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Комментарий к двадцатому уроку


Часть первая

1 Sightseeing in Cambridge Осмотр достопримечательностей в Кембридже

2 We're sorry we haven't got more time for sightseeing. Жаль, что у нас мало времени

на осмотр города, (букв. Мы сожалеем, что у нас нет побольше времени для

осмотра достопримечательностей.)

3 We arrived yesterday morning and we've got to leave tonight. Мы прибыли вчера утром

и должны уехать сегодня вечером.

yesterday morning - вчера утром

yesterday afternoon - вчера днем

yesterday evening/last night - вчера вечером

this morning - сегодня утром

this afternoon - сегодня днем

this afternoon - сегодня вечером

4 When Sarah's ready, we'll go downstairs for breakfast. Когда Сэра будет готова, мы

пойдем вниз завтракать.

a when Sarah's reedy когда Сэра будет готова

б downstairs - вниз Ресторан гостиницы, где будут завтракать Ханты, расположен внизу, на нижнем этаже, а их номер - наверху. Слово downstairs - сложное и состоит из двух частей, которые буквально означают: down - вниз, stairs - лестницам to go downstairs - спускаться, идти вниз.

5 They intend to do some sightseeing with us after lunch. Они собираются с нами

осматривать город после обеда.

to intend - намереваться, собираться

6 It looks as if it'll be a nice day. Похоже, что будет хороший день.

It looks as if... - похоже, что; похоже, как будто бы; кажется, что..

It looks as if he's tired. - Похоже, что oн устал. Кажется, он устал. Он как будто бы устал.


Часть вторая

7 Finding the map Поиски карты

to find the map - букв, найти карту

8 Let's sit here by the front window. Давай сядем вот здесь, у переднего окна.

a let's sit = let us sit

б Запомните, что после модального глагола let инфинитив употребляется

без частицы to:

Let's go to Cambridge. - Давайте поедем в Кембридж,

Let me pass. - Дайте мне пройти.

Let him come. - Пусть он приходит.

9 Shall we sit there, in the middle of the room? Сядем зон там, в середине комнаты?

in the middle of - в середине, посередине

10 Don't you want to sit by a window? He хотите ли вы сесть v окна?

by a window - у окна

11 Here's the waitress with our breakfast. Вот официантка с нашим завтраком.

the waiter - официант

the waitress - официантка

12 We'll go straight along this street. Мы пойдем прямо no этой улице.

a to go along a street - идти no улице

6 to go straight along - идти прямо no

13 When we get to that church, we'll turn left. Когда мы дойдем до этой церкви, мы

повернем налево,

14 Yes, then after we've looked at some of the colleges, we'll walk along this road to

St. John's. Да, а потом, после того как мы посмотрим некоторые из этих колледжей, мы пойдем по этой дороге к колледжу Сент-Джон.

a some of the colleges - некоторые in этих колледжей/ (артикль переводится на

русский язык),

б to walk along this road - идти {пешком) no этой дороге.

15 Perhaps we ought to walk down this lane here. Может быть нам следует пойти вот по этому переулку.

to walk down the lane, the street, etc. to walk along the lane, the street, etc. - идти по переулку, улице, и т.п.

16 Shall we walk or shall we catch a bus to the town centre? Пойдем пешком или поедем на автобусе в центр города?

17 I always prefer walking. Я всегда предпочитаю ходить пешком.

I prefer... -ing

I prefer driving.

I prefer going by bus.

She prefers living in the country.

18 Let's go there first. Давай сначала пойдем туда.

19 Walking in Cambridge Прогулка no Кембриджу

20 I always prefer walking to driving. Я всегда больше люблю ходить пешком, чем ездить на машине.

to prefer something to something - предпочитаю одно другому

21 I can see King's College Chapel. Я вижу церковь Кинге Колледж I can see - я вижу

(букв, я могу видеть)

22 Don't you think we ought to walk round to the front? Тебе не кажется, что нам следует пройти к фасаду?

to walk round - букв, обойти вокруг.

23 Yes, let's walk through the college. Да. давай перейдем через этот колледж.

Итак, вам встретился в этом уроке глагол to walk в сочетании с разными предлогами:

to walk to пойти к

to walk past - пройти мимо

to walk round - обойти вокруг

to walk through - пройти через

24 The Senate House Административное здание

В английских университетах the Senate House - это главный административный центр, где сосредоточены все служебные организации Университета (в русской системе - ректорат, деканат), а также происходят заседания Ученого совета.

25 If we hurry, we'll be on time. Если мы поторопимся, мы успеем во-время.



Exercise 1


I have walked for ten miles… I am tired.

I have walked for ten miles so I am tired.

John is hungry... he has not had any breakfast.

John is hungry because he has not had any breakfast


1 I have walked for ten miles... I am tired.

2 John is hungry... he has not had any breakfast.

3 The children are swimming... the water is warm.

4 I am thirsty... I am going to have a drink of water.

5 We are sitting here... we want to sit by the window.

6 The food here is good and cheap... it is an ideal restaurant.

7 Mary cannot go to the museum today... she is too busy.

8 Mr. Hunt is staying in bed today... he is very tired.

9 You are late... you will have to take a taxi.

10 Tim has bought two tickets... he wants to take Sheila to the theatre

Exercise 2


Shall we go to bed? tired

Yes, let's go to bed. I'm very tired.

Shall we have lunch? hungry

Yes, let's have lunch. I'm very hungry.


1 Shall we go to bed? tired

2 Shall we have lunch? hungry

3 Shall we have a drink? thirsty

4 Shall we phone the airport? worried

5 Shall we write to the newspaper? angry

6 Shall we put our coats on? cold

7Shall we go outside? hot

8Shall we take a taxi? late


Exercise 3



Mary looks it will be sunny

It looks her aunt

Mary looks like her aunt.

It looks as if it will be sunny.


1 Mary looks he likes swimming

2 It looks a comfortable chair

3 That looks a hotel

4 The car looks it will be sunny

5 Simon looks her aunt

6 The house looks they are happy

7 They look it is new

Exercise 4


It's a lovely day for walking.

Yes, I love walking.

It's a good place for dancing.

Yes, I love dancing.

1 It's a lovely day for walking.

2 It's a good place for dancing.

3 It's a perfect day for swimming.

4 It's a nice day for shopping.

5 It's a good place for reading.

6 It's an ideal place for sitting and talking.

7 It's a good day for driving.

8 It's a good day for going on the river.

9 It's a good place for studying.

10 It's a good place for spending money

Exercise 5



He's doing shopping.


He's doing some sightseeing.


1 shop

2 sightsee

3 teach

4 write

5 study

6 read




he United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). It occupies the southern part of North America and stretches from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. It also includes Alaska in the north and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. The total area of the country is about nine and a half million square kilometres. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It also has a sea-boarder with Russia.

The USA is made up of 50 states and the District of Columbia, a special federal area where the capital of the country, Washington, is situated. The population of the country is more than 270 million.

If we look at the map of the USA, we can see lowlands and mountains. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada. The highest peak is Mount McKinley which is located in Alaska.

America's largest rivers are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Rio Grande and the Columbia. The Great Lakes on the border with Canada are the largest and deepest in the USA.

The climate of the country varies greatly. The coldest regions are in the north. The climate of Alaska is arctic. The climate of the central part is continental. The south has a subtropical climate. Hot winds blowing from the Gulf of Mexico often bring typhoons. The climate along the Pacific coast is much warmer than that of the Atlantic coast.

The USA is a highly developed industrial country. It's the world's leading producer of copper and oil and the world's second producer of iron ore and coal. Among the most important manufacturing industries are aircraft, cars, textiles, radio and television sets, armaments, furniture and paper.

Though mainly European and African in origin, Americans are made up from nearly all races and nations, including Chinese and native Americans.

The largest cities are: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San-Francisco, Washington and others.

The United States is a federal union of 50 states, each of which has its own government. The seat of the central (federal) government is Washington, DC. According to the US Constitution the powers of the government are divided into 3 branches: the executive, headed by the President, the legislative, exercised by the Congress, and the judicial. The Congress consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

There are two main political parties in the USA: the Republican and the Democratic, though there's hardly any difference between their political lines.





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