Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Some of their games are good, others are bad.

43 I don't want any squash, thanks... I've brought us beers, Uncle Guy. Я не хочу

никакого сока, спасибо... Я принёс нам пиво, дядя Гай.

a I've brought - я принёс Brought причастие прошедшего времени от

неправильного глагола to bring - приносить. Вы его встречали в уроке 3:

Please, bring a new bulb. - Пожалуйста, принесите новую лампочку.

б beers - пиво Слово beer в этом предложении выступает как исчисляемое и

имеет форму множественного числа, т.к. имеются в виду бутылки (или жестянки) пива. (Ср. прим. 15, урок 2).

44 Tim, which man sells soft drinks? Тим. кто продает соки?

soft drinks - безалкогольные напитки

45 Some sell soft drinks; others sell hot dogs. Одни продают соки, другие

продают сосиски.

46 May I have another ten pence, Dad? Дай мне еще 10 пенсов, папа.(букв.

Могу я иметь ещё 10 пенсов, папа? )

another - ещё (См. прим. 26, урок 10.) Как известно, another употребляется только с существительными единственного числа. В данном случае под ten репсе - десять пенсов подразумевается монета в десять пенсов, " десятипенсовик".

47 Here you are. Вот, пожалуйста.

48 They've scored another goal. Они забили ещё один гол.

49 Is this the last fifteen minutes? Это последние пятнадцать минут?

50 Liverpool can't score four goals in a quarter of an hour. Ливерпуль не может

забить четыре гола за четверть часа.

A quarter of an hour - четверть часа (Ср. half an hour - полчаса.)

51 Pass it, Hedge. Пасуй, Хедж.

Русский футбольный термин пасовать происходит от английского глагола pass в значении передать (мяч). It -заменяет слово ball - мяч.

52 Shoot! Shoot! Бей! Бей!

53 Arsenal have won again. Арсенал снова победил.

a won - причастие прошедшего времени от неправильного глагола win - выигрывать, побеждать.

б Arsenal have won - Арсенал победил Форма have (а не has) после существительного ед. числа Arsenal показывает, что имеется в виду команда как группа игроков. (См. прим. 7 к этому уроку.)

54. Yes, and Liverpool have lost. Да, а Ливерпуль проиграл.

lost - причастие прошедшего времени от неправильного глагола to lose - проигрывать, терять.

55 Oh well... they sometimes win... other times they lose. Нучто .ж:... иногда они

выигрывают... иногда они проигрывают.

56 That's football! Таков футбол!



Exercise 1


I have lived here for thirty years. How long?

How long have you lived here?

I have brought the old record for you. Which one?

Which one have you brought for me?


1 Someone has bought her a dress. Who?

2 He has eaten six sandwiches today. What?

3 They have eaten twelve biscuits. How many?

4 She has paid five pounds for a blouse. How much?

5 We have been in this hotel for three weeks. How long?

6 He has bought three balls. How many?

7 They have lost the ball. What?


Exercise 2


He; goes; always; to the match

He always goes to the match.

Their; good; games; are; always

Their games are always good.


1 I; Highbury; go to; sometimes

2 I; not; do; go; usually; to rugby matches

3 Has; ever; she; seen; a football match?

4 They; a bad day; often; do not; have

5 I; Liverpool; always; liked; have

6 They; win; sometimes; their; games

7 They; a; very; good; lunch; usually; make

8 Collins; usually; the worst; player; is; in the team


Exercise 3


Jane has visited London. every year

She visits London every year.

We have had dinner in the Italian restaurant. every evening

We have dinner in the Italian restaurant every evening.


1 Clare has bought a dress. every week

2 Harry has brought the ball. every time

3 The team has won the game. every week

4 Tom has scored a goal. in every game

5 Bill asked me for some money. every day

6 I have written to my wife. every day

7 She has planned an expensive holiday. every year

8 They have received a lot of letters. every week


Exercise 4


He... his dictionary every day. use

He uses his dictionary every day.

They... to the football match now. go

They are going to the football match now.


1 He.... his dictionary every day. use

2 They... to the football match now. go

3 We sometimes... to Highbury. go

4 They... blue and white dresses today. wear

5 They sometimes... the match. lose

6 They... this match. win

7 Look, he... another goal! score

8 Hedge often... a goal. score

9 Slade always... the ball. want

10 You... for the tickets this week. pay


Exercise 5


Which player is the worst in the team, Mike or Clive?

They are both bad but Mike is worse than Clive.

Which book is the best in the shop, the big one or the little one?

They areboth good but the big one is better than the little one.


1 Which sport is the best, football or rugby?

2 Which restaurant is the worst in London, that expensive one or this small one?

3 Which team is the worst in the league, this one or that one?

4 Which player is the best in the team, John or Bill?

5 Which chocolate is the best, the liqueur chocolate or the peppermint chocolate?

6 Which waiter is the worst in the restaurant, the happy one or the tired one?

7 Which hotel is the worst in the town, the new hotel or the old one?

8 Which record is the best, the jazz record or the classical record?


Exercise 6


You are in the book department. buy; Dad

May I buy a book, please, Dad?

You are asking for some money. have; Mum

May I have some money, please, Mum?


1 You want to open the window. open; Mrs. Hunt

2 Your dress is old and you want a new one. buy; Mum

3 You are hungry and you want ahot dog. have; Dad

4 You want to play football. play; Peter

5 You want another cup of coffee. have; Aunt Sue

6 You want to buy an ice-cream for your friend. buy; Simon


The British are known to be great sports-lovers, so when they are neither playing, nor watching games, they like to talk about them. Many of the games we play now have come from Britain.

One of the most British games is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges, universities and by club teams all over the country. Summer isn't summer without cricket. To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and a standard of behaviour. When they consider anything unfair, they sometimes say: " That isn't cricket."

But as almost everywhere else in the world, the game which attracts the greatest attention is Association football, or soccer. Every Saturday from late August till the beginning of May, large crowds of people support their favourite sides in football grounds. True fans will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play. There are plenty of professional and amateur soccer clubs all over Britain, International football matches and the Cup Finals take place at Wembley.

Rugby football is also very popular, but it is played mainly by amateurs.

Next to football, the chief spectator sport in British life is horse-racing. A lot of people are interested in the races and risk money on the horse which the\ think will win. The Derby is perhaps the most famous single sporting event in the whole world.

Britain is also famous for motor-car racing, dog-racing, boat-racing, and even races for donkeys. The famous boat-race between the teams of Oxford and Cambridge attracts large crowds of people.

A great number of people play and watch tennis. Tennis tournaments at Wimbledon are known all over the world. The innumerable tennis courts of Britain are occupied by people between the ages of 16 and 60 who show every degree of skill — from practically helpless to the extremely able.

The British also like to play golf, baseball, hockey, grass-hockey. Various forms of athletics, such as running, jumping, swimming, boxing are also popular. You can sometimes hear that there are no winter sports in England. Of course the English weather is not always cold enough to ski, skate, or toboggan, but winter is a good season for hunting and fishing.

Indeed, sport in one form or another is an essential part of daily life in Britain.



Wembley стадион Уэмбли в Лондоне

the Derby Дерби (ежегодные скачки лошадей-трёхлепюк на ипподроме " Epsom Jowns " близ Лондона; по имени графа Дерби)

Wimbledon Уимблдон (предместье Лондона, в котором находится Всеанглийский теннисный и крикетный клуб)


1. What do the British do when they are neither playing, nor watching games?

2. What kind of sport is especially associated with Britain?

3. What is cricket for an Englishman?

4. What is the most popular game in the world?

5. Where do the Cup Finals take place'*

6. Is rugby played by professionals?

7. What kinds of racing are popular in Britain?

8. What do you know about Wimbledon?

9. What other games do the British play?

10. What winter sports are popular in Britain?



Telephone calls



Mr. Hunt My wife and I are going to see a play on Monday. I've phoned some friends in Sussex and they're going to come, too. We haven't seen them for years. After the play we're going to go to a nightclub. This evening I'm going to book a table for Monday. Sarah's sister has given me the names of some good nightclubs. There are a lot of nightclubs in London. Some are expensive, others are cheap. Some have good entertainment, others don't. I want one with good cabaret and dancing. I like small nightclubs but my wife likes big ones. My favourite nightclub is the smallest one in Geneva. Sarah's favourite nightclub is bigger but it's not the biggest one in Geneva. It's smaller than most of them.



The wrong operator

Operator Number, please.
Mr. Hunt Can you tell me the number of Beck's in Leicester Square?
Operator I'm sorry, but you've dialled the wrong number. Please dial 192 for Directory Enquiries.
Mr. Hunt Thank you.
Operator Directory Enquiries. Do you want a London number?

Mr. Hunt Yes. Can you tell me the number of Beck's in Leicester Square?

Operator Hold the line, please. The number's 246-8071.
Mr. Hunt And can you tell me the number of Sam's Place?
Operator What's the address of Sam's Place?
Mr. Hunt I'm sorry, but I don't know.
Operator Oh, that’s difficult... there are four of them. Three of them are nightclubs and the other's a restaurant.

Mr. Hunt Which one's near Shaftsbury Avenue?
Operator Two of them... one's in Wardour Street. The other's in Kingly Street.
Mr. Hunt Can you give me both numbers?
Operator Yes. The one in Wardour Street's 246-8043. The other's 246–8047. By the way, I've been to both clubs. The one in Kingly Street's nice but the other's

nicer. It's the nicest one in London.
Mr. Hunt Thank you for the information.


A table for four

Receptionist Beck's nightclub... Can I help you?

Mr. Hunt Yes.... Can I book a table for dinner for four at ten fifteen (10.15) on Monday, the sixth (6th) of July?

Receptionist Just a minute, please. I'm sorry, but we aren't going to have any tables

until ten forty-five (10.45). Is that all right?

Mr. Hunt No. I'm sorry, but that's too late. Thank you.

Receptionist Good-bye.

Receptionist Sam's Place.... Can I help you?

Mr. Hunt Yes. Can I book a table for dinner for four at ten fifteen (10.15) on Monday, the sixth (6th) of July?

Receptionist What's your name, please?

Mr. Hunt Hunt... Guy Hunt.

Receptionist Thank you, Mr. Hunt.


Directory Enquiries

Operator Do you want a London number?

Mr. Hunt No. I want a Sussex number. Can you tell me Michael Blake's telephone number, at 6 Park Drive, Mountbay, Sussex?

Operator Hold the line, please.

Mr. Hunt Thank you.

Operator How do you spell Blake, please?

Mr. Hunt B L A K E.

Operator The number's Mountbay 261. Are you going to dial the number?

Mr. Hunt No, I'm not going to dial it.

A long-distance call

Operator Number, please.

Mr. Hunt I want to make a long-distance call to Sussex. I want to speak to Mrs. Blake.
Operator What's the number, please?
Mr. Hunt Mountbay 261.

Operator Thank you. What's your number, please?

Mr. Hunt 090 4020.

Operator Trying to connect you. You're through.
Mrs. Blake Hello, Mountbay 261,

Mr. Hunt Hello, Clare. This is Guy Hunt.

Mrs. Blake Oh hello, Guy. How are you?

Mr. Hunt Fine, thanks. I've booked a table for Monday night.
Mrs. Blake Oh? Which club?

Mr. Hunt Sam's Place.

Mrs. Blake Good... When are you going to visit us?

Mr. Hunt May we come on Saturday, the fourth (4th) of July? I'm going to hire a car and we're going to drive there.
Mrs. Blake What time are you going to come?

Mr. Hunt Is ten thirty (10.30) in the morning all right?

Mrs. Blake Fine.

Mr. Hunt May we bring a friend?

Mrs. Blake Of course you may.


Martin likes football.

Martin Hello, Stanley.

Stanley Hello, Martin.

Martin Do you want to go to the football match tomorrow?

Stanley I don't know. I've never seen a football match.

Martin Well, I'm going to give you my phone number. It's 323-8575.

Stanley Fine. May I phone you at five thirty (5.30)?

Martin Yes. I'm going to be at my hotel until a quarter past seven (7.15).


Late again

Joe What time is it?
Jim It's a quarter past eight (8.15).
Joe I'm going to be late again.
Jim What are you going to do?
Joe Nothing. Every day I hurry and every day I'm late.



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