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Комментарий к двадцать восьмому уроку


Часть 1

1 A new job Новая работа

2 An interesting job has been advertised in the paper. В газете было объявление об интересной вакантной должности.

3 A sales manager's required by a large company. Крупной компании требуется коммерческий директор.

4 The Personnel Manager Заведующий отделом кадров

Dear Sir, Sales Manager Ref: J6/Q

a Dear Sir - Общепринятая формула обращения, которая употребляется в специальных и деловых письмах даже в тех случаях, когда письмо адресовано незнакомому лицу.

б Ref: - относительно, но поводу, кас. - касательно (в ответ на ваш исходящий номер...)

6 I am interested in the post of sales manager which you advertise in today's newspaper. Меня интересует должность коммерческого директора, о которой было объявление в сегодняшней газете.

to be interested in something - интересоваться чем-то

At the moment I am employed by International Computer Co. Ltd.

В настоящее время я работаю в компании Интернэшнл Компьютер Лимитед.


Часть вторая


8 Today's post hasn't been brought up yet, has it? Сегодняшнюю почту еще не


9 According to the latest report, Согласно последним данным,

10 there are offices in eight countries: конторы имеются в восьми странах:

countries - множественное число от слова country - страна. Сравните: factory -

factories, lady - ladies, country - countries. Во всех этих случаях, т.е. когда

существительное оканчивается на - у после согласной, при образовании

множественного числа у меняется на i и прибавляется - es.

11 England, the U.S.A., France, Sweden, Italy, Japan, Australia and Canada. Англия,

США, Франция, Швеция, Италия, Япония, Австралия и Канада.

Обратите внимание на то, что все названия стран употребляются без артикля,

кроме США. Таким же исключением является и название нашей страны the USSR -


12 The receptionist has just rung. Только что звонила дежурная.

13 The post's just been delivered. Только что доставили почту.

14 I'd rather not see it. Я бы предпочел не видеть ее (почту). Выражение I'd rather в

сочетании с инфинитивом глагола без частицы to означает я бы предпочел, я бы


I'd rather do it. - Я бы предпочел сделать это.

I'd rather go. - Я бы лучше ушел.

15 It's what you were waiting for. Это то, что ты ожидал.

16 What a pity! Какая жалость!

17 The post's already been filled. Этот пост уже занят.

18 My letter's been put in their file. Мое письмо у них в картотеке. (букв. Мое письмо

было положено в их картотеку.)

19 I'll be contacted when there's another similar vacancy. Co мной свяжутся, когда

будет еще одна такая же ставка.

20 Dear Mr. Hunt. Уважаемый мистер Хант. Традиционное обращение в письмах

" Dear...."

21 I have now been authorised to offer it to you. Я уполномочен предложить ее вам.

22. .. it will mean that your salary will be increased.... этоозначает, что ваша

зарплата будет Увеличена.

23 I have spoken to our accounts department. Я проконсультировался

в бухгалтерии.

24 I have enclosed some documents. Прилагаю некоторые документы, (букв. Я

вложил некоторые документы.)

25... one of which shows our profit and loss account and another our plans for future

expansion.... один из которых содержит наш финансовый отчет, а

другой - наши планы будущего роста.

26 Yours sincerely, Искренне ваш,

Такая же формула вежливости для завершения официальных писем, как Dear Mr.... для их начала. Запомните: Dear Sir -Yours faithfully; Dear Mr.... - Yours sincerely.

27 It sounds like a good job but I'd rather not live in London. Как будто бы работа

хорошая, но я не хотела бы жить в Лондоне.

28 Perhaps we won't like living in the south. Может быть нам не понравится

жить на юге (Англии).

29 I warned Steve about that. Я предупредил Стива об этом.



Exercise 1


The chocolate is made like this.
He explained how the chocolate is made.

The chocolates were filled after the fillings had been prepared.
He explained when the chocolates were filled.


1 The chocolate is made like this.
2 The chocolates were filled after the fillings had been prepared.

3 The advertisement was put in the evening paper.

4 The car was hired because they had to drive to Sussex.

5 The production manager had been offered a new job.

6 The letter was sent by airmail.

7 The parcel was sent to the wrong place because the address was badly written.

8 The telegram was sent at six o'clock.


Exercise 2


Does the doctor fill the chocolates?
No, they are not filled by the doctor.

Did the waiter examine the old man?
No, he was not examined by the waiter.


1 Does the doctor fill the chocolates?
2 Did the waiter examine the old man?


3 Does the receptionist dictate the letters?

4 Did the computer promote the sales manager?

5 Does the chairman deliver the post?

6 Do the salesmen inspect the machines?

7 Did the children take those photos?

8 Did John book those tickets?

9 Did you persuade her?
10 Do the teachers prepare the lunch?

Exercise 3


Guy was promoted to general manager, the chairman/the receptionist
The chairman promoted Guy to general manager.

The telegram will be dictated to hissecretary. the waiter/the personnel manager

The personnel manager will dictate the telegram to his secretary.


1 Guy was promoted to general manager, the chairman/the receptionist
The telegram will be dictated to hissecretary. the waiter/the personnel manager

3 Some coffee was brought to our room. the chambermaid/the foreman

4 That can be done easily. the computer/the sweets

5 The machines are inspected every day. the secretaries/the foreman

6 Drivers were warned about the heavy traffic. the children/the policeman

7 The application was considered carefully. the personnel manager/the computer

8 That room had been prepared for the Hunts. the waiter/the chambermaid
Two references have been enclosed with my you/I


10 You will be asked to bring two references. the dentist/the manager

Exercise 4


The advertisement... by the personnel manager yesterday afternoon, write
The advertisement was written by the personnel manager yesterday afternoon.

The job... in the morning paper tomorrow, advertise
The job will be advertised in the morning paper tomorrow.


1 The advertisement... by the personnel manager yesterday afternoon, write
The job... in the morning paper tomorrow, advertise

3 An interesting job... in the newspaper for several days last week. advertise

4 While I was in London I... to general manager, promote

5 He hopes that an application form... to him soon. send

6 We think that the job can... by you. do

7 Today's post hasn't... up yet, has it? bring

8 A new office... in Tokyo next month, open


Exercise 5


What were you doing in the restaurant? He dictated a letter.

What was he doing in the office? I ate dinner.

I was eating dinner in the restaurant.
He was dictating a letter in the office.

1 What were you doing in the restaurant? I played in a musical.

2 What was he doing in the office? She watched television.

3 What were they doing in the factory? We worked at the United Nations.

4 What was she doing in the living-room? She talked to some friends.

5 What were we doing in Geneva? They visited the Slakes.

6 What were you doing in the Old Theatre? We had a picnic.
7 What was he doing at the chemist's? They looked at the machines.

8 What were they doing in Sussex? He bought some pills.

9 What was she doing at the party? I ate dinner.

10 What were we doing on the island? He dictated a letter.

Exercise 6


We'll advertise the job.
Will the job be advertised?

They fill the chocolate shells with peppermint.
Are the chocolate shells filled with peppermint?


1 We'll advertise the job.
2 They fill the chocolate shells with peppermint.

3 You make the fillings like this.

4 Someone delivers the post every morning.

5 You'll offer the job to him tomorrow.

6 You can send telegrams from here.

7 Someone has promoted Guy to general manager.

8 You can buy all kinds of food here.



When a company needs to recruit new people, it can give an announcement in the «NEED HELP» section of a newspaper.

People who are looking for a job can send a letter of application or covering letter (US cover letter) and a curriculum vitae or CY (in US - resume) containing details of their education and experience. A company may ask candidates to fill up a standard application form. The company's Hu­man Resources department selects the most suitable applications and prepares a short list of candidates or applicants, who are invited to attend an Interview.

Companies can hire people using the services of a recruitment agency (in US — search firm), which pro­vides a list of suitable can­didates.

A growing number of companies are no longer satisfied with traditional job interviews. Sometimes they give the candidates a series of written tests. These tests are not about mathe­matics or grammar. By these tests employers want to evaluate candidates on the following qualities:

· Does the candidate have creative and entrepreneurial abilities?

· Can the candidate be a leader?

· Is the candidate flexible and capable of learning?

· Does the candidate have enough skills and know­ledge?

These tests are all part of a broader trend. Compa­nies are getting much more careful about hiring. Employers always looked for experienced workers – has the candidate done thisbefore? Most companies have not changed this practice until now.


position работа, должность

apply for подавать заявление

letter of application = covering letter заявле­ние о приеме

curriculum vitae = U.S. resume автобиография

experience опыт

application form бланк заявления о приеме на работу

short list of candidates (ap­plicants) краткий список кандидатов

interview собеседо­вание

to hire нанимать

recruitment agency = search firm агентство no трудоустройству

series ряд


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