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All three companies’ scores per asset start at 5.

through walls. (1Y)


Estar’s Anvil has the most mobile frames, so its score per asset goes down to 4. The other two companies both have the fewest mobile frames, so their scores per asset both go up to 6.

Estar’s Anvil carries the most systems, so its score per asset goes down to 3. The Piercing Eye carries the fewest, so its score per asset goes up to 7.

Scores per asset:

» Estar’s Anvil: 3

» The Sun’ç Fang: 6

» The Piercing Eye: 7

Example Tactical Positions

Joshua’s company Estar’s Anvil holds 7 assets — 5 mobi¦e frameç, 2 çtationç — each worth 3 points, for a starting score of

21. This is the lowest starting score, so J starts play on point offense.

Vincent’s company the Sun’s Fang holds 6 assets — 4 mobi¦e frameç, 2 çtationç — each worth 6 points, for a starting score of

36. V starts play on offense.


Sebastian’s company Piercing Eye holds 6 assets — 4 mobi¦e frameç, 2 çtationç — each worth 7 points, for a starting score of

42. This is the highest starting score, so

S starts play on defense.                           73

Direct Range

Battlefield setup:

The ruins of Alluel, a biomining ghost town with a secret valuable to Solar Union, Free Colonies, and Ijad alike.



3-brick high walls                                                                      5-brick-high trees


(many pieces, one hit reduces it to 5-high)
74  6-brick-high tower




When you meet to play, set up the batt¦efie¦d. Bui¦d terrain of LEGO® brickç, reca¦¦ing that any object 3 brickç high or taller is cover.



Cover your table with terrain. Give it a good assortment of cover, with some

wide avenues, some snipers’ nests, some culs-de-sac, some killing grounds, and no- man’s-lands.

Every player has to approve the layout o f the battlefield before you begin fie¦ding your companies. Any player can adjust the batt¦efie¦d ¦ayout unti¦ a¦¦ are çatiçfied with it.


The Ruler, Ranges, and Cover

By default, for typical dining room tables, play with a ruler 8 units long, with each unit being 5 çtudç, 5cm, or 2”.

Your table should measure 4-6 rulers’ lengths diagonally and circular or square. If it’s bigger or smaller, adjust accordingly:

If your table is bigger, increase each unit to 6 or 7cm, 6 or 7çtudç, or 3”, or e¦çe tape off the edges or corners of your table.

If your table is much smaller, decrease

» Hand to hand range

iç 1 ru¦er unit or c¦oçer.

» Direct fire range is outside of hand to hand range, out to the length of the ruler (8 unitç, uçua¦¦y).

» Artillery range is any distance outside the length of the ruler.

Ranges are exclusive. You can’t use a direct fire weaponç çyçtem at hand to hand range (that iç, at a diçtance of on¦y 1 ru¦er unit), nor an artillery weapon system at hand to hand or direct fire range (that iç, at any distance within the length of the ruler).

Measure the physical space between the mobile frames at their closest. If the ruler

7 6the ru¦er to 6 unitç ¦ong.


can touch both mobi¦e frameç, it’ç direct fire

range; if it can’t, it’s artillery range.


Any structure on the battlefield is cover if it’s 3 bricks or more high, except stations. All standing mobile frames count as cover.

A mobile frame is in cover against an attacker if:

» it is within hand to hand range of cover

» the cover is between it and its attacker, in whole or in part

The only cover that matters is cover within arm’s reach of the defender. If there’s cover anywhere else between the

attacker and defender, but not within hand to hand range of the defender, ignore it.

Don’t consider line of sight, only the defender’s cover and the range of the attack.




Direct Range                 J H

Joshua         O

M    I

K              E G




A C         D S

defensive perimeter

R Sebastian



Starting positions for the                                                 N

upcoming skirmish





Fie¦d your companieç:

defense to offense to defense.


Initial Defense

The player with the highest starting score places their stations. In this example, that’s Sebastian.


If you’re the initial defender, place your stations wherever you want, but within direct fire range of one another.

If you’re fie¦ding three çtationç, the third muçt be within direct fire range of either of the firçt two, it doeçn’t have to be within direct fire range of both.


You have a defensive perimeter: only you can place your mobile frames within direct fire range of any of your çtationç.

Place two of your mobile frames. Place them within your perimeter, but otherwise, wherever you like.

It’s probably to your advantage to place them at the advance edge of your perimeter.

On çome batt¦efie¦dç, under çome circumstances, it might be possible for you to arrange your initial setup in such a way that the offensive players can’t legally

fie¦d their own forceç. If you find that you’ve

frames’ positions so the game can go forward.

Initial Offense

The point offensive player — the player with the lowest starting score — goes second. In this example, that’s Joshua.

If you’re the initial offence, place one of your mobile frames:

» outside the defensive player’s perimeter

» at the limit of — but within — direct

fire range of one of the defensive

player’s mobile frames

» out of cover

This is the point mobile frame.

8 0done this, go back and change your mobile


Continuing Offense

All offensive players alternate, mobile frame by mobile frame, until all the offensive p¦ayerç’ mobi¦e frameç are on the fie¦d.

On each of your turnç, p¦ace one of your

mobile frames. Place it:

» outside the defensive player’s perimeter

» outçide direct fire range of any of the

defensive player’s mobile frames

» otherwise, wherever you like

Once all the offensive players’ mobile frames are on the field, alternate again, placing your stations.

On each of your turnç, p¦ace one of your çtationç. (Try not to p¦ace it within direct fire range of any opponents’ mobile frames, but this might not always be possible.)


Final Defense

The player with the highest starting score finishes. In this case, that’s Sebastian.

If you’re the initial defender, place your remaining mobi¦e frameç on the batt¦efie¦d. Place them wherever you want, but if you place them outside of your perimeter, place them in cover.



Direct Range



The Free Colonies, Ijad, and Solar Union forces in place

  A C


The battle starts now, at the moment the

point mobi¦e frame expoçed itçe¦f to fire.


Sebastian, fielding the Piercing Eye, has the highest starting score, 42, so he starts play on defense. He starts by fie¦ding both hiç çtationç and 2 of hiç mobi¦e frames.

His strategy will be to abandon one station to Joshua and retreat into position around the other, to mount a counterattack later in the game when Joshua and Vincent have softened each other up for him. Accordingly, he places one station in a relatively exposed

secure position, at B. He establishes his perimeter by p¦acing hiç firçt t w o m ob i l e frames at C and D, in cover near A in a place that will make for an easy retreat when the time comes.

Joshua, fielding Estar's Anvil, has the lowest starting score, 21, so he starts on point offense. He fie¦dç the point mobile frame. It has to be out of cover and within direct fire range of one of Sebaçtian’ç mobile frames at C or D.

Estar’s Anvil is an unstoppable machine, but not quick on its feet, so Joshua decides to deploy them in a crushing wall along


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