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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Упр. 9. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод причастие I и причастие II.

a) 1. Turbochargers and supercharges pressurize the incoming air to cram more air into a cylinder. 2. Many turbocharged and supercharged cars have an intercooler, through which the compressed air passes. 3. Some newer cars are using polished intake manifolds to eliminate air resistance. 4. A blocked filter decreases the air flow to the carburetor, thus increasing the amount of fuel in the mixture. 5. A gas burnt during each revolution of the engine gives more power. 6. The compressed air passes through the intercooler. 7. Kerosene is the fuel used in jet engines. 8. You can cram more air and fuel into a cylinder of a given size. 9. A two-stroke engine has no moving valves.

b) 1. Compressing air raises its temperature. 2. Using the mechanism called gearbox different speeds can be obtained. 3. Making the cylinder bigger or adding more cylinders you can increase displacement. 4. Air resistance can be lessened by putting two intake valves in each cylinder. 5. Burning in the engine the fuel-air mixture produces energy. 6. Starting a V-8 engine, you are only driving two cylinders through their strokes. 7. Increasing the size of the cylinder, you can get more power from it. 8. Using more gasoline and burning lots of oil, the two-stroke engine is far more polluting.

Упр. 10. Переведите цепочки однокоренных слов.

1. purpose – purposeful – purposeless – purposed

2. radiate – radiation – radiator

3. distribute – distributor – distributing – distribution

4. reduce – reduction – reducing – reduced

5. require – required – requirement – requiring

6. adjust – adjustable – adjuster – adjustment – adjusted

7. essence – essential – essentially – essentiality

Упр. 11. Образуйте от данных прилагательных существительные и переведите.

Smooth -…. Powerful - …. Different - …. Hard - …. Available - …. Reliable - …. Useless - …. Active - ….

Упр. 12. Назовите новые слова с окончанием –able/-ible и переведите их на русский язык.

1. that can be moved 5. that can be solved
2. that can be reached 6. that can be used or obtained
3. that can be managed 7. that can be permitted
4. that can be changed for new needs 8. that can provide comfort

Упр. 13. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных и конструкции типа the …, the….

Using all of this information, you can begin to see that there are lots of different ways to make an engine perform better. Car manufacturers are constantly playing with all of the following variables to make an engine more powerful and/or more fuel efficient.

Increase displacement. More displacement means more power because you can burn more gas during each revolution of the engine. You can increase displacement by making the cylinders bigger or by adding more cylinders. Twelve cylinders seem to be the practical limit.

Increase the compression ratio. Higher compression ratios produce more power, up to a point. The more you compress the air/fuel mixture, however, the more likely it is to spontaneously burst into flame (before the spark plug ignites it). Higher-octane gasoline prevents this sort of early combustion. That is why high-performance cars generally need high-octane gasoline - their engines are using higher compression ratios to get more power.

Stuff more into each cylinder. If you can cram more air (and therefore fuel) into a cylinder of a given size, you can get more power from the cylinder (in the same way that you would by increasing the size of the cylinder). Turbochargers and superchargers pressurize the incoming air to effectively cram more air into a cylinder.

Cool the incoming air Compressing air raises its temperature. However, you would like to have the coolest air possible in the cylinder because the hotter the air is, the less it will expand when combustion takes place. Therefore, many turbocharged and supercharged cars have an intercooler. An intercooler is a special radiator through which the compressed air passes to cool it off before it enters the cylinder.

Let air come in more easily. As a piston moves down in the intake stroke, air resistance can rob power from the engine. Air resistance can be lessened dramatically by putting two intake valves in each cylinder. Some newer cars are also using polished intake manifolds to eliminate air resistance there. Bigger air filters can also improve air flow.

Let exhaust exit more easily. If air resistance makes it hard for exhaust to exit a cylinder, it robs the engine of power. Air resistance can be lessened by adding a second exhaust valve to each cylinder (a car with two intake and two exhaust valves has four valves per cylinder, which improves performance - when you hear a car ad tell you the car has four cylinders and 16 valves, what the ad is saying is that the engine has four valves per cylinder). If the exhaust pipe is too small or the muffler has a lot of air resistance, this can cause back-pressure, which has the same effect. High-performance exhaust systems use headers, big tail pipes and free-flowing mufflers to eliminate back-pressure in the exhaust system. When you hear that a car has " dual exhaust, " the goal is to improve the flow of exhaust by having two exhaust pipes instead of one.

Make everything lighter. Lightweight parts help the engine perform better. Each time a piston changes direction, it uses up energy to stop the travel in one direction and start it in another. The lighter the piston, the less energy it takes.

Inject the fuel. Fuel injection allows very precise metering of fuel to each cylinder. This improves performance and fuel economy.

Difference between a gasoline engine and a diesel engine. In a diesel engine, there is no spark plug. Instead, diesel fuel is injected into the cylinder, and the heat and pressure of the compression stroke cause the fuel to ignite. Diesel fuel has a higher energy density than gasoline, so a diesel engine gets better mileage.

Difference between a two-stroke and a four-stroke engine. Most car and boat motors use two-stroke engines. A two-stroke engine has no moving valves, and the spark plug fires each time the piston hits the top of its cycle. A hole in the lower part of the cylinder wall lets in gas and air. As the piston moves up it is compressed, the spark plug ignites combustion, and exhaust exits through another hole in the cylinder. You have to mix oil into the gas in a two-stroke engine because the holes in the cylinder wall prevent the use of rings to seal the combustion chamber. Generally, a two-stroke engine produces a lot of power for its size because there are twice as many combustion cycles occurring per rotation. However, a two-stroke engine uses more gasoline and burns lots of oil, so it is far more polluting.

Advantages of steam engines and other external combustion engines. The main advantage of a steam engine is that you can use anything that burns as the fuel. For example, a steam engine can use coal, newspaper or wood for the fuel, while an internal combustion engine needs pure, high-quality liquid or gaseous fuel.

Types of cycles used in car engines. The two-stroke engine cycle is different, as is the diesel cycle described above. The engine in the Mazda Millennia uses a modification of the Otto cycle called the Miller cycle. Gas turbine engines use the Brayton cycle. Wankle rotary engines use the Otto cycle, but they do it in a very different way than four-stroke piston engines.

Eight cylinders in an engine are better than one big cylinder of the same displacement. There are a couple of reasons why a big 4.0-liter engine has eight half-liter cylinders rather than one big 4-liter cylinder. The main reason is smoothness. A V-8 engine is much smoother because it has eight evenly spaced explosions instead of one big explosion. Another reason is starting torque. When you start a V-8 engine, you are only driving two cylinders (1 liter) through their compression strokes, but with one big cylinder you would have to compress 4 liters instead.

Упр. 14. Выполните письменный перевод следующего текста.

The power gas engine

The gas turbine, a completely different kind of engine, was first designed at the beginning of the twentieth century and perfected in the 1930s. It usually has a single shaft carrying a series of propeller-like fans divided into two groups, the compressor and the turbine. In an operating gas turbine air is drawn in the compressor fans and its pressure increased. The compressed air is mixed with fuel and ignition takes place, further increasing temperatures and pressures. The burned mixture leaves the engine through the turbine, driving the blades round. The compressor, which is often driven directly by the turbine, takes up much of the power produced, but enough is left to make the gas turbine exceedingly powerful form of engine. Efficiencies are not high, but the good power-to-weight ratio of a gas turbine makes it suitable for aircraft propulsion. A gas turbine is about three times as powerful as a piston engine of the same weight.

Упр. 15. Составьте письменный реферат, рассказывающий об основных способах увеличения мощности двигателя, используя следующие выражения:

The text is devoted to …. … are given. The importance of … is stressed. There is no doubt that …. It is pointed out that ….

Unit 5

The New Golf R32



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