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In this construction participle I is used only after certain groups of verbs denoting the action in progress. These verbs are:

Verbs of sense perception

to see                  to hear       to notice    to feel        to watch   

to observe    to smell      to find        to catch      to look at

to discover*         to perceive to listen to

* verbs that are not used in Complex Object with the infinitive     

e.g. The doctor found his patient working in the garden

                      Do you smell something burning?

                      I discovered them hiding behind the heavy curtains.

In this construction usually non-perfect active participle is used though sometimes non-perfect passive participle is also possible.

e.g. Granny watched the children being dressed.


2. verbs of causative meaning (побудительное значение)

To have           to get         to keep      to leave      to start       to set

                   I won’t have you smoking at your age! = Я не позволю тебе курить в твоем возрасте.

They soon got things going. = They soon started things going = У них скоро все наладилось. (Они скоро сдвинули все с мертвой точки.)

Don’t keep them waiting, they will get angry.

Your words set me thinking. = Ваши слова заставили меня задуматься.

Can you start (set) this engine going?


Verbs of wishes and emotions

(In this construction Participle I is used very seldom, Participle II is preferable)

To want      to like

       e.g. I don’t want you giving this book back to me.

                They didn’t like me leaving so early.

                I want the work done at once. (participle II)


TASK 11. Answer the questions below using the words suggested. Make all the necessary changes. Follow the example.

Example. How did you know I was making dinner? (to smell / to cook) - I smelt it being cooked.

1. How did you know there was a mosquito on your neck? (to feel/ to bite)

2. How did you know it would rain in the evening? (to see the sun/ to rise in clouds)

3. How did you know we would have eggs for breakfast? (to see/ to boil)

4. How did you know Sue had passed her exam well? (to see/ to smile happily)

5. How did you know Dad was asleep? (to hear/ to snore)

6. How did you know that the car was not ready yet? (to see/ to repair)

7. How did you know it was time to get up? (to hear the alarm-clock/ to ring)

8. How did you know our new neighbour was a famous pianist? (to hear/ to play at a concert)

9. How did you know there was a strong wind outside? (to hear/ to blow all night)

10.  How did you know the pie was still in the oven? (to smell/ to burn)

11.  How did you know there was another letter from James? (to see/ to deliver)

12.  How did you know Sam and Trish knew each other? (to see/ to introduce)

13.  How did you know the Browns had bought a new dishwasher? (to see/ to deliver)


TASK 12. Ask questions to the underlined words.

1. I can see John coming up the garden path.

2. Fred could hear the boy whistling in the street.

3. We could see Margaretwaving her handkerchief to us.

4. In the morning I saw these carpets being hoovered.

5. I heard William laughing at his own jokes again.

6. Last week during the tour of the cheese factory we saw cheese being made.

7. The sports instructor saw his students playing volley-ball in the sports ground.

8. Betty saw some chicken being roasted for dinner.

9. Through the open windows we heard the opera ‘Madame Butterfly’ being rehearsed.

10.  Last year I was happy to hear the famous Luchano Pavarotti singing in Milan.

11.  I could hear my dad talking on the telephone in his study.

12.  The whole night I could hear my neighbour’s baby crying in the nursery.

13.  In the hairdresser’s I saw a dog’s hair being cut.


TASK 13. Choose the correct form of the verbal.

1.  “Dad, watch me do/doing a somersault”.

2. As I passed the door of his room, I heard Peter play/playing the piano.

3. Mrs. Watson was just going out shopping when she noticed a man try/trying to open the door of the flat opposite.

4. The motorist was obviously in trouble, so I helped him change/changing the wheel.

5. As Lucille came into the kitchen, she smelt something burn/burning.

6. Why did the doctor make you lie/lying on your stomach?

7. I didn’t dare to move until I felt the tarantula crawl/crawling off my chest.

8. I went to a football match last Saturday and saw Crystal Palace beat/beating Liverpool.

9. “Will you let me ride/riding your new bicycle, Pauline?”

10. “I thought I heard someone cry/crying in here. Is anything wrong?”

11. The earthquake was quite strong: we felt the building sway/swaying from side to side two or three times. But then it was over.

12. Somehow Peter made his wife change/changing her mind.

13. As Sherlock Holmes turned the corner into Baker Street, he observed a man stand/standing in the shadows on the other side of the street.

14. It was really stupid of Roger to let his pet lion escape/escaping.

15. As we flew over the city, we saw the crowds gather/gathering for the festival.

TASK 14. Translate into English using Complex Object with participles and infinitives.

1. Где вы видели Элен? – Мы видели, как она прогуливалась со своей собакой по набережной. Она, наверняка, гуляла там все утро.

2. Где вы слышали игру этого пианиста? – Три недели назад я слышал, как он играет в Органном Зале. Мне очень понравилась его техника игры.

3. Почему ты думаешь, что Дороти не была готова к экзамену? – Я видела, как она списывала. Кажется, она слишком много времени проводит на дискотеках.

4. Где вы видели Беатрис сегодня? – Мы видели, как она переходила мост и направлялась к банку. Видели, как она вошла в банк, но никто не видел, как она оттуда выходила. Не понимаю, что с ней могло случиться.

5. Почему вы думаете, что Бил опытный путешественник? – Я видел, как он упаковал рюкзак и слышал, как он объяснял своему другу, что надо положить в аптечку первой помощи.

6. Как ты думаешь, почему Бен рассердился? – Я слышал, как Филипп накричал на него из-за грязной машины. Но я сама видела, как Бен ее мыл. Бен, кажется, становится все более и более нервным.

7. Почему ты думаешь, что Алекс уже ушел? – Я заметил, что он закрыл свою дверь на ключ. Он никогда не запирает свою дверь, если он где-то поблизости.

8. Где ты нашел Макса? – Я обнаружил его работающим в библиотеке. Оказывается, он работал там с утра, а мы его везде искали.

9. Где вы услышали эти новости? – Я случайно услышала, как наш заместитель декана рассказывал об этом заведующему кафедрой. Также говорят, что этот вопрос включен в повестку дня следующего заседания кафедры.



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