databases (including DVLA) held on computer.

If a match is made to a vehicle of police interest, the ANPR operator receives an alarm. The operator can then alert other officers to stop the vehicle. The process from reading the number plate to an alarm notification takes less than two seconds.

Most commonly used vehicles are Volvo V70 T5, Vauxhall Omega, BMW 5 Series and Vauxhall Vectra, frequently in estate variants. BMW X5, Range Rover and Land Rover Discovery, together with the occasional Mercedes-Benz M-Class, Nissan, Toyota or other 4x4s are also commonplace, especially for motorway duties. Large vans such as theIveco Daily or Mercedes-Benz Sprinter can be seen at major collisions. Traffic cars usually carry the following equipment:

· Traffic cones (usually sixteen in 4x4s and ten in estate cars)

· Cone lamps

· Signs (usually ten, consisting of four " accident" signs, two " slow" signs, two divert arrow signs, one " use hard shoulder", and " rejoin main carriageway" )

· Groundsheet

· Tow ropes and shackles (4x4s only)

· Fire extinguisher

· Crowbar and Hacksaw

· Axe, Broom and Shovel

· Industrial gloves

· Torch

· First aid kit

· Resuscitation kit

· Infectious diseases protection kit

· Space blankets

· Water container

· " stinger" tyre deflation unit

· Teddy bear to console a distraught child after an accident

· Breathalyzer kit to detect the presence of alcohol in an individual's breath

· ST2000 Radar gun

Traffic officers wear a white-topped (day-glo yellow for Cleveland force) patrol cap, or a white-topped bowler for female officers. When traffic departments were first set up the officers were issued with long white coats. The first hi-visibility coats were day-glo orange, but since the late 1970s the preference has been for day-glo saffron (sometimes referred to as Saturn) yellow. Traffic Officers receive the same training as non-traffic officers in public order duties but are trained to a much higher standard in automobile control.


9.5 Прочитай, переведи текст и сопоставь с российскими аналогами:

1. The Central Motorway Police Group (CMPG) was formed in 1990 by a partnership of West Midlands Police and West Mercia Constabulary. Staffordshire Police and Warwickshire Police joined in 2001, but the Warwickshire force withdrew in 2007. Each force maintains a separate RPU for non-motorway work.

2. Devon and Cornwall Police operate BMW 3 and 5 series marked estates and unmarked 3 series diesels. They have a sub-department called the Road Crime Unit, which was formed in 2007, they have 7 officers with one sergeant and 6 constables, they operate 2 BMW 3 series diesel estates and 2 unmarked Ford Focus ST's.When needed they will take normal RPU duties, but that rarely happens.Most of their work is tasked but they sometimes patrol their area but that also rarely happens.The RCU are being followed by RawCut TV's programme Road Wars starting in 2009, along with their TAG C section and the Dog Section. The road policing unit is now disbanded.

3. Essex Police operate Land Rover Discoveries, one Mitsubishi Shogun, Volvo V70s, BMW 330D and 530D Estates and also the Ford S-Max. Dog unit cars mostly use a combination of latest and previous models of Ford Mondeo ST220 estates. They have a sub department called the Territorial Support Team (previously called the ANPR Intercept Team) which uses Mitsubishi EVO 8s and 10s along with Impreza GB270s and WRX STis, an unmarked Vauxhall Vectra, unmarked BMW 3 and 5 series and Ford Mondeo ST220s, they also have a Ford Focus ST on trial. The TST team were being followed by RawCut TV's programme Police Interceptors in 2008.

4. Hampshire Constabulary polices that section of the M3 motorway west of Junction 4 (Frimley Interchange), at the Surrey border, to its junction with the M27 at Junction 14 north of Southampton and the entirety of the M27, M271 and M275 motorways. It also polices a number of other major routes including the A27, A3, A31, A34, A36 and the A303together with the cities of Portsmouth and Southampton and Isle of Wight.

Hampshire Roads Policing Unit utilises a wide variety of vehicles including liveried BMW X5's, BMW 530d's, BMW 330d's and unmarked versions of the Subaru Legacy and Š koda Octavia VRS. The Honda Pan-European is used by motorcycle officers.

Hampshire's Roads Policing Unit has featured in various series of the occasional BBC One television documentary Traffic Cops. It was also featured in a number of episodes of the three BBC One documentary series Real Rescues.

5. Lancashire Constabulary maintains a Motorway Unit Base at Samlesbury, near Preston, at the junction of the M6 (Junction 31) and A59. Following the introduction of theHighways Agency Traffic Officers in the North West region 2006, Lancashire Constabulary's Motorway Unit was scaled down, now maintaining a minimum level of resources. Since June 2008 motorway policing in Lancashire, Merseyside and Cheshire has been conducted through the North West Motorway Police Group. Lancashire Constabulary's Road Policing Units are based throughout the county within divisions - usually working alongside Geographic Response Patrols (GSPs). Many of the RPU Motorcyclists are now tasked with Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) duties.

6. Within the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) general and specialist Road Policing Unit functions are the remit of the Traffic Operational Command Unit (SCO15). The MPSdoes have a separate unit called the " Road Policing Unit" within the Safer Transport Command, externally funded by Transport for London (TfL), whose role is to minimise traffic congestion issues and smooth traffic flow across the capital, particularly on bus routes and the TfL road network.

7. The North West Motorway Police Group (NWMPG) was formed in 2008 after the success of the CMPG. It includes officers from Cheshire Constabulary, Lancashire Constabulary, Merseyside Police, and, from 2011, Greater Manchester Police. All three of these forces are under the control of a Regional Control Centre (RCC) which is based in Newton Le Willows. This centre not only controls the radio traffic for NWMPG but also houses the North West Highways Control Centre. Each force maintains a separate RPU for non-motorway work.

8. South Wales Police opened a motorway section when the M4 motorway reached its area in 1977. Its traffic department was established by its predecessor, Glamorgan Constabulary, in 1952.

Surrey Police is responsible for the policing of part of the M25, the M23, Hooley to Pease Pottage and the M3 Sunbury to the Hampshire border. From a trio of traffic bases, atGodstone M25 junction 6, Chertsey M25 junction 11 and Burpham near Guildford on the A3. Surrey uses Volvo V70 Estates, Land Rover Discoveries and BMW 530ds as its main traffic vehicles, with a variety of other types and unmarked vehicles at their disposal.

9. Thames Valley Police operate diesel Vauxhall Insignia and Volvo V70 estates, along with 4x4s like any other force. They also operate several unmarked cars, either being part of the general RPU team or the elite Pro-ACTIVE team. The Traffic Proactive and Problem Solving Team (to give it its full title) was formed in 1999 and use unmarked Vauxhall Omegas and Vectras in saloon variations, mostly with petrol V6 engines. They also have a couple of standard traffic cars that are in use when Pro-ACTIVE cars are out of action. The units are usually single, double or sometimes even triple crewed. The Pro-ACTIVE team was followed by Raw Cut TV's programme Road Wars between 2003 and 2008 and it made mini 'celebrities' out of its officers. As a result Chief Constable Sara Thornton asked Raw Cut to move to another force and they subsequently followed Devon and Cornwall officers. Most of their work is tasked but they sometimes patrol their area.

10. Durham Constabulary The Roads policing unit is biased at Spennymoor at the joint operation unit they use with Cleveland. They operate BMW estates and 4x4s.


9.6 Прочитай, переведи текст и озаглавь:


A police car is a ground vehicle used by police, to assist with their duties in patrolling and responding to incidents. Typical uses of a police car include transportation for officers to reach the scene of an incident quickly, to transport suspects, or to patrol an area, while providing a high visibility deterrent to crime. Some police cars are specially adapted for certain locations (e.g. work on busy roads) or for certain operations (e.g. to transport police dogs or bomb squads).

The first police car was a wagon run by electricity fielded on the streets of Akron, Ohio, in 1899. The first operator of the police patrol wagon was Akron Police officer Louis Mueller, Sr. It could reach 16 mph (26 km/h) and travel 30 mi (48 km) before its battery needed to be recharged.[1] The car was built by city mechanical engineer Frank Loomis. The US$2, 400 vehicle was equipped with electric lights, gongs and a stretcher. The car's first assignment was to pick up a drunken man at the junction of Main and Exchange streets.[2]

Terms for police cars include (police) cruiser, squad car, area car and patrol car. In some places, a police car may also be informally known as a cop car, a black and white, a cherry top, a gumball machine, a jam sandwich or panda car. Depending on the configuration of the emergency lights and livery, a police car may be considered a marked or unmarked unit.


9.7 Прочитай, переведи текст POLICE-SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT и перескажи:

Police officers additional equipment may include:

Two-way radio. One of the most important pieces of equipment in modern law enforcement, and strongly linked with the development of the police car. Many forces have moved from traditional UHF/VHF sets, which can be monitored externally, to more secure systems, such as those working on a GSM system, such as TETRA.

Equipment Consoles. These are used to house two way radios, light switches, and siren switches. Some may be equipped with locking compartments for safe storage of firearms or file compartments.

Suspect transport enclosures. These are steel and plastic barriers which ensure that a suspect—who has been frisked, disarmed, handcuffed and seat belted, is unable to attack the driver or passenger and unable to tamper with equipment in the front seat. These may be simple bars or grilles, although they can include highly impact resistant but not bullet resistant glass. Many use expanded steel instead of plastic glazing for the upper half of the partition.

Firearm lockers. In certain countries, including the United States, some police vehicles are equipped with lockers or locking racks in which to store firearms. These are usually tactical firearms such as shotguns or patrol rifles, which would not normally be carried on the person of the officer.

Mobile data terminal. Many police cars are fitted with mobile data terminals (or MDTs), which are connected via wireless methods to the police central computer, and enable the officer to call up information such as vehicle license details, offender records, and incident logs.

Vehicle tracking system. Some police vehicles, especially traffic units, may be fitted with equipment which will alert the officers to the presence nearby of a stolen vehicle fitted with a specialtransponder, and guide them towards it, using GPS or simpler radio triangulation

Evidence gathering CCTV. Police vehicles can be fitted with video cameras used to record activity either inside or outside the car. They may also be fitted with sound recording facilities. This can then later be used in a court to prove or disprove witness statements, or act as evidence in itself (such as evidence of a traffic violation)

Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR). This computerised system uses cameras to observe the number plates of all vehicles passing or being passed by the police car, and alerts the driver or user to any cars which are on a 'watch list' as being stolen, used in crime, or having not paid vehicle duty.

Speed recognition device. Some police cars are fitted with devices to measure the speed of vehicles being followed, such as ProViDa, usually through a system of following the vehicle between two points a set distance apart. This is separate to any radar gun device which is likely to be handheld, and not attached to the vehicle.

Remote rear door locking. This enables officers in the front to remotely control the rear locks—usually used in conjunction with a transport enclosure.

Damage from a PIT maneuver on a Crown Victoria. PIT Bumper. The Pursuit Intervention Technique (PIT) bumper attaches to the front frame of a patrol car. It is designed to end vehicle pursuits by spinning the fleeing vehicle with a nudge to the rear quarter panel. Cars not fitted with a PIT Bumper can still attempt a PIT Maneuver at risk of increased front-end damage and possible disablement if the maneuver fails and the pursuit continues.

Push Bumper (aka Nudge Bars). Fitted to the chassis of the car and located to augment the front bumper, to allow the car to be used as a battering ram for simple structures or fences, or to push disabled vehicles off the road.

Runlock. This allows the vehicle's engine to be left running without the keys being in the ignition. This enables adequate power, without battery drain, to be supplied to the vehicle's equipment at the scene of a major incident. The vehicle can only be driven off after re-inserting the keys. If the keys are not re-inserted, the engine will switch off if the handbrake is disengaged or the footbrake is activated.

The installation of this equipment in a car partially transforms it into a desk. Police officers use their car to fill out different forms, print documents, type on a computer or a console, consult and read different screens, etc. Ergonomics in layout and installation of these items in the police car plays an important role in the comfort and safety of the police officers at work and preventing injuries such as back pain and musculoskeletal disorders.




Числительные обозначают количество предметов или порядок предметов при счете.

Числительные делятся на количественные, отвеча­ющие на вопрос «сколько? », и порядковые, отвечаю­щие на вопрос «который? ».

Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 образу­ются прибавлением суффикса -teen к основе.

Числительные, обозначающие десятки, имеют суф­фикс -ty. Порядковые числительные кроме первых трех (first, second, third) образуются прибавлением суффик­са -th или -eth к соответствующим количественным числительным. Существительные с порядковыми чис­лительными всегда употребляются с определенным ар­тиклем.


Количественные Порядковые 10 ten the tenth
СКОЛЬКО? КАКОЙ ПО СЧЕТУ? 11 eleven the eleventh
1 one the first первый 12 twelve the twelfth
2 two the second второй 13 thirteen the thirteenth the twentieth
3 three the third третий 14 fourteen the fourteenth
4 four the fourth четвертый 15 fifteen the fifteenth
5 five the fifth 16 sixteen the sixteenth
6 six the sixth 17 seventeen the seventeenth
7 seven the seventh 18 eighteen the eighteenth
8 eight the eighth 19 nineteen the nineteenth
9 nine the ninth 20 twenty twentieth



20 twenty —the twentieth 30 thirty — the thirtieth 40 forty — the fortieth 50 fifty — the fiftieth 60 sixty — the sixtieth 70 seventy-the seventieth 80 eighty — the eightieth 90 ninety - the ninetieth

Составные числительные:

twenty-one — the twenty-first twenty-two — the twenty-second thirty-three - the thirty-third forty-four — the forty-fourth fifty-five — the fifty-fifth sixty-six — the sixty-sixth

Числительные от 100 и больше: 100 — a (one) hundred 101 - a (one) hundred and one 200 - two hundred 1000 - (one) thousand 1001 — a (one) thousand and one 5, 550 — five thousand five hundred and fifty 5, 000, 000 - five million 1500 - fifteen hundred

100th — the hundredth 101st - the one hundred and first 200th — the two hundredth 1000th - the thousandth

Числительные hundred, thousand, million не имеют окончания -s, когда перед ними стоит другое числи­тельное. Когда числительные обозначают неопределенное количество, они употребляются во множественном числе с окончанием -s, за которым следует предлог of.

hundreds of books two hundred books

thousands of books five thousand books

millions of people 2 million people

Номера страниц, домов, квартир, транспорта, обо­значаются не порядковыми, а количественными числи­тельными. В этих случаях существительные употреб­ляются без артикля: page 15, house 40, flat 13, bus 72.


Числительное, обозначающее год, делится на две ча­сти — число сотен, а затем — число десятков и единиц. 1900 — nineteen hundred, in (the year) nineteen hundred

2000 — two thousand, in (the year) two thousand 1905 — nineteen five, in (the year) nineteen five Даты можно читать так: April 12, 2001, on the twelfth of April, two thousand one, on April the twelfth, two thousand one

Как читаются дробные числительные?

Простые Десятичные

1/2 - a (one) half; 0.1-0 [ou] point one

1/4 — a (one) quarter 2.45 - two point four five

2/3 — two thirds 35.25 — three five (или thirty- five) point two five

1.5— one and a half

9.A Напиши цифрами дробные числа:



1) A (one) half 2) two thirds 3) a (one) quarter 4) three fourths 5) two and a (one) half 6) five and one sixth 7) a (one) fifth.


1) Zero (nought/ou) point two 2) two point four five 3) four point five 4) three four (thirty four) point one zero two 5) nought point nought one 6) six point three five 7) fifty eight point three nought five.

Обозначения времени:

Если минутная стрелка находится в правой части циферблата - используется предлог past:

It’s ten past eleven. 10 минут двенадцатого.

It’s a quarter past eleven. Четверть двенадцатого.

It’s half past eleven. Половина двенадцатого.

Если минутная стрелка находится в левой части ци­ферблата, то используется предлог to:

It’s ten to twelve. Без десяти двенадцать.

It’s a quarter to twelve. Без четверти двенадцать.

It’s twenty minutes to twelve. Без двадцати минут двенадцать.

It is eleven sharp. Ровно одиннадцать.

Время до полудня обозначается a.m. (от лат. ante meridiem), а после полудня р.т (от лат. post meridiem).

Например: 10 a.m. — Десять часов утра. 6 p.m. — Шесть часов вечера.

Дни недели (употребляются с предлогом on): Monday — понедельник, Tuesday — вторник, Wednesday — среда, Thursday — четверг, Friday — пятница, Saturday — суббота, Sunday — воскресенье

Месяцы (употребляются с предлогом in): January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Времена года (употребляются с предлогом in): spring весна summer лето autumn осень winter зима.

Запомни следующие слова и выражения:


a watch — часы (наручные, карманные)

a clock — часы (стенные, настольные)

My watch is five minutes fast. — Мои часы спешат на 5 минут.

My watch is five minutes slow. - Мои часы отстают на 5 минут.

What day is it today? — Какой сегодня день (недели)?

What date is it today? — Какое сегодня число?

What time is it now? — Который час?

What is the time? — Который час?

Выражения, связанные со временем:

yesterday — вчера

the day before yesterday — позавчера

today — сегодня

tonight — сегодня вечером

tomorrow — завтра

the day after tomorrow — послезавтра

a fortnight — две недели

from 10 till 12 — с 10 до 12

half an hour — полчаса

10 days ago — 10 дней назад

It’s time to... — пора (делать что-либо)

in an hour’s time — в течение часа

in time — вовремя (не слишком поздно; так, чтобы успеть)

on time — вовремя (точно по плану)

in the middle of... — в середине

this week (month, year) — на этой неделе (в этом меся­це, году)

next week — на следующей неделе last week — на прошлой неделе


9.B Реши задачи:


isosceles triangle равнобедренный треу­гольник

rectangular triangle (right- angled triangle) прямоу­гольный треугольник

base основание

side сторона

equilateral triangle равносто­ронний треугольник

altitude высота

radius (мн. radii, radiuses) радиус

parallelogram параллелограмм

circle круг


1. Find the area of an isosceles triangle if its base is 4 cm and its altitude is 5 cm (centimeters).

2. Find the area of an equilateral triangle if its base is 6 cm and its altitude is 5 cm.

3. Find the area of a rectangular triangle if its base is 4 cm and its altitude is 5 cm.

4. Find the area of a square if its side is 4 cm.

5. Find the area of a parallelogram if its base is 8 cm and its altitude is 5 cm.

6. Find the area of a circle if its radius is 10 cm.

Как читаются математические действия:


(x) — multiply, times (: ) — divide, divided by (+) — add, sum up, plus (-) — subtract, minus (=) — equals, is equal, makes 22 — two in the second power


addition сложение 12 + 15 = 27 Twelve plus fifteen is (makes, equals) twenty seven.

addend слагаемое

sum сумма

subtraction вычитание 41 — 24 = 17 Forty-one minus twenty-four is (equals) seventeen.

minuend уменьшаемое

subtrahend вычитаемое

remainder, difference разность

to do subtraction вычитать

multiplication умножение 6 x 4 = 28 Seven times four is twenty-eight (seven multiplied by four is twenty-eight) multiplicand множимое

multiplier (factor) множитель

product произведение

multiplication table таблица умножения

division деление 60: 10 = 6 Sixty divided by ten is six.

dividend делимое

divisor делитель

quotient частное

division with remainder деление с остатком

without remainder без остатка


9.C Пропиши словами и реши:


1. -3 + 4 =

2. 0, 05 x 1, 5 =

3. ½ + 7/8 =

4. -5: 2 =

5. 78: 0, 23x – 5 = 10

6. 40x + 4/8 – 6 = 15x

7. 42 – x = 157

8. 91 + 562/7 -14x = 184

9. 87x+12.2=72x-180


9.D Реши задачи:


1. Convert 5/12 to a decimal.

2. Express 0, 28 as a fraction.

3. What is 67.469 to 3 significant figures.

4. Find 16% of 8.


9.E Реши задачи:

percentage процент; dealer торговец; mark-up наценка.


1. Find 18 as a percentage of 64.



  1. I. Выберите один правильный ответ.
  2. XII. Социодинамика культуры.
  3. Анализатор – это сложная нейродинамическая система, которая представляет собой афферентную часть рефлекторного аппарата.
  6. Биодинамика передвижения со скольжением (лыжи)
  9. В один из таких ненастных дней полк облетела радостная весть — появился Владимир Лавриненков, о судьбе которого ничего не было известно после того, как его сбили в августе за линией фронта.
  10. В этом случае, как и в случае, когда внешние причины вызвали прерывание старта, всем спортсменам должна быть показана зеленая карточка, обозначая, что ни один из спортсменов не совершил фальстарт.
  11. Великобритания — родина общественного вещания. Специфика функционирования BBC
  12. Взаимодействие аэродинамических сил и упругой деформации конструкции называется аэроупругостью.

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