Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Participle I Participle II


Piloting 200 7 -200 8



Participle I                                                                       Participle II

verbal + adjectival + adverbial features                      verbal + adjectival features

 Seeing Petra, David smiled.                                           That was the main question asked.



Verbal features Adjectival features Adverbial features
1. Category of voice, e.g. · The mother was taking her son to school when she was attacked by the kidnapper. (Active Voice) · The boy was being taken to school, when he was kidnapped. (Passive Voice) 2. Category of correlation, e.g.   · Writing essays I use dictionaries a lot. (Non-Perfect) · Having written the essay I began editing it. (Perfect) 3. Combinability with direct, indirect and prepositional object, e.g.  · Reading books, he forgot about everything. (direct object) · Looking at the boy, the nurse was whispering something. (prepositional object) 4. Can be modified by an adverb, e.g.  Having eaten (how?) hurriedly, John sat down to business. Function as an attribute, · Everybody looked at the laughing man. · I was woken up by the rain pattering on the roof. Function as an adverbial modifier, Having parked his car, David looked at his watch. (adv. mod of time)



Correlation/Voice Active Passive
Non-Perfect · Addle spent a lot of time writing letters to her friends. · Translating from English into Russian, the translator should know both languages very well. · Being written in pencil the letter was difficult to read. · Being translated into many languages, this novel is known in many countries of the world.
Perfect · Having written the letter, Adel dressed and went to the post office. · Having translated the novel into English, the translator took it to the editor. · Having been written in haste, Adel’s letter had many mistakes. · Having been translated many years ago, the novel is unlikely to be published in this version.


1. Though participle I and gerund coincide in form, they differ in functions.

2. Non-perfect participle may denote a second action that follows immediately after the first one, forming its part or being its result,

e.g. Steven fell from the stairs, hurting his knee. The secretary left, carefully closing the door behind her.



1. Only Non-Perfect Active and Passive participles are used in the function of an attribute though Non-Perfect Passive participles are seldom used in this function.

e.g. The garden surrounding the house was new and well-kept.

The children being read to did not pay attention to the new-comer.

2. Participle in the function of an attribute can be used either

· before the nouns they modify - pre-modifying attributes

e.g. The laughing sailors went along the street leading to the port.

· or after the noun they modify - post-modifying attributes.

Which of the four men smoking by the fireplace is Ben?

3. Only Non-Perfect Active participle is used as pre-modifying attributes,

e.g. There is an old belief that one cannot look long at sleeping children.

The twinkling stars were looking down at Lesley the way they had been looking down for millions of years.

4. Both Non-Perfect Active and Passive participles are used as post-modifying attributes. They usually have one or several accompanying words.

E.g. Elisa sat down in the armchair facing the window.

Stuart hurriedly went down the street leading to the harbour.

The student, being tested now, is likely to get the highest mark.

5. Participle I in the function of an attribute does not express priority. Instead an attributive clause is used. Compare:

Simultaneous action Prior action
1. Питер обратился к женщине, стоявшей перед домом. = Peter addressed the woman standing in front of the house. 2. Преподаватель разговаривает со студентами, рассказывающими ему о своих впечатлениях о педагогической практике. = The teacher is speaking to the students telling him about their impressions of the teaching practice. 1. Женщина, стоявшая перед домом, вошла внутрь и закрыла за собой дверь. = The woman who had stood (who had been standing) in front of the house, got inside and closed the door behind her. 2. Преподаватель разговаривал со студентами, вернувшимися недавно с педагогической практики в школе. = The teacher was speaking to the students who had recently come back from their teaching practice at school.


TASK 3. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the participle I in the function of the attribute.

1. It has just been announced that the plane __________ (to leave) at 5 p.m. to Amsterdam is being refuelled.

2. I was told that the scene ___________ (to rehearse) now is the most interesting one in the play.

3. I am sure the postman ___________ (to knock) at the door has brought the evening post.

4. Newspapers write that the park ___________ (to lay) out now will very soon be completed.

5. Excuse me, did you hear her say that the train ___________ (to stand) at Platform 3 is about to leave?

6. Not again! I hate the song now ___________ (to broadcast) over the radio!

7. I believe the girls ____________ (to play) hide-and-seek are standing behind the door.

8. My neighbour told me that the new film ____________ (to show) on television now is a very good comedy.

9. Have you noticed that the fence ___________ (to surround) our garden wants mending?

10.  Please, remember that this canal ___________ (to supply) the whole area with water for irrigation was built in 1938. We definitely need a new one!

11.  Do you remember that the horse ___________ (to lead) the race now was the winner of a similar event last year?

12.  Do you know that the school ___________ (to build) in our street now will be a sports school?

13. The conference __________ (to take) place at the Academy of Sciences today concerns the problems of environmental protection.

14.  What a shame! These men ___________ (to wait) for the director have been sitting here for a long time.

15.  I was told that the experiment now __________ (to carry) out in the laboratory is very important for space explorations.

16.  I have no doubt that the article ___________ (to type) now will be published in the next issue of the journal.

TASK 4. Translate into English paying attention to simultaneity or priority of the action expressed by the participle.

1. Конференция, проходящая сейчас на нашем факультете, посвящена проблемам современной английской литературы.

2. Летом вся семья жила на даче, когда-то принадлежавшей деду хозяина.

3. Убедившись, что заблудилась окончательно, Анна подошла к полицейскому, стоявшему на углу улицы и спросила у него, как ей добраться до станции Виктория.

4. Человек, стоявший у расписания 20 минут назад, мой школьный учитель английского языка. Интересно, что он делает в университете?

5. Вы видели, в каком направлении уехала машина, стоявшая здесь полчаса назад?

6. Поняв, что он слишком стар, чтобы продолжать активную практику, профессор решил написать книгу, подводившую итог его многолетних исследований.

7. Мистер Стаут, женщина, ожидавшая вас полтора часа, только что ушла, сказав, что завтра придет снова. У вас будут какие-нибудь распоряжения на этот счет?

8. В комнате было два окна, выходившие в старый заросший сад, и разрушающийся балкон, на который было опасно выходить.

9. Извините сэр, обед, накрытый для вас два часа назад, остыл, и ваша жена приказала унести его на кухню.

10. Интересно, кто этот седой мужчина, разговаривающий с мисс Грант. – Как, вы не знаете этого знаменитого продюсера? Я думаю, он предлагает мисс Грант роль в своем новом фильме. 

11.  Услышав голос мистера Филдинга, Дженнет до его прихода гладившая белье, забыла об утюге и бросилась в свою комнату.

12.  Девочка, игравшая вчера в парке с вашей дочерью, племянница владельца самого большого магазина в городе. К счастью, она не такая избалованная, как его сын.

13.  Исполняемая сейчас 5 симфония Чайковского - мое самое любимое музыкальное произведение. А вам она нравится?

14.  Поющая девушка выглядит очень знакомо. Кто она? – Конечно, вы ее знаете. Это девушка, провалившаяся на первом экзамене в прошлом году, но заставившая всех членов приемной комиссии запомнить ее своим оригинальным танцем. В этом году она поет гораздо лучше.


Part 2

1. The astronauts received their final medical check and boarded their spaceship.

2.  We' were told that bad weather was on the way and cancelled our trip.

3.  Now that I have heard your side of the question I'm more inclined to agree with you.

4.  The young man finished the essay and gave a sigh of relief.

5.  The sportsman decided that he had little chance of winning the competition and gave it up.

6.  Sheila brought her new suit from the dry-cleaner's and saw a large stain on it.

7.  Our luggage was weighed and registered first and then taken to the plane.

8.  As soon as the man entered the compartment, he took the window seat.

9.  As soon as Pat heard the news she burst into tears.

10.  As soon as Tony opened the wallet he found that it was empty.

11.  Then Derek took out his pen from the breast pocket and began to write.

12.  When they turned round the corner they at once saw the bookshop they needed.

13.  As soon as Irene heard the footsteps, she rushed downstairs.

14.  They came to the station and saw that their train was about to leave.

15.  Since I had no reply to my letter I sent Jim a telegram.

16.  As Peter had passed the final exams well he was offered a good job.

17.  As Ann has lived in Liverpool for ten years she knows the city well.

18.  As we were tired we decided to go shopping on Sunday.

19. Since Fiona had left credit card at home she could not withdraw the money that day.

20.  As Peter had no relatives in Manchester he had to stay at a hotel.

21.  As Val had lived in Western Africa for two years he knew the customs of Nigeria quite well.

22.  Since Lily lived near the university she always walked there.


TASK 7. Make up sentences with the given word combinations using different forms of participle in the function of an adverbial modifier. Follow the example.

Example. neglect/the flowers/ die = Having been neglected and not watered, all the flowers died.

1. show the way/find the cottage

2. leave alone in a strange town/feel at a loss

3. written by a popular writer/be a success

4. made by a professional tailor/look very nice

5. asked about the sons/feel very proud

6. impressed by a new picture exhibition/write an article

7. trained to teach children/work at school

8. know of the danger/ be calm

9. have money/buy a car

10.  know the way to/ask a passer-by

11.  learn the time of departure/miss the train

12.  understand the text/retell the story

13.  know your new telephone number/ring up

14.  buy something for dinner/go to a restaurant

15.  wind the alarm-clock/oversleep


TASK 8. Translate into English using participle I in the function of an adverbial modifier.

1. Рассказав все, что он видел в день ограбления банка, свидетель покинул свидетельское место.

2. Позвонив в дверь дважды, Марк решил, что в квартире никого нет, и направился к выходу из дома.

3. Закрывая дверь, Салли неловко повернула ключ и сломала его.

4. Тихо закрыв за собой дверь, Том на цыпочках прокрался наверх в свою спальню, чтобы родители не знали, как поздно он вернулся домой.

5. Рассказывая об этом смешном происшествии, Джером не мог не упомянуть о той роли, которую сыграл в ней Монморенси.

6. Приехав в Австралию всего два года назад, Стюарт знает обычаи этого континента, как будто он прожил здесь всю свою жизнь.

7. Проработав целый день на солнце, к вечеру Тина почувствовала, что у нее горит вся кожа, а к плечам просто больно прикоснуться.

8. Вставив карточку в щель телефона, Тимоти набрал знакомый номер, но, услышав, что кто-то поднял трубку на противоположном конце провода, сразу же повесил трубку.

9. Уронив монету на пол, Сандра решила не искать ее в темноте, а открыла кошелек и вытащила из него все имеющиеся там деньги.

10.  Подойдя к зеркалу, Барбара посмотрела на свое лицо, и, оставшись довольна своей косметикой и прической, пошла вниз, чтобы приветствовать прибывавших гостей.

11.  Когда он брился, Брайан к своему ужасу вспомнил, что сегодня был последний день сдачи курсового проекта, и завтра его могут уже не принять.

12.  Джил и Лен вошли в комнату, громко разговаривая, не обращая никакого внимания на спящих людей.

13.  Старик молчал, ожидая, когда мальчики выйдут из комнаты. Он не хотел, чтобы они слышали, как полицейский инспектор будет рассказывать о подробностях происшествия.

  1.  Мистер Райзман прочистил горло, словно хотел что-то сказать, но затем махнул рукой и устроился поудобнее в кресле с таким видом, будто все уже сказал.
  2. Фиона смотрела на меня, как будто видела впервые. Я не мог понять, что ее так удивило в моем рассказе.
  3.  Зная об этом деле гораздо больше, чем она говорила, мисс Марпл все равно боялась, что ее подруга миссис Траут расскажет что-нибудь своему мужу, а тот, в свою очередь, начнет говорить об этом при всех в пабе.


TASK 9. Use the correct form of participle I of the verb given in brackets.

1. I felt a bitter envy towards the two small boys __________ (to walk) along the path.

2. __________ (to greet) her, he turned the key in the only door with a certain skill.

3. __________ (to have) tea Stella went early to Victoria Station.

4. There was a noise of curtain-rings __________ (to run) back along the rods, and of water __________(to splash) in the basins.

5. Mrs. Bean had a pale face and dark hair __________(to turn) grey.

6. __________ (to pick up) his coat, he walked on into the field.

7. The dog __________ (to walk) round the three small flower-beds, had also taken a seat in front of old man.

8. The two men stood in the drawing-room __________ (to wait) for the ladies to join them.

9. Not for one moment did he show surprise at the wedding gift __________ (to present) to him personally.

10.  __________ (to dry) his hands, Tom came across from the washstand.

11.  The major was at the telephone __________ (to sit) on a box.

12.  She had a hand on his shoulders and was including herself in the pictures__________ (to take).

13.  He crossed the room to the long buffet. __________ (to stand) beside the girl he picked up a sandwich. Then, __________ (to turn) and __________ (to speak) nervously and with an effort he said, "I say, do you mind if I speak to you?"

14.  _________ (to think) about this, with some comfort, she fell asleep.

15.  __________ (to see) his daughter and his grandson off to the sea that morning, he felt flat.

16.  Miss Lindsey, __________ (to see) Rose, smiled.

17.  Miss Swiss poured out another cup of tea for herself, and __________(to taste) it, plunged into further confidences.

18.  __________(to jump) down from the stairs, he went over to the driver.

19.  __________ (to lift) the telephone, Peter asked for the director.


TASK 10. Join the sentences given below using the necessary form of participle. Follow the example.

Example. The criminal removed all traces of his crime. He left the building. = Having removed all the traces of his crime, the criminal left the building.

1. He thought he must have made a mistake somewhere. He went through his calculation again.

2. He stole the silver. He looked for a place to hide it.

3. We were soaked to the skin. We eventually reached the station.

4. I had heard that the caves were dangerous. I didn’t like to go any further without a light.

5. I didn’t want to sit down. I knew there were ants in the grass.

6. She wore extremely fashionable clothes. She was surrounded by photographers. She swept up to the microphone.

7. We barricaded the windows. We assembled in the hall.

8. The speaker refused to continue. He was infuriated by interruptions.

9. We visited the museum. We decided to have lunch in the park.

10.  She believed she could trust him absolutely. She gave him a blank cheque.


Verbs of sense perception

to see                  to hear       to notice    to feel        to watch   

to observe    to smell      to find        to catch      to look at

to discover*         to perceive to listen to

* verbs that are not used in Complex Object with the infinitive     

e.g. The doctor found his patient working in the garden

                      Do you smell something burning?

                      I discovered them hiding behind the heavy curtains.

In this construction usually non-perfect active participle is used though sometimes non-perfect passive participle is also possible.

e.g. Granny watched the children being dressed.


2. verbs of causative meaning (побудительное значение)

To want      to like

       e.g. I don’t want you giving this book back to me.

                They didn’t like me leaving so early.

                I want the work done at once. (participle II)


TASK 11. Answer the questions below using the words suggested. Make all the necessary changes. Follow the example.

Example. How did you know I was making dinner? (to smell / to cook) - I smelt it being cooked.

1. How did you know there was a mosquito on your neck? (to feel/ to bite)

2. How did you know it would rain in the evening? (to see the sun/ to rise in clouds)

3. How did you know we would have eggs for breakfast? (to see/ to boil)

4. How did you know Sue had passed her exam well? (to see/ to smile happily)

5. How did you know Dad was asleep? (to hear/ to snore)

6. How did you know that the car was not ready yet? (to see/ to repair)

7. How did you know it was time to get up? (to hear the alarm-clock/ to ring)

8. How did you know our new neighbour was a famous pianist? (to hear/ to play at a concert)

9. How did you know there was a strong wind outside? (to hear/ to blow all night)

10.  How did you know the pie was still in the oven? (to smell/ to burn)

11.  How did you know there was another letter from James? (to see/ to deliver)

12.  How did you know Sam and Trish knew each other? (to see/ to introduce)

13.  How did you know the Browns had bought a new dishwasher? (to see/ to deliver)


TASK 12. Ask questions to the underlined words.

1. I can see John coming up the garden path.

2. Fred could hear the boy whistling in the street.

3. We could see Margaretwaving her handkerchief to us.

4. In the morning I saw these carpets being hoovered.

5. I heard William laughing at his own jokes again.

6. Last week during the tour of the cheese factory we saw cheese being made.

7. The sports instructor saw his students playing volley-ball in the sports ground.

8. Betty saw some chicken being roasted for dinner.

9. Through the open windows we heard the opera ‘Madame Butterfly’ being rehearsed.

10.  Last year I was happy to hear the famous Luchano Pavarotti singing in Milan.

11.  I could hear my dad talking on the telephone in his study.

12.  The whole night I could hear my neighbour’s baby crying in the nursery.

13.  In the hairdresser’s I saw a dog’s hair being cut.


TASK 13. Choose the correct form of the verbal.

1.  “Dad, watch me do/doing a somersault”.

2. As I passed the door of his room, I heard Peter play/playing the piano.

3. Mrs. Watson was just going out shopping when she noticed a man try/trying to open the door of the flat opposite.

4. The motorist was obviously in trouble, so I helped him change/changing the wheel.

5. As Lucille came into the kitchen, she smelt something burn/burning.

6. Why did the doctor make you lie/lying on your stomach?

7. I didn’t dare to move until I felt the tarantula crawl/crawling off my chest.

8. I went to a football match last Saturday and saw Crystal Palace beat/beating Liverpool.

9. “Will you let me ride/riding your new bicycle, Pauline?”

10. “I thought I heard someone cry/crying in here. Is anything wrong?”

11. The earthquake was quite strong: we felt the building sway/swaying from side to side two or three times. But then it was over.

12. Somehow Peter made his wife change/changing her mind.

13. As Sherlock Holmes turned the corner into Baker Street, he observed a man stand/standing in the shadows on the other side of the street.

14. It was really stupid of Roger to let his pet lion escape/escaping.

15. As we flew over the city, we saw the crowds gather/gathering for the festival.

TASK 14. Translate into English using Complex Object with participles and infinitives.

1. Где вы видели Элен? – Мы видели, как она прогуливалась со своей собакой по набережной. Она, наверняка, гуляла там все утро.

2. Где вы слышали игру этого пианиста? – Три недели назад я слышал, как он играет в Органном Зале. Мне очень понравилась его техника игры.

3. Почему ты думаешь, что Дороти не была готова к экзамену? – Я видела, как она списывала. Кажется, она слишком много времени проводит на дискотеках.

4. Где вы видели Беатрис сегодня? – Мы видели, как она переходила мост и направлялась к банку. Видели, как она вошла в банк, но никто не видел, как она оттуда выходила. Не понимаю, что с ней могло случиться.

5. Почему вы думаете, что Бил опытный путешественник? – Я видел, как он упаковал рюкзак и слышал, как он объяснял своему другу, что надо положить в аптечку первой помощи.

6. Как ты думаешь, почему Бен рассердился? – Я слышал, как Филипп накричал на него из-за грязной машины. Но я сама видела, как Бен ее мыл. Бен, кажется, становится все более и более нервным.

7. Почему ты думаешь, что Алекс уже ушел? – Я заметил, что он закрыл свою дверь на ключ. Он никогда не запирает свою дверь, если он где-то поблизости.

8. Где ты нашел Макса? – Я обнаружил его работающим в библиотеке. Оказывается, он работал там с утра, а мы его везде искали.

9. Где вы услышали эти новости? – Я случайно услышала, как наш заместитель декана рассказывал об этом заведующему кафедрой. Также говорят, что этот вопрос включен в повестку дня следующего заседания кафедры.



1. In this function Participle I is used rather seldom.

2. Only Non-Perfect Active participle is used in this function.

3. In this function Participle I is used in the combination with a link verb,

link verb + Participle I

              e.g. The music was deafening and we couldn’t speak.

              The young man remained standing though he had been offered a seat.

4. Do not confuse Participle I used predicatively with Participle I used as a simple verbal predicate in Present Continuous. Compare:

e.g. The music is deafening. # The music is deafening me.

                            Your answer is surprising. # Your answer is surprising everybody.

To keep            to leave

       e.g. Jane was heard quarrelling with her brother. = Слышали, как Джейн ссорилась с братом.

       Mr. Peterson was found lying dead in his armchair. = Мистера Петерсона нашли лежащим мертвым в кресле.

       We were kept waiting for an hour or so. = Нас заставили ждать час или более того.

       The child was left standing all alone in the dark room. = Ребенка оставили стоять совершенно одного в темной комнате.


TASK 15. Sort out the sentences below into the corresponding column of the table. The first two are done for you.

Complex Object Complex Subject
1, 2

1. Bill watched Nellcrossing the room and going out of the door.

2. The old man was heard moving about the whole night but in the morning he was gone.

3. Barbara saw Neil’s teeth gleaming in what must be a smile.

4. Simon shortly found Molly having tea in the kitchen.

5. Nell liked to watch Bill doing things: digging, planting trimming.

6. Tom Wells was noticed standing in the shadow of a big oak tree growing near the of the house.

7. Pam felt her cheeks blushing a little.

8. The noise in the entrance hall continued and more carriages were heard arriving at the door.

9. When Harry opened his eyes he saw Professor Dumbledore sitting by his side on the edge of his bed.

10.  Rose’s voice was heard rising above all the noise.

11.  Steve walked through the open French window into the garden. In the last light he saw the flowers closing up.

12.  Upstairs Annette was heard singing in her bath.

13.  Lily was seen coming in but no one saw her coming out.

14.  The outer door was open and the glass of the inner door two men were seen standing in the hall.

15.  The dead man was left lying in the pool of blood till the police came.

16.  I am so angry! We were kept waiting for three quarters of an hour before the Consul finally accepted us.

17.  On November, 5 Guy Fawkes was found lighting gun powder in the cellar of the Houses of Parliament.


TASK 16. Translate the sentences into English using participle I in the function of Complex Subject.

1. Когда пропавшего мальчика видели в последний раз? – Боюсь, что не знаю. Два часа назад слышали, как мальчик что-то кричал рыбакам, сушившим сети на берегу. С тех пор его никто не видел и не слышал.

2. Где кот? – Наверное, прячется где-нибудь в саду. – Почему? Что-нибудь случилось? – Его поймали, когда он крал мясо со стола.

3. Почему вы звоните в полицию? Почему вы думаете, что ваших соседей ограбили? – Видели, как какой-то человек лез по лестнице в окно их спальни.

4. Почему ты думаешь, что Мэри получила письмо от своего жениха? – Слышали, как она пела в саду. Она всегда поет, когда получает от него письма.

5. Почему ты так сердит на Джоша? – Он не пришел сегодня на семинар. Вместо этого, его обнаружили спящим в общежитии.

6. Ты уверен, что Майкл дома? – Да, пять минут назад видели, как он заходил в свою квартиру. Не может быть, чтобы он так быстро ушел.

7. Я так рада, что Дик и Лаура помирились. – Откуда ты знаешь, что они больше не злятся друг на друга? – Их обнаружили целующимися в дальнем углу сада. – Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.

8. Откуда ты знаешь, что Фил знает итальянский? – Слышали, как он разговаривал на этом языке с итальянскими студентами, которые только сегодня приехали в колледж.

9. Кейт очень расстроена результатами экзамена. Видели, как она плакала, после того, как они были объявлены. Это несправедливо. Она, наверняка, все это время занималась больше всех в нашей группе.

10. Вы уверены, что Тед и его группа решатся на восхождение в такую погоду? – Боюсь, что это так. Слышали, как они обсуждали все детали восхождения при плохой видимости и сильном ветре. – Это безумная идея. Их надо остановить, пока не поздно.


Verbal features Adjectival features
1. Participle II is used as the main verb in analytical forms of perfect and passive constructions, e.g. Peter had done his work. The goods have been sent to the client. 2. Participle II has the meaning of completion (perfectivity), e.g. The auctioneer cries out, ’The picture is going! Gone!’ 3. Participle II has voice peculiarities · Participle II of transitive verbs are semantically passive e.g. All the guests invited to the party were enjoying themselves. · Participle II of intransitive verbs are semantically active, e.g. The sun, risen over the lake, promised a hot day. 4. Participle II combines with prepositional object, usually with the preposition ‘by’, e.g. Jane entered the room followed by her brother. 1. Participle II functions as an attribute, e.g. Inside the envelope was a neatlywritten letter. 2. Participle II functions as a predicative, e.g. Henry felt disappointed. 3. Participle II combines with adverbial modifiers of degree, such as too, very, so, much, more, e.g. We were too excited to hear the bell.



1. Participle II in the function of an attribute can be used either before or after the noun they modify.

e.g. We saw a crashed car standing in the middle of the road.

    The car, crashed in an accident, was taken to the junk yard.

2. Pre-modifying attributes are used before the modified noun. In this position participle II is either used without accompanying words or contains an adverb.

e.g. The old lady answered through the locked door.

          The Greens live in a well-planned cottage.

          The room had a faint perfume which gave it a lived-in air.

3. Post-modifying attributes are used after the nouns they modify. In this position participles usually have one or several accompanying words.

e.g. Things seen are mightier than things heard.

   The book referred to can be borrowed from the library.

   Boys brought up only by their mothers usually lack some masculine        features of character.

TASK 17. Fill in each blank with the correct form of Participle I or II.

1. Michael drove a _________ (to rent) car to California. He drove very carefully on _________ (to wind) roads.

2. Everybody knows that it is dangerous to jump from a _________ (to move) car.

3. The police usually watch out for _________ (to speed) cars.

4. The police try to locate _______ (steal) cars.

5. Drivers must stop at a _______ (to flash) red light.

6. It is a _______ (know) fact that drunk drivers are the _______ (lead) cause of many serious traffic accidents.

7. Drunk drivers are a _______ (grow) problem.

8. Research showed that _______ (marry) men are better drivers than single men.

9. Is your car _______ (insure)?

10.  There is a lot of traffic in the morning. The streets are _______(crowd) with heavy transport.

11.  I'm _______ (to lose). I need to stop at a gas station and ask for directions.

12.  _________ (to grow) children still need their parents, while in the USA _________ (to grow) children tend to leave home when they finish college.

13.  The game was so _________ (to interest) that all the children were greatly _________ (to interest) in it.


TASK 18. Translate the given sentences into English using the right form of participle I or participle II.

1. Усталый доктор внимательно посмотрел на мальчика, сидевшего на скамейке в саду, но не узнал его.

2. Целыми днями старик сидел в кресле у окна и смотрел на людей, проходивших по улице.

3. Джейн с жалостью посмотрела на увядшие цветы, росшие вдоль дорожек сада, и радовавшие ее своей яркой красотой все лето.

4. Взглянув на открытую дверь комнаты, девочка подошла ближе и посмотрела, кто там был.

5. Сняв грязное платье, Синди надела новое, только что подаренное ей крестной.

6. Несколько минут учитель стоял неподвижно, положив ладони на стол, молча глядя на своих учеников.

7. Закрыв за мамой дверь, мальчик вернулся в комнату и включил «запретный плод» - телевизор.

8. Посмотрев на малыша, только что сломавшего дорогую игрушку, подаренную ему на день рождения, отец укоризненно покачал головой.

9. Доехав до центра города, Джек вышел из машины и позвонил Милли из автомата, стоявшего на углу улицы.

10. Воспитанный в дворянской семье, где оба родителя были либералами, молодой человек не мог равнодушно смотреть на жестокое обращение своих друзей с крепостными.

11. Поцеловав детей и пожелав им приятных снов, бабушка выключила свет и вышла из детской, плотно закрыв за собой дверь.

12. Посмотрев направо и налево, и убедившись, что на дороге нет машин, молодая учительница быстро перевела детей через улицу.

13. Подходя к дому, Пола шла все медленнее и медленнее, как будто каждый шаг приносил ей боль.

14. Поставив тяжелые сумки на пол, Стив почувствовал, как у него дрожат руки, и засунул их в карманы, чтобы скрыть эту противную дрожь от отца.

15. Написанная в 17 веке, рукопись была найдена при реставрации старого дома, разрушенного во время войны.

16. Зажатый со всех сторон другими пассажирами, Ричард не мог шевельнуть даже пальцем, чтобы помочь Кейт выйти из вагона.

17. После обеда мы удобно устроились в креслах повернутых к камину, и перешли к обсуждению предстоящей свадьбы.

Attributive clauses

1. I got my lunch which was waiting for me in the kitchen.

2. He pointed to the ship which was standing in the harbour

3. The man who bent over the patient is the chief surgeon of the hospital.

4. Philip, who was smoking a cheap cigar, observed the boy closely.

5. Jack almost dropped the leather bag on which he had been writing.

6. Peter seated himself in a leather chair which faced the desk.

7. Stephen, who had been listening to the unspoken speech behind the words, said nothing.

Adverbial clauses of time

1. When the general said so, he grasped the map firmly with both hands.

2. When Henry hailed a taxi, he got in and told the driver to drive to Oxford Street.

3. Howden nodded when he took another chocolate cookie.

4. Edward walked to the edge of the verandah and when he leaned over he looked intently at the blue magic of the night.

5. When he bowed to the Chairman and pushed back his chair, Mr. Trevor walked doggedly to the door, opened it and passed through.                         

Adverbial clauses of reason

1. She stared back, as she did not know what to do.

2. She moved away as she felt slightly embarrassed.

3. He got a seat rather far back in the upper boxes, but as his sight was very good, he saw quite well.

4. As she did not know whether he had seen his brother or not, she did not know how to answer.

5. Then I walked slowly down the drive away from the house as I intended to wait by the gate.


TASK 21 . Translate into English using participle I and II in different functions.

1. Том посмотрел на Джесси внимательно, как будто пытаясь найти в ней сходство с ее старшим братом.

2. Сражаясь за Аргентинскую Республику, Овод был тяжело ранен и взят в плен.

3. Зная, что она больна, я не был удивлен, увидев, как она бледна и как сильно она похудела.

4. Купив этот автобиографический роман, написанный автором сразу же после Великой Отечественной войны, я узнал, что он воевал вместе с моим дедом, погибшим в 1943 в битве за Крым.

5. Будущий выдающийся конструктор военных самолетов купил свою первую книгу о воздухоплавании на деньги, сэкономленные на школьных завтраках и билетах в кино.

6. Поскольку Тереза была единственной в группе, кого не пригласили на вечеринку, она сильно обиделась на своих сокурсников и даже расплакалась.

7. Девушка, нарисованная на портрете, оказалась дочерью художника. Выросшая в семье, где все были связаны с искусством, она к большому удивлению своих родителей не демонстрировала никаких талантов.

8. Получив приглашение читать лекции о современной Британской поэзии в Гарвардском университете, Тед Ньюз на несколько лет поселился в Америке.

9. Поскольку я видел фотографии этого ужасного места, у меня нет никакого желания сопровождать вас туда. Даже если меня заставят поехать туда с вами, я клянусь, что сбегу по дороге при первом же удобном случае.

10. Обиженный бестактными вопросами, писатель, представлявший свою книгу читателям в большом книжном магазине, решил прервать пресс-конференцию и вернуться в отель.

11. Люди, мирно спавшие в своих домах у подножия Везувия, были разбужены подземными толчками и громкими и раскатами извержения вулкана.

12. Неожиданно войдя в кабинет, я застал мистера Бойда открывающим мой сейф с совершенно секретными документами. Увидев меня, он совершенно не смутился и сказав, что после вчерашней вечеринки перепутал этажи в офисе, спокойно вышел из комнаты.

13. Ветер был таким сильным, что он поднимал машины, припаркованные у тротуаров и отшвыривал их на несколько метром. Черепица, слетавшая с крыш домов, разбивала окна, а снег, сыпавший с утра, делал дороги непроходимыми.


Verbs of sense perception

to see           to hear       to notice    to feel        to watch   

to observe         to smell      to find       to catch     to look at               to discover        to perceive to listen to

       e.g. The gardener saw Mrs. Bloomsfield addressed by a stranger.

Have you ever heard this writer’s name mentioned before?

The police discovered the kidnapped child hidden in the docks.

On arriving at the cottage Mary found it locked.


Verbs of emotions


As a rule participles in this function are used as participial phrases the meaning of which is a comment upon the content of the whole sentence or part of it. This commenting may take the form of a logical restriction or personal attitude.

Remember the following participial phrases used as parentheses,

1. Generally speaking, …

2. Broadly speaking, …

3. Properly speaking, …

4. Roughly speaking, …

5. Legally speaking, …

6. Strictly speaking, …

7. Personally speaking, …

8. Relatively speaking, …

9. Putting it mildly, …

10. Judging by (from), …

11. Allowing for, …

12.  Considering everything, …

13. Taking everything into consideration, …

14.  Supposing, …

Generally speaking, men can run faster than women.

         Broadly speaking, dogs are more faithful to man than cats.

              Judging from his expression, he is in a bad mood.

            Considering everything, it wasn’t a bad holiday.

          I’ll lend you the money providing you pay it back before Easter.

              Supposing there was a war, what would you do?

              Taking everything into consideration, they ought to be given another  chance.

TASK 26. Translate into English using participial phrases as parentheses.

1. Судя по этим отзывам, ваша работа заслуживает отличной оценки.

2. В общих чертах, мне понятна ваша проблема, и я постараюсь вам помочь.

3. Принимая во внимание все обстоятельства, я думаю, мы можем не накладывать на вас штраф в этот раз, но, как правило, в таких случаях применяются очень серьезные меры.

4. С юридической точки зрения, ваше дело, как бы это помягче сказать, не обречено на успех.

5. Мои подсчеты показывают, что в этом месяце мы, грубо говоря, потеряли несколько миллионов долларов из-за повышений цен на нефть.

6. Лично я всегда предпочитал итальянскую кухню английской, хотя и родился в Манчестере.

7. В общем говоря, чем больше денег вы вкладываете, тем большие проценты получаете.

8. В общих чертах, я предлагаю вот такие возможные варианты решения нашей проблемы.

9. Учитывая ваши временные финансовые трудности, мы продлеваем ваш кредит на два года.

10.  Строго говоря, эти несколько страниц нельзя считать дипломной работой. Вам придется приложить больше усилий, если вы хотите получить хорошую оценку.


Both Participle I and Participle II can be used in participial constructions. These constructions may be of two kinds:

1. The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction, e.g.

The novel having been read, Jane put it down. = Когда роман был прочитан, Джейн отложила его в сторону.

Joe having left the room to ring for a taxi as arranged, Mary sat down again to wait for him. = Когда Джо вышел из комнаты, чтобы вызвать такси, как и было договорено, Мэри снова села, чтобы подождать его.

The lamp having been lit, the mother started to read her son’s letter. = Включив лампу, мать начала читать письмо от сына.

The door and the window of the vacant room being open, we looked in. = Поскольку (Так как) дверь и окно пустой комнаты были открыты, мы заглянули в нее.

Andrew was sitting in one of the armchairs, his eyes closed. = Эндрю сидел в одном из кресел c закрытыми глазами.

We began to talk, but my attention distracted by my surroundings, I took small notice of him. = Мы начали разговаривать, но поскольку мое внимание было отвлечено тем, что меня окружало, я не придал ему большого значения.

2. The Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction

This construction is always introduced by the preposition ‘with’, e.g. 

Andrew went into the house with his heart beating fast. = Эндрю вошел в дом; его сердце учащенно билось.

       I won’t speak with him staring at me like that. = Я не буду говорить с ним, когда он так смотрит на меня.

       It is unhealthy to sleep with all the windows shut. = Спать с закрытыми окнами – плохо для здоровья.

       Bella was speaking to me with her eyes fixed on the door, waiting for someone to come. = Белла разговаривала со мной, но ее глаза были прикованы к двери; она ожидала, что кто-то войдет.

TASK 27. Translate the sentences below into Russian/ Ukrainian, paying special attention to p articipial constructions.

1. The work being finished, the two girls brushed their dresses and went out of the shop.

2. Ice having thus been broken, the two former rivals grew still more affectionate.

3. The preparations completed, we started off.

4. Jim was sitting on the sofa, his legs crossed.

5. She was smoking now, her eyes narrowed thoughtfully.

6. The officer sat with his long fine hands lying on the table perfectly still.

7. Sheila went on reading, with her eyes fixed on the pages of the book.

8. It is unhealthy to sleep with all the windows shut.

9. It being pretty late we took the candles and went upstairs.

10.  Weather permitting we shall start tomorrow.

11.  Breakfast finished, Hugh went back to his butterflies and bugs.

12.  Mathew went home alone, his heart full of strange emotions.

13.  The hunter stood up and went towards the forest, all his dogs following him.

14. He was a gentleman, but he was passionate, the cup once sipped, would he be consent to put it down?

15. The next day I observed you – myself unseen – for half an hour.

16. The kitchen clean and tidy, Mrs. Fowls heavily sat on the chair and wiped her swollen hands.

TASK 28. Paraphrase the sentences given below so that to use either of the participial structures. Follow the example.

Example. The necessary sum of money was saved up; now they could buy the cottage they wanted. = The necessary sum of money having been saved up, now they could buy the cottage they wanted

              The girl sat still; her eyes were fixed on the fire. = The girl sat still with her eyes fixed on the fire.

1. The sun had set; we could not continue our way.

2. The room was dark, we couldn't see anything.

3. There was nobody at home; I had dinner alone.

4. The room at the hotel had been booked beforehand; we had no reason to worry.

5. The secretary had fallen ill; I couldn't get my paper typed in time.

6. It was late and the children were sent to bed.

7. The telephone was out of order, I had to go out.

8. The TV set was repaired; the old man could watch TV programmes all day long.

9. Her daughter sat motionless by the fire; her hands were crossed on her knees.

10. He could sit so for hours; his book was closed and lying beside him.

11. They went down the stairs; Alice was lingering behind a little.

12. The boy stood silent; his head was bent.

13. He was running along the street; his raincoat was thrown over his left arm.

14. David began to answer his lesson; Miss Murdstone was watching him closely.

15. The child lay on the bed; his eyes were shut and his face was flushed and sweating.


1. A participle (or participial construction) is considered to belong to the noun or pronoun that immediately precedes or follows it, and which usually, but not necessarily, is the subject of the sentence.

e.g. Tom, horrified at what he had done, could at first say nothing.

  Romeo, believing that Julia was dead, decided to kill himself.

A man, carrying a large parcel, came out of the bus.

The boy, climbing the tree to get birds’ eggs, had a bad fall.

Climbing the tree to get birds’ eggs, the boy had a bad fall.

2. Note that the participle may be separated from the noun or pronoun it belongs to by a predicate (a predicate group),

       e.g. Jones and Smith came in, followed by their wives.

         My wife had a long walk with Sally, explaining why she didn’t want the children to play together.

3. Sometimes this principle is disregarded and confusion results when a participle is linked to the wrong noun or pronoun, e.g. 

Climbing down the tree, one of the eggs broke. (The impression is that ‘one of the eggs’ was ‘climbing down the tree’.)

The right sentence: When he was climbing down the tree, one of the eggs broke.

Looking out of the window of our hotel room, there were lots of mountains. (It sounds like the mountains were looking out of the window.)

The right sentence: When we looked out of the window of our hotel room, we saw that there were lots of mountains.

Waiting for a bus a brick fell on my head (The impression is that ‘the brick was waiting for the bus’.)

The right sentence: As I was waiting for the bus, a brick fell on my head.

  Compare with Russian, e.g. 

          Лежа в канаве, у него слетела шляпа.

       Подъезжая к станции, на платформе стояло много людей.

4. In complex sentences a participial clause can have its own subject, e.g. 

           Nobody having any more to say, the meeting was closed.

         All the money having been spent, Paul started looking for work.

                A little girl walked past, her doll dragging behind her on the pavement.


TASK 29. Correct the sentences given below.

  1. Walking in the fields, a snake bit the girl in the heel.
  2. Running into the room, the rug caught her foot and she fell down.
  3. Reading the letter a second time, the meaning became clearer.
  4. When carrying a gun, it should never be pointed at anyone.
  5. When planting these flowers, care must be taken not to damage the roots.
  6. Riding in his first race, his horse fell at the last jump.
  7. Knowing me to be the fool of the family, the news that I had won a scholarship astonished him.
  8. Believing that his last hour had come, his hands began to tremble.
  9. Passing under a ladder, a pot of paint fell on my head.
  10.  Reading in bed, my hands often get very cold.
  11.  Leaving the cinema, it seemed to him that the film had been exceptionally bad.
  12.  Barking furiously, I led the dog out of the room.
  13.  Writing my name in the hotel register, a familiar voice attracted my attention.
  14.  Shining in the sky, we saw the first star.
  15.  Pinned to the door by the knife, the man saw a notice.
  16.  Wondering where to go, an advertisement caught her eye.
  17.  Sitting by the fire, it all came back to me.
  18.  Falling from such a height, we thought he would never survive.
  19.  While sitting at the foot of a hill, a stone fell on him.
  20.  Sitting in the dentist’s chair, an idea suddenly occurred to me.
  21.  Getting out of bed, a scorpion suddenly bit me.


Piloting 200 7 -200 8



Participle I                                                                       Participle II

verbal + adjectival + adverbial features                      verbal + adjectival features

 Seeing Petra, David smiled.                                           That was the main question asked.



Verbal features Adjectival features Adverbial features
1. Category of voice, e.g. · The mother was taking her son to school when she was attacked by the kidnapper. (Active Voice) · The boy was being taken to school, when he was kidnapped. (Passive Voice) 2. Category of correlation, e.g.   · Writing essays I use dictionaries a lot. (Non-Perfect) · Having written the essay I began editing it. (Perfect) 3. Combinability with direct, indirect and prepositional object, e.g.  · Reading books, he forgot about everything. (direct object) · Looking at the boy, the nurse was whispering something. (prepositional object) 4. Can be modified by an adverb, e.g.  Having eaten (how?) hurriedly, John sat down to business. Function as an attribute, · Everybody looked at the laughing man. · I was woken up by the rain pattering on the roof. Function as an adverbial modifier, Having parked his car, David looked at his watch. (adv. mod of time)



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