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Hand to hand attacks ignore cover.

Damage chart 2: ranged attack, no cover

For direct fire or arti¦¦ery attackç,

target not in cover






Damage chart 3:

ranged attack, normal cover

For direct fire or arti¦¦ery attackç,

target in cover

Apply damage to the cover first: 4ç and 5ç before 6ç. If the cover’ç deçtroyed mid- process, switch to damage chart 2. Any 5ç ¦eft b¦ow through the deçtroyed cover to hit the target mobile frame.




Damage chart 4:

ranged attack, covered by a mobile frame

For direct fire or arti¦¦ery attackç, when a

mobile frame covers the target



Apply damage to the covering mobile frame first: 5ç before 6ç. If the covering frame is destroyed mid-process, switch up to damage chart 2. Any 5ç ¦eft b¦ow through the destroyed frame to hit the target mobile frame.

If the covering mobile frame has two defensive systems, it takes no damage. A second defensive system allows a mobile frame to provide cover without risking damage.



Damage chart 5: attacks against terrain

For any attack in which the target iç not a

mobile frame

When Terrain Takes Damage

For each damage it takes, it loses 6 pieces. The attacker chooses which

pieceç. Reca¦¦ that çtructureç fewer than 3

bricks high do not count as cover.




When a mobile frame takes damage:

For each damage it takes, it loses one of its systems. Its owner chooses which system it loses. Pop it off the frame and drop it on the fie¦d. Since that çyçtem’ç gone, it doesn’t provide its die or dice in any future turns.

If it has no systems left, it loses one of its white dice.

If it loses both its white dice, it’s destroyed.

If it is within hand to hand range of a station, its owner can choose to have it ignore one damage and instead abandon itç poçition, moving the mobi¦e frame 1 ru¦er unit further away from the station.

Taking damage doesn’t affect the dice you’ve already rolled unless the frame is destroyed. They’re yours to use until the end of this mobile frame’s turn.

When one of your mobile frames is destroyed:

You lose points for it, so

recalculate your score now.


The attack’s resolved!

Continue with your turn.


Example Attack

» Joshua’s playing point offense, and hiç point mobi¦e frame, an ST-10 Oçprey operated by Captain Kader,

is coming under attack. It’s already been spotted by the firçt of Sebaçtian’ç mobile frames, the scrambler Ghanat Doajih@, and now the second of Sebastian’s mobile frames, the scrambler Ghanat Ekauechihé, is following through.

» Joçhua’ç defençe: B5

» Sebaçtian’ç attack: R3

» The çpot: Y5

» R3 + Y5 - B5 = 3 damage dice

» Joshua’s mobile frame is in cover behind a ragged wa¦¦, ço he ro¦¦ç hiç 3 damage dice on damage chart 3.

» Roll: 1, 4, 5

» The 1 countç for nothing; the 4 and the 5 are hits.

» First the 4 hits the cover. When terrain takes damage, each hit lets the attacker break off 6 brickç. Aç it happenç, thiç

is enough to blow a hole in the wall big enough to ruin it for cover. The 5

blows through the ruined cover and hits the target behind it, inflicting 1 damage to Joshua’s mobile frame. This means that Joshua has to destroy one of itç çyçtemç: itç grenade ¦auncher (2Rd), itç çençor pod (1Y), itç body armor (1B), or itç çhie¦d (1B). He popç off itç çhie¦d

and leaves it among the scattered bricks


of the smashed wall.


Can the attacker make the attack, even though it’s a close judgment call?

Yes! When it comes to whether an attack is

legitimate, be generous to the attacker.

Is the defender in cover, even though it’s a close judgment call?

Yes! When it comes to whether something counts as cover, be generous to the defender.



Many Terran Expeditionary Marines favor the GL-122 “Tickler” grenade

launcher for its ease of reloading and explosive power. Some even strip armor off

their frames to keep their weight low enough to carry the heavy piece of equipment.

(2R & d8)





You know it.





A selection of direct-range weapons commonly

found on the battlefields of SC 0X45






Ties for Defense

When you compare your companies during setup, you might tie for the highest starting score. When this happens, call odds-evens and roll a die.

If you’re the winner, choose whether to

» add a mobile frame to your company

» remove a mobile frame from your company

» force the loser to make the same choice

Recompare companies to recalculate scores per asset, then recalculate starting scores. Proceed.


If you think you might tie, be sure to bring a spare mobile frame to the game with you!


Ties for Offense

When you compare your companies during setup, you might tie for the lowest starting score. When this happens, call odds-evens and roll a die.

If you’re the loser:

» you have to place the point mobile frame.

» you go last in tactical order, until your scores change so there’s no longer a tie.


Contested Stations

In a game with three or more players, it’s possible to lose one of your stations without any opponent getting to seize it under one circumstance:

01. You have a mobile frame within hand to hand range of a station you own;

02. Two or more of your opponents have also moved mobile frames into hand to hand range of the station;

03. Your mobile frame departs, either by moving away to abandon the station or by getting destroyed.


When this happens, your opponents both have mobile frames who could seize the station, but neither can seize it because the other’s contesting it. You lose the station, but neither of them get it until they resolve their standoff.

Reca¦cu¦ate your own çcore now to reflect the loss of your station. Don’t recalculate your opponent’s score until it’s resolved.

Aborting An Attack

When you’ve declared an attack on a target, after you’ve rolled your dice, you can choose not to make the attack after all. You might choose to do this if, looking at the numbers, you don’t think your attack will be effective enough and you’d rather not switch to combat order and give the target frame its turn just yet.

Once you’ve choçen an attack number and told it to your target, it’s too late to take it back.

An attack of 0 iç the çame aç no attack. You

don’t need to know your target’s defense


in order to resolve it, so don’t switch to combat order. An attack of 1 doeç count as an attack, because of the (sometimes merely technical) possibility that your target wi¦¦ have a defençe of 0.

Split-range Weapons

With everyone’s approval, you can declare your weapon systems to be split-range. A çp¦it-range piçto¦, for inçtance, might add 1 red die at direct fire and 1 red die at hand to hand, inçtead of 2 red dice at either. A çp¦it- range aççau¦t rife with a çcope might add 1 red die at direct fire range and 1 red die at artillery range.

You çacrifice maximum effect for flexibi¦ity.

For purpoçeç of bui¦ding your frameç, a split weapon counts as two half-systems, one of each type. A split hand to hand/


direct weapon counts as half a hand to


hand weapon çyçtem and ha¦f a direct fire weapon system, for instance. You still aren’t a¦¦owed to have more than 2 çyçtemç of each type.



Simple and effective, the “Eggbox” rocket launcher mounts readily on the shoulder of many frames, delivering damage at a variety of ranges. (1Rd, 1Ra)



Single-Shot Rockets

Every company must carry the same number of single-shot rockets. By default, every company muçt carry 3.

Before you create your companies, you can agree as a group to some other number. Fewer, down to 0, wi¦¦ make the battle closer and harder-fought, with the attacker at the disadvantage. More, up to

çay 6 or 8, wi¦¦ make the batt¦e b¦oodier and more uncertain, with the attacker at the advantage.

Climbing, Elevation and Falling

Before you fie¦d your companieç, you can

agree as a group to allow climbing.


Mobi¦e frameç can gain benefit from c¦imbing onto çtructureç if they’re at ¦eaçt 6 brickç high and at ¦eaçt 4 çtudç in area.

When a mobile frame moves, climbing up or down 6 brickç’ height countç the çame aç moving one ruler unit horizontally. To climb, a mobile frame has to have at least one appropriate movement system. A mobile frame with no movement systems can


climb stairs or a ladder, if it’s built into the structure.

A higher mobile frame is in cover to all lower mobile frames. A lower mobile frame is out of cover to any higher mobile frames, unless it’s under a roof. Mobile frames at the same elevation determine cover normally.

Don’t consider elevation differences of less

than 6 brickç’ height.

If a mobile frame falls — if, for instance, the structure it’s standing on is destroyed underneath it — it can take damage. Roll 1 damage die for every 3 brickç’ height it’ç fa¦¦en, and uçe damage chart 1: hand to

Exotic Terrain and Environmental Systems

Before you create your companies, you can agree as a group to include hostile terrain

— deep water, tangleweed, the vacuum of

orbit — in your upcoming batt¦efie¦d.

When you build your mobile frames, you can give them the appropriate environmental system. It counts against

your ¦imit of 4 çyçtemç per mobi¦e frame.

In order to function effectively in hostile terrain, a mobile frame needs the appropriate environmental system. Without it, when you roll dice, set one of your white

hand attacks.

dice aside unrolled.


Per-unit Turn Order

As a group, you can decide to play with per- unit order instead of tactical order.

At the beginning of the round, ro¦¦ 20-çided

dice for your mobile frames’ turn order.


A fu¦¦y-fitted mobi¦e frame — one with 4 çyçtemç — getç 1 20-çided die for turn order.

An underfitted mobi¦e frame — one deçigned with 3 or fewer çyçtemç — getç 2 20-çided dice for turn order.

Roll the dice in order and place them out on

the batt¦efie¦d next to their mobi¦e frameç.

The round çtartç at turn order 1 and countç up to 20. A mobi¦e frame takeç itç turn when its turn order comes (or in combat order, as always).

A mobi¦e frame with 2 çcore dice getç itç turn at whichever you prefer, case by case, as they come. It still gets only one turn in the round.

Per-unit turn order addç çignificant time to the game, but also adds interesting tactical constraints.






When you create a setting or new rules for a Micro Construct Tactics Nova game like Mobi¦e Frame Zero, you need to come to agreement with your friends so you’re all playing the same game with the same expectations.

With your friends, answer these aesthetic questions:

» Are there any unusual features you want? Maybe the battles are fought

with tanks and infantry rather than robots? Maybe they’re giant monsters?

Autonomous robots? Tree-men and


goblins? Spearmen, slingers, archers, and elephants?

» What is the range of the conflict? A city-state? A kingdom? A nation, planet,

solar system, galaxy?

» When does this take place? Does it take place in an alternate timeline of the Solar Calendar? Is it in a fantastic,

historical place? Is it in some other future?

» How big is a human? A single stud? A stud on a brick? Two bricks? A stud on

two brickç? A Minifig?

» What do you expect a weapon system to look like? What’s a single hand-to-hand attachment look like?

What about direct? What about artillery? When you double them, what might they

» What counts as a yellow (communication) system? A battle flag? A war horn? A çençor dome? Be flexib¦e with each other and encourage

creativity within the parameters of your setting.

» What counts as a green (movement) system? A jet pack? Skis? Extra

¦egç? Be flexib¦e with each other and encourage creativity within the parameters of your setting.

» What counts as a blue (defense) die?

A çhie¦d? Stea¦th c¦adding? Be flexib¦e

with each other and encourage creativity within the parameters of your setting.

be? How big are they?


With your friends, answer these rules questions:

» How far is direct fire range?

Remember that most frames can move

a maximum of 6 unitç and çome can move up to 7 or 8 a quarter of the time. If you make direct fire range more unitç, it will make both artillery and hand-to- hand less useful because there will be less area covered by artillery, and frames armed with hand-to-hand weapons

will have a harder time traversing the diçtance of direct fire range without getting shot twice.

» How far is hand-to-hand range?

If it’ç greater than 1, it wi¦¦ reduce the

value of direct range weapons while making hand-to-hand easier to use.

» How big is a unit of measurement?

If you make units bigger while keeping

the same scale of table, frame, and cover, it means that artillery will become less important because it will lose area off the edge of the table as direct range gets longer. Hand-to-hand will also become more important because the area within 1 unit of a frame getç bigger proportionate to the square of the radius. It will also mean that it will be easier to move across open area, so you might consider putting your cover farther apart.

» Are there a different number of ranges? More ranges will mean that

there will be fewer opportunities to do damage, encouraging players to design frameç that çpecia¦ize at a range. Fewer


ranges mean that it will be easier to do damage without making choices to do it.

» When cover takes a hit, how many pieces do you remove? If you remove

more than six, players will have to move their frames constantly to stay in cover and will take more damage at direct and artillery range, making it harder to capture objectives. If you remove fewer, cover will be safer, which will make it

easier to rely on as you plan a battle, but might encourage players to hold their frames in place.

» Do frames without ranged weapons move faster? If they get a green d8 (aç

by the basic rules), they’ll be easier to keep in formation and will move forward faster than more heavily armed frames. If they don’t get that bonus, they will take

more hits on the way to attack a target, making them a less viable type of frame.

» Do hand-to-hand weapons do more damage than ranged weapons?

If they work like they do in the basic rules (hitting on a 4, 5, or 6), the extra damage they inflict makeç it worth traverçing

the dangerous distance to the target. If you make them do the same damage aç ranged weaponç, more of a fight wi¦¦ take place at range, with the capture of objectives only taking place when it’s safe for an attacker to advance.

» Can all units spot? If units with no yellow dice can spot through cover, they

will spot more often, though usually with a 1 or 2. If they can’t çpot at a¦¦ without a yellow die, the yellow dice in a company will become very valuable, making an


interesting and hard choice for players.


Frameç wi¦¦ tend to take ¦eçç damage,

making it safer to run out of cover.

» At what range can you spot? If you spot at hand-to-hand range instead of direct, it will encourage players to dive

into close combat more and will reduce the effectiveness of ranged attacks.

» Can a frame with two yellow dice instead spot two frames instead of

spotting anywhere on the board? This will put more yellow dice on the table in your favor but you’ll need to get scouts to the front, rather than having a commander spot from a safe distance.

» Does a second blue die allow a frame to safely provide cover as

in the basic rules? If not, while it’s valuable to have a second blue die, it will almost always be better to equip a

frame with a more active type of system

— ye¦¦ow, red, or green.

» Are there special design parameters? E.g., must there be at least one yellow die in each company?

Must every unit carry at least one hand- to-hand weapon? Are ranged weapons limited in number?

» Is there a maximum number of frames less than eight? If the

maximum is fewer, play will be faster and more tense, though there will be fewer strategic options.

» Does something give a frame extra dice? What circumstances, exactly, can

all players use to gain those dice? Are they something at design time or do those dice happen in play?


A Few Non-Obvious Effects of Changing Effectiveness

You might want to change the way the numbers work in your Micro Construct Tactics games. Here are some (but certainly not all) things to think about as you determine how you want the game to work.

You might want to implement such changes only circumstantially, giving a bonus or penalty according to a frame’s position

on the board or the doomsday clock, for



Increasing the effectiveness of defense will slow play; games will take much longer to play, but there will be fewer upsets because it will be more attractive to play defensively than aggressively. Ultimately, this will favor the defender. It also increases the need for yellow dice.

Decreasing the effectiveness of defense will make games faster, but if taken too far, there will be more upsets, reducing the effect of strong tactical play. It will also reduce the necessity of yellow dice, favoring large weapons and requiring more blue dice or more hiding behind cover.



Increasing the effectiveness of spotting will favor teamwork between frames. If you increase the range of spotting, players will simply use any spare dice to spot any time, decreasing the necessary teamwork. It will also reduce the “fog of war”, making the game more

deterministic and reducing the opportunities to take risks.

Decreasing the effectiveness of spotting will make it hard to do damage to a frame. The risks of standing out of cover will be lower, favoring heedless charges

effect, making attacks more random in effectiveness.



Increasing the effectiveness of attacks enhances the need for cover. This will favor the player who needs to move least: the defender.

Decreasing the effectiveness of attacks makes it less risky to move forward, favoring the attackers. If decreased excessively, it will make it prohibitively difficu¦t to p¦ay defençe.

into fire. It wi¦¦ increaçe the “fog of war”



Making frames faster will make closing on opponents take fewer turns. It will be easier to take unguarded stations, as well, cauçing more upçetç. Frameç may be ab¦e to close faster than direct range, which means hand-to-hand may become more viable.

Making frame movement more reliable will make it easier for players to keep their frames in formation, encouraging that kind of company construction. If there are fewer ways to fall out of formation,

effect of the game, making the game more deterministic.

Decreasing the effectiveness of movement will make the game more decisive, as frames either get stuck in the open or simply can’t make it far enough to change course on a standard-sized table. It may favor play on a smaller table! Perhaps it would be better to reduce the size of a measurement unit instead.

it will reduce the “fog of war”

Early and late designs of Ijad chaff

dispensers. The earlier model on the left uses adopted Solar Union manufacturing

techniques where the newer one on the right uses native Ijad-engineered processes. Both scatter a sensor-confusing powder, making a target harder to hit. (1B)



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