Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии


An emotion is a person’s response to a situation in which he finds himself. Emotions do not come at will, they are always initiated by certain perceptions and accompany the activities which are stimulated by situation.

Emotions have been divided into basic and complex categories where some emotions are basic to the existence of others. In this respect complex emotions have been regarded as developing upon basic emotions. Such development may occur due to cultural conditioning or association. Alternatively, similar to the way primary colors combine, primary emotions can blend together to form the full spectrum of human emotional experience. in general, discussion has been centered on which emotions must be considered foundational. Combined views are also available.

Another important means of distinguishing emotions concerns their occurrence in time. Some emotions occur over a period of seconds (e.g. surprise) where others can last for years (e.g. love). The latter has been regarded as a long-term tendency to have an emotion concerning a certain object rather than an emotion proper.

A distinction is then made between emotion episodes and emotional dispositions. Dispositions are also comparable to character traits where we can say that someone is generally disposed to experience certain emotions, though about different objects. For example, the irritable person is generally disposed to feel irritation more easily and quickly than others.

Finally some theories place emotions within a more general category of “affective states”. Affective states can also include emotion related phenomena such as pleasure or pain, motivational states such as hunger or curiosity, moods dispositions and traits.



I. Translate the following word combinations:

реакция человека, определенные ощущения, сопровождать деятельность, в этом отношении, происходить благодаря чему-либо, подобно тому как, полный спектр эмоционального опыта человека, быть доступным, средства отличия, рассматриваться как, эмоциональная предрасположенность, сравнимый с чертами характера, чувствовать раздражение, раздражительный человек, состояние аффекта, удовольствие, настроение, голод, любопытство, удивление

II. Fill in the gaps with the proper preposition:

1. Emotions do not come … will.

2. They are initiated … certain perceptions.

3. Emotions have been divided … basic and complex categories.

4. … this respect emotions have been regarded due to associations.

5. … general combined views are available.

6. A distinction is made … emotion episodes and emotional disposition.

7. … example, an irritable person is disposed to feel irritation more easily and



III. Find the explanation from B to each word from A:

1. response the feeling you have when something unexpected or unusual happens
2. will a tendency to behave in a particular way
3. activity something that is done or said as a reaction to something
4. association the desire to know about something
5. discussion the way you fell at a particular time
6. surprise determination to do something that you have decided to do
7. irritation the act or a conversation in which people talk about something to exchange ideas or decide something
8. pleasure the feeling of being annoyed about something that happens repeatedly and for a long time
9. curiosity something that you do for interest or pleasure or because you want to achieve something
10. hunger the feeling of happiness or satisfaction that you get from experience you enjoy
11. mood a feeling or memory that is connected with a particular person, place or word etc.
12. disposition the feeling that you need to eat


IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What is emotion?

2. Do emotions come at will?

3. What are emotions initiated by?

4. What two categories are emotions divided into?

5. What is an important means of distinguishing emotions?

6. Give the examples of emotions occurring over a period of seconds.

7. Give the examples of emotions occurring over years.

8. What emotions can be regarded as affective states?


V. Read and translate text B using a dictionary:



Nature developed our emotions over millions of years of evolution. As a result, our emotions have the potential to serve us today as a delicate internal guidance system.

Our emotions are a valuable source of information. Our emotions help us make decisions. When we feel uncomfortable with a person’s behavior our emotions alert us. Our emotions help us communicate with others. Our facial expressions, for example, can convey a wide range of emotions.

Emotions are the greatest potential source of uniting all members of he human species. Clearly, our different religious, cultural and political beliefs have not united us. In fact they have tragically and even fatally divided us. Emotions, on the other hand, are universal. Charles Darwin wrote in one of his books called “The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animal” that beliefs divide us, emotions unite us.


Грамматика: формы инфинитива, модальные глаголы (повторение),

функции причастия I



-ive – суффикс прилагательных

I. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова:

active, passive, attentive, sensitive, effective, impulsive, creative, illustrative


II. Найдите в английских предложениях инфинитивы, определите их (группу и залог), и переведите предложения:

1. I want to help you.

2. I am glad to be working with you.

3. I am glad to have solved this problem.

4. I am glad to be visited by my friends.

5. I am glad to have been visited by my friends.


III. Раскройте скобки, употребив инфинитив в активном или пассивном залоге:

1. He wants (to send) to the conference.

2. He asked me (to find) this article in the journal.

3. He doesn’t like (to trouble) when he is working.

4. I didn’t want (to see) there.

5. She was asked not(to touch) this object.

IV. Раскройте скобки, выбрав соответствующую форму инфинитива:

1. I don’t remember (to meet, to be met, to be meeting, to have met, to have been

met) you before.

2. They were happy ( to complete, to be completed, to be completing, to have

completed, to have been completed) their work.

3. The doctor told me (to follow, to be followed, to be following, to have followed,

to have been followed) a bed regimen.

4. I am glad (to ask, to be asked, to be asking, to have asked, to have been asked)

such an interesting question.

5. He is tired (to perform, to be performed, to be performing, to have performed, to

have been performing) this experiment.


V. Прочтите и переведите предложения с модальными глаголами, обращая внимание на формы инфинитива:

Can + Infinitive

1. He cannot translate the text.

2. He cannot have translated the text.

3. This text cannot be translated without a dictionary.

4. He can answer my questions.

5. He cannot answer my questions.

6. He cannot have answered my questions without reading the book.


May/Might + Infinitive

1. He may examine the patient.

2. He may be examining the patient now.

3. He may have already examined the patient.

4. He may be examined by professor.

5. Studies show that various changes may take place in the brains of old people.

6. Where is Robert? – I don’t know. He might be having lunch.

7. I can’t find my bag anywhere. – You might have left it on the bus.

Must + Infinitive

1. Psychologists must help their patients to overcome mental disorders.

2. I can’t find my papers. I must have forgotten them at home.

3. He must be examined by a specialist.

4. The process of inhibition in the cortex must be described in details.

5. The article on this subject must have been published in another journal.

VI. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами, подходящими по смыслу:

1. The baby stopped crying. The mother … have fed it.

2. The patient … be discharged soon.

3. The exam was very difficult and he … not pass it.

4. Somebody is calling me. I … be John.

5. The researcher … not have made this conclusion without carrying out numerous


6. I … find Tom anywhere. He … be at the University.

7. It’s very difficult to find this book. She … not have read it.


VII. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функцию -ing-формы:

1. Being in the hospital the patient began to feel much better. 2. I wanted to speak to the doctor treating my sister. 3. Now he is receiving the treatment at the surgical department. 4. Listening to the heart is a very important procedure. 5. The fibrous bands forming the muscular structure of the heart are divided into two groups 6. The professor is busy, he is delivering a lecture. 7. Visiting hospitals is necessary for all medical students. 8. Helping your patients you should be very careful and attentive.


VIII. Прочтите следующие слова, запомните их произношение и дайте русские эквиваленты:

idea [Qi’diq], subject [‘sAbGqkt], group [grHp], monitoring [, mOni’tLriN], ignore [ig’nL], signal [‘signql], concentration [, kOnsin’treiSqn], complex [‘kOmpleks], information [, infq’meiSqn], process [‘prousqs], automatic [, Ltq’mqetik], identify [Qi’dentifQi], combine [kqm’bQin], phrase [freiz], material [mq’tiqriql]

IX. Выучите новые слова и словосочетания:

to believe [bi’lJv] – думать, считать, полагать, верить

to require [ri’kwQiq] – требовать(ся)

performance [pq’fLmqns] – действие, исполнение

to suffer (from) [‘sAfq] – страдать (от)

to support [sq’pLt] - поддерживать

tape – лента

familiar [fq’miljq] -знакомый

passage [‘pqesiG] - отрывок

to push [puS] - нажимать

button [‘bAtn] - кнопка

to confront [kqn’frAnt] – быть поставленным перед

in addition to – кроме, в дополнение

same – такой же

simultaneous [, simql’tqenjqs] - одновременный

to comprehend [, kOmpri’hend] - понимать

page [peiG] - страница

in short – короче (говоря)

to attend [q’tend] – быть внимательным; посещать

distraction [dist’rqekSqn] – отвлечение внимания, рассеянность

X. Прочтите слова, определите части речи и переведите:

attention, different, performance, usually, familiar, passage, presented, simultaneous, quickly, automatic, associate, especially, important, ability, distraction

XI. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания:

to try to learn new material, to require attention, performance suffers, to support the idea, under several conditions, an unfamiliar passage, at the same time, to push the button, to confront a more difficult situation, in addition to, the same voice, to react more quickly, to comprehend much better, complex information, a simple task, words on a page, to combine words into phrases, to comprehend the meaning, in short, the ability to attend


XII. Прочтите и переведите текст А:



Some students try to learn while listening to music, talking to friends or thinking about a coming to-an-end-week. they believe that studying requires only a little attention. But when people divide their attention between several different tasks, performance usually suffers.

In one study that supports this idea the psychologists compared what students could do under several conditions. Subjects in one group listened to a tape of an unfamiliar passage from a psychological text. At the same time they pushed a button whenever a signal light brightened.

Another group of students confronted a more difficult situation. In addition to monitoring the light and attending to the unfamiliar material they had to ignore a familiar passage presented simultaneously in the other ear by the same voice.

Subjects in the “easy” condition reacted more quickly to the signal light and comprehended the passage much better than the students in the “difficult” condition. While attention can be divided (especially if one task is familiar and easy) concentration helps the processing of complex information. Even something as automatic as reading is not a simple task. You have to identify written words on a page. You must also combine words into phrases and sentences and comprehend the meaning. At the same time you must think about the meaning of the material and associate new facts with old information and experience.

In short, attention is very important in everyday life. The ability to attend and its opposite, distraction, have been widely studied by the psychologists.



I. Translate the following word combinations:

требовать внимания, деятельность страдает, поддерживать идею, сравнивать различные состояния, незнакомый отрывок из текста, в то же время, быть поставленным в более трудную ситуацию, понять значение фразы, сложная информация, короче говоря, способность быть внимательным, отсутствие внимания, кроме, нажимать на кнопку, одновременно

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Do you believe that studying requires little attention?

2. When does performance suffer?

3. What helps the processing of complex information?

4. Is reading a simple task?

5. What do you have to do while reading?

6. What is the ability to attend?

7. What is opposite to attention?


III. Translate the following sentences:

1. Внимание!

2. Будьте внимательны!

3. Вы не внимательны.

4. Это задание требует внимания.

5. Многие ученые поддерживают эту идею.

6. Прочтите этот незнакомый отрывок из текста.

7. Постарайтесь понять значение незнакомых слов без словаря.

8. Нажмите кнопку!

9. Не делайте несколько заданий одновременно, ваши действия могут


10. Чтение – это автоматический процесс.

11. Соедините слова во фразы и предложения.

12. В то же время сочетайте новые факты со старой информацией.

13. Короче говоря, внимание очень важно для повседневной жизни.

14. Не каждый имеет способность быть внимательным.

IV. Read and translate text B using a dictionary:



Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was first described more than 100 years ago. Today it is the focus of hundreds of studies. Characterized by excessively inattentive, hyperactive, or impulsive behaviour, ADHD affects about 2 million children in the United States, or 3 percent to 5 percent of children. Studies show that 30 percent to 70 percent of these children will continue to experience ADHD symptoms as adults.

Symptoms of ADHD appear before age 7, last for six months or longer and impair normal functioning in at least two areas of a child’s life – at school, among friends, or at home. Adults must show impairment at home and at work.

Some studies show a correlation between ADHD and changes in brain structure. ADHD is also thought to have a strong genetic influence. In addition to behavioral therapy, ADHD is commonly treated with medication – largely stimulants.




Грамматика: степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий,

отрицательные предложения (повторение),

бессоюзные придаточные предложения


I. Вставьте глагол в соответствующей форме пассивного залога:

To send

1. The letters … already.

2. … you … the letters already?

3. The letters … not … yet.

4. The letters … not … yesterday because we forgot to buy stamps.

5. The letters … tomorrow.

To translate

1. The article … just translated.

2. The article … not … translated yesterday so it must … translated today.

3. The article … not … translated yet.

4. The article … by the end of the week.

5. the article … translated some time ago.


II. Прочтите предложения, определите в них сказуемые и переведите:

1. It is difficult to determine which emotions or dimensions must be considered


2. Many interesting books are sold in this bookshop.

3. Attention can be divided if one task is interesting and easy.

4. The ability to attend and distraction have been widely studied by the


5. ADHD is commonly treated with medication – largely stimulants.

6. This programme has been seen by millions of people.

7. Familiar material and an unfamiliar passage were presented to the subjects

simultaneously by the same voice.

8. While reading words written on the page must be identified and combined into


9. A new method has been demonstrated recently.

10. There has been considerable debate concerning how emotions must be


11. Complex emotions have been regarded as developing upon basic emotions.

12. When a person’s emotional connections are severed in the brain he cannot

make even simple decisions.

13. A distinction is made between emotion episodes and emotional dispositions.

III. Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными:

1. That is right.

2. Many people dream in colour.

3. Heartbeat becomes frequent.

4. Images are interpreted in different ways.

5. The scientists have to understand the essence of dreams.

6. Dreams can predict our future.

7. Psychologists have explained the meaning of many dreams.


IV. Прочтите предложения, найдите в них бессоюзные придаточные и переведите:

1. All information you need can be found in the article.

2. The only real way to know we are happy is when we feel happy.

3. He said it was a very interesting conference.

4. Studies show attention is a complex phenomenon.

5. I did not know he had come.

6. The doctor I told you about works in this clinic.

7. I was told he was coming next week.

8. The treatment the patient had begun was quite effective.

9. We know well Servet was the first anatomist to describe the pulmonary

circulation in the first half of the 16th century.

10. The phenomenon of the transfer of carbon dioxide from the blood into the

lungs Sechenov investigated is due to the law of diffusion of gas from the fluid

into the air.

11. The great English anatomist W.Harvey found out the heart changed its colour

during the contractions.


V. Запомните произношение следующих терминов, дайте их русские эквиваленты:

analyze [‘qenqlQiz], characterize [‘kqerqktqrQiz], motivate [‘moutiveit], tradition [trq’diSqn], balance [‘bqelqns], regular [‘regjulq], reason [‘rJzqn], logic [lOGik], progression [prq’greSqn], coma [‘koumq], image [‘imiG], interpret [in’tWptit]


VI. Выучите новые слова и словосочетания:

dream [drJm] – сон; мечта

to dream – видеть сны; мечтать

to account for [q’kQunt] – отвечать (за), объяснять

to average [‘qevqriG] – составлять (в среднем)

average – средний (среднестатистический)

life-span – продолжительность жизни

conscious [‘kOnSqs] - сознательный

desire [di’zQiq] - желание

to claim – требовать; утверждать, заявлять

to reflect [ri’flekt] - отражать

waking [‘weikiN] - бодрствование

flexible [‘fleksibl] – гибкий, подвижный

calm [kRm] - спокойный

rapid [‘rqepid] - быстрый

slow [slou] - медленный

to deprive [di’prQIv] - лишать

frequent [‘frikwqnt] – частый, распространенный

crucial [‘krHSjql] – решающий, критический

various [‘vFqriqs] – разный, разнообразный

superficial [, sjHpq’fiSql] – поверхностный, неглубокий

moderate [‘mOdqrit] – средний, умеренный

stage [steiG] - стадия

reversed [ri’vWst] – обратный, противоположный

vital - жизненный

safeguard [‘seifgRd] – гарантия, охрана

to sneeze - чихать

essence [esns] – сущность, существование

to penetrate [‘ penitreit]– проникать (внутрь), проходить


VII. Назовите сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих прилагательных и наречий:

many, common, little, important, slow, deep, frequent, good, flexible, emotional, bad

VIII. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

more than 5 years; more common; less nervous; more frequent; less attention; the most important; more rapid; as serious as; to understand better; the more you know, the better you understand; not so calm as; to see less dreams; the more flexible is you nervous system, the more dreams in colour you see


IX. Прочтите слова, назовите части речи и переведите:

analyze, subconscious, tradition, emotional, characterize, flexible, nervous, attention, well-balanced, important, regular, movement, crucial, various, superficial, progression, logic, vital, different, completely, interpreter, essence, penetrate

X. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания:

the average life-span, to reflect desires, to forget one’s dreams, to depend on many factors, to dream in black and white, emotional people with a flexible nervous system, calm people, to pay much attention, rapid and slow phases, to be deprived of dreams, to experience psychic changes, frequent heartbeat, irregular breathing, to be crucial for many reasons, superficial and deep sleep, coma stage, a reversed state, psychological safeguard, to sneeze away problems, to interpret in different ways, to predict a person’s future, to penetrate into the subconscious

XI. Прочтите и переведите текст А:


A person sleeps one-third of his life. Dreaming alone accounts for more than five years of the average life-span.

Freud, one of the first to analyze dreams, characterized dreaming as “a royal path to the subconscious”. Dreams reflect our desires and motivate our behaviour.

Some people claim they do not dream at all. That’s not right. Everybody dreams. It is quite another matter if upon waking one forgets one’s dreams. This depends on many factors including family traditions.

Some people dream in black and white, others in colour. Dreaming in colour is more common among emotional people with a flexible nervous system. Well-balanced, calm people sometimes dream in colour too but pay less attention to it.

Sleep is composed of consecutive rapid and slow phases. One dreams several times per night but only during a rapid phase of sleep. Dreams are so important that if deprived of dreams, a person can experience serious psychic changes.

A person can be deprived of dreaming by waking at the beginning of a rapid phase. This moment can be recorded. Heartbeat becomes more frequent, breathing becomes irregular and eye movements become more rapid.

Rapid sleep, and consequently dreams, is crucial for many reasons. Superficial sleep is followed by moderate sleep and then deep sleep. If this process did not stop the logical progression would be the coma stage – a cerebral state that cannot be reversed.

Dreaming is a vital mechanism of psychological safeguard against difficulties of everyday life. There is a Chinese saying: “We can sneeze away all our problems in our sleep”.

Nowadays there are very many books interpreting dreams. But the same images are interpreted in completely different ways. Interpreters of dreams try to predict a person’s future while the scientific research is to understand the essence of an individual, to penetrate into the subconscious.


I. Translate the following word combinations:

средняя продолжительность жизни, отражать желания, все видят сны, во время бодрствования, видеть черно-белые сны, видеть цветные сны, гибкая нервная система, спокойные люди, быстрая и медленная фазы, быть лишенным сновидений, испытывать серьезные психические изменения, учащенное сердцебиение, неровное дыхание, по разным причинам, жизненно важный механизм психологической защиты, предсказывать будущее человека, проникать в подсознание

II. Complete the following sentences:

1. A person sleeps … of his life.

2. … was the first to analyze dreams.

3. Dreams reflect …

4. Dreams motivate …

5. Dreaming in colour is more common among …

6. Sleep is composed of …

7. A person deprived of dreams can experience …

8. One dreams only during …

9. Dreaming is a vital mechanism of …

10. Interpreters of dreams try …

11. Scientific research tries …

III. Answer the following questions:

1. How long does a person sleep during his life?

2. Who was the first scientist to analyze dreams?

3. What do our dreams reflect?

4. Do all people dream?

5. Does everybody remember dreams?

6. What dreams can people have?

7. What people usually dream in colour?

8. What phases is sleep composed of?

9. What phase do we dream during?

10. Is it good to sleep without dreaming?

11. What is dreaming?

12. Are there any books interpreting dreams?

13. Have you read any of them?

14. What are the books interpreting dreams based on?

15. What do interpreters of dreams try to do?

16. Is it a scientific approach?

17. What is scientific research to do?

IV. Read text B and translate it using a dictionary:


Everybody dreams on and off throughout each night. true, we probably don’t remember even a fraction of our dreams but laboratory tests have shown that all our brains are busy while we are asleep. Exactly why we dream isn’t fully understood but it considered that dreams act as a kind of safety valve helping us to sift through the waking experiences and reconcile with conflicting feelings about our lives. In this way dreams can be of great value in understanding our problems and in getting to know ourselves better.

The language of dreams is puzzling and yet it has a logic of its own. To help you understand your dreams it is a good idea to keep a dream journal by your bedside. Note down not just what happens in your dream but the mood and feelings it awoke. over the months you should begin to see a pattern in your dreaming. Moreover, the more you study your dreams, the more you will be amazed how clever your mind is.



Грамматика: II и III формы глагола (повторение), функции причастия I,

герундия и отглагольного существительного


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