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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии


Exercise 1

Read the text. Translate it (orally). Make use of the Notes and the Vocabulary.

The Royal Post Office in Britain is known to appear in the 16th century when the first Master of Posts was appointed by King Henry VIII in 1516 to be in charge of the Postal system. In the beginning, the Postа1 system was made up of a small group of post boys on horseback. People could see post boys ride horses everywhere. Today the Post Office is a large organisation issuing an average of 20 million stamps every day and handling nearly 11,000 million items of mail every year.

Early postal charges were paid according to the number of sheets to a letter and the distance they were carried. The recepient was usual­ly told to pay the postal fee when the letter was delivered. On January 10, 1840 the prepaid rate of one penny for all letters to be delivered anywhere in Britain was introduced.                                                                                                                         

The first posting box was built in 1852 on the island of Jersey and in 1854 the first posting boxes appeared in the British towns and cities. Some time later red round posting boxes (pillar-boxes) were introduced. But they have not always been red in colour. At first they were green, brown, blue or yellow. And only in 1874 they were painted red. At the same time postmen were also given bright red coats and soon they were nicknamed "Redbreasts” or ”Robins". This is probably why we find pictures of robins so often on British Christmas cards. Nowadays, however, postmen wear dark blue.

The early post horses were succeeded by Royal Mail coaches drawn by four horses. In the busy streets the guard of Royal Mail coach used to blow his horn and everybody stopped as nobody was allowed to hold up the mail coach.

In England you can buy stamps from the Post Office or from a small automatic machine by the side of a pillar-box, a round red letter-box standing on the corner of a street. Sometimes there is a small post office in a shop. The Post Offices open at half past eight in the morning and close at 5.30 p. m. on weekdays and at 3 p. m. on Saturdays.  There are two kinds of stamps—the first class and the second class. First class letters cost more and they are quicker. They usu­ally arrive first delivery next morning. Second class letters are cheap­er but they are slower.



Royal Post Office - королевская почта

Master of Posts - почтмейстер

Royal Mail coach - королевская почтовая карета

Guard зд . - кучер




to be in charge of - возглавлять

postal charge / fee - почтовый тариф, сбор

on horseback - верхом на ло­шади

issue, v - выпускать

handle, v зд. - обрабатывать

items of mail - почтовые отправления

number of sheets to a letter - количество листов в письме

recepient, n  - получатель

prepaid rate - предварительный сбор (пошлина)

to be nicknamed - получить прозвище

robin / redbreast, n - малиновка

succeed, v - заменять, заме­щать

Christmas card  - рождествен­ская открытка

hold ( up), v - задерживать

by the side - рядом с

pillar- box, n - почтовый ящик (на улице)

first delivery - первой утрен­ней почтой


Exercise 2


Record the 2nd , the 3rd and the 4th paragraphs of the text beginning with the words <<Early postal charges…>> and ending with the words <<… the mail coach>>. The tape with the recording should be presented at the tutorial session.


Exercise 3

Answer the questions about the text (in written form).


1) When did the British Post Office appear?


2) Who were the first postmen? 


3) What did the early postal charge depend on?


4) Who paid the postal fee?


5) When was the first posting box built?


6) Why were the postmen nicknamed “Redbreasts”?




8) What did the guard of the mail coach do when they wanted to move the traffic out of the way?




Exercise 4

Ask 4-5 questions about the text (in written form).




Exercise 5

Say, what the text is about. Comment on the content of the text (orally). Your interpretation of the text should be presented in oral form at the tutorial session.

Exercise 6

From the text, select those facts and ideas concerning posting boxes (in written form).




Exercise 7

Compress the text to 5-6-sentences (in written form).



Exercise 8

Review the Grammar material “The Complex Object”. Use any Grammar source you like.

The main patterns of the Complex Object are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.


People saw post boys ride horses. Люди видели, как мальчики с почты ездили на лошадях.
For a while he watched people come in and go out. В течение некоторого времени он наблюдал за тем, как люди вхо­дили и выходили.
I noticed him leave the room. Я заметил, что он вышел из комнаты.
I felt someone touch my shoulder. Я почувствовал, что кто-то дотронулся до моего плеча.
We never heard him sing. Мы никогда не слышали, как он поет.
"Will you let me lend this book to Peter?" Jim asked his mother. “Разреши мне дать Питеру эту книгу”,— Джим попросил свою маму.
What made you think so? Что заставило тебя так думать?
I don't expect them to get back before next Tuesday. Мы не надеемся, что они вернутся до следующего четверга.
I' d like you to help me with the translation. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы помогли мне сделать перевод.
I suppose (think, consider) him to be a good person. Я считаю, чтоон - хороший человек.
I want (wish, desire) her to tell us à fairy-tale. Я хочу, чтобы она рассказала нам сказку.


Exercise 9

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.


I can't let (you, to lose) time like this.  
The telephone ringing made (she, to sit up) in bed.  
Did you see (it, to happen) with your own eyes?  
We saw (he, to turn) the corner of the street.  
She wanted {the whole world, to know) how happy she was.  
Did they expect (we, to show) them the city?  
The bad weather made (she, to change) her plans.  
Don't let (the fire, to die). It'll be difficult to make another fire in this wet weather.  



Exercise 10

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Write down your translation in the space opposite the original sentence.


Наш учитель хочет, чтобы мы сделали это трудное упражнение.  
Она не любит, когда я с ней спорю.  
Неужели ты не видишь, что он хочет, чтобы ты помог ему?  
Мне бы не хотелось, чтобы ты плохо думал о нем. Мы всегда знали его как очень честного человека.  
Я никогда не слышал, чтобы он упоминал это имя.  
Не разрешайте детям смот­реть телевизор до позднего часа. Это плохо для их здоровья.  
Я видел, как он нырнул.  
Позвольте мне дать вам совет.  
Вдруг она почувство­вала, как кто-то слегка коснулся ее плеча.  
Я заметил, как такси замедлило ход (to slow down) и остановилось на углу улицы.  



Exercise 11

Review the Grammar material “The Complex Subject”. Use any Grammar source you like.

The main patterns of the Complex Subject are those presented in the chart. Study the patterns. Make sure you know all of them.


 The Royal Post Office in Britain is known to appear in the 16th century. Известно, что королевская почта в Британии появилась в 16 веке.
The delegation is reported to have left for home. Сообщают, что делегация уже выехала домой.
The translation is understood to have been typed. Полагают, что перевод уже напечатан.
Не seems to have been speaking for quite a while. Кажется, он уже довольно долго говорит.
He is said to prefer skiing to skating. Говорят, что он пред­почитает лыжи конькам.
Everyone is believed tohave filled in the customs declara­tion. Полагают, что все уже заполнили таможенные декларации.
Не appears toknow geography better than the others. Ка­жется (по-видимому), он знает географию лучше, чем другие (студенты).
The young man turned out to be a skilful centre-forward. Молодой человек оказался очень хорошим централь­ным нападающим.
Do you happen toknow his sister's name? Вы случайно не знаете, как зовут его сестру?
Their plans are likely tochange in the future. Их планы, вероятно, в будущем изменятся.
They are certain to agree with you. Они определенно согла­сятся с вами.
She is unlikely to lend you the textbook. Вряд ли (мало­вероятно, что) она даст вам учебник.
They are bound tojoin us. Они обязательно (непременно) присоединятся к нам.



Exercise 12

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Write down the correct variant in the space opposite the original sentence.


She looks sad. She appears (to hear) the news.  
She didn't seem (to be interested) in the problem.  
They seem (to use) this method for years.  
He (to seem) to cross the street.  
She doesn’t seem (to want) to do anything I suggest.  
The city hospital (to happen) to be just round the corner.  
The train is reported (to arrive) on time yesterday.  
He is likely (to go) there tomorrow.  
He seemed (to be) in no hurry.  



Exercise 13

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Write down your translation in the space opposite the original sentence.


Все, казалось, было в полном порядке.  
Кажется, ее брат копит деньги на автомашину.  
Похоже на то, что они использовали эти сведения.  
Считают, что этот случай очень важный.  
Вы, случайно, не знаете причину его отсутствия?  
Нам уже случалось иметь дело с такими людьми.  
Мы случайно встретились с ним незадолго до его болезни.  
Все думали, что он просто простудился, а болезнь оказалась серьезной.  
Несомненно, он будет доволен вашим докладом.  
Если вы не поторопитесь, вы, наверняка, попадете в часы пик.  








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