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Unit III. Cultural life in Britain


Exercise 1

Read the text. Translate it (orally). Make use of the Notes and the Vocabulary.



Two thousand years ago there was an Iron Age Celtic culture throughout the British Isles. We know that religious sites that had been built long before the arrival of the Celts continued to be used in the Celtic period.

For people in Britain today, the chief significance of the prehistoric period is its sense of mystery. This sense finds its focus most easily in the monumental architecture of this period. Wiltshire, in south-western England, has two spectacular examples: Silbury Hill, the largest burial mound in Europe, and Stonehenge. They have been staying here since the Prehistoric period and they have a special importance for anyone interested in the cultural life of Britain.        

Cultural life in Britain is rather rich. Monuments and traces of past greatness are everywhere in Britain. There are buildings of all styles and periods. For example, the first man who brought the Italian Renaissance style to Great Britain was Inigo Jones. He had studied in Italy for some years and his buildings were very un-English in character, with regularly spaced columns along the front.

In fact, artistic and cultural life in Britain passed several main stages in its development.

The Saxon King Alfred the Great (no other king has earned this title) encouraged the arts and culture. King Alfred himself translated a number of books from Latin, during his reign new churches were built, foreign scholars were brought.

Art, culture and literature flowered during the Elizabethan age. In the Elizabethan age the first professional theatres were opened. However at that time acting was not very popular. An actor whose acting had offended the audience had to ask pardon on his knees before a full house. It was at this time that William Shakespeare lived.

The empire, which was very powerful under Queen Victoria, saw another cultural and artistic hey-day as a result of industrialization and the expansion of international trade.

But German air raids caused much damage in the First World War and then during the Second World War. The madness of the wars briefly interrupted the development of culture.

Immigrants who have arrived from all parts of the Commonwealth since 1945 have not only created a mixture of nations, but have also brought their cultures and habits with them.

The beginning of the twenty first century has seen great changes in Britain’s culture. The British Council promotes knowledge of British culture and literature overseas. It organizes British participation in international exhibitions and encourages professional interchange in all cultural fields between Britain and other countries.




The Celts – древние индоевропейские племена, обитавшие во 2-ой половине 1-го тысячелетия до н.э. на территории современной Франции, Бельгии, Швейцарии, на Британских островах

Stonehenge – один из самых необычных археологических памятников на территории Великобритании; был сооружен приблизительно в 3050 – 2300 гг. до н.э.  

The Italian Renaissance style – период в культурном развитии стран Западной и Центральной Европы (в Италии 14-16 вв., в других странах кон. 15-16 вв.)  

Inigo Jones – Иниго Джоунз (1573-1652), выдающийся английский архитектор

Alfred the Great – саксонский король Альфред (849-901)

Elizabethan – елизаветинский (об архитектурном стиле, литературе, музыке во времена царствования королевы Elizabeth I, правившей Великобританией с 1558 по 1603 гг.)

Elizabeth I – королева Елизавета I

Queen Victoria – королева Виктория, правившая Великобританией с 1837 по 1901 гг.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) – английский поэт и драматург 

The Commonwealth – Британское Содружество Наций

The British Council – организация, которая содействует распространению английского языка и британской культуры по всему миру


intermingle, v смешиваться

front, n фасад                    

onwards, adv с тех пор

burial, n погребение, похороны

mound, n курган

greatness, n величие, сила

regularly, adv регулярно

damage, n ущерб, вред

earn, v заслуживать   

encourage, v  ободрять, поощрять                                                 

reign, n царствование

scholar, n  ученый-гуманитарий

offend,  v обижать

heyday, n расцвет, зенит

expansion, n расширение, рост

cause, v вызывать, являться причиной

interrupt, v прерывать, перебивать, мешать, нарушать  

promote, v учреждать, основывать, содействовать  

create,  v создавать, творить, производить 

Exercise 2

Record the 2nd paragraph of the text. The tape with the recording should be presented at the tutorial session.




Exercise 3

Answer the questions about the text (in written form).

1. Who was the first man who brought the Italian Renaissance style to Great Britain?

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Which of the Anglo-Saxon kings rightly deserved the title of Great? What made him famous?

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________      ___________________________________________________________

    3.When were the first professional theatres opened?


4.Why do you think acting was not very popular then?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


 5.What does the British Council organize?


 Exercise 4

Ask 4-5 questions about the text (in written form).



Exercise 5


Say, what the text is about. Comment on the content of the text (orally). Your interpretation of the text should be presented in oral form at the tutorial session.


Exercise 6


From the text, select those facts and ideas concerning cultural life in Britain (in written form).




Exercise 7

Compress the text to 5-6 sentences (in written form).



Exercise 8

Review the Grammar material « The Present Perfect Tense Form». Use any source you like. The main patterns of The Present Perfect Tense Form are those presented in the charts. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.


 No other king has earned this title in Britain lately. За последнее время ни один из королей в Великобритании не заслужил этот титул.
The beginning of the twenty first century has seen great changes in Britain’s culture. Начало двадцать первого столетия стало свидетелем многих изменений в культурной жизни Великобритании.
 Immigrants who have arrived from all parts of the Commonwealth since 1945 have brought also their cultures and habits with them. Иммигранты, приехавшие из всех стран Содружества с 1945 года, обогатили культуру страны.
It is one of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen.                                           Это одна из самых красивых картин, которую я когда – либо видел.
Both taxes and unemployment have not increased for the last five years.  За последние пять лет ни налоги, ни уровень безработицы не увеличились.
This year British scientists have made many major advances.  В этом году британские учёные добились существенных успехов.
I have never had any problems with my car.      У меня никогда не было проблем с моей машиной.
I have not seen them since I left London. Я не видел их с тех пор как уехал в Лондон.
I have already seen this film. Я уже смотрел этот фильм.
I have written the letter but I have not posted it yet. Я написал письмо, но еще не отправил его.
“Would you like something to eat?” “No, thank you. I have just had lunch. «Ты хочешь есть?» «Нет, спасибо, я только что обедал».


Exercise 9

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Wherever necessary, change the word order. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.


He (to read) an English newspaper recently?  
I (not to tell) them about the wedding yet.  
He (to live) in Britain all his life.  
They (not to visit) me since June.  
What is the most beautiful town you (to visit) this year?  
You (to see) this film lately?  
My friend already (to do) four radio interviews about her new book.  
It is one of the most magnificent views I ever (to see).  
You are late again. You already (to be) late once this week.  


Exercise 10

Review the Grammar material « The Past Perfect Tense Form». Use any source you like. The main patterns of The Past Perfect Tense Form are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.


After Inigo Jones had studied in Italy for some years he arrived in Britain. После того, как Иниго Джонс проучился несколько лет в Италии, он приехал в Британию.  
They crossed the Atlantic after they had raided the Eastern Coast of England. Они пересекли Атлантику, после того, как совершили налет на восточное побережье Англии.
She said that German air raids had caused much damage in the first World War.   Она сказала, что налёты немецких истребителей во время первой Мировой Войны нанесли большой ущерб.
Some years earlier she had written her first book. Пятью годами раньше она написала свою первую книгу.
The empire had seen cultural and artistic hey-day by the end of the 19th century. К концу девятнадцатого столетия в Великобритании произошёл расцвет культуры и искусства.
Had the Celts arrived in the British Isles before the Prehistoric period?                         Кельты прибыли к берегам Британии до исторических времен.
I had just cleaned my flat when my mother came. Я как раз закончил уборку квартиры, когда пришла моя мама.


Exercise 11

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Wherever necessary, change the word order. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.


The agricultural reforms (to begin) a few months earlier.  
He (not to fly) before.  
The film (to begin) by the time we got to the cinema.   
I (to step) just into her office when the telephone rang.  
By the time I got to the party, most people (to go) home.  
She was very good at tennis because she (to play) before.  
After they (to eat) all the food, they picked up their bags and left.  
I (to hear) the symphony many times before.  
When I got home, I found that someone (to break) into my flat.  


By the end of last year he (to learn) to speak English.  


We (not to reach) the station when it began raining.  




  Exercise 13

Review the Grammar material «The Future Perfect Tense Form». Use any source you like. The main patterns of The Future Perfect Tense Form are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.


We will have translated the article by 6 o’clock tomorrow. Мы переведем эту статью к 6 часам.
I will have finished this work before you return. Мы закончим работу, до того как ты вернешься.
When they get there, the film will have already started.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Когда они придут, фильм уже начнется.





  Exercise 14  

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Wherever necessary, change the word order. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.

I’m sure they (to return) already from South Africa by the end of next September.                                                                 
They (to be married) for 25 years next year?  
Before his holiday is over, he (to spend) all his money.  
He (not to learn) his lesson by tomorrow if he has not yet begun to study it.  
By the time he gets home, you (to write) this letter.  
You (to make) this doll by her next birthday?  

Exercise 15

Review the Grammar material « The Sequence of Tenses». Study the following chart, compare the use of the tense forms in direct and reported speech.


He said, «I read the book yesterday». He said that he had read the book the day before.
She said, «I will write the letter tomorrow». She said that she would write that letter the next day.
I said, «My brother works here». I said that my brother worked there.
He said, «I went to the cinema last night».                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             He said that he had gone to the cinema the night before.
I said, «My friend will have translated the article by six o’clock tomorrow».  I said that my friend would have translated the article by six o’clock the next day.                                                                                                                                                                 
He said, «I met her two days ago». He said that he had met her two days before.
She said, «I will call him the day after tomorrow».   She said that she would call him two days later.                                                           


Exercise 16

Use Reported Speech in the following sentences. Wherever necessary, change the word order and the words expressing time.


Mary said, «I have caught a cold».  
He said, «I will have returned by ten o’clock tomorrow».  
I said, «I lived in Kiev last year».  
He said, «I am listening to a very interesting lecture here».    
My sister said, «I will come to see you the day after tomorrow».  
I said, «This story happened long ago».  
Peter said, «I saw this film yesterday».  
She said, « I am going on holiday next week».                                                                                                                       




Exercise 17

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Write down your translation in the space opposite the original sentence. 


В этом году я не работала в библиотеке.    
Он пришёл домой поздно. Он посетил музей и был на концерте.   
Я уверен, что сдам экзамен к субботе.  
Он сказал, что они только что закончили завтракать.  
Много всего произошло, с тех пор как я последний раз разговаривал с тобой.    
Когда он перестал смеяться, в комнате уже никого не было.  
Поезд уже уйдет к тому времени, когда мы придем на станцию.  
Моя сестра сказала, что она работает каждый день.  
Он уехал из Москвы в 1993 году, и с тех пор я не видел его.  
Вы когда-нибудь говорили с ним об этом?  
Он сказала, что к трем часам она закончит уборку.  
Численность населения возросла от 35 миллионов в 1950 до 42 миллионов в настоящее время.  
Вы сделаете домашнее задание к тому времени, как я приготовлю обед?  
Дома я вспомнил, что забыл вернуть своему приятелю учебник по английскому языку.    
За последнее время я не получал от него писем.  
Мы перевели статью к пяти часам.  
Он сказал, что два дня тому назад вернулся домой поздно.  




Unit IV. The four nations of Britain

Exercise 1

Read the text. Translate it (orally). Make use of the Notes and the Vocabulary.



Very often people refer to Britain by another name. They call it ‘England’. But this is not strictly correct, and it can make some people angry. In the British Isles there are two states. One of these governs most of the island of Ireland. This state is usually called The Republic of Ireland. It is called “Eire”. Informally it is referred to as just “Ireland” or the “Republic”.

The other state has authority over the rest of the British Isles (the whole of Great Britain, the northeastern area of Ireland and most of the smaller islands).

 England is only one of the four nations of the British Isles (England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland). Their political unification was a gradual process that took several hundred years. It was completed in 1800 when the Irish Parliament was joined with the Parliament for England, Scotland and Wales in Westminster, so that the whole of the British Isles became a single state- the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. However, in 1922, most of Ireland became a separate state.

There has been a long history of migration from Scotland, Wales and Ireland to England. As a result there are millions of people who live in England but who have never described themselves as English. They have been living in England all their lives, but as far as they are concerned they are Scottish or Welsh or Irish.

At one time the four nations were distinct from each other in almost every aspect of life. In the first place, they were different racially. The people in Ireland, Wales and highland Scotland belonged to the Celtic race (the Celts, who had been arriving from Europe from the eighth century B.C. onwards, intermingled with the peoples who were already there). Those in England and lowland Scotland were mainly of Germanic origin. People in the Celtic areas spoke Celtic languages: Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic and Welsh. People in the Germanic areas spoke Germanic dialects (including the one which has developed into modern English). The nations also tended to have different economic, social and legal systems.

Since then these differences have been blurring. But they have not completely disappeared. Although there is only one government for the whole of Britain, and people have the same passport regardless of where in Britain they live, some aspects of government are organized separately (and sometimes differently) in the four parts of the United Kingdom. Moreover, Welsh, Scottish and Irish people feel their identity very strongly.           


В.C. – до нашей эры

Westminster – административный округ в составе Лондона. Местонахождение королевской резиденции, парламента и других правительственных учреждений 

Gaelic – гэльский язык; относится к индоевропейской семье языков 




strictly, adv строго, точно

refer ( to), v упоминать, подразумевать

unification, n объединение

separate, adj отдельный, особый

to be distinct (from) отличаться от    

in the first place во-первых

racial, adj  расовый

belong (to), v принадлежать

intermingle, v смешиваться

develop ( into), v развиться, становиться 

tend , v иметь тенденцию к чему-либо

legal, adj юридический

blur, v смазывать, затемнять

disappear, v исчезать, пропадать 

regardless ( of) несмотря

identity, n идентичность, тождественность 




Answer the questions about the text (in written form)


1. How do people often refer to Britain? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


 2. What nations of the British Isles do you know? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Why were the four nations distinct from each other in almost every aspect of life at one time?



4. Do these differences exist today?




5. What aspects of government are organized separately in the four parts of the United Kingdom? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Exercise 3

Ask 4-5 questions about the text (in written form).




Exercise 4

Say, what the text is about. Comment on the content of the text (orally). Your interpretation of the text should be presented in oral form at the tutorial session.

Exercise 5

From the text, select those facts and ideas concerning the four nations of Britain (in written form).


Exercise 6

Compress the text to 5-6 sentences (in written form).



Exercise 7

Review the Grammar material « The Present Perfect Continues Tense Form». Use any source you like. The main patterns of The Present Perfect Continues Tense Form are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.


They have been living in England all their lives. Они живут в Англии всю свою жизнь.
Since then these differences have been blurring. С тех пор эти различия исчезают.
 How long have you been playing tennis?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Как давно ты занимаешься теннисом?
I feel tired as I have been working in the garden for several hours. Я чувствую себя усталым, так как я работал в саду несколько часов.
They have been staying here since the Prehistoric period. Они живут здесь с доисторического периода.


Exercise 8

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Wherever necessary, change the word order. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.


I (to learn) English for a long time.  
I (to read) the newspaper since 5 o’clock  
I (to swim) and I feel exhausted.  
In recent years Britain (to put) a lot of money into advanced technology.  
How long you (to write) books?  
The protesters (to campaign) for some months now to prevent the new road being built.  
All day the police (to stop) motorists to question them about the accident.  
Sales (to increase) for some time.  
Tom’ s hands are very dirty. He (to repair) the car.  
How long (to read) you that book?  




  Exercise 9

Review the Grammar material « The Past Perfect Continuous Tense Form». Use any source you like. The main patterns of The Past Perfect Continuous Tense Form are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.


The Celts, who had been arriving from Europe from the eighth century B.C. onwards, intermingled  with the peoples who were already there. Кельты, которые приезжали из Европы с восьмого столетия до нашей эры, смешивались с народами, жившими на этой территории.
How long had you been waiting when the bus finally came? Долго вы ждали до того, как пришел автобус?
I had been working for 2 hours when my brother came. Я уже работал 2 часа, когда пришел мой брат.
He felt tired as he had been playing football for several hours. Он чувствовал себя усталым, так как играл в футбол в течение нескольких часов.


Exercise 10

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Wherever necessary, change the word order. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.   

He was out of breath. He (to run).  
We (to walk) along the road for about 20 minutes when a car stopped.  
One of the boys had a black eye. He (to fight).    
Your children were watching television. They (not to do) any work.            
Ken (to smoke) for 30 years when he suddenly gave it up.  
They (to play) for half an hour when there was a terrible storm.  
How long he (to listen to) it before he could understand all the words?  
She was rather annoyed with me because I was late and she (to wait).   
He was feeling very tired because he (to study) hard.    
The sun was shining but the ground was very wet. It (to rain).  



Exercise 11

Review the Grammar material « The Future Perfect Continuous Tense Form». Use any source you like. The main patterns of The Future Perfect Continuous Tense Form are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.


By the 1st of June he will have been working here for twenty years.    К 1 июня он будут работать здесь уже двадцать лет.
When you return home, I will have been working for three hours. Когда ты вернешься домой, я буду уже работать три часа.
By the time our daughter goes to school, we will have been living here for five years. К тому времени, как наша дочь пойдет в школу, мы проживем здесь уже пять лет.





Exercise 12

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Wherever necessary, change the word order. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.


How long we (to learn) this language by the end of this month?    
I (to teach) for twenty years next summer.  
By the time she arrives, I (to wait) for her here.  
When the new century begins, they (to reconstruct) this church for nearly 25 years.  



Exercise 13

Review the Grammar material «The Future Perfect Continuous Tense Form in the Past». Use any source you like. The main patterns of the Future Perfect Continuous Tense Form in the Past are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.

He said, «We will have been travelling for a week by the end of the week».    He said that they would have been travelling for a week by the end of the week.
She said, «By the time she returns to Moscow he will have been working on his book for two years». She said that by the time she returned to Moscow he would have been working on his book for two years.

Exercise 14

Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense Form, the Past Perfect Continuous Tense Form, the Future Perfect Continuous Tense Form and the Future Perfect Continuous Tense Form in the Past. Write down your translation in the space opposite the original sentence. 


Дождь шёл (уже) два часа, когда я вышел из дома.  
Он работает в Лондоне с 1983 года.  
Он спросил, сколько времени они будут показывать этот фильм, пока он привезет новый?  
 -Что Вы здесь делаете с раннего утра?    -Я готовлюсь к экзамену.  
Он чувствовал себя усталым, так как играл в футбол в течение нескольких часов.  
К тому времени, как он окончит университет, его родители проработают в Великобритании два года.  
За последнее десятилетие в мире возрастает проблема загрязнения окружающей среды.  
Она спала уже три часа, когда мы возвратились.  
Многие годы он утверждает, что принадлежит к царской семье.  
Он ответил, что преподаёт английский язык с 1978 года.  
Он сказал, что к тому времени, как я вернусь, он будет писать(to paint a portrait) уже третий портрет.  
Я чувствую себя усталым, так как я работал в саду несколько часов.  
Хотя солнце уже светило, было ещё холодно, так как в течение двух часов шёл сильный дождь.  






Dear friend! You have done all the Tenses. Here is a table, which will give you a clear picture of English Tenses and help you to review all of them.


present  past future future in the past
Ind. I write He writes I       wrote He I   will      write He I     would            write He
cont. I am He is writing We are I was   He was writing We were I He will be writing We I He would writing We be
perfect   I have                       He has written I had              written He             I  will have                written He I would have                written He
perfect cont.  I have been writing He has I Had writing been He I will have writing been He I  would have writing been He





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